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  • Date
    19 Oct 2017 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the
    Bankruptcy Act 1966
    to: provide that, where a bankrupt becomes a bankrupt again, the income contribution obligations and contribution assessment period for the first bankruptcy will cease; provide that ceasing income contributions to a trustee in an earlier bankruptcy in the event of a second bankruptcy does not limit the ability of the trustee in the later bankruptcy to exercise certain powers; amend notification requirements to provide that a bankrupt or discharged bankrupt must notify the trustee within 10 business days of changes to their name, address and phone number during the ‘prescribed period’; clarify the period for which eligible discharged bankrupts must continue to make income contribution payments to the bankrupt estate; extend the requirement to make certain income contribution payments to persons who are eligible to make these payments, but have been automatically discharged after one year; ensure that a bankrupt or discharged bankrupt will ordinarily be liable for income contributions for at least three contribution assessment periods; provide that determinations regarding supervised account regimes apply post discharge and throughout the contribution assessment periods, and only cease when the bankrupt is no longer liable to pay a contribution; extend the obligations and duties on a bankrupt to keep and produce records of income, employment and financial transactions or dealings; provide for an automatic discharge after one year of bankruptcy and related transitional arrangements; and enable the extension of a period of bankruptcy on the basis of an objection by a trustee or official receiver. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    12 Oct 2016 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the:
    Privacy Act 1988
    to prohibit conduct related to the re-identification of de-identified personal information published or released by Commonwealth entities; and
    Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010
    to make a consequential amendment. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    14 Sep 2016 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Establishes the legislative framework for a compulsory in-person vote in a national plebiscite that would ask Australians “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?”. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    17 Mar 2016 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends: 18 Acts to correct technical errors; the
    Public Lending Right Act 1985
    to insert generic references; and the
    International Labour Organisation (Compliance with Conventions) Act 1992
    National Health Act 1953
    to remove obsolete provisions. Also repeals the
    Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2007

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    17 Mar 2016 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends: 100 Acts to replace references to penalties expressed as a number of dollars with penalties expressed as a number of penalty units; 27 Acts to replace references to ‘maximum penalty’ with references to ‘penalty’; 32 Acts to provide that provisions relating to the evidentiary status of a certificate (or other instrument or register) clearly provide that it is prima facie evidence of the matters stated in it; and the
    Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980
    Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991
    Crimes (Currency) Act 1981
    Maritime Powers Act 2013
    to update references to aircraft registered in accordance with the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Mar 2016 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends: 15 Acts to remove current provisions providing for regulatory regimes and to apply the standard provisions of the
    Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014
    ; the
    Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014
    in relation to: the ability to secure evidence of a contravention when exercising monitoring powers; the age of photographs for identity cards; the time period for the making of a civil penalty order; and the cap on the amount to be stated in an infringement notice; and the
    Paid Parental Leave Act 2010
    to make amendments consequential on the commencement of the proposed
    Fairer Paid Parental Leave Act 2016

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    25 Nov 2015 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the
    Family Law Act 1975
    to: amend the financial agreement regime to remove existing uncertainties around requirements for entering, interpreting and enforcing agreements, make changes to the coverage of spousal maintenance matters in agreements, provide for a statement of principles to outline their binding nature, and to reinforce the binding nature of the agreements; strengthen protections from violence in certain procedural matters; strengthen Australia’s response to international parental child abduction; update the arrest powers of the family court; assist the operation of the family law courts; and make minor and technical amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    12 Nov 2015 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the:
    Criminal Code Act 1995
    to: enable the receipt of funds from terrorist organisations for legal assistance in certain circumstances; enable control orders to be imposed on persons from 14 years of age; impose an obligation on a person subject to a requirement to wear a tracking device to maintain the tracking device in good operational order; remove the authority of the Family Court of Australia to issue control orders and preventative detention orders (PDOs); clarify the meaning of ‘imminence’ for the purposes of obtaining a PDO; and create a new offence prohibiting conduct advocating genocide;
    Crimes Act 1914
    Surveillance Devices Act 2004
    Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979
    to establish regimes to monitor the compliance of individuals subject to a control order through search warrants, surveillance device warrants and telecommunications interception warrants;
    Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
    to enable the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to furnish security assessments directly to states and territories;
    Classification (Publication, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995
    to broaden the range of conduct that may be considered as advocating the doing of a terrorist act;
    Crimes Act 1914
    to clarify the threshold requirements for the issue of a delayed notification search warrant;
    National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004
    to: broaden protections for national security information in control order proceedings; enable a court to make an order that is inconsistent with regulations made under the Act if the Attorney-General has applied for the order; and enable the regulations to continue to apply to the extent they provide for ways of dealing with national security information in criminal and civil proceedings;
    Taxation Administration Act 1953
    to enable the disclosure of certain information; and
    Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
    Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013
    to make consequential amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Oct 2014 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the: Freedom of Information Act 1982 to provide for: the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to have sole jurisdiction for external merits review of freedom of information (FOI) decisions; the Attorney-General to be responsible for FOI guidelines, collection of FOI statistics and the annual report on the operation of the Act; and the Ombudsman to have sole responsibility for the investigation of FOI complaints; and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and Privacy Act 1988 to provide for an Australian Privacy Commissioner as an independent statutory officer holder within the Australian Human Rights Commission. Also repeals the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 to abolish the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner; and makes consequential amendments to 22 Acts. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    29 May 2013 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Amends the
    Privacy Act 1988
    to establish a framework for the mandatory notification by regulated entities of serious data breaches to the Australian Information Commissioner and to affected individuals. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Other234 Senate5 Senate67
89 Senate1011 Senate121314
1516171819 Senate2021
2930 House of Representatives311234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other
1 Dec 24
Joint Committee Public Hearing
4 Dec 24
Inquiry Report Tabling Home ownership
5 Dec 24
Inquiry Report Tabling RW Extremism 23