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  • Date
    09 Dec 2013 
    Not Proceeding 
    HANSON-YOUNG, Sen Sarah 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    to provide that determinations made under section 85 (which determine the number of visas that can be granted in a particular subclass in any specified financial year) on or after 2 December 2013 be subject to disallowance by either House of the Parliament. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    19 Oct 2016 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Immigration and Border Protection 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    to: establish a framework which requires certain visa holders to revalidate certain information, either within a specified period (a routine revalidation check) or if the minister determines that it is in the public interest (a public interest revalidation check); provide that certain events that cause a visa that is in effect to cease will, as a general rule, cause a visa that is held, but not in effect, to be taken to cease; and enable the use of contactless technology to clear travellers through the immigration clearance system (SmartGate). 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    10 Dec 2020 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Home Affairs 
    Amends the:
    Migration Act 1958
    to: create a framework to protect disclosure of confidential information provided by gazetted intelligence and law enforcement agencies where the information is used for decisions made to refuse or cancel a visa on character grounds, or revoke or set aside such decisions; amend the definition of non-disclosable information to include protected information where the disclosure of such information would be contrary to Australia's national interests; and provide that an officer performing certain functions commits an offence if protected information is disclosed in certain circumstances;
    Australian Citizenship Act 2007
    to: protect protected information where the information is used for certain citizenship decisions, renunciations of citizenship by conduct, and cessation of citizenship for service outside Australia in armed forces of an enemy country or a declared terrorist organisation; and create a framework for the management of the disclosure to, and by, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of information that has been certified by the minister to be contrary to the public interest for specified reasons, or that was provided in confidence; and create a power for the secretary to delegate functions or powers under the Act and the
    Australian Citizenship Regulation 2016
    Freedom of Information Act 1982
    Inspector of Transport Security Act 2006
    to make consequential amendments; and
    Australian Citizenship Act 2007
    Migration Act 1958
    to make amendments contingent on the commencement of the
    Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Act 2020

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    16 Sep 2015 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Immigration and Border Protection 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    to: provide that if an unlawful non-citizen is in the process of being removed to another country, and before they enter that country the person is returned to Australia, then that person has a lawful basis to return to Australia without a visa; ensure that when that person is returned to Australia, bars on the person making a valid visa application for certain visas will continue to apply as if they had never left Australia; make technical and consequential amendments arising out of the enactment of the
    Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Act 2014
    ; clarify that a person who has previously been refused a protection visa application that was made on their behalf cannot make a further protection visa application; ensure that fast track applicants can apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal for review of certain decisions; correct a referencing error in relation to maritime crew visas; and ensure that visa ceasing provisions operate as intended; and the
    Maritime Powers Act 2013
    to clarify that powers are able to be exercised in the course of passage through or above waters of another country in a manner consistent with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    10 Oct 2012 
    Not Proceeding 
    HANSON-YOUNG, Sen Sarah 
    Amends the:
    Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
    to: enable non-citizens eligible for a protection visa to seek a merits review of their security assessment in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT); and create the position of Special Advocate to provide support for these reviews;
    Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
    to require the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) to review adverse or qualified security assessments of protection visa persons every six months or on referral from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship; and
    Migration Act 1958
    to require the minister to review a decision to refuse or cancel a protection visa when an adverse security assessment is revoked by an ASIO review or an AAT merits review. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    01 Mar 2007 
    Not Proceeding 
    BARTLETT, Andrew 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    in relation to access to judicial review of migration decisions. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    19 Jun 2006 
    Not Proceeding 
    BARTLETT, Andrew 
    Amends the
    Migration Act 1958
    to repeal provisions in relation to security and screening measures for visitors and other persons entering immigration detention centres. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    19 Oct 2006 
    Not Proceeding 
    BARTLETT, Andrew 
    Amends the Migration Regulations 1994 to remove provisions: requiring refugees to apply for asylum status within 45 days of arrival in Australia in order to be permitted to work and be eligible for other government support; and relating to fees for review of a decision by the Refugee Review Tribunal. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    01 Dec 2003 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 


  • Date
    30 Nov 2016 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Immigration and Border Protection 
    Further to the
    Tribunals Amalgamation Act 2015
    , the bill amends the:
    Migration Act 1958
    to: harmonise and streamline provisions in relation to the code of procedure for review of decisions by the Migration and Refugee Division (MRD) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal; clarify the operation of certain provisions relating to the conduct of review; clarify the notification requirements in relation to oral decisions of the MRD; and make technical amendments in relation to the giving of documents and the mechanism for review of decisions by the Immigration Assessment Authority in relation to family groups; and
    Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
    to make consequential amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

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