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Amends the: Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 to: update key definitional terms including the meaning of ‘gift’, ‘disclosure threshold’ and ‘candidate’ and introduce the category of ‘nominated entity’; require expedited disclosure of gifts; consolidate financial reporting obligations; and make machinery amendments in relation to electoral and referendum operations; Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: establish an annual gift cap, an overall gift cap and a State and Territory gift cap; establish annual caps on electoral expenditure; expand on existing obligations in relation to Commonwealth campaign accounts; introduce a new system of administrative funding and increase election funding; streamline reporting obligations for Senate groups; and make technical amendments in relation to compliance and enforcement powers.
Circulated by members and senators when they propose to make changes to the bill. For details about the outcome of proposed amendments please refer to either the Votes and Proceedings (House of Representatives) or the Journals (Senate).
Schedules of amendments list amendments agreed to by the second house are communicated to the first house for consideration. Subsequent action by either house may also be included in a schedule.
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