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  • Date
    23 Aug 2018 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Bill 2018, the bill: amends the
    Federal Court of Australia Act 1976
    to establish the Family Law Appeal Division in the Federal Court of Australia, and provide the Family Law Appeal Division appellate jurisdiction in relation to family law appeals from the Federal Circuit and Family Court (FCFC) as well as some appeals from the Family Court of Western Australia; amends the
    Family Law Act 1975
    to largely remove the appellate function of the Family Court of Australia, and ensure that the Act continues to operate in the context of the FCFC; makes consequential amendments to 123 Acts and 25 court-related regulations and rules; amends various Acts contingent on the commencement of 21 proposed Acts; modifies court rules for Divisions 1 and 2 of the FCFC and amends court rules for the Federal Court of Australia and the standard rules of court for family law proceedings; provides for transitional arrangements to preserve and transition the titles and appointments of the judges and personnel to the FCFC, and in relation to family law appeals which are on foot and appeals which would be impacted by the transfer of appellate jurisdiction to the Family Law Appeal Division of the Federal Court; and repeals the
    Federal Circuit Court of Australia Act 1999

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    23 Aug 2018 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018, the bill unifies the administrative structure of the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, which will be known as the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia comprised of Division 1 (which will be a continuation of the Family Court) and Division 2 (which will be a continuation of the Federal Circuit Court). 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    27 Oct 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the
    Federal Financial Relations Act 2009
    to: vary the way the Commonwealth makes GST payments to states participating in the National Health and Hospitals Network (NHHN) Agreement; replace the National Healthcare Specific Purpose Payment with a special payment for participating states; provide for additional top-up payments from the 2014-15 financial year to be paid to participating states; create a NHHN Fund; specify conditions for payments made through the Fund; and impose additional conditions on the minister when making determinations which relate to the Agreement. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    23 Jun 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the
    Federal Financial Relations Act 2009
    to: vary the way the Commonwealth makes GST payments to states participating in the National Health and Hospitals Network (NHHN) Agreement; replace the National Healthcare Specific Purpose Payment with a special payment; provide for additional top-up payments from the 2014-15 financial year to be paid to states participating in the NHHN Agreement; create a NHHN Fund; specify payment conditions; and impose conditions on the minister when making decisions relating to the NHHN Agreement. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    14 May 1998 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Communications, the Information Economy and the Arts Portfolio 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 May 1998 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Private Member's bill - Mr Rocher 


  • Date
    28 Oct 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response No. 3) Bill 2021, Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy Bill 2021 and Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy (Collection) Bill 2021, the bill establishes a financial accountability regime to impose accountability, key personnel, deferred remuneration and notification obligations on directors and senior executives of financial entities in the banking, insurance and superannuation industries. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    08 Sep 2022 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Introduced with the Financial Sector Reform Bill 2022, Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy Bill 2022 and Financial Services Compensation Scheme of Last Resort Levy (Collection) Bill 2022, the bill establishes a financial accountability regime to impose accountability, key personnel, deferred remuneration and notification obligations on directors and senior executives of financial entities in the banking, insurance and superannuation industries. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    11 Aug 2004 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Finance and Administration 
    Further to the accrual budgeting and reporting framework introduced by the
    Financial Management Legislation Amendment Act 1999
    , the bill amends 112 Acts, including the
    Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997
    Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
    , to: update, clarify and align financial management and reporting provisions applying to Commonwealth entities; expand information requirements for special account determinations; and transfer from the Treasurer to the Finance Minister powers and functions to approve investments, money raising and guarantees for certain bodies (including power to delegate these powers and functions). Also repeals 28 redundant Acts and contains saving provisions. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    23 Jun 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Finance and Deregulation 
    Amends the:
    Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
    to clarify the body corporate status of the Australian Human Rights Commission under the
    Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
    Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996
    to enable the Australian Law Reform Commission to become a prescribed agency under the
    Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
    and a statutory agency for the purposes of the
    Public Service Act 1999
    Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989
    to include references to general policy orders;
    Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980
    to rename the corporation as Wine Australia Corporation;
    Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997
    in relation to: annual reports of Commonwealth authorities; notification of significant events; delegation power of the Finance Minister; references; interjurisdictional authorities; bodies corporate reporting requirements; procurement directions; general policy orders; and ministerial delegations of powers and functions;
    Criminology Research Act 1971
    to merge the Criminology Research Council with the Australian Institute of Criminology;
    Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997
    in relation to: a ministerial requirement to inform Parliament of involvement in a company by their department, agencies and bodies corporate; and regulations to prescribe an agency as an interjurisdictional agency;
    National Transport Commission Act 2003
    to provide that the
    Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997
    applies to the commission;
    Parliamentary Service Act 1999
    to clarify that the appropriation authority for certain payments is contained in the relevant Appropriation Act; and
    Trade Practices Act 1974
    to clarify the body corporate status of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. Also: repeals six Acts and provisions of 11 other Acts to remove redundant special appropriations and other outdated references; and makes amendments consequential to the amendments to the
    Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

Parliament House Calendar

January 2024

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78 Senate91011 Senate1213
14151617 House of Representatives18 Senate1920
21 Senate22 Other23 Other24252627
28 Other29 Other30 Other31 Senate123
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