Bills Lists


  • Final House Bills List for 2012 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 13 December 2012 Final for 2012 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2012 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2012 — 210 (Including 6 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition 2012 28/11 1 Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment 2011B 23/11 2 , 3 16/2 27/2 22/11 11/12 186 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment 2012 28/11 4 , 5 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (No. 1) 2012B 21/3 6 10/5 18/6 Air Services (Aircraft Noise) Amendment 2011P 4/7 2°negatived 11/10 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment 2011 B 23/11 7 29/2 29/2 18/6 28/6 90 Appropriation 
  • Final House Bills List for 2011 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 23 December 2011 Final for 2011 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2011 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2011 — 238 (Including 15 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Abolition of Age Limit on Payment of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge 2011P,X 28/2 Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment 2011 23/11 1 , 2 Acts Interpretation Amendment 2011B 12/5 25/5 14/6 15/6 27/6 46 Aged Care Amendment 2011 26/5 2/6 14/6 22/6 26/7 86 Air Services (Aircraft Noise) Amendment 2011P 4/7 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment 2011 23/11 3 Appropriation (No. 3) 2010-2011B 10/2 3/3 3/3 25/3  
  • Final House Bills List for 2010 (43rd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 20 December 2010 (Final for 2010) 43rd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2010 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2010 — 79 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Airports Amendment 2010 30/9 1 25/10 26/10 26/11A 2 17/12 149 Australian Civilian Corps 2010B 30/9 3 28/10 15/11 Australian National Preventive Health Agency 2010 29/9 27/10H 15/11 17/11A 4 24/11 134 Australian Research Council Amendment (No. 2) 2010 17/11 Autonomous Sanctions 2010B 30/9 5 27/10 28/10 Banking Amendment (Delivering Essential Financial Services) 2010P 15/11 Carer Recognition 2010B 29/9 21/10 25/10 28/10 18/11 123 Civil Dispute Resolution 2010B 30/9 6 20/10 
  • Final House Bills List for 2010 (42nd Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 14 July 2010 (Final for 42nd Parliament) 42nd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2008-09-10 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2008 — 203 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2009 — 226 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2010 — 142 (Including 3 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Access to Justice (Family Court Restructure and Other Measures) 2010 24/6 1 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment 2010B 17/3 23/6H 24/6 24/6 14/7 113 Airport Development Ombudsman 2010P 15/3 Airports Amendment 2010 24/6 2 Airports (On-Airport Activities Administration) Validation 2010 12/5 2/6 15/6 17/6 29/6 80 Amendments Incorporation Amendment 2008 Z 12/2  
  • Final House Bills List for 2009

    House of Representatives 
    As at 15 December 2009 (Final for 2009) 42nd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2008-09 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2008 — 203 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2009 — 226 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Access to Justice (Civil Litigation Reforms) Amendment 2009B 22/6 1 9/9 10/9 27/10A 2 4/12 117 ACIS Administration Amendment 2009 24/6 20/8 7/9 14/9 29/9 94 ACIS Administration Amendment (Application) 2009 18/11 24/11 26/11 26/11 15/12 136 Amendments Incorporation Amendment 2008 Z 12/2 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) (No. 1) 2008-2009 4/2 4/2 5/2 3 3°negatived 12/2 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) (No. 1) 2008-2009 [No. 2] 12/2 12/2 12/2M 12/2M 18/2 1 Appropriation (Nation Building and Jobs) 
  • Final House Bills List for 2008

    House of Representatives 
    As at 23 December 2008 (Final for 2008) 4 2nd PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2008 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 200 8 — 203 (Including 12 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senat e Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Customs) Amendment 2008 26/5 28/5 16/6 1 , 2 23/9 3/10 98 A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Excise) Amendment 2008 26/5 28/5 16/6 3 , 4 23/9 3/10 99 A New Tax System (Lu xury Car Tax Imposition—General) Amendment 2008 26/5 28/5 16/6 5 , 6 23/9 3/10 100 Aged Care Amendment (2008 Measures No. 1) 2008 13/2 13/2 14/2 14/2 18/2 1 Aged Care Amendment (2008 Measures No. 2) 2008 16/10 7 B 26/11 26/11 4/12 9/12 140 Amendments Incorpo ration Amendment 2008 Z 12/2  
  • Final House Bills List for 2007

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 28 September 2007 (Final for 2007) 41st PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2004-05-06-07 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2004 — 93 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2005 — 182 (Including 24 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2006 — 188 (Including 32 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2007 — 168 (Including 14 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Ac t No. Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Township Leasing) 2007 24/5 13/6 14/6 15/6 28/6 121 ACIS Administration Amendment (Unearned Credit Liability) 2007 7/2 14/2 26/2 1/3 15/3 25 Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) 2007 21/3 1 2 1/6 H 21/6 21/6 28/6 109 Aged Care Amendment (Securing the Future of Aged Care for Australians) 2007 19/9 Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection)  
  • Final House Bills List for 2006

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 21 December 2006 (Final for 2006) 41st PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2004-05-06 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2004 — 93 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2005 — 182 (Including 24 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2006 — 188 (Including 32 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal Land Rights (No rthern Territory) Amendment 2006 31/5 19/6H 20/6 1 R 2 17/8 A 5/9 93 Age Discrimination Amendment 2006 29/3 B 10/5H 13/6 15/6 22/6 63 Aged Care Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) 2006 ( Previous citation: Aged Care Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) 2005) 8/12 8/2 3 9/2 28/3 6/4 28 Aged Care (Bond Security) 2006 ( Previous citation: Aged Care Amendment (Bond Security) 2005) 8/12 8/2 4 9/2 28/3 6/4 26 Aged Care (Bond Security) 
  • Final House Bills List for 2005

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 20 December 2005 (Final for 2005) 41st PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 200 5 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2004 — 93 (Including 11 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2005 — 182 (Including 24 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Impos ition (Recipients)—Customs) 2005 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Customs) 2004 ) 8/12 8/12 9/12 8/2 18/2 1 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) 2005 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) 2004 ) 8/12 8/12 9/12 8/2 18/2 2 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—General) 2005 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—General) 2004 ) 8/12 8/12 9/12  
  • Final House Bills List for 2004 (41st Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 20th December 2004 (Final for 2004) 41st PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2004 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2004 — 73 (Including 10 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Customs) 2004 8/12 8/12 9/12 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) 2004 8/12 8/12 9/12 A New Tax System (G oods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—General) 2004 8/12 8/12 9/12 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (No. 2) 2004 E 17/11 B 1/12 2/12 6/12 13/12 139 AusLink (National Land Transport) 2004 9/12 AusLink (National La nd Transport—Consequential and Transitional Provisions) 2004 9/12  
  • Final House Bills List for 2004 (40th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 31 August 2004 (Final for 40th Parliament) 40TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2002 -03-04 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2002 — 254 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2003 — 174 (Including 8 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2004 — 150 (Including 6 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment 2004 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment 2003 ) 4/12 19/2 1/3 9/3 23/3 21 Abolition of the Gold Travel Pass for Former Politicians (Reflecting Community Standards) 2003 PX (9/3) 18/8 Ab original and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment 2004 27/5 2/6 15/6 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Amendment 2004 11/8 Administrative 
  • Final House Bills List for 2003

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 23 December 2003 (Final for 2003) 40TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2002 -03 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2002 - 254 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2003 - 174 (Including 8 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A Better Future for Our Kids 2003 PX 26/5 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment 2003 4/12 Abolition of the Gold Travel Pass for Former Politicians (Reflecting Community Standards) 2003P 18/8 Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Amendment 2003 17/9 B 27/11 28/11 4/12 17/12 146 ACI S Administration Amendment 2003 25/6 B 1 8/9 9/9 16/9 14/10 96 Ac ts Interpretation Amendment (Court Procedures) 2003 5/6 B 17/6  
  • Final House Bills List for 2002

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 19 December 2002 (Final for 2002) 40TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 2002 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 2002 - 254 (Including 9 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senat e Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment 2002 13/3 B 15/5 16/5 20/6A 1 27/6 40 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment 2002 E 19/9 B 16/10 17/10 23/10 10/11 99 ACIS Administration Amendment 2002E 22/8 B 19/9 23/9 26/9 10/10 83 Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment 2002 12/12 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (No. 1) 2002 29/5 2 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (No. 2) 2002 12/12 Airports Amendment 2002 14/2 3 Discharged 15/5  
  • Final House Bills List for 2001

    House of Representatives 
    As at noon 8 October 2001 (Final for 39th Parliament) 39TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1998-1999-2000-2001 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 1998 - 103 (Including 8 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1999 - 224 (Including 20 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2000 - 191 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2001 - 180 (Including 22 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Abolition of Compulsory Age Retirement (Statutory Officeholders) 2001E 29/8B 26/9 26/9 27/9 1/10 159 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment 2001 (Previous citation : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment 2000) 29/11 7/12 6/2 1/3 20/3 4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection 1998 12/11 1 11/2 15/2 26/11A 2 Administrative Decisions (Effect of International Instruments) 1999 13/10 11/5 5/6 Administrative Review Tribunal 2000 
  • Final House Bills List for 2000

    House of Representatives 
    As at cob 18 January 2001 (Final for 2000) 39TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1998-1999-2000 BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bills introduced in 1998 - 103 (Including 8 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1999 - 224 (Including 20 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 2000 - 191 (Including 7 received from the Senate) Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Family Assistance and Related Measures) 2000 E 9/3 B 5/4 5/4 12/4AR 1 3/5 45 A New Tax System (Fringe Benefits) 2000 E 9/3 16/3 3/4 R 2 11/5 30/5 52 A New Tax System (Medicare Levy Surcharge—Fringe Benefits) Amendment 2000 E 9/3 16/3 3/4 10/5 30/5 53 A New Tax System (Tax Administration) (No. 1) 2000 (Previous citation : A New Tax System (Tax Administration) (No. 2) 1999) 9/12 13/3H 16/3 5/4 3/5 44 A New Tax System (Tax Administration) (No. 2) 
  • Final House Bills List for 1999

    House of Representatives 
    As at c.o.b. 11 January 2000 (Final for 1999) 39TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1998-99 Bills introduced in 1998 - 103 (Including 8 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1999 - 224 (Including 20 received from the Senate) BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) 1999 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) 1998) 2/12 U 10/12 10/12U 1 28/6A 2 8/7 58 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) 1999 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) 1998) 2/12 U 1 10/12 10/12U 28/6 8/7 84 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number Consequential Amendments) 1999 ( Previous citation: A New Tax System (Australian Business Number Consequential Amendments) 1998) 2/12 U 1 10/12 10/12U 28/6 8/7 85 A New Tax System 
  • Final House Bills List for 1998 (39th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at c.o.b. 24 December 1998 (Final for 1998) 39TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1998 Bills introduced in 1998 - 103 (Including 8 received from the Senate) BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Sena te Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. 1998 Budget Measures Legislation Amendment (Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements) 1998 12/11 B 25/11 26/11 3/12 11/12 116 A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) 1998 2/12 U 10/12 10/12 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number Consequential Amendments) 1998 2/12 U 10/12 10/12 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) 1998 2/12 U 10/12 10/12 A New Tax System (Bonuses for Older Australians) 1998 2/12 U 10/12 10/12 A New Tax System (Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) 1998 2/12 U 10/12 10/12 
  • Final House Bills List for 1998 (38th Parliament)

    House of Representatives 
    As at c.o.b. 31 August 1998 38TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1996-97-98 Bills introduced in 1996 - 173 (Including 17 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1997 - 237 (Including 19 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1998 - 116 (Including 5 received from the Senate) BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1998 E (Previous citation : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1997) 3/12 B 25/3H 1/4 2/4 17/4 20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 2/4 58 4/6H 25/6 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill (No.2) 1997 (Previous citation : Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 1997) 18/6 25/9 H 1/10 Adelaide Airport Curfew Bill 1998 P 29/6 2/7 7/7  
  • Final House Bills List for 1997

    House of Representatives 
    As at c.o.b. 22 December 1997 (Final for 1997) 38TH PARLIAMENT - 1ST SESSION - 1996-97 Bills introduced in 1996 - 173 (Including 17 received from the Senate) Bills introduced in 1997 - 237 (Including 19 received from the Senate) BILLS INITIATED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Short Title Intro House Passed House Intro Senate Passed Senate Assent Date Act No. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 1997 3/12 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1997 (Previous citation : Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 1997) 18/6 25/9 H 1/10 Administrative Decisions (Effect of International Instruments) Bill 1997 18/6 25/6 104 27/6 Aged Care Bill 1997 26/3 U 5/6H 16/6 26/6A72 7/7 112 Aged Care (Compensation Amendments) Bill 1997 E 15/5 U 5/6 16/6 26/6 7/7 113 Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1997 E 

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.