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Federation Chamber - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the Federation Chamber as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings

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Draft minutes are also available for House of Representatives Chamber.

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Last updated: Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 2:30 PMNo updates available
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Draft Minutes

No. 134

Thursday, 4 July 2024

- 9:30:07 AM

 1The Federation Chamber met at 9.30 am.

- 9:30:21 AM


Members’ constituency statements being made—

Mr Chandler-Mather 9:30:25 AM. Mr Giles 9:33:14 AM. Mr Birrell 9:36:17 AM. Mr Dreyfus 9:39:21 AM.
- 9:42:20 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 9.42 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 9:53:06 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 9.53 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 9:53:10 AM

Members’ constituency statements continued.

Mr Dreyfus 9:53:16 AM. Mr Thompson 9:54:15 AM. Mr Georganas 9:57:20 AM. Mr Broadbent 10:00:24 AM. Mr Conroy 10:03:35 AM. Ms Bell 10:06:29 AM.
- 10:09:48 AM

 3public schools

Mr Chandler-Mather, pursuant to notice, moved—That this House:

(1)notes that:

(a)only 1.3 per cent of public schools nationally receive their full schooling resource standard funding, while 98 per cent of private schools are currently overfunded;

(b)in Queensland this year, public schools will be underfunded by $1.7 billion, which is approximately $3,000 per student;

(c)schools like Indooroopilly State High School, in the electoral division of Ryan, are so overcrowded that students do not go to the bathroom because the lines are so long; and

(d)public schools should be genuinely free for all students; and

(2)calls on the Government to make public schools genuinely free and immediately lift funding to deliver 100 per cent of schooling resource standard funding to every public school in the country.

Debate ensued.

Ms Watson-Brown (Seconder),  10:14:57 AM. Ms Scrymgour 10:15:18 AM. Ms Watson-Brown 10:20:05 AM. Ms Roberts 10:25:14 AM.
- 10:26:54 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 10.26 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 10:39:31 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 10.40 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 10:39:33 AM

Debate continued.

Ms Roberts 10:39:34 AM.
- 10:43:38 AM

The time allotted for the debate having expired, the debate was interrupted, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:43:36 AM


Mr Burns, pursuant to notice, moved—That this House:

(1)notes that:

(a)safe and affordable housing is central to the security and dignity of Australians;

(b)Australia does not have enough homes and has not for a long time; and

(c)the Government has committed to an ambitious housing reform agenda which will boost the supply of all housing, including more public and social housing, more affordable housing, more homes to rent, and more homes to buy;

(2)acknowledges the $6.2 billion in new investment in the 2024-25 budget to build more homes more quickly, bringing the Government’s new housing initiatives to $32 billion, which includes:

(a)additional funding for the new $9.3 billion National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (including a doubling of Commonwealth homelessness funding to $400 million every year, matched by states and territories);

(b)directing $1 billion to Housing Australia towards crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic violence;

(c)assisting nearly 1 million Australian households with the cost of rent by delivering $1.9 billion for the first back-to-back increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance in more than 30 years; and

(d)providing up to $1.9 billion in concessional finance for community housing providers and other charities to support delivery of the 40,000 social and affordable homes under the Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord; and

(3)further acknowledges the Government’s ambitious goal of building 1.2 million homes by the end of the decade.

Debate ensued.

Mr Burnell (Seconder),  10:48:59 AM. Mr Tehan 10:49:14 AM.
- 10:51:38 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 10.51 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 11:06:07 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 11.06 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 11:06:12 AM

Debate continuing—

Mr Tehan (in continuation),  11:06:16 AM. Ms Miller-Frost 11:09:06 AM. Dr Haines 11:14:03 AM.
- 11:14:44 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 11.14 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 11:25:49 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 11.25 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 11:25:54 AM

Debate continuing—

Dr Haines (in continuation),  11:26:09 AM. Mr Burnell 11:29:49 AM.
- 11:33:30 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 11.33 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 11:44:49 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 11.44 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 11:44:53 AM

Debate continuing—

Mr Burnell 11:44:38 AM. Dr M Ryan 11:45:54 AM. Mr Georganas 11:50:10 AM. Ms Bell 11:55:12 AM.
- 11:59:49 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 11.59 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 12:06:17 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 12.06 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 12:06:21 PM

Debate continued.

Ms Bell (in continuation),  12:06:25 PM.
- 12:06:56 PM

The time allotted for the debate having expired, the debate was interrupted, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 12:07:10 PM

 5energy mix 

Mr Ted O’Brien, pursuant to notice, moved—That this House notes that:

(1)every Australian deserves and should expect access to cheaper, cleaner and consistent electricity, 24 hours a day, seven days a week;

(2)the Government has broken its promise to reduce household energy bills by $275, with households instead paying some of the world’s most expensive energy bills;

(3)in the past two years power bills have increased by up to $1,000 more than the Government promised;

(4)the Australian Energy Market Operator has issued dire warnings about the state of Australia’s gas market due to a lack of supply;

(5)90 per cent of Australia’s baseload energy will exit the grid by 2034 under this Government;

(6)baseload power stations should not be closed prematurely with no replacement ready to go;

(7)the Government is steamrolling regional communities in a desperate attempt to fulfill its all‑eggs‑in‑one-basket ‘renewables only’ approach to meet its unachievable 82 per cent renewables target; and

(8)the Opposition believes in a balanced energy mix including renewables, gas and as coal exits the grid, it should be replaced with zero-emissions nuclear energy.

Debate ensued.

Mr Wallace (Seconder),  12:12:47 PM. Ms Lawrence 12:12:47 PM.
- 12:13:34 PM

Suspension of meeting

At 12.13 pm, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 12:19:28 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 12.19 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 12:19:33 PM

Debate continuing—

Ms Lawrence (in continuation),  12:19:36 PM.
- 12:22:18 PM

Suspension of meeting

At 12.22 pm, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 12:33:52 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 12.33 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 12:34:01 PM

The time allotted for private Members’ business having expired, the debate was interrupted, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 12:34:23 PM


Ms Scrymgour moved—That the Federation Chamber do now adjourn.

Debate ensued.

Ms Steggall 12:34:40 PM. Mr Hill 12:39:44 PM. Mr Buchholz 12:44:54 PM.
- 12:45:17 PM

Suspension of meeting

At 12.45 pm, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 12:50:40 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 12.50 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 12:50:45 PM

Debate continuing—

Mr Buchholz (in continuation),  12:50:51 PM.
- 12:52:23 PM

Suspension of meeting

At 12.52 pm, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 1:03:13 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 1.03 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 1:03:19 PM

Debate continuing—

Mr Buchholz (in continuation),  1:03:23 PM. Mr Gosling 1:06:32 PM.
- 1:10:59 PM

Suspension of meeting

At 1.11 pm, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 1:17:29 PM

Resumption of meeting

At 1.17 pm, the proceedings were resumed.

- 1:17:35 PM

Debate continued.

Mr Gosling (in continuation),  1:17:39 PM. Mr Boyce 1:18:25 PM. Ms McBain 1:23:12 PM.
- 1:28:25 PM

Question—put and passed.

At 1.28 pm, the Deputy Speaker adjourned the Federation Chamber until 10.30 am on Monday, 12 August 2024.