Daily Program 09/09/2024

House of Representatives
Parl No.
09 Sep 2024

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Live Minutes 10 am

Acknowledgement of country



Standing Committee on Petitions Ms Templeman (Chair — Macquarie) to present report Ministerial responses.

Statements may be made (statements to conclude by 10.10 am).

Private Members’ business


No. 1 — Political debate Dr M Ryan (Kooyong) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 20 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Dr M Ryan — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 2 — Affirmative action quotas Ms J Ryan (Lalor) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 45 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Ms J Ryan — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 9 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 3 — Productivity Mr van Manen (Forde) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — remaining private Members’ business time prior to 12 noon.
Speech time limits —
Mr van Manen — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 9 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

At 12 noon

Messages from the Senate

Speaker to report messages from the Senate returning bills without amendment.

Messages from the Governor-General

25c1259f-49b5-4744-9f93-3ad2f6ff9e49Speaker to report messages from the Governor-General notifying assent to bills.

Messages from the Senate

Speaker to report messages from the Senate returning the —

Net Zero Economy Authority Bill 2024 with amendments —

Minister to move — That the amendments be considered immediately.

9fde8618-dfca-40b4-ab13-e54f11a00f82Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024with amendments

Minister to move — That the amendments be considered immediately.

Government business

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 — Consideration in detail.

Debate to be interrupted.

At 1.30 pm

Members’ statements — Speaker to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Total time allotted — 30 minutes)

At 2 pm

Speaker to call on —

Questions without notice

Presentation of documents — Speaker


Ministerial statements, by leave

Government business – continued

Orders of the day – continued

No. 1 — Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 — Further consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 2 — Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024— Resumption of debate on second reading; second reading.

Speaker to report a message from the Governor-General recommending appropriation.

Consideration in detail; third reading, by leave.

No. 3 — Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 — Resumption of debate on second reading and on the amendment moved by Mr Bates (Brisbane) to the amendment moved by Mr Fletcher (Bradfield).

Debate to be adjourned.


Question expected to be proposed at 7.30 pm and debate to conclude by 8 pm, unless otherwise ordered.

(The next sitting of the House is expected to commence at 12 noon on Tuesday, 10 September 2024.)

Claressa Surtees

Clerk of the House of Representatives

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Notice Paper

Votes and Proceedings

Bills and Legislation

ParlTV channel 103 provides captions of current proceedings in the House Chamber.

Title: Federation Chamber header - Description: Daily program for Federation Chamber header image.

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FC Live Minutes 10.30 am

3 minute constituency statements

Chair to call on 3 minute constituency statements.

(Each Member — 3 minutes. Total time allotted — 30 minutes, irrespective of suspensions for divisions in the House).

At 11 am

Private Members’ business


No. 1 — Mining profits Mr Bates (Brisbane) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — 20 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mr Bates — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 2 — Australian Paralympic Team Dr Ananda-Rajah (Higgins) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 30 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Dr Ananda-Rajah — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 3 — Road safety Mr L O’Brien (Wide Bay) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — 25 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mr L O’Brien — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 5 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 4 — Workplace relations Ms Stanley (Werriwa) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 40 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Ms Stanley — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 8 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 5 — Royal Far West Mr Coulton (Parkes) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — remaining private Members’ business time prior to 1.30 pm.
Speech time limits —
Mr Coulton — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 7 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

At 1.30 pm the Federation Chamber meeting will be suspended.

At 4 pm the meeting of the Federation Chamber is expected to be resumed.

At 4 pm

Members’ statements — Chair to call on Members’ statements.

(Each Member — 90 seconds. Statements to conclude by 4.45 pm)

At 4.45 pm

Private Members’ business – continued

Orders of the day

No. 1 — Small businesses — Resumption of debate on the motion moved by Mr Violi (Casey).

(Time allotted for debate — 30 minutes.
Speech time limits —
All Members — 5 minutes each.
Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

Notices – continued

No. 6 — Gender pay gap Ms Mascarenhas (Swan) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in her name.

(Time allotted for debate — 40 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Ms Mascarenhas — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 8 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 7 — The Honourable Steele Hall Mr Pasin (Barker) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — 30 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mr Pasin — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 8 — Men’s Shed Week Mr R Mitchell (McEwen) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — 45 minutes.
Speech time limits —
Mr R Mitchell — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 9 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.

No. 9 — Tibet Mr Wallace (Fisher) to move motion appearing on the Notice Paper in his name.

(Time allotted for debate — remaining private Members’ business time prior to 7.30 pm.
Speech time limits —
Mr Wallace — 5 minutes.

Other Members — 5 minutes each.

Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 5 mins.)

Debate to be adjourned.


Question expected to be proposed no later than 7.30 pm (no debate), unless otherwise ordered.

(The next meeting of the Federation Chamber is expected to commence at
4 pm on Tuesday, 10 September 2024.)

Claressa Surtees

Clerk of the House of Representatives

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Notice Paper

Votes and Proceedings

Bills and Legislation

ParlTV channel 106 provides captions of current proceedings in the Federation Chamber.

Monday, 9 September 2024

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation

2R1, Parliament House, Canberra ACT, commencing at 11.10 am

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 4002

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

2R1, Parliament House, Canberra ACT, commencing at 12.10 pm

Contact: Secretary 02 6277 4002

Claressa Surtees

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Committee hearing banner