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- Date
26 Nov 2010
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
BRANDIS, Sen George
- Summary
Establishes a framework to provide financial assistance to persons or their next of kin who are injured or killed as a result of an international terrorist act.
- Date
29 Sep 2010
- Chamber
- Status
Home Affairs
- Summary
Amends the:
Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991
to: create three offences and penalties; and increase penalties for a number of existing offences; and Australian Federal Police Act 1979
and Commonwealth Places (Application of Laws) Act 1970
in relation to the powers of Australian Federal Police members to investigate offences committed at certain airports.
- Date
26 Nov 2009
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
BROWN, Sen Bob
- Summary
Amends the
Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988
to repeal the provision which enables the Governor-General to disallow and recommend amendments to, any Act made by the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly.
- Date
25 Jun 2009
- Chamber
- Status
Immigration and Citizenship
- Summary
Amends the
Australian Citizenship Act 2007
to implement recommendations of the Australian Citizenship Test Review Committee by providing: that certain people may be eligible for citizenship without sitting the citizenship test; that the citizenship test must be completed within a specified period; and that applicants for citizenship by conferral under 18 years of age must be permanent residents at both the time of application and time of decision. Also amends the Australian Citizenship Act 2007
and Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Act 2007
to provide for a special residence requirement.
- Date
23 Jun 2009
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
LUDLAM, Sen Scott
- Summary
Amends the:
Criminal Code Act 1995
to: insert a new definition of 'terrorist act'; remove the offences of 'reckless possession of a thing', sedition, and associating with a terrorist organisation; amend the reference to 'fostering the doing of' a terrorist act in the definition of 'terrorist organisation'; provide for terrorist organisations to be prescribed in regulations; and amend the 'supporting' offence; Crimes Act 1914
to: remove 'investigative dead time' from the calculation of dead time; and remove the presumption against bail for certain offences; and Australian Security Information Organisation Act 1979
in relation to the questioning and detention of terrorism suspects. Also repeals the National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004
- Date
03 Dec 2008
- Chamber
- Status
Special Minister of State
- Summary
In response to certain recommendations of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit report on the Auditor-General Act (Report No. 386), the bill amends the
Auditor-General Act 1997
to: clarify and extend the distribution of performance audit reports; provide for the inclusion of comments on proposed reports in final reports; clarify when audit information made available to entities and other parties in the course of a performance audit may be disclosed; clarify the powers of the Auditor-General when sensitive information is not to be included in a public report; and update penalty provisions.
- Date
17 Sep 2008
- Chamber
- Status
Prime Minister
- Summary
Amends the
Archives Act 1983
, Copyright Act 1968
, Freedom of Information Act 1982
and Privacy Act 1988
to implement certain recommendations of the Australian Law Reform Commission report on Commonwealth record-keeping and the role of the National Archives of Australia.
- Date
04 Sep 2008
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Summary
Imposes civil penalties on financial institutions, corporations, body corporates and persons who install, own or operate automatic teller machines or other cash facilities in licensed venues.
- Date
14 Feb 2008
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Summary
Amends the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001
to: limit banking and credit card penalty fees by ensuring fees are for cost recovery only; prevent fees being charged for third party dishonoured cheques; and enhance the powers of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to monitor penalty fees and investigate customer complaints.
- Date
18 Sep 2007
- Chamber
- Status
Justice and Customs
- Summary
Amends the
Australian Crime Commission Act 2002
to: clarify powers and procedures of an Australian Crime Commission examiner to issue a summons or notice; and allow persons to appear before an examiner, or produce documents to an examiner who did not issue the summons or notice to produce the documents.
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