Introduced with the Passenger Movement Charge Amendment (Norfolk Island) Bill 2016, the bill amends the: Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 to: enable New Zealand residents who hold a permanent visa and reside on Norfolk Island access to social security payments from 1 July 2016; align the early claims period for family assistance payments with the early claims periods for social security and child support payments before 1 July 2016; and broaden the definition of the Norfolk Island Regional Council to enable flexibility in the application of local government law; Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 and Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 to extend the child support scheme to residents of the Indian Ocean Territories of Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 to require eligible Australian citizens and eligible other persons living in Norfolk Island to enrol and vote in federal elections and referendums; and Acts Interpretation Act 1901 and Norfolk Island Act 1979 to extend all Commonwealth laws to Norfolk Island, unless expressly provided otherwise. Also makes consequential and transitional amendments to 57 Acts.