Final Senate Bills List for 2013

Parl No.
17 Dec 2013
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As at cob 17 December 2013

(2013 Final Edition)


AG Australian Greens

ALP Australian Labor Party [Opp]

CLP Country Liberal Party [Govt]

DLP Democratic Labour Party

FFP Family First Party

Ind Independent

KAP Katter—€™s Australian Party

LP Liberal Party of Australia [Govt]

Nats The Nationals [Govt]

Note: The Liberal-National Party coalition formed government following the federal election on 7/9/13

CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives)

ED Exposure draft

L Lapsed bill*

PM Private member—€™s bill

PS Private senator—€™s bill

R Restored to Notice Paper

S Senate bill

SBC Senate Selection of Bills Committee

SC House of Representatives Selection Committee

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012

(Act citation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Act 2013)

The bill: provides for the recognition by the Parliament, on behalf of the people of Australia, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; requires the minister to cause a review of support for a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution; requires the minister to present a report of the review to Parliament; and ceases to have effect two years after its commencement.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 13/2/13

Reference (see item 15, Votes and Proceedings 27/11/12): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 28/11/12; report presented to Senate out of sitting 30/1/13; report tabled in House and Senate 5/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 12/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 18, 2013

Aboriginal Land Rights and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 to: enable the town of Jabiru and two adjacent portions of Northern Territory land to be granted as Aboriginal land to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust; and enable Northern Territory Portion 7021 in Patta to also be granted as Aboriginal land; and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: provide that world heritage, natural and cultural values of Kakadu National Park continue to be protected in relation to Jabiru; and amend existing management plan and town plan requirements for development of towns in Commonwealth reserves.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 29/5/13

CID amendments: 3 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 28/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 93, 2013

L African Development Bank Bill 2013

Enables Australia to become a member of the African Development Bank Group by authorising the payments required to subscribe to membership shares in the African Development Bank and meet membership and ongoing subscriptions to the African Development Fund.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 30/5/13

SC report no. 82 (tabled 30/5/13): Bill referred to Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade


SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 20/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Aged Care (Bond Security) Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of five bills in relation to the Living Longer Living Better aged care package, the bill amends the Aged Care (Bond Security) Act 2006 to: amend the long and short titles of the Act; and extend the Accommodation Bond Guarantee Scheme to refundable accommodation deposits and refundable accommodation contributions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 77, 2013

Aged Care (Bond Security) Levy Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of five bills in relation to the Living Longer Living Better aged care package, the bill amends the Aged Care (Bond Security) Levy Act 2006 to: amend the long and short titles of the Act; and enable a levy to be imposed on approved providers for the costs incurred by the Commonwealth in refunding refundable accommodation deposit balances and refundable accommodation contribution balances.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 80, 2013

Aged Care (Living Longer Living Better) Bill 2013

Part of a package of five bills in relation to the Living Longer Living Better aged care package, the bill amends: the Aged Care Act 1997 to: remove the distinction between low level and high level residential care; provide for a means test combining income and assets tests and annual and lifetime caps on means tested care fees; provide for a dementia supplement, veterans—€™ mental health supplement and workforce supplement to be payable to providers who care for eligible care recipients; enable care recipients to choose the method by which they pay for accommodation, including by a fully refundable lump sum, a rental style periodic payment, or a combination of both; replace community care and some forms of care delivered in a person—€™s home with home care; extend the community visitors scheme to people in home care; appoint and provide for the functions of an Aged Care Pricing Commissioner; require the commissioner to prepare an annual report; and provide that an independent review of this package is undertaken and provided to the minister by 1 July 2017; and eight Acts to make consequential and technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 27/5/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

CID amendment: 1 Ind (Wilkie)/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Committee amendments: 30 Govt/passed; 4 AG/passed; 1 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived; 3 items opposed (Opp)/items agreed to; 1 clause opposed (Opp)/clause agreed to

Committee requests for amendments: 2 AG/withdrawn

[House agreed to Senate amendments 26/6/13]

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 76, 2013

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

(Previous title: Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2012)

Amends the: Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 to: require the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to implement the Agvet Code having regard to certain principles; provide for the APVMA to develop, publish and have regard to guidelines (the risk compendium) when exercising powers and performing functions under the code; implement a mandatory scheme for the re-approval of active constituents and re-registration of chemical products to periodically review active constituents and products; enable consistent data protection; and remove disincentives for industry to generate and provide data; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Levy) Act 1994, Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 and Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 to: provide the APVMA with a graduated range of compliance and enforcement powers; and provide for a power to apply statutory conditions to registration and approvals; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Levy) Act 1994 to enable any Commonwealth agency to collect the levy on product sales on behalf of the APVMA; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 to require a review at least every 10 years of all Commonwealth agricultural and veterinary chemicals legislation; Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994 and Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 to provide that legislative instruments remain subject to disallowance with two exceptions; and Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994, Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 and Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 to remove redundant provisions and amend out of date provisions. Also provides for: a review to be conducted on the operation of the amendments made by this proposed Act after a five-year period; and a review on matters which relate to the functions and powers of the APVMA that are prescribed by regulation.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 15/5/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to House Agriculture, Resources, Fisheries and Forestry Committee; report tabled 12/3/13

CID amendments: 42 Govt/passed; 26 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report tabled 27/2/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 125, 2013

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2012

(Act citation: Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2013)

Amends the: Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980 to: reduce the record keeping requirements of persons, or their agents, who supply or receive wine goods that are packaged for sale to a consumer; and provide that a vintage year occurs between 1 September and 31 August; Fisheries Management Act 1991 to: make compliance with a direction to close a fishery a condition on all types of statutory fishing concessions; and make technical amendments; Fisheries Administration Act 1991 to enable co-management arrangements to be implemented; Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 to enable the secretary to remit all or part of a penalty imposed for the late payment of a levy or charge; and Farm Household Support Act 1992 to remove specific references to departments and secretaries. Also: makes technical amendments to the Export Control Act 1982, Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 and Quarantine Act 1908; and repeals the States Grants (War Service Land Settlement) Act 1952.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/12; Passed 10/5/12

Senate: Intro. 18/6/12; Passed 13/3/13

SBC report 4/12 (tabled and adopted 22/3/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report tabled 18/6/12

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 17, 2013

PS Air Navigation and Civil Aviation Amendment (Aircraft Crew) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Air Navigation Act 1920 and Civil Aviation Act 1988 to provide that an Australian airline, or a subsidiary of an Australian airline, is not issued an international aviation licence unless it provides the same wages and conditions to overseas-based flight and cabin crew operating its flights as if they were directly employed by the airline.

Senate: Intro. 17/8/11; 2nd reading adjourned 17/8/11, 10/5/12

SBC report 10/11 (tabled and adopted 18/8/11): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 21/11/11, 29/2/12, 14/3/12; report tabled 22/3/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Alcohol Toll Reduction Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

Amends the Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005, Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 to: establish the Responsible Advertising of Alcohol Division within the Australian Communications and Media Authority to monitor the advertising of alcohol; limit the times at which alcohol products are advertised on radio and television and impose a penalty for breaches; and provide for labelling standards for alcohol products.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Anti-Money Laundering Amendment (Gaming Machine Venues) Bill 2012 [2013]

R (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 to: provide that poker machine payouts of more than $1000 and the cashing of transferred cheques are threshold transactions which are reportable to the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre; require gaming machine venues to issue cheques for payouts of winnings or gaming machine credits over $1000 with an indication that they have been issued for that purpose; and impose penalties for failure to issue cheques in those circumstances.

Senate: Intro. 30/10/12; 2nd reading adjourned 30/10/12

SBC report 15/12 (tabled and adopted 20/11/12): No reference

Reference: Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 1/11/12; extensions of time to report 20/11/12, 13/3/13; report tabled in House and Senate 24/6/13

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 10/12/13

PS Anti-Terrorism Laws Reform Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the: Criminal Code Act 1995 to: insert a new definition of —€˜terrorist act—€™; remove the offences of —€˜reckless possession of a thing—€™, sedition, and associating with a terrorist organisation; amend the reference to —€˜fostering the doing of—€™ a terrorist act in the definition of —€˜terrorist organisation—€™; provide for terrorist organisations to be prescribed in regulations; and amend the —€˜supporting—€™ offence; Crimes Act 1914 to: remove —€˜investigative dead time—€™ from the calculation of dead time; and remove the presumption against bail for certain offences; and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 in relation to the questioning and detention of terrorism suspects. Also repeals the National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2012-2013

Appropriates additional money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the ordinary annual services of the government, in addition to the appropriations provided for by the Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2012-2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 14/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 18/3/13

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 21, 2013

Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2012-2013

Appropriates additional money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for certain expenditure, in addition to the appropriations provided for by the Appropriation Act (No. 2) 2012-2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 14/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 18/3/13

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 22, 2013

Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2013-2014

Appropriates money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the ordinary annual services of the government.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 107, 2013

Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2013-2014

Appropriates money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for certain expenditure.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 108, 2013

Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2013-2014

Appropriates money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for expenditure in relation to the parliamentary departments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 109, 2013

Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Bill 2013

The bill: establishes the independent statutory office of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency; provides for the functions, appointment, terms and conditions of appointment of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the agency, and enables the CEO to appoint committees; provides for staff and consultants; establishes the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council to provide advice to the CEO and the minister as required; provides for the agency—€™s reporting requirements; requires a review of the agency to be undertaken after five years; and requires the minister to present a report of the review to Parliament.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 3/6/13

CID amendments: 24 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/5/13

Assent: 21/6/13; Act No. 58, 2013

PS Assisting Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Brandis —€“ LP)

Establishes a framework to provide financial assistance to persons or their next of kin who are injured or killed as a result of an international terrorist act.

Senate: Intro. 1/3/12; 2nd reading adjourned 1/3/12, 15/3/12, 22/3/12

SBC report 2/12 (tabled and adopted 1/3/12): No reference

SBC report 4/12 (tabled and adopted 22/3/12): Order varied: Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 10/5/12

2nd reading amendment: 1 AG/pending

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Australia Council Bill 2013

Introduced with the Australia Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013, the bill: provides for the functions, powers and governance structure and arrangements of the Australia Council; establishes a governing board and provides for the terms and conditions of appointed board members, procedures of the board, and enables the board to establish committees; provides for the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer and staff and consultants; requires an annual corporate plan to be prepared; provides for financial arrangements; and provides for annual reporting requirements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Climate Change, Environment and the Arts Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 16/5/13

CID amendments: 5 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 9/5/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Committee amendments: 8 Opp/negatived

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 71, 2013

Australia Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Australia Council Bill 2013, the bill: repeals the Australia Council Act 1975; and enables the Australia Council to continue to operate during the transition period.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Climate Change, Environment and the Arts Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 16/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 9/5/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 72, 2013

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Bill 2013

Part of a package of five bills in relation to the Living Longer Living Better aged care package, the bill: establishes the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency to replace the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency from 1 January 2014; provides for the functions, powers, appointment, and terms and conditions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Quality Agency; provides for staff and consultants; establishes the Aged Care Quality Advisory Council to advise the CEO; requires the Quality Agency to develop strategic and operational development plans; provides for the Quality Agency—€™s reporting requirements; and provides for the use and disclosure of protected information by the Quality Agency.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 79, 2013

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Part of a package of five bills in relation to the Living Longer Living Better aged care package, the bill enables the transition of the functions of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency to the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency from 1 January 2014 by providing for the transfer of: assets and liabilities; the custody of records of documents; and office holders and staff.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 78, 2013

PS Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (International Broadcasting Services) Bill 2011

(Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 to provide that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is the sole provider of Commonwealth-funded international broadcasting services.

Senate: Intro. 10/11/11; Discharged from Notice Paper 15/5/13

SBC report 1/12 (tabled and adopted 9/2/12): No reference

Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 to enable the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly to determine the size of the Assembly with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members of the Assembly.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 12/3/13

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 21/3/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 28, 2013

L Australian Capital Territory Water Management Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988 to provide that the abstraction of water on National Land and by Commonwealth agencies throughout the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) will be managed by the ACT Government; Water Act 2007 to enable the water resources of the Googong Dam Area to be included in a water resource plan area for which the ACT has responsibility; and Canberra Water Supply (Googong Dam) Act 1974 to ensure that the ACT Executive has the appropriate powers to manage the surface waters of the Googong Dam.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee 30/5/13; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

S Australian Capital Territory Water Management Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988 to provide that the abstraction of water on National Land and by Commonwealth agencies throughout the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) will be managed by the ACT Government; Water Act 2007 to enable the water resources of the Googong Dam Area to be included in a water resource plan area for which the ACT has responsibility; and Canberra Water Supply (Googong Dam) Act 1974 to ensure that the ACT Executive has the appropriate powers to manage the surface waters of the Googong Dam.

Senate: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 11/12/13

Assent: 17/12/13; Act No. 147, 2013

PM Australian Citizenship Amendment (Defence Service Requirement) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Robert —€“ LP)

Amends the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 to ensure that spouses and dependent children of eligible Australian Defence Force (ADF) lateral transfer members (persons who have served in another nation—€™s armed forces and have migrated to Australia to join the ADF) are eligible for citizenship at the same time as the ADF lateral transfer member.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/5/12; Removed from Notice Paper 12/2/13

Australian Citizenship Amendment (Special Residence Requirements) Bill 2013

Amends the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 to enable the minister to apply alternative residence requirements to certain applicants for Australian citizenship by conferral.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 5/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 21/6/13; Act No. 57, 2013

Australian Civilian Corps Amendment Bill 2013

Following the integration of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 1 November 2013, the bill amends the: Australian Civilian Corps Act 2011 to: transfer the powers and functions of the Director-General of AusAID to the secretary of the department; and update related references; and Australian Civilian Corps Regulations 2011, Prime Minister—€™s Australian Civilian Corps Directions 2012 and Director-General—€™s Australian Civilian Corps Directions 2011 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 3/12/13

Senate: Intro. 4/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 140, 2013

Australian Education Bill 2013

(Previous title: Australian Education Bill 2012)

The bill: establishes goals for Australian schooling; and provides for: grants of financial assistance to states and territories for schools; recurrent funding for participating schools; recurrent funding for non-participating schools through national specific purpose payments; capital funding, special circumstances funding and funding for non-government representative bodies; approval of authorities and bodies to receive Commonwealth funding; implementation plans; actions the minister may take for non-compliance, including requiring amounts to be repaid; rules relating to applications; reviewable decisions; and administrative arrangements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 5/6/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 29/5/13; erratum tabled 3/6/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

CID amendments: 18 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 13/3/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

2nd reading amendments: 1 Opp/negatived; 1 AG/negatived

Committee amendments: 3 AG/negatived

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 67, 2013

Australian Education (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Consequential on the Australian Education Bill 2013, the bill: amends the: Federal Financial Relations Act 2009 to: enable national specific purpose payments for schools to be transitioned from financial year to calendar year appropriations; and repeal a spent provision relating to financial assistance for the 2008-09 financial year; and Schools Assistance Act 2008 to cease calendar year funding for non-government schools for capital purposes from the end of the 2013 calendar year; and contains transitional provisions, including providing for certain approvals and determinations to be deemed to have been made in reference to schools and authorities existing prior to 1 January 2014.

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/6/13; Passed 19/6/13

SC report no. 84 (tabled 5/6/13): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 68, 2013

ED Australian Jobs Bill 2013

Proposes to: require private and public projects with a capital expenditure of $500 million or more to develop an Australian Industry Participation (AIP) plan; establish the Australian Industry Participation Authority to administer and monitor AIP plan compliance; provide for the appointment, terms and conditions of the authority; provide for staff and consultants; establish the Australian Industry Participation Advisory Board to advise the authority and the minister as required; provide for the authority—€™s reporting requirements; require a review of the operation of the legislation within five years; and require the minister to present a report of the review to Parliament.

Senate: Exposure draft tabled 20/3/13

Reference: Exposure draft referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee 21/3/13; report presented out of sitting 10/5/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Australian Jobs Bill 2013

The bill: requires private and public projects with a capital expenditure of $500 million or more to develop an Australian Industry Participation (AIP) plan; establishes the Australian Industry Participation Authority to administer and monitor AIP plan compliance; provides for the appointment, terms and conditions of the authority; provides for staff and consultants; establishes the Australian Industry Participation Advisory Board to advise the authority and the minister as required; provides for the authority—€™s reporting requirements; requires a review of the operation of the legislation within five years; and requires the minister to present a report of the review to Parliament.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 28/5/13

CID amendments: 2 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 3/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Committee amendments: 3 DLP-Ind (Xenophon)/negatived; 2 AG/withdrawn

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 69, 2013

PM Australian Ownership Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Limits foreign investment in Australian agribusiness and agricultural land by: requiring the Foreign Investment Review Board to review certain foreign investment proposals and make recommendations to the Treasurer if the proposal is contrary to the national interest; enabling the Treasurer to prohibit a proposed investment and providing for penalties for contravention of the prohibition; and preventing a foreign person or bodies from holding ownership interests of more than 49 per cent in an agribusiness or a parcel of land of more than four hectares.

House of Representatives: Intro. 3/6/13; Read a 1st time 3/6/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Australian Research Council Act 2001 to: apply indexation adjustments for existing schemes for the financial years starting 1 July 2013, 2014 and 2015; and set an additional funding cap for the financial year starting 1 July 2016.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 10/12/13

Senate: Intro. 10/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 10/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

S Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 to: provide the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) Chief Executive Officer or their delegate with the power to issue a disclosure notice to compel persons to attend an interview with an investigator and to produce information and documents or things relevant to the administration of the National Anti-Doping Scheme; impose penalties for failing to comply with a disclosure notice; clarify the role of the Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel; provide that conflict of interest provisions apply to matters relating to activities of the panel or the Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee; and clarify that the eight-year statute of limitations specified in the World Anti-Doping Code applies in Australia—€™s anti-doping arrangements; and Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 and Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989 to enable Australia Post to share information with ASADA.

Senate: Intro. 6/2/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 1/13 (tabled and adopted 7/2/13): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/3/13

Committee amendments: 8 Govt/passed; 6 AG/passed

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 126, 2013

PM Aviation Laws Amendment (Australian Ownership and Operation) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Air Navigation Act 1920 and Civil Aviation Act 1988 to provide that Australian international and domestic air services are Australian owned and operated, that is, at least 51 per cent owned by Australian citizens or residents, at least 80 per cent of the operator—€™s aircraft maintenance is carried out in Australia, and with aircrews comprised only of persons domiciled in Australia.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Read a 1st time 11/2/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Aviation Transport Security Amendment (Inbound Cargo Security Enhancement) Bill 2013

Amends the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 to: enable the minister to prohibit the carriage of certain air cargo into Australian territory on an aircraft; and make a technical amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 50, 2013

PM Banking Amendment (Banking Code of Conduct) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Amends the Banking Act 1959 to provide for: the minister to make, by legislative instrument, a mandatory Banking Code of Conduct stipulating standards to be complied with by authorised deposit-taking institutions when dealing with their customers; the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to accept and investigate complaints by bank customers and to name banks found to be non-compliant; amendments to the code to be made after consultation; and a three-yearly review of the code.

House of Representatives: Intro. 10/9/12; Removed from Notice Paper 18/6/13

PS Banking Amendment (Controls on Variable Interest Rate Changes) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Banking Act 1959 to require authorised deposit-taking institutions for a 24-month period to: not increase variable interest rate loans and mortgages by more than the Reserve Bank interest rate increases; and not decrease variable interest rate loans and mortgages by less than the Reserve Bank interest rate decreases.

Senate: Intro. 18/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 18/11/10

SBC report 15/10 (tabled and adopted 26/11/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Banking Amendment (Delivering Essential Financial Services) Bill 2010 (No. 2)

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Banking Act 1959 to: require banks to offer basic transaction accounts and to limit other fees to cost recovery; provide that transactions at a bank—€™s own-branded ATMs are free of charge; cap charges for the use of a bank—€™s ATMs by customers of another authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI); require ADIs to offer fixed interest gap loans and mortgages; cap mortgage and loan exit fees at cost recovery; and require uniform identification of exit fees in advertising and in mortgage and loan contracts.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 12/10 (tabled and adopted 27/10/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Banking Amendment (Unclaimed Money) Bill 2013

Amends the Banking Act 1959 to: exempt reactivated accounts from being reported and transferred to the Commonwealth as unclaimed moneys; and allow the Treasurer to refund moneys to authorised deposit-taking institutions that are collected unnecessarily.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 90, 2013

PS Bankruptcy Amendment (Exceptional Circumstances Exit Package) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Bankruptcy Regulations 1996 to provide that payments made under the Exceptional Circumstances Exit Package on or after 1 July 2010 are exempt from bankruptcy proceedings where a final order in bankruptcy has not been finalised by the courts or the debts paid.

Senate: Intro. 5/7/11; 2nd reading adjourned 5/7/11

SBC report 9/11 (tabled and adopted 7/7/11): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 21/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

S Biosecurity Bill 2012 [2013]

L Introduced with the Inspector-General of Biosecurity Bill 2012 [2013], the bill responds to the Nairn and Beale reviews by providing for a modern regulatory framework (which reflects and replaces the Quarantine Act 1908) to: manage biosecurity risks, the risk of contagion of a listed human disease, the risk of listed human diseases entering Australian territory, risks related to ballast water, biosecurity emergencies and human biosecurity emergencies; and give effect to Australia—€™s international rights and obligations, including the World Health Organization—€™s International Health Regulations and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Senate: Intro. 28/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 28/11/12

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; interim report presented out of sitting 12/2/13 and tabled 25/2/13; extensions of time for final report 26/2/13, 20/6/13; final report due 27/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Anti-Siphoning) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the: Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to provide that a notice to amend the anti-siphoning list does not come into effect until the expiration of six sitting days of each House of Parliament after the notice is tabled in that House; and Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (No. 1) 2004 to remove the expiry date from the current anti-siphoning list.

Senate: Intro. 23/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 23/11/10

SBC report 15/10 (tabled and adopted 26/11/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Convergence Review and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill amends the: Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: provide that no additional commercial television broadcasting licences will be made available to enable a fourth commercial television network; impose an Australian content transmission quota on commercial television broadcasting licensees; enable Australian content sub-quotas to be satisfied by any transmission by a licensee; provide that one hour of a first release Australian drama program counts as two hours for the purposes of a transmission quota; enable the minister to direct the Australian Communications and Media Authority in relation to its program standards making powers; and remove the requirement for a review of content and captioning rules applicable to multi-channelled television broadcasting services; Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 to: include digital media services in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation—€™s (ABC) charter; prohibit certain advertising on the ABC—€™s digital media services; and provide that the ABC or its prescribed companies are the only providers of Commonwealth-funded international broadcasting services; and Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 to: require the minister to have regard to the need to ensure that at least one of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) non-executive directors is an Indigenous person; and include digital media services in SBS—€™s charter.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 19/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13

CID amendments: 2 Opp/negatived; 2 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

Committee amendments: 2 AG/negatived; 1 item opposed (Opp)/item agreed to; 1 Ind (Xenophon)/withdrawn

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 29, 2013

Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend) Bill 2013

Amends the: Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: provide that a designated datacasting service is a datacasting service provided by a commercial television broadcasting licensee, a commercial radio broadcasting licensee or a national broadcaster, or is of a kind specified by the minister; and generally require that providers of designated datacasting services hold datacasting licences; Radiocommunications Act 1992 to require the minister to direct the Australian Communications and Media Authority to review and report on the provision of spectrum for low interference potential device class licenses and provide a transition pathway for such licences by 30 July 2013; and Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and Radiocommunications Act 1992 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 18/3/13

SC report no. 76 (tabled 13/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; report tabled 18/3/13

CID amendments: 2 Opp/passed

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 51, 2013

Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (News Media Diversity) Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill amends the: Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005 to enable the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to provide certain information to the Public Interest Media Advocate; and Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: provide for a public interest test, administered by the Public Interest Media Advocate, to apply to transactions between registered news media voices of national significance; and establish the Register of News Media Voices to be administered by the ACMA.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Discharged from Notice Paper 21/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13


SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

PS Broadcasting Services Amendment (Advertising for Sports Betting) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Di Natale —€“ AG)

Amends the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: prohibit the advertising of odds for sports betting at any time; restrict advertisements for sports betting on television and radio after 9.00 pm; prohibit the broadcasting of information about sports odds within 30 minutes of a sports broadcast or a sports-related broadcast; and prohibit the promotion of sports betting products and services outside commercial breaks.

Senate: Intro. 15/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 15/5/13, 20/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

House of Representatives:

Reference (see item 31, Votes and Proceedings 29/9/10): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 15/5/13; report presented to Senate out of sitting 7/6/13; report tabled in House and Senate 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Broadcasting Services Amendment (Advertising for Sports Betting) Bill 2013
L [No. 2]

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: prohibit the advertising of odds for sports betting at any time; restrict advertisements for sports betting on television and radio after 9.00 pm; prohibit the broadcasting of information about sports odds within 30 minutes of a sports broadcast or a sports-related broadcast; and prohibit the promotion of sports betting products and services outside commercial breaks.

House of Representatives: Intro. 3/6/13; Read a 1st time 3/6/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

Reference: see Broadcasting Services Amendment (Advertising for Sports Betting) Bill 2013 above

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

S Broadcasting Services Amendment (Anti-siphoning) Bill 2012 [2013]

L Amends the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 in relation to free-to-air television coverage of anti-siphoning events to: restrict the acquisition of rights to televise anti-siphoning events by subscription television licensees; restrict the conferral of online coverage rights on content service providers; impose coverage obligations on free-to-air broadcasting (anti-hoarding rules); impose notification requirements concerning the acquisition and cessation of rights to televise anti-siphoning events, or entitlements to confer such rights, on commercial television broadcasting licensees, national broadcasters and their program suppliers; and require the minister to cause a review of anti-siphoning before 31 December 2014.

Senate: Intro. 22/3/12; 2nd reading adjourned 22/3/12, 12/9/12

SBC report 4/12 (tabled and adopted 22/3/12): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 4/5/12 and tabled 10/5/12

2nd reading amendment: 1 AG/pending

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Broadcasting Services Amendment (Material of Local Significance) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Broadcasting Act Services Act 1992 to include regional South Australia in the areas to which regional aggregated commercial television broadcasting licences apply so that specific local content requirements are met.

Senate: Intro. 12/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/3/13

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee 13/3/13; interim report presented out of sitting 29/4/13 and tabled 14/5/13; extension of time for final report 14/5/13; final report tabled 18/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Broadcasting Services Amendment (Public Interest Test) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to enable the Australian Communications and Media Authority to apply a public interest test to changes in the control of certain media operations on or after 28 June 2012.

Senate: Intro. 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12); 2nd reading adjourned 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12)

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Building and Construction Industry (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013, the bill: repeals the Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012; makes consequential amendments to the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977, Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-Vesting) Act 1987; amends the proposed Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2013 as a consequence of new Australian Privacy Principles; and provides for transitional arrangements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 12/12/13


SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13; correction tabled 3/12/13

Reference: Provisions of bill and related matter referred to Senate Education and Employment References Committee 4/12/13; report due last sitting day in March 2014 (27/3/14)

Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Building and Construction Industry (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013, the bill: re-establishes the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner (ABC Commissioner) and the Australian Building and Construction Commission; enables the minister to issue a Building Code; provides for the appointment and functions of the Federal Safety Commissioner; prohibits certain unlawful industrial action; prohibits coercion, discrimination and unenforceable agreements; provides the ABC Commissioner with powers to obtain information; provides for orders for contraventions of civil remedy provisions and other enforcement powers; and makes miscellaneous amendments in relation to: self-incrimination; protection of liability against officials; admissible records and documents, protection and disclosure of information; powers of the Commissioner in certain proceedings; and jurisdiction of courts.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 12/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived


SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13; correction tabled 3/12/13

Reference: Provisions of bill and related matter referred to Senate Education and Employment References Committee 4/12/13; report due last sitting day in March 2014 (27/3/14)

PS Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Workplace Rights) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Repeals the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Act 2005 and Building and Construction Industry Improvement (Consequential and Transitional) Act 2005.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Carbon Tax Plebiscite Bill 2011 [No. 2]

L (Introduced by Senator Abetz —€“ LP)

The bill: provides for a national plebiscite to be held by 26 November 2011 to ascertain whether the electorate supports the introduction of a price on carbon; requires the Electoral Commissioner to provide the minister with a statement of the results of the plebiscite; and requires the minister to table the statement in both Houses of Parliament.

Senate: Intro. 21/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 21/6/11, 7/7/11, 15/9/11

SBC report 8/11 (tabled and adopted 23/6/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Charities Bill 2013

Introduced with the Charities (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013, the bill defines charity and charitable purpose for the purposes of all Commonwealth legislation.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 18/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 100, 2013

Charities (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Charities Bill 2013, the bill: makes consequential amendments to 13 Acts and the proposed Charities Act 2013; repeals the Extension of Charitable Purpose Act 2004; and makes transitional arrangements for the registration of new subtypes of entities with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and to preserve the charitable status of certain entities.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 18/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 96, 2013

PS Choice of Repairer Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

Requires motor vehicle manufacturers to provide access to information and diagnostic tools to the vehicle repair, servicing, replacement parts and accessories sectors.

Senate: Intro. 24/6/10; 2nd reading adjourned 24/6/10

SBC report 10/10 (tabled and adopted 24/6/10): Consideration deferred

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 30/9/10

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Madigan —€“ DLP)

Enables Australian citizens to initiate legislation that provides for the holding of a referendum to alter the Constitution by: setting out the process to be followed and the requirements to be met; providing for rules applicable to the holding of a citizen initiated referendum; setting the first referendum year as 2016 and every fourth year after that; and providing for related miscellaneous matters.

Senate: Intro. 12/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/3/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Online Games) Bill 2011

Amends the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 to remove the requirement for certain mobile phone and online games to be classified for two years while the Australian Law Reform Commission undertakes a review of the National Classification Scheme.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/10/11; Passed 2/11/11

Senate: Intro. 3/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 3/11/11

SBC report 15/11 (tabled and adopted 3/11/11): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 9/2/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation (Abolition) Bill 2013

Further to the package of bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill: repeals the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012 to abolish the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC); amends the Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011 and Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 to make amendments consequent on the repeal; abolishes the CEFC Transitional Special Account established as a temporary measure; and enables the transfer of the corporation—€™s assets and liabilities to the Commonwealth.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; Negatived at 2nd reading 10/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

2nd reading amendments: 2 Opp/passed

Clean Energy (Income Tax Rates and Other Amendments) Bill 2013

Further to the package of bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the: Clean Energy (Income Tax Rates Amendments) Act 2011 to maintain the tax-free threshold and second personal marginal tax rate; and Clean Energy (Tax Laws Amendments) Act 2011 to maintain the maximum value, withdrawal rate and threshold rate for the low-income tax offset.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill: repeals the six Acts which established the carbon pricing mechanism; amends 13 Acts to make amendments consequent on the repeals; enables the payment and future enforcement of carbon tax liabilities for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 financial years; amends the: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: prohibit carbon tax-related price exploitation and false or misleading representations about the carbon tax repeal; and provide the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission with additional price monitoring powers in relation to the repeal; Clean Energy (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to remove the conservation tillage tax offset; and Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011 to change the future funding for the agency; and repeals the Steel Transformation Plan Act 2011 to cease carbon tax-related assistance to steel industry businesses.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

2nd reading amendments: 1 Opp/negatived; 1 AG to Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Climate Change Authority (Abolition) Bill 2013

Further to the package of bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill: repeals the Climate Change Authority Act 2011 to abolish the authority; amends the: Clean Energy Act 2011, Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 to provide for certain periodic reviews of climate change measures to be undertaken by the minister; and Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001, Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011, Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997 to make amendments consequent on the repeal; and enables the transfer of the authority—€™s assets and liabilities to the Commonwealth.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13, 10/12/13, 11/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/pending

PS Commonwealth Electoral (Above-the-Line Voting) Amendment Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to repeal provisions relating to group voting tickets and provide for preferential above-the-line voting for Senate elections.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Above the Line Voting) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: remove group voting tickets; and provide for an optional preferential system for voting above and below the line for Senate elections.

Senate: Intro. 13/11/13; 2nd reading adjourned 13/11/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/12/13

Reference: Bill referred to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters 12/12/13

PS Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Leaders—€™ Debate Commission) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: establish a Leaders—€™ Debate Commission to implement a system to convene three or more debates between the leaders of each registered political party prior to a federal election; provide for the appointment, functions and powers of a commissioner and seven deputy commissioners; and include a reporting requirement and a regulation making power.

Senate: Intro. 25/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 25/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Political Donations and Other Measures) Bill 2010

Amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: reduce the disclosure threshold to $1000; require certain persons making gifts at or above the threshold to furnish returns within specified time periods; ensure that for the purposes of the threshold related political parties are treated as one entity; prohibit the receipt of a gift of foreign property and certain anonymous gifts by registered political parties, candidates and members of a Senate group; provide that public funding of election campaigning is limited to the lesser amount of either the actual electoral expenditure or the amount awarded per vote where the four per cent threshold is satisfied; include five additional categories of electoral expenditure in relation to the rental of premises, payment of additional staff, purchase and hire of office equipment, consumables and running costs for equipment and travel and accommodation; prevent sitting members of Parliament from claiming electoral expenditure if allowances, entitlements or benefits received are used to meet that expenditure; extend existing recovery powers; and introduce new offences and penalties and increase penalties for existing offences.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/10/10; Passed 17/11/10

SC report no. 3 (tabled 21/10/10): No reference

Senate: Intro. 17/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 17/11/10

SBC report 12/10 (tabled and adopted 27/10/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Tobacco Industry Donations) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to create offences to prohibit political parties or candidates from receiving donations from manufacturers or wholesalers of tobacco products.

Senate: Intro. 15/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 15/6/11

SBC report 8/11 (tabled and adopted 23/6/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act 1911 to increase the cap on the face value of stock and securities that can be on issue under the Treasurer—€™s standing borrowing authority to $500 billion.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 13/11/13

CID amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 14/11/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): No reference

Committee amendment: 1 Opp/passed

[House disagreed to Senate amendment 14/11/13; Senate did not insist on its amendment and agreed to an AG request for an amendment in its place, and agreed to 2 AG further amendments 9/12/13; House made Senate request for an amendment and agreed to further Senate amendments 9/12/13]

Assent: 10/12/13; Act No. 135, 2013

PS Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Repeal and Consequential Amendment) Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Repeals the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act 2005 and makes a consequential amendment to the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; Discharged from Notice Paper 15/5/13

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

PS Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Country of Origin Food
L Labelling) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: create specific requirements for country of origin labelling for food; extend country of origin labelling to all packaged and unpackaged food for retail sale; restrict the range of labelling to three kinds of claim; and create penalties and defences; and Imported Food Control Act 1992 to make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 16/5/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Food Labelling) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: create specific requirements for country of origin labelling for food; provide that the labelling is based on the ingoing weight of the ingredients and components; and create penalties and defences; and Imported Food Control Act 1992 to make a consequential amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 17/9/12; Removed from Notice Paper 25/6/13

SC report no. 66 (tabled 20/9/12): Bill referred to House Economics Committee

PS Competition and Consumer Amendment (Australian Food Labelling) Bill 2012 (No. 2)

(Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: create specific requirements for country of origin labelling for food; provide that the labelling is based on the ingoing weight of the ingredients and components; and create penalties and defences; and Imported Food Control Act 1992 to make a consequential amendment.

Senate: Intro. 17/9/12; Discharged from Notice Paper 15/5/13

SBC report 12/12 (tabled and adopted 20/9/12): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/11/12; report presented out of sitting 25/3/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Competition and Consumer Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to insert a regulation making power to enable regulations to be made to provide exemptions from the single pricing requirements in the Australian Consumer Law.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 104, 2013

PM Competition and Consumer Amendment (Strengthening Rules About Misuse of
L Market Power) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Mr Oakeshott —€“ Ind)

Amends the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to: extend the misuse of market power to restrictive trade practices which result in the lessening of competition in the supply chain; and enable the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to request a supply chain impact statement from a corporation believed to be involved in restrictive trade practices and for the publication of the statement.

House of Representatives: Intro. 17/6/13

Federation Chamber: Referred 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 24/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Completion of Kakadu National Park (Koongarra Project Area Repeal) Bill 2013

Repeals the Koongarra Project Area Act 1981 as part of the process to incorporate the Koongarra area into Kakadu National Park.

House of Representatives: Intro. 6/2/13; Passed 13/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 14/3/13

SBC report 1/13 (tabled and adopted 7/2/13): No reference

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 31, 2013

Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 2013

Amends the Constitution to make specific provision in relation to the granting of financial assistance by the Commonwealth to local government bodies.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 5/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

[The bill was passed by an absolute majority of each House of the Parliament —€“ see section 128 of the Constitution.]

PS Constitutional Corporations (Farm Gate to Plate) Bill 2011 [No. 2]

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

The bill: requires certain constitutional corporations (primarily grocery retailers) to display the producer price of fruit and vegetable produce; and imposes penalties for breaching the requirement.

Senate: Intro. 13/9/11; 2nd reading adjourned 13/9/11

SBC report 12/11 (tabled and adopted 15/9/11): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 25/11/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Fees) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the: National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 to provide that: credit fees or charges relating to credit contracts must be reasonable; and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission may apply for a court order to annul or reduce a credit fee or charge it determines not to be reasonable; and Banking Act 1959 to require the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to prohibit banks with a market share of more than 10 per cent from imposing early termination fees in relation to loan agreements or mortgage contracts.

Senate: Intro. 21/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 21/6/11

SBC report 9/11 (tabled and adopted 7/7/11): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Copyright Legislation Amendment (Fair Go for Fair Use) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Copyright Act 1968 to: provide that digital locks or technical protection measures that restrict accessibility for the visually impaired and disabled are removed; provide legal protection to universities, libraries, schools, cultural institutions, content service providers and internet service providers from being sued when other persons have accessed certain online content; remove geocodes from the use of overseas content; and provide for a fair use exception.

Senate: Intro. 27/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 20/9/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Corporations Amendment (Simple Corporate Bonds and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the Corporations Act 2001 to: require body corporates to issue a two-part simple corporate bonds prospectus when certain bond issuances occur; enable simple corporate bonds to be traded using simple retail corporate bonds depository interests; provide that directors have liability for any misinformation in a disclosure document in certain circumstances; and provide that the use of the terms —€˜financial planner—€™ and —€˜financial adviser—€™ are restricted to those with licences to provide advice on designated financial products.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 28/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in House and Senate 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 17/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Corporations and Financial Sector Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Payments Systems and Netting Act 1998 to provide that client positions and associated collateral of a defaulting participant in a clearing facility may be ported to another solvent participant despite legislative impediments; Corporations Act 2001 to: enable the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to determine how often they assess compliance by particular Australian market licence and clearing and settlement facility licence holders with their legal obligations; and make consequential amendments; Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 to: extend the powers of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services to inquire into and report on the operation of any foreign business law which may affect the operation of the corporations law; require ASIC to report annually on the use of its information gathering powers and on additional information if required by the minister; and make consequential amendments; Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 and Mutual Assistance in Business Regulation Act 1992 to authorise ASIC to disclose protected information to international business regulators; Reserve Bank Act 1959 to enable the RBA to disclose protected information to external persons and bodies; and Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 and Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 to enable the Clean Energy Regulator to share protected information with licensed and prescribed trade repositories.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 28/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in House and Senate 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 21/6/13; Act No. 59, 2013

Court Security Bill 2013

Introduced with the Court Security (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013, the bill enables all federal courts, the Family Court of Western Australia and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to manage security issues by: allowing them to appoint persons as security officers and authorised court officers; prescribing powers that security officers are able to exercise; prescribing offences; enabling judicial officers of court exercising family law jurisdiction to make restraining or protective type orders in certain circumstances; providing for immunity from suit of security officers; providing for compensation for damage to certain devices or data; and enabling the delegation of certain powers and functions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 128, 2013

Court Security (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Court Security Bill 2013, the bill amends the Public Order (Protection of Persons and Property) Act 1971 to remove provisions which overlap with the proposed Court Security Act 2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 129, 2013

Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration) Act 2013)

Amends the: Native Title Act 1993 to: enable the transfer of the National Native Title Tribunal—€™s appropriations, staff and some of its administrative functions to the Federal Court of Australia; and provide that the tribunal is no longer a statutory agency for the purposes of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the Public Service Act 1999; Family Law Act 1975 and Federal Circuit Court of Australia Act 1999 to enable the merger of the administrative functions of the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia, including by establishing a single Chief Executive Officer position for both courts; and Ombudsman Act 1976 to make a consequential amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 31/10/12; Passed 12/2/13

SC report no. 72 (tabled 1/11/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 11/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/11/12; report tabled 25/2/13

Assent: 12/3/13; Act No. 7, 2013

PS Crimes Amendment (Fairness for Minors) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Crimes Act 1914 to define timeframes and set up evidentiary procedures for age determination and prosecution of non-citizens who are suspected or accused of people smuggling offences under the Migration Act 1958 who may have been minors at the time the offences were allegedly committed.

Senate: Intro. 23/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 23/11/11

SBC report 17/11 (tabled and adopted 25/11/11): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 28/2/12; report presented out of sitting 4/4/12 and tabled 10/5/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Law Enforcement Integrity, Vulnerable Witness Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the: Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 to: authorise Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) staff to provide AUSTRAC information to the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) with appropriate protection for that information; enable AUSTRAC to conduct internal reviews of certain decisions; create an exception to an offence and extend certain offences; enable the Clean Energy Regulator and the Integrity Commission of Tasmania to access AUSTRAC data; and enable AUSTRAC to engage private sector secondees; Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 to: require certain evidence to only be given in private; and enable ACLEI to second employees of the Australian Federal Police and other unsworn police officers; Crimes Act 1914 and Criminal Code Act 1995 in relation to victims of slavery, slavery-like and human trafficking offences to: extend vulnerable witness protections to adult victims and to enable evidence to be given in retrials and subsequent trials; provide for the use of victim impact statements; and enable courts to hear evidence by video-link from witnesses outside Australia; Crimes Act 1914 to remove wrist x-ray as a prescribed age determination procedure; Migration Act 1958 to: ensure that the prosecution bears the onus of proof in establishing age; enable the use of evidentiary certificates in the prosecution of people smuggling offences; and provide that all the time spent in immigration detention or on remand prior to sentencing is recognised in the sentencing of those convicted of people smuggling offences; International Transfer of Prisoners Act 1997 and International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995 to enable Australia to recognise the United Nations—€™ International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals; Australian Federal Police Act 1979 to enable the minister to enter into certain arrangements with either the administrator or the minister responsible for an external territory; and Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 to make a technical amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 26/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 74, 2013

L Crimes Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012

Amends the: Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to respond to recommendations of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement report Inquiry into Commonwealth unexplained wealth legislation and arrangements by: ensuring that evidence relevant to unexplained wealth proceedings can be seized under a search warrant; allowing the time limit for serving notice of a preliminary unexplained wealth order to be extended by a court in certain circumstances; harmonising provisions relating to the payment of legal expenses for unexplained wealth cases; allowing charges to be created over restrained property to secure payment of an unexplained wealth order; removing a court—€™s discretion to make unexplained wealth restraining orders, preliminary unexplained wealth orders and unexplained wealth orders once relevant criteria are satisfied; and expanding the parliamentary joint committee—€™s oversight of unexplained wealth investigations and litigation; and Criminal Code Act 1995 to: provide that cross-border firearms trafficking offences cover firearm parts; introduce aggravated offences for dealing in 50 or more firearms and firearm parts; increase the penalties for illegal importation or exportation of larger numbers of firearms; and introduce aggravated offences for importing or exporting 50 or more firearms or firearm parts during a six month period.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 5/2/13

Senate: Intro. 6/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 6/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 13/3/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Act 2013)

Amends the: Criminal Code Act 1995 to: insert offences of forced labour, forced marriage, organ trafficking and harbouring a victim; ensure the slavery offence applies to conduct which renders a person a slave, as well as conduct involving a person who is already a slave; extend the application of existing offences of deceptive recruiting and sexual servitude to non-sexual servitude and all forms of deceptive recruiting; increase penalties for debt bondage offences; broaden the definition of exploitation to include all slavery-like practices; and amend existing definitions to provide that the broadest range of exploitative conduct is criminalised; Crimes Act 1914 to increase the availability of reparation orders to individual victims of Commonwealth offences; and Crimes Act 1914, Migration Act 1958, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/12; Passed 22/8/12

SC report no. 55 (tabled 31/5/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 28/6/12

Senate: Intro. 22/8/12; Passed 27/2/13

SBC report 6/12 (tabled and adopted 19/6/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 13/9/12

Committee amendments: 5 Opp/negatived; 4 DLP/negatived

Assent: 7/3/13; Act No. 6, 2013

PS Criminal Code Amendment (Harming Australians) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Criminal Code Act 1995 to extend provisions that make it an offence to murder, commit manslaughter or intentionally or recklessly cause serious harm to an Australian citizen or resident outside Australia to conduct that occurred before 1 October 2002.

Senate: Intro. 11/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 11/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report due 4/3/14

PS Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Criminal Code Act 1995 to: create a criminal offence for a person over 18 years of age to intentionally misrepresent their age in online communications to a person they reasonably believe to be under 18 years of age for the purposes of encouraging a physical meeting, or with the intention of committing an offence; and impose penalties.

Senate: Intro. 26/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 26/2/13, 27/6/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 27/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Criminal Code Act 1995 to: create a criminal offence for a person over 18 years of age to intentionally misrepresent their age in online communications to a person they reasonably believe to be under 16 years of age for the purposes of encouraging a physical meeting, or with the intention of committing an offence; and impose penalties.

Senate: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report due 19/2/14

PS Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends Part XVB of the Customs Act 1901 to: provide that the importer of goods which are subject to anti-dumping applications bears the onus of proof to prove that the goods have not been dumped or subsidised for export into Australia; provide a presumption that where dumping and material injury have been proven, the material injury is the result of the dumping; enable new or updated information to be provided at various stages; allow supporting evidence for an application for dumping to be provided 90 days prior; enable preliminary affirmative decisions to be initiated once an investigation is started; allow consultation with industry experts as part of the investigation and review processes; and enable decisions to be referred to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for appeal. Also provides for an independent review of the first two years of the operation of the amended Part.

Senate: Intro. 2/3/11; 2nd reading adjourned 2/3/11

SBC report 2/11 (tabled and adopted 3/3/11): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 22/6/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Commission) Bill 2013

Amends the: Customs Act 1901 to: establish the Anti-Dumping Commission within the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service; and confer on the commissioner powers in relation to anti-dumping matters; and Customs Administration Act 1985, Criminal Code Act 1995 and Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 6/2/13; Passed 14/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 14/3/13

SBC report 1/13 (tabled and adopted 7/2/13): No reference

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 32, 2013

Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Commission Transfer) Bill 2013

Amends the: Customs Act 1901 to transfer the Anti-Dumping Commission from the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service to the Department of Industry; and Customs Administration Act 1985, Criminal Code Act 1995 and Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 139, 2013

Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping Measures) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Amendment Bill 2013, the bill amends the Customs Act 1901 to: remove, in certain circumstances, the minister—€™s mandatory consideration of the lesser duty rule; align the retrospective duties provisions of the anti-dumping system with the relevant World Trade Organization agreements; clarify that the minister is the decision maker for certain findings; and provide for a circumvention activity to address sales at a loss and other similar practices.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

CID amendment: 1 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

2nd reading amendment: 1 DLP-Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

Committee amendments: 2 AG/negatived; 8 DLP-Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 95, 2013

Customs Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Customs Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Act 2013)

Amends the: Customs Act 1901 to: make it an offence to bring into Australia without a permit, certain prohibited imports to be known as restricted goods; and make technical amendments in relation to the: entry of ships or aircraft for home consumption or warehousing; valuation of imported goods; designation of customs controlled areas; provision of information prior to the grant of a warehouse licence; notification of particulars of cargo reporters; and removal of references to the expired moratorium periods for electronic cargo reporting; and A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999, Customs Act 1901 and Import Processing Charges Act 2001 to remove provisions which established the accredited client program.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 14/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 13/3/13

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 33, 2013

PM Customs Amendment (Prohibition of Certain Coal Exports) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Thomson —€“ Ind)

Amends the Customs Act 1901 to: prohibit the export of coal mined in the water catchment valleys and district of the Wyong Shire Council; and enable the minister to prohibit the export of coal mined in other areas.

House of Representatives: Intro. 18/3/13; Read a 1st time 18/3/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Customs and AusCheck Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the: Customs Act 1901 to: place obligations on cargo terminal operators and handlers that load and unload cargo; create new offences for using information from the Integrated Cargo System to aid a criminal organisation; enable the Chief Executive Officer of the Customs and Border Protection Service to consider the refusal, suspension or cancellation of aviation and maritime security identification cards; align aspects of the customs broker licensing scheme with that of depots and warehouses; and adjust controls and sanctions; AusCheck Act 2007 to enable the secretary to suspend, or suspend processing of an application for, an aviation or maritime security identification card; and Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 to provide that the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Deputy President and Chair of Committees of the Senate are eligible for appointment to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 52, 2013

Customs Tariff Amendment (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the Customs Tariff Act 1995 to remove the carbon component rate from the rates of excise and excise equivalent customs duty imposed on aviation fuels.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals) Bill 2013

Amends the Customs Tariff Act 1995 to incorporate five technical alterations into the customs tariff that were contained in Customs Tariff Proposal (No. 1) 2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 26/6/13; Act No. 65, 2013

Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Amendment Bill 2013

Introduced with the Customs Amendment (Anti-dumping Measures) Bill 2013, the bill amends the Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act 1975 to remove, in certain circumstances, the minister—€™s mandatory consideration of the lesser duty rule.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 94, 2013

PM Dairy Industry (Drinking Milk) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Provides for: the registration of dairy regional representative bodies; Fair Work Australia to determine a modern award for dairy farmers (including the objective of providing a fair minimum return to dairy farmers for producing drinking milk); dairy farmers and processors to establish enterprise agreements; and collective negotiations.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Read a 1st time 11/2/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2010
L [No. 2]

(Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Defence Act 1903 to provide for parliamentary approval of overseas service by members of the Australian Defence Force.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10, 7/7/11

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill 2013

Amends the Defence Act 1903 to establish a framework for the administration of access to the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) by: enabling the minister to make the Woomera Prohibited Area Rules prescribe certain matters, including defining the WPA and the zones to be demarcated within that area; creating a permit system for access and use by non-defence users; introducing offences and penalties for entering the WPA without permission and for failing to comply with a condition of a permit; providing for compensation for any acquisition of property from a person otherwise than on just terms; and providing for a cap on compensation payable to a person for loss or damage suffered in the WPA.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 20/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13; erratum presented out of sitting 21/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Farrell —€“ ALP)

Amends the Defence Act 1903 to establish a framework for the administration of access to the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) by: enabling the minister to make the Woomera Prohibited Area Rules prescribe certain matters, including defining the WPA and the zones to be demarcated within that area; creating a permit system for access and use by non-defence users; introducing offences and penalties for entering the WPA without permission and for failing to comply with a condition of a permit; providing for compensation for any acquisition of property from a person otherwise than on just terms; and providing for a cap on compensation payable to a person for loss or damage suffered in the WPA.

Senate: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report due 11/2/14

DisabilityCare Australia Fund Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill: establishes the DisabilityCare Australia Fund to consist of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account and the investments of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme; establishes the DisabilityCare Australia Transitional Special Account; makes the Future Fund Board responsible for fund investments and administration; provides for reporting requirements; and requires a review of the operation of the legislation before 30 June 2024, unless the responsible ministers agree to a later date.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 37, 2013

DisabilityCare Australia Fund (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Consequential on the package of bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the: COAG Reform Fund Act 2008 to enable reimbursements to the states and territories through the COAG Reform Fund; Future Fund Act 2006 to expand the Future Fund—€™s duties to include management of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund; and Nation-building Funds Act 2008 to enable the transfer of amounts between the Building Australia Fund, Education Investment Fund, Health and Hospitals Fund and the DisabilityCare Australia Fund in certain circumstances.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 5/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 86, 2013

PS Drink Container Recycling Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

The bill: requires producers, distributors and industry groups to submit to the minister a beverage container stewardship plan to manage the collection and recycling of beverage containers; sets minimum recovery rates for containers; requires public consultation on draft plans; and provides for annual reporting.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Early Years Quality Fund Special Account Bill 2013

Establishes the Early Years Quality Fund Special Account to provide $300 million over two years to approved centre based long day care services in the form of grants to be used exclusively for the remuneration of employees and other employment-related costs and expenses.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 25/6/13

SC report no. 82 (tabled 30/5/13): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee 30/5/13; report tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 110, 2013

Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 to: clarify the arrangements for refunds of pre-paid tuition fees by registered providers to overseas students as a result of a default; enable the minister to make a legislative instrument to stipulate the methods of calculation for refunds to students in the case of default for the reason of visa refusal or where there is no written agreement in place; and amend the title of the National Code.

House of Representatives: Intro. 4/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 4/12/13


SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Administration) Bill 2013

(Previous title: Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Administration) Bill 2012)

In response to certain recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters report The 2010 federal election: report on the conduct of the election and related matters, the bill amends the: Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: provide for further fixed periods of time to be provided to the augmented Electoral Commission to complete its inquiries into objections against proposed redistribution of electoral boundaries; remove the requirement for a minimum font size for authorisation details on how-to-vote cards; and not require a silent voter to re-apply to be treated as a silent voter when changing address; Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 to: establish procedures to be taken when a ballot-box is opened prematurely; create an offence for electoral officers who unlawfully interfere with ballot-boxes or papers; remove the requirement for an applicant for a pre-poll ordinary vote to complete and sign a certificate; provide that pre-poll voting offices will open on the fourth day after nominations close; and provide that applications for postal votes must be received on the Wednesday three days before polling day; and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to allow the Australian Taxation Office to disclose protected information to the Electoral Commissioner.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 13/3/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters; report tabled in Senate 27/2/13 and House 12/3/13

CID amendments: 14 Govt/passed; 14 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 18/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Committee amendments: 6 Opp/negatived; 36 items opposed (Opp)/items agreed to

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 26, 2013

Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Procedure) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Procedure) Act 2013)

Amends the: Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 and Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 to: remove the prescription relating to how postal votes are processed and facilitate technological developments over time; and make technical amendments; and Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to: increase to $1000 and $2000, respectively, the nomination deposit that must be paid by or on behalf of candidates for the House of Representatives and the Senate; increase to 100 the number of electors required to nominate an unendorsed candidate; and require unendorsed Senate candidates, who have made a request to be grouped, to each be nominated by 100 unique electors.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/6/12; Passed 23/8/12

SC report no. 59 (tabled 28/6/12): Bill referred to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters; report tabled in House and Senate 16/8/12

CID amendments: 2 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 10/9/12; Passed 25/2/13

SBC report 8/12 (tabled and adopted 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12)): No reference

Committee amendments: 1 DLP/negatived; 1 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived; 1 Schedule opposed (AG)/Schedule agreed to

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 19, 2013

Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

The bill: addresses implications arising from the Federal Court—€™s decision in Tarkine National Coalition Incorporated v Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities [2013] FCA 694 by ensuring the validity of specified decisions made prior to 31 December 2013 that require the minister to have regard to any relevant approved conservation advice; and amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 to provide additional protection for dugong and turtle populations from the threats of poaching, illegal trade and illegal transportation.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 9/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

CID amendments: 2 Govt/passed; 2 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 11/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 11/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report due 12/2/14

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: create a matter of national environmental significance for coal seam gas and large coal mining developments which are likely to have a significant impact on a water resource; and establish penalties and offences to prohibit such action.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 21/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Climate Change, Environment and the Arts Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Ind (Oakeshott)/withdrawn

CID amendments: 6 Govt/passed; 2 Ind (Windsor)/passed

Senate: Intro. 14/5/13; Passed 19/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 13/5/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Committee amendments: 4 Opp/negatived; 7 AG/negatived; 3 items opposed (Opp)/items agreed to

Assent: 21/6/13; Act No. 60, 2013

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Emergency
L Listings) Bill 2011

(Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to provide for the emergency listing of threatened species and ecological communities where they are at risk from a significant and imminent threat.

Senate: Intro. 13/10/11; 2nd reading adjourned 13/10/11

SBC report 16/11 (tabled and adopted 10/11/11): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 22/11/11; report tabled 1/3/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Great
L Barrier Reef) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: prohibit developments within and outside existing port areas along the Great Barrier Reef coastline; implement a moratorium from 20 March 2013 on approval of developments impacting on the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area until a strategic assessment is completed and deemed adequate by the World Heritage Committee; and prohibit approval of any developments that do not deliver a net benefit to the Great Barrier Reef world heritage area.

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 20/3/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 15/5/13; report presented out of sitting 13/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Making
L Marine Parks Accountable) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Colbeck —€“ LP)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: require the minister, before the Governor-General declares an area of sea or an area of land and sea as a Commonwealth reserve, to establish an independent scientific reference panel, a stakeholder advisory group and to commission an independent assessment of social and economic impacts of any proposal, including any relevant compensation costing; require the minister to publish the reports of the scientific reference panel and the stakeholder advisory group; and provide that a Commonwealth reserve declaration be subject to disallowance.

Senate: Intro. 13/9/12; 2nd reading adjourned 13/9/12, 11/10/12, 1/11/12, 7/2/13

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Making
L Marine Parks Accountable) Bill 2012 [No. 2]

(Introduced by Mr Christensen —€“ Nats)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: require the minister, before the Governor-General declares an area of sea or an area of land and sea as a Commonwealth reserve, to establish an independent scientific reference panel, a stakeholder advisory group and to commission an independent assessment of social and economic impacts of any proposal, including any relevant compensation costing; require the minister to publish the reports of the scientific reference panel and the stakeholder advisory group; and provide that a Commonwealth reserve declaration be subject to disallowance.

House of Representatives: Intro. 17/9/12; 2nd reading adjourned 26/11/12

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Monitoring
L of Whaling) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to require: an Australian Commonwealth vessel to monitor the activities of foreign whaling vessels in and around Australia—€™s Whale Sanctuary; and the minister to report on any such activities.

Senate: Intro. 9/2/12; 2nd reading adjourned 9/2/12

SBC report 1/12 (tabled and adopted 9/2/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Moratorium
L on Aquifer Drilling Connected with Coal Seam Gas Extraction) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: place a two year moratorium on aquifer drilling connected with coal seam gas extraction; and impose penalties for any contravention.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Read a 1st time 11/2/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition
L of Live Imports of Primates for Research) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Rhiannon —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to prohibit the import of live primates for research purposes.

Senate: Intro. 22/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 22/11/12

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition
L of Support for Whaling) Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senators Siewert and Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to create an offence of providing any service, support or resources to organisations engaged in whaling.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee 23/11/10; report presented out of sitting 25/3/11 and tabled 10/5/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Protecting
L Australia—€™s Water Resources) Bill 2011

(Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to: provide that mining operations require Commonwealth approval if they will have, or are likely to have, significant impact on the quality, structural integrity or hydraulic balance of a water resource; and impose penalties.

Senate: Intro. 1/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 1/11/11

SBC report 16/11 (tabled and adopted 10/11/11): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report tabled 27/2/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining
L Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

Amends the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to prevent the Commonwealth from delegating the approval of proposed actions covered by bilateral agreements to a state or territory.

Senate: Intro. 27/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 27/11/12, 14/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 25/2/13, 28/2/13; report tabled 12/3/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Evidence Amendment (Journalists—€™ Privilege) Bill 2010 (No. 2)

L (Introduced by Senator Brandis —€“ LP)

Amends the Evidence Act 1995 to extend protection to confidential communications between journalists and their sources by: presuming the communication is not subject to disclosure unless established as necessary or that public interest concerns outweigh the disclosure; and extending this privilege to all professional confidential relationships and to all prosecutions for Commonwealth offences heard in all Australian courts.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 15/11/10; report tabled 23/11/10

SBC report 14/10 (tabled and adopted 18/11/10): SBC noted reference (see above)

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Excise Tariff Amendment (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the Excise Tariff Act 1921 to remove the carbon component rate from the rates of excise and excise equivalent customs duty imposed on aviation fuels.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (Finance) Bill 2013

Amends the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 to: allow for the payment of a $200 million special dividend from the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation—€™s (EFIC) surplus capital in the 2012-13 financial year; enable the minister to direct that future special dividends be made by EFIC; and enable the minister, by legislative instrument, to prescribe an increase in EFIC—€™s callable capital; and make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 13/3/13

Senate: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 21/3/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 30/3/13; Act No. 30, 2013

L Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (New Mandate and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the: Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 to: provide for the circumstances in which the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) can provide insurance or another financial service or product on its commercial account; enable EFIC to guarantee loans for foreign based subsidiaries of certain Australian based companies; exclude public service personnel from the EFIC board; and apply competitive neutrality principles to EFIC—€™s commercial account operations; and Corporations Act 2001 and Insurance Contracts Act 1984 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 16/5/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 14/5/13; report presented out of sitting 13/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Export Market Development Grants Act 1997 in relation to the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme to: increase the maximum number of grants to eight; provide that certain applicants claiming grants only receive support for expenses incurred to promote exports to markets other than the USA, Canada and the European Union member states; enable the minister to make a determination to specify a percentage of the scheme—€™s appropriation to fund administration for a financial year; prevent further approval of joint ventures after 30 June 2013; remove event promoters from the scheme; prevent the payment of grants to applicants engaging an EMDG consultant assessed to not be a fit and proper person; provide that if an amount grant is determined before 1 July following the —€˜balance distribution date—€™, the grant becomes payable; and require applicants to acquit claims by paying for claimed expenses.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 14/3/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 18/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 18/3/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Fair Indexation of Military Superannuation Entitlements Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Provides that the minister must, within six months of this legislation taking effect, take legislative action to index the Defence Force Retirement Benefit Scheme, the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefit Scheme and the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme using the same methodology as that used for the Australian age and service pensions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/10/12; Read a 1st time 29/10/12; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 70 (tabled 31/10/12): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Fair Trade (Australian Standards) Bill 2013

R (Introduced by Senator Madigan —€“ DLP)

Requires trade agreements to include a binding requirement that goods sold comply with all applicable product standards that apply in the purchaser—€™s country or that the selling company or entity selling the products ensures that the goods are improved to Australian product standards.

Senate: Intro. 27/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/6/13, 5/12/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 3/12/13

PS Fair Trade (Workers—€™ Rights) Bill 2013

R (Introduced by Senator Madigan —€“ DLP)

Requires the Commonwealth, through the minister, to ensure that an amended or new trade agreement with a country includes a binding agreement for minimum standards about workers—€™ rights in the other country—€™s domestic law.

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report due first sitting day in February 2014 [but see reference below]

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 13/11/13

Reference: Bill re-referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee 4/12/13; report due 4/3/14

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

PM Fair Work Amendment (Arbitration) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 to provide that Fair Work Australia may deal with disputes by arbitration, mediation or conciliation, or by making a recommendation or expressing an opinion.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Read a 1st time 11/2/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PM Fair Work Amendment (Better Work/Life Balance) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 to extend the right to request flexible working arrangements to all employees.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/12; Negatived at 2nd reading 30/5/13

SC report no. 44 (tabled 16/2/12): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 25/6/12

Fair Work Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Fair Work Act 2009 to: provide that any period of unpaid special maternity leave taken by an eligible employee does not reduce that employee—€™s entitlement to unpaid parental leave; increase the maximum period of concurrent unpaid parental leave from three to eight weeks; allow leave to be taken in separate periods within the first 12 months of the birth or adoption of a child; expand access to the right to request flexible working arrangements; require employers to consult with employees about changes to regular rosters or ordinary work hours; enable pregnant employees to transfer to a safe job regardless of their period of service; require the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to take into account the need to provide additional remuneration for certain employees; enable an employee who is bullied at work to apply to the FWC for an order to stop the bullying; allow the FWC to arbitrate general protection dismissal disputes and unlawful termination disputes when parties consent; align the time for making an unlawful termination application with the time limit of 21 days that applies for making general protection dismissal and unfair dismissal applications; clarify the FWC—€™s power to conciliate, mediate, express opinions and make recommendations at a conference; allow FWC members to be concurrently appointed to positions under Commonwealth or territory laws; establish a framework under which permit holders may enter premises for investigation and discussion purposes; and expressly confer on the FWC the function of promoting cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes; Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2012 in relation to disclosure obligations of registered organisations; and Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2012 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 6/6/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 5/6/13

CID amendments: 19 Govt/passed; 30 Opp/negatived; 19 AG/negatived; 2 KAP/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/5/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Committee amendments: 28 Opp/negatived; 1 Schedule opposed (Opp)/Schedule agreed to; 1 Part opposed (Opp)/Part agreed to

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 73, 2013

PS Fair Work Amendment (Paid Parental Leave) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 to: provide 26 weeks government-funded paid parental leave for all eligible Australian parents at the level of the federal minimum wage, or average wage, with a right to return to work; and make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Fair Work Amendment (Small Business—€”Penalty Rates Exemption) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 to provide that businesses in the restaurant and catering or retail industries with fewer than 20 full-time and full-time equivalent employees are only required to pay penalty rates where an employee has worked more than 10 hours in a 24-hour period, or more than 38 hours in a seven-day period.

Senate: Intro. 16/8/12; 2nd reading adjourned 16/8/12

SBC report 10/12 (tabled and adopted 23/8/12): Bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 18/9/12; report tabled 12/3/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Fair Work Amendment (Tackling Job Insecurity) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 to: enable casual and rolling contract employees or their union representative to request an employer for a secure employment arrangement; provide that Fair Work Australia (FWA) can issue a secure employment order if an employee—€™s request is refused; enable FWA to make orders to maintain existing secure employment arrangements; enable unions and employer associations to apply directly to FWA for secure employment orders; and preserve the right of small businesses to use casual employees.

House of Representatives: Intro. 26/11/12; Did not proceed (under standing order 116(a)) 18/3/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 5/6/13

Bill called on 20/3/13 (see item 40, Votes and Proceedings 20/3/13); Negatived at 2nd reading 20/6/13

PM Fair Work (Job Security and Fairer Bargaining) Amendment Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 in relation to: the objects of the Act; permitted matters in enterprise agreements; settling disputes; industrial action related workplace determinations; notice requirements for industrial action; and the termination of protected industrial action.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/2/12; Removed from Notice Paper 25/6/13

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to: establish the Registered Organisations Commission and provide it with investigation and information gathering powers to monitor and regulate registered organisations; and provide for the appointment, functions and powers of the commissioner (who will assume the investigations, enforcement advice and assistance responsibilities in relation to registered organisations currently undertaken by the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission); and Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to: amend the requirements on officers—€™ disclosure of material personal interests and change grounds for disqualification and ineligibility for office; increase financial accounting and disclosure obligations for registered organisations and their officers; and increase civil penalties and introduce criminal offences for serious breaches of officers—€™ duties and new offences in relation to the conduct of investigations.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 12/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Reference: Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education and Employment References Committee 9/12/13; report due last sitting day in March 2014 (27/3/14)

PS Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency)
L Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Abetz —€“ LP)

Amends the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to: make it a civil offence for a reporting unit not to lodge a compliant full or concise report with Fair Work Australia; impose penalties on officers of registered organisations who do not act in good faith, or misuse their position or information obtained; increase pecuniary penalty orders that the Federal Court may make; and make it a criminal offence for a registered organisation, or officers of a registered organisation, to not comply with applicable orders of a state or Federal Court.

Senate: Intro. 27/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 27/11/12, 21/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/3/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Mr Abbott —€“ LP)

Amends the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to: make it a civil offence for a reporting unit not to lodge a compliant full or concise report with Fair Work Australia; impose penalties on officers of registered organisations who do not act in good faith, or misuse their position or information obtained; increase pecuniary penalty orders that the Federal Court may make; and make it a criminal offence for a registered organisation, or officers of a registered organisation, to not comply with applicable orders of a state or Federal Court.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Negatived at 2nd reading 16/5/13

PS Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other
L Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Racial Discrimination Act) Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Northern Territory National Emergency Response and Other Measures) Act 2007, Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 and Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Payment Reform) Act 2007 so that: provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 prevail over the Acts; the Acts do not authorise conduct inconsistent with the Racial Discrimination Act 1975; the Acts and any acts done under them are intended to qualify as special measures; and any acts done, decisions made or discretion exercised under the Acts must be consistent with the intended beneficial purpose of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends: the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999, A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 and Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 to reduce the amount of baby bonus for second and subsequent children to $3000; the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 to provide that family tax benefit continues until the end of the calendar year that a child completes secondary school; the Social Security Act 1991 to extend the double orphan pension qualification period for students completing study; the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 to: replace the baby bonus from 1 March 2014 with: an increase to the family tax benefit Part A payment of $2000 for a family—€™s first child and $1000 for second and subsequent children; and a stillborn baby payment; reduce to one year the claim period for family assistance lump sum claims; provide that certain students who are unable to attend school due to special circumstances are still eligible to receive the schoolkids bonus; enable certain clean energy supplement arrears to be paid straight away; and provide that a member of a couple is entitled to a clean energy advance top-up in certain situations; five Acts to clarify that the baby bonus is only paid at around the time a child first enters a person—€™s care; the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 to: enable a person to count previous paid parental leave towards satisfying the work test for the purposes of a new claim; and set out how paid parental leave applies to dad and partner pay claims made in prescribed circumstances; the Social Security Act 1991, Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to clarify that customers who end payment on a quarterly basis of clean energy supplement, pension supplement or seniors supplement do not have to wait to be paid arrears; and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 29/5/13

CID amendments: 8 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): Provisions of bill referred to:

Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 18/3/13; report tabled 19/3/13

Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 18/3/13

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 70, 2013

Family Trust Distribution Tax (Primary Liability) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Family Trust Distribution Tax (Primary Liability) Act 1998 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of family trust distribution tax.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 38, 2013

Federal Circuit Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

(Previous title: Federal Circuit Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012)

Consequential on the Federal Circuit Court of Australia Legislation Amendment Bill 2012, the bill amends 83 Acts and the proposed Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2012 to reflect the renaming of the Federal Magistrates Court to the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the change in titles of Chief Federal Magistrate to Chief Judge and Federal Magistrate to Judge.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

CID amendments: 9 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 13, 2013

Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2012

(Act citation: Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2013)

Amends the: Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 to replace references to —€˜Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines—€™ with —€˜guidelines in relation to procurement—€™; Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to enable the Director of National Parks to enter into contracts with a threshold of $1 million without seeking the minister—€™s approval; Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 to establish a special appropriation for the purpose of making remissions or refunds of import levies and manufacture levies, including those related to synthetic greenhouse gas management equipment; Papua New Guinea (Staffing Assistance) Act 1973 to establish a framework for dealing with overpayments, and to address instances where payments are made from an appropriation to recipients, that are not, in practice, consistent with the requirements or preconditions imposed by the Act and risk breaching section 83 of the Constitution; and Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951 to reflect gender neutral terms.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 8, 2013

Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2013

The bill: amends the: Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 to provide that decisions made under the proposed amendment to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 are not subject to administrative review; Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 to authorise the Commonwealth to form or participate in forming companies and to acquire shares in, or become a member of a company, if the proposed company and its objects or proposed activities are specified in the Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997; Social Security Act 1991 to provide for recoverable payments and recoverable death payments for payments made under the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payments scheme; Judges—€™ Pensions Act 1968 and Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 to establish recoverable payments and recoverable death payments; and Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997 to specify a list of existing Commonwealth-owned companies; and enables deferred tax asset relief to be provided to the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation in relation to the transfer of assets from the Military Superannuation and Benefits Fund to the ARIA Investments Trust.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 53, 2013

Fisheries Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2012

(Act citation: Fisheries Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2013)

Amends the Fisheries Management Act 1991 and Fisheries Administration Act 1999 to: facilitate the implementation of electronic monitoring (e-monitoring) of fishing and fishing-related activities undertaken by Commonwealth fishing concession and scientific permit holders, for the purposes of data collection and compliance monitoring; and make consequential amendments; and Fisheries Management Act 1991 in relation to: fishery closures; waiver of levies payable for surrendered statutory fishing rights; and responsibility of corporations and other concession holders for unlawful conduct of their directors, employees or agents.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/6/12; Passed 15/8/12

Senate: Intro. 20/8/12; Passed 18/3/13

SBC report 9/12 (tabled and adopted 16/8/12): No reference

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 27, 2013

PS Food Safety (Trans Fats) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

The bill: prohibits the manufacture, distribution, offering for sale, selling or otherwise trading in food containing synthetic trans fatty acids; and retains the right of state and territory governments to develop their own complementary or alternative regulatory regime.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Food Standards Amendment (Truth in Labelling—€”Genetically Modified Material)
L Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind and Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 to require Food Standards Australia New Zealand to develop and approve labelling standards to be used by food producers, manufacturers and distributors of food containing genetically modified material.

Senate: Intro. 16/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 16/11/10

SBC report 15/10 (tabled and adopted 26/11/10): Bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 15/6/11; report tabled 24/8/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Foreign Acquisitions Amendment (Agricultural Land) Bill 2010 [2013]

R (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind and Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 to: implement a national interest test to be applied against proposed foreign acquisitions of agricultural land; require any interest in agricultural land greater than five hectares to be notified to the Treasurer; require online publication of information about foreign acquisitions of interest in agricultural land; and impose penalties for not notifying the Treasurer of a proposed acquisition.

Senate: Intro. 24/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 24/11/10, 22/9/11, 28/2/13

SBC report 1/11 (tabled and adopted 10/2/11): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 16/6/11

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 10/12/13

PM Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment (Cubbie Station) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975: to require the Treasurer to make an order prohibiting the acquisition or issue of any shares in Cubbie Station if this would result in the company being controlled by foreign persons; and, if Cubbie Station becomes foreign controlled, to require the Treasurer to direct the person who acquired the shares to dispose of them.

House of Representatives: Intro. 26/11/12; Read a 1st time 26/11/12; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Foreign Affairs Portfolio Miscellaneous Measures Bill 2013

Amends the: Intelligence Services Act 2001 to enable an Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) employee to move to an Australian Public Service (APS) agency in the same way that APS employees voluntarily transfer between agencies; and Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to enable the Director-General of ASIS, with the approval of the minister, to make a declaration that specified provisions of the Act do not apply, or apply subject to modifications, in relation to persons carrying out work for the Director-General.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 19/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 54, 2013

Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of fringe benefits tax.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 39, 2013

PS Government Advertising (Accountability) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 to: prohibit the use of public money for advertising government policy unless it has been enacted in legislation, or both Houses of Parliament have agreed to the expenditure by resolution, or, in a national emergency, the minister has obtained the Leader of the Opposition—€™s consent to the expenditure; and provide for a penalty for any breach.

Senate: Intro. 21/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 21/6/11

SBC report 9/11 (tabled and adopted 7/7/11): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 21/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Government Investment Funds Amendment (Ethical Investments) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senators Di Natale and Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Future Fund Act 2006 and Nation-building Funds Act 2008 to require the ministers responsible for certain funds to develop, by legislative instrument, ethical investment guidelines for each fund (the Future Fund, the Building Australia Fund, the Education Investment Fund and the Health and Hospitals Fund) and direct the Future Fund Board to have regard to the guidelines when making investment policies.

Senate: Intro. 24/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 24/11/11, 13/9/12

SBC report 7/12 (tabled and adopted 21/6/12): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report and corrigendum tabled 23/8/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Grape and Wine Legislation Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill: amends the: Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980 to: implement the merger of the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) and the Wine Australia Corporation to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and rename the Act; and Freedom of Information Act 1982 to make a consequential amendment; transfers the operations, assets, liabilities and staffing conditions of the GWRDC and the Wine Australia Corporation to the authority; and repeals the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation Regulations 1991.

House of Representatives: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Grape and Wine Legislation Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill: amends the: Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980 to: implement the merger of the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation (GWRDC) and the Wine Australia Corporation to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and rename the Act; and Freedom of Information Act 1982 to make a consequential amendment; transfers the operations, assets, liabilities and staffing conditions of the GWRDC and the Wine Australia Corporation to the authority; and repeals the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation Regulations 1991.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 2/12/13

Senate: Intro. 3/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 136, 2013

PS Guardian for Unaccompanied Children Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

The bill: establishes the Office of the Guardian for Unaccompanied Non-citizen Children; provides for the appointment, functions and powers of the guardian; provides for staff, consultants and reporting requirements; and amends the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946 and Migration Act 1958 to make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 27/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

(Act citation: Health and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013)

Amends the: Health Insurance Act 1973 to permit a trainee medical specialist to perform certain procedures in a private setting under the supervision of a specialist and for the service to attract a Medicare rebate for the supervising specialist; Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973 to enable certain organisations to use the term —€˜medicare—€™ without breaching the Act; and Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 and Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/9/12; Passed 27/11/12

CID amendments: 3 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): No reference

Committee amendments: 2 Opp/negatived; 3 items opposed (Opp)/items agreed to

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 111, 2013

PS Health Insurance Amendment (Medicare Funding for Certain Types of Abortion)
R Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Madigan —€“ DLP)

Amends the Health Insurance Act 1973 to provide that Medicare benefits are not payable for medically induced terminations carried out on the basis of gender.

Senate: Intro. 19/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/3/13, 27/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 27/6/13

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 13/11/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

PM High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill 2013

(Introduced by Mr Albanese —€“ ALP)

Establishes the High Speed Rail Planning Authority and provides for its functions, appointment and terms and conditions of appointment of members, staff and consultants, conduct of meetings, and reporting and information requirements. Also enables the minister to make rules prescribing matters.

House of Representatives: Intro. 9/12/13; Read a 1st time 9/12/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 2 (tabled 12/12/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee

Higher Education Support Amendment (Asian Century) Bill 2013

Amends the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to expand eligibility for OS-HELP assistance and provide additional incentives for university students to undertake part of their course of study in Asia from 1 January 2014.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/2/13; Passed 17/6/13

SC report no. 75 (tabled 14/2/13): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee; report tabled 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 112, 2013

Higher Education Support Amendment (Further Streamlining and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to: require the minister to automatically revoke a body—€™s approval as a higher education or VET provider if registration ceases or a winding up order is made; enable a provider—€™s business entity name to be changed without having to revoke their approval and re-approve with retrospective application; enable the minister to issue a provider with a compliance notice in certain circumstances; update the calculation of indexation to apply to HELP repayment thresholds; and enable the minister to seek information from the relevant tertiary education regulator for the purposes of administration or enforcing compliance.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/2/13; Passed 12/3/13

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 21/3/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 23, 2013

Higher Education Support Amendment (Savings and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to: remove the HECS-HELP up-front payment discount for units of study with a census date on or after 1 January 2014; remove the HELP voluntary repayment bonus for repayments made on or after 1 January 2014; apply an efficiency dividend of 2 per cent in 2014 and 1.25 per cent in 2015 to Commonwealth contribution amounts under the Commonwealth Grant Scheme; and reflect the name change of the University of Ballarat to the Federation University Australia.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/11/13; Passed 3/12/13

Senate: Intro. 4/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 4/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

L Homelessness Bill 2013

Introduced with the Homelessness (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013, the bill provides for the recognition of people who are, or at risk of, experiencing homelessness.

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 25/6/13; report presented out of sitting 12/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Homelessness (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Homelessness Bill 2013, the bill: repeals the Supported Accommodation Assistance Act 1994; and makes a consequential amendment to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 25/6/13; report presented out of sitting 12/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

ED Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012

Proposes to: consolidate the Age Discrimination Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Sex Discrimination Act 1984 and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986; and make further reforms to anti-discrimination law, including implementing certain recommendations of the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs report Effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality.

Senate: Exposure draft tabled 20/11/12

Reference: Exposure draft and explanatory notes referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 21/11/12; extension of time to report 7/2/13; report presented out of sitting 21/2/13 and tabled 25/2/13

Import Processing Charges Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Import Processing Charges Act 2001 to increase the import declaration and warehouse declaration processing charges levied on air, sea and post consignments with a value of $10 000 or more.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/11/13; Passed 3/12/13

Senate: Intro. 4/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 143, 2013

PM Imported Food Warning Labels Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

The bill: requires all imported food to carry an imported food warning label; and creates offences and penalties for failure to comply.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/5/13; Read a 1st time 27/5/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Income Tax (First Home Saver Accounts Misuse Tax) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Income Tax (First Home Saver Accounts Misuse Tax) Act 2008 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of misuse tax.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 40, 2013

Income Tax Rates Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Income Tax Rates Act 1986 to increase to two per cent the rate of tax imposed on superannuation contributions when no tax file number has been provided.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 41, 2013

L Income Tax Rates Amendment (Unlawful Payments from Regulated Superannuation Funds) Bill 2012

Introduced with the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Reducing Illegal Early Release and Other Measures) Bill 2012, the bill amends the Income Tax Rates Act 1986 to impose a 45 per cent tax on superannuation benefits that are illegally released.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 29/11/12


SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Income Tax (TFN Withholding Tax (ESS)) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Income Tax (TFN Withholding Tax (ESS)) Act 2009 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of tax imposed on employees who receive an employee share scheme (ESS) interest under an ESS and have not provided an Australian Business Number or tax file number.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 42, 2013

Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000 to provide additional funding for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2014 for: the School Nutrition Program and the Additional Teachers initiative under the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory National Partnership; and the Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education project to be administered through the Sporting Chance program.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 30/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 27/6/13; Act No. 66, 2013

S Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2013

Amends the Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000 to: enable the minister to enter into agreements with service providers authorising the making of payments from 1 January 2014; and make technical amendments.

Senate: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 10/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

House of Representatives: Intro. 10/12/13; Passed 11/12/13

Assent: 17/12/13; Act No. 148, 2013

Infrastructure Australia Amendment Bill 2013

The bill: amends the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 to: re-establish Infrastructure Australia as an entity under the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 and provide for its functions, powers, board, Chief Executive Officer, staff and consultants, planning and reporting, and finance; and amend the long title of the Act; and provides for transitional arrangements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 10/12/13

Senate: Intro. 11/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 11/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report due 17/3/14

PM Infrastructure (Priority Funding) Amendment Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 to prioritise Commonwealth funding of rail projects identified by Infrastructure Australia over any infrastructure project that relates to roads, with the exception of road projects designed to address an urgent or significant road safety issue or on which construction has already begun.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 24/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

S Inspector-General of Biosecurity Bill 2012 [2013]

L Introduced with the Biosecurity Bill 2012 [2013], the bill establishes the Inspector-General of Biosecurity as a statutory body to review and report on: the performance of functions and the exercise of powers by the Director of Biosecurity, biosecurity officers and biosecurity enforcement officers; and the process for conducting biosecurity import risk analyses.

Senate: Intro. 28/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 28/11/12

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; interim report presented out of sitting 12/2/13 and tabled 25/2/13; extensions of time for final report 26/2/13, 20/6/13; final report due 27/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 in relation to: duty of utmost good faith; bundled workers—€™ compensation contracts; bundled contracts generally; electronic communication; powers of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); insureds—€™ duty of disclosure and duty to inform of duty of disclosure; eligible contracts of insurance; non-disclosure by life insureds; unbundling of contracts; remedies for non-disclosure and misrepresentation; remedy for misstatement of date of birth; cancellation of contracts; requests by third party beneficiaries to insurers for information; insurers—€™ defences in actions by third party beneficiaries; rights and obligations of third party beneficiaries under life insurance contracts; rights of third parties to recover against insurers; representative actions by ASIC on behalf of third party beneficiaries; non-disclosure or misrepresentation by members of group life insurance schemes; and subrogation.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 19/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 13/5/13 and tabled 14/5/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 75, 2013

L Insurance Contracts Amendment (Unfair Terms) Bill 2013

Amends the: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 to provide: an unfair contract terms regime for standard form consumer contracts of general insurance; and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with enforcement and investigation powers to administer the regime; and Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 26/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 26/6/13

SC report no. 86 (tabled 26/6/13): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services


SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

L Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the: Patents Act 1990 to: modify the operation of the Crown use provisions; implement the Protocol amending the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property to enable Australian pharmaceutical manufacturers to supply developing countries with generic versions of patented medicines; and make technical amendments; Plant Breeder—€™s Rights Act 1994 to enable the owners of plant breeder—€™s rights in a plant variety with the option to take action in the Federal Circuit Court against alleged infringers; Designs Act 2003, Patents Act 1990, Plant Breeder—€™s Rights Act 1994 and Trade Marks Act 1995 to provide for a single trans-Tasman patent attorney regime and single patent application and examination processes for Australia and New Zealand; and Designs Act 2003, Patents Act 1990 and Trade Marks Act 1995 to remove document retention requirements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 25/6/13

SC report no. 82 (tabled 30/5/13): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee 30/5/13; report presented out of sitting 6/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Interactive Gambling Amendment (Virtual Credits) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 to provide that virtual credits, coins, tokens and objects which are purchased are recognised as items of value in relation to a gambling service.

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 16/5/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

House of Representatives:

Reference (see item 31, Votes and Proceedings 29/9/10): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 16/5/13; report tabled in House and Senate 24/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Interactive Gambling and Broadcasting Amendment (Online Transactions and
R Other Measures) Bill 2011 [2013]

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Prohibits corporations from offering certain gambling services and amends the: Interactive Gambling Act 2001 to: provide that customers may request a financial transaction provider to suspend or cancel an interactive gambling payment; and prohibit inducements to gamble; Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to require the Australian Communications and Media Authority to enforce certain conditions in relation to the advertising of betting venues, online gambling sites and betting odds by commercial broadcasters; and Criminal Code Act 1995 to create an offence and impose a penalty for match-fixing.

Senate: Intro. 20/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/11

SBC report 9/11 (tabled and adopted 7/7/11): SBC noted reference (see below)

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 10/12/13

House of Representatives:

Reference (see item 31, Votes and Proceedings 29/9/10): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 20/6/11; report presented to Senate out of sitting 8/12/11 and tabled 7/2/12; report tabled in House 13/2/12

L International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012

Amends the International Fund for Agricultural Development Act 1977 to allow Australia to accede to the Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development under Australian law.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/9/12; Passed 28/5/13

SC report no. 65 (tabled 13/9/12): Bill referred to Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade; report tabled in House 26/11/12 and Senate 28/11/12

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 17/6/13

SBC report 12/12 (tabled and adopted 20/9/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) Bill 2013

Introduced with the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013, the bill enables Australia—€™s accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment which will provide an international registry system to protect secure creditors who finance the acquisition of aircraft.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 5/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 91, 2013

International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Introduced with the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) Bill 2013, the bill amends the: Air Services Act 1995 to: provide that statutory liens maintain priority over security interests registered in the International Registry, provided that the statutory line was recorded first; Civil Aviation Act 1988 to allow functions to be conferred on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to enable CASA to record, remove and exercise an Irrevocable Deregistration and Export Request Authorisation; and Personal Property Securities Act 2009 to provide that the Cape Town Convention will prevail over the Act to the extent that an inconsistency applies.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 5/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 92, 2013

International Monetary Agreements Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the International Monetary Agreements Act 1947 to: establish a standing appropriation and authority to borrow for payments to meet drawings made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under a bilateral loan agreement entered into by Australia and the IMF on 13 October 2012; and make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 29/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 83, 2013

S International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963 to: provide for regulations to confer privileges and immunities on the International Committee for the Red Cross and the International Criminal Court; and make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 4/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

House of Representatives: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 127, 2013

International Tax Agreements Amendment Bill 2012

(Act citation: International Tax Agreements Amendment Act 2013)

Amends the International Tax Agreements Act 1953 to: give legislative effect to bilateral taxation agreements with India, the Marshall Islands and Mauritius; and update certain references to existing taxation agreements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 14, 2013

PS Keeping Jobs from Going Offshore (Protection of Personal Information) Bill 2009
L [2010]

(Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

The bill requires: Australian organisations to meet certain requirements before transferring personal information about an individual to an organisation in a foreign country; and foreign call centres to identify the city and country in which they are located when contacting customers.

Senate: Intro. 26/10/09; 2nd reading adjourned 26/10/09

SBC report 7/10 (tabled and adopted 13/5/10): Bill referred to Senate Environment, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 6/8/10 and tabled 28/9/10

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 30/9/10

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Landholders—€™ Right to Refuse (Coal Seam Gas) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

The bill: provides that Australian landholders have the right to refuse the undertaking of coal seam gas mining activities by corporations on food producing land without prior written authorisation; sets out the requirements of a prior written authorisation; and provides for relief which a court may grant a land owner when prior written authorisation is not provided.

Senate: Intro. 24/8/11; 2nd reading adjourned 24/8/11, 22/9/11, 22/3/12

SBC report 13/11 (tabled and adopted 22/9/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Landholders—€™ Right to Refuse (Gas and Coal) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Waters —€“ AG)

The bill: provides that Australian landholders have the right to refuse the undertaking of gas and coal mining activities by corporations on food producing land without prior written authorisation; sets out the requirements of a prior written authorisation; and provides for relief which a court may grant a land owner when prior written authorisation is not provided.

Senate: Intro. 9/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 9/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Consideration deferred

PS Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2]

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the: Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997 to: prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter on or after 1 July 2014; and provide that export licence holders ensure all live-stock are treated satisfactorily prior to slaughter; and Export Control Act 1982 to: prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter unless the secretary is satisfied that the live-stock will be treated satisfactorily prior to slaughter; and prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter on or after 1 July 2014.

Senate: Intro. 20/6/11; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/11

SBC report 8/11 (tabled and adopted 23/6/11): Bill referred to Senate Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee; extension of time to report 16/8/11; variation of reporting date 18/8/11; extensions of time to report 20/9/11, 12/10/11, 9/11/11; report tabled 23/11/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Amends the: Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997 to: prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter on or after 1 July 2017; and provide that export licence holders ensure all live-stock are treated satisfactorily prior to slaughter; and Export Control Act 1982 to: prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter unless the secretary is satisfied that the live-stock will be treated satisfactorily prior to slaughter; and prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter on or after 1 July 2017.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/5/13; Read a 1st time 27/5/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Rhiannon —€“ AG)

Amends the Export Control Act 1982 to prohibit the export of live-stock for slaughter.

Senate: Intro. 22/3/12; 2nd reading adjourned 22/3/12, 11/10/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Livestock Export (Animal Welfare Conditions) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Amends the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997 to: provide that live-stock exported for slaughter are transported and slaughtered humanely; make the secretary responsible to ensure that live-stock exported for slaughter under a live-stock export licence are treated humanely and if not, cease their export; and penalise the holder of a live-stock export licence if they fail to inform the secretary of inhumane treatment of live-stock.

House of Representatives: Intro. 10/9/12; Removed from Notice Paper 18/6/13

PS Low Aromatic Fuel Bill 2012

(Act citation: Low Aromatic Fuel Act 2013)

(Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Mitigates the negative impacts of petrol sniffing in areas designated as low aromatic fuel areas and fuel control areas by: prohibiting the supply of regular unleaded petrol; promoting and monitoring the supply of low aromatic fuel; and controlling the supply and storage of other fuels.

Senate: Intro. 1/3/12; Passed 27/11/12

SBC report 5/12 (tabled and adopted 10/5/12): Bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; interim report presented out of sitting 21/9/12 and tabled 9/10/12; final report presented out of sitting 26/9/12 and tabled 9/10/12

Committee amendments: 25 Govt/passed; 2 AG/passed; 5 AG/withdrawn

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Assent: 14/2/13; Act No. 1, 2013

L Malabar Headland Protection Bill 2012

Provides for the protection of environmental, heritage and cultural features contained in the Malabar Headland, New South Wales, following divestment to New South Wales.

House of Representatives: Intro. 9/5/12; 2nd reading adjourned 9/5/12


SBC report 6/12 (tabled and adopted 19/6/12): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PM Marine Engineers Qualifications Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Requires that any marine regulations be amended by the issuing authority so that they comply with and give effect to the existing Australian standards for marine engineering and electro-technical competencies.

House of Representatives: Intro. 18/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/5/13

Federation Chamber: Referred 30/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 3/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Marine Engineers Qualifications Bill 2013 (No. 2)

(Introduced by Senator Williams —€“ Nats)

Requires that any marine regulations be amended by the issuing authority so that they comply with and give effect to the existing Australian standards for marine engineering and electro-technical competencies.

Senate: Intro. 27/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 to provide that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, as the National Marine Safety Regulator, is able to reimburse to the states and the Northern Territory amounts collected for infringement notices.

House of Representatives: Intro. 6/2/13; Passed 13/2/13

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 1/13 (tabled and adopted 7/2/13): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 9, 2013

Maritime Powers Bill 2012

(Act citation: Maritime Powers Act 2013)

Introduced with the Maritime Powers (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 to establish a framework for the exercise of maritime enforcement powers, the bill: establishes a system of authorisations under which a maritime officer may exercise enforcement powers in relation to vessels, installations, aircraft, protected land areas and isolated persons on certain grounds; provides for the enforcement powers available to maritime officers including boarding, obtaining information, searching, detaining, seizing and retaining things, and moving and detaining persons; provides for processes for dealing with things seized, retained or detained and persons held; and creates offences for failure to comply.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/12; Passed 20/8/12

SC report no. 55 (tabled 31/5/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 28/6/12

Senate: Intro. 20/8/12; Passed 13/3/13

SBC report 7/12 (tabled and adopted 21/6/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/8/12; report tabled 12/9/12

Committee amendments: 4 Opp/negatived

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 15, 2013

Maritime Powers (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Maritime Powers (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013)

Introduced with the Maritime Powers Bill 2012 to establish a framework for the exercise of maritime enforcement powers, the bill amends five Acts to remove maritime enforcement powers which have been replaced by the proposed Maritime Powers Act 2012.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/12; Passed 20/8/12

SC report no. 55 (tabled 31/5/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 28/6/12

Senate: Intro. 20/8/12; Passed 13/3/13

SBC report 7/12 (tabled and adopted 21/6/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/8/12; report tabled 12/9/12

Assent: 27/3/13; Act No. 16, 2013

PS Marriage Act Amendment (Recognition of Foreign Marriages for Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Marriage Act 1961 to provide that same-sex marriages validly entered into in foreign countries are recognised under the laws of Australia.

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Negatived at 2nd reading 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

L Marriage Amendment (Celebrant Administration and Fees) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Marriage (Celebrant Registration Charge) Bill 2013, the bill amends the Marriage Act 1961 to: provide for a celebrant registration charge to be imposed from 1 July 2013 on Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants who are authorised under the Marriage Celebrants Program to perform marriages; provide for the deregistration of celebrants who do not pay the celebrant registration charge or obtain an exemption; enable the imposition of a registration application fee for prospective celebrants seeking registration; provide for exemptions and the imposition of processing fees for applications for exemptions; remove the requirement for performance reviews every five years of marriage celebrants; and make minor amendments to the Marriage Celebrants Program.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 18/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Marriage (Celebrant Registration Charge) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Marriage Amendment (Celebrant Administration and Fees) Bill 2013, the bill: imposes an annual celebrant registration charge with a statutory limit of $600 for the 2013-14 financial year; and provides for indexation of the statutory limit in later financial years.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 18/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Marriage Act 1961 to: remove discriminatory references based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and allow marriage regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; Discharged from Notice Paper 25/2/13

SBC report 12/10 (tabled and adopted 27/10/10): No reference

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 8/2/12; extension of time to report 28/2/12; interim report presented out of sitting 31/5/12 and tabled 18/6/12; extension of time for final report 18/6/12; final report tabled 25/6/12

PM Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG and Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Amends the Marriage Act 1961 to: remove discriminatory references based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and allow marriage regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/12

SC report no. 44 (tabled 16/2/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 18/6/12

Federation Chamber: Referred 18/6/12; 2nd reading adjourned 18/6/12, 18/3/13, 27/5/13, 3/6/13, 17/6/13, 24/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Marriage Act 1961 to: define marriage as a union of two people; clarify that ministers of religion are not bound to solemnise marriage by any other law; remove the prohibition of the recognition of same sex marriages solemnised in a foreign country; and include a regulation making power so that consequential amendments can be made to other Acts.

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 25/2/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Marriage Act 1961 to: define marriage as a union of two people; clarify that ministers of religion are not bound to solemnise marriage by any other law; remove the prohibition of the recognition of same sex marriages solemnised in a foreign country; and include a regulation making power so that consequential amendments can be made to other Acts.

Senate: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Consideration deferred

Medicare Levy Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Medicare Levy Act 1986 to increase the Medicare levy to two per cent of a person—€™s taxable income.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 43, 2013

Migration Amendment Bill 2013

Addresses recent court and tribunal decisions by amending the Migration Act 1958 to: clarify that a decision on review, or a visa refusal, cancellation or revocation decision made by the minister or his delegate, is taken to be made on the day and at the time when a record of it is made; clarify that a person in the migration zone who has previously been refused a protection visa, or who held a protection visa that was cancelled, is prohibited from applying for a further protection visa; and make it a criterion for the grant of a protection visa that the applicant is not assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be a risk to security.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13


SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report due 12/2/14

PS Migration Amendment (Declared Countries) Bill (No. 2) 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the: Migration Act 1958 to provide that a ministerial declaration specifying that a country provides certain procedures and protections for offshore entry persons is a legislative instrument; and Legislative Instruments Act 2003 to provide that the ministerial declaration is subject to disallowance by either House of the Parliament.

Senate: Intro. 5/7/11; 2nd reading adjourned 5/7/11

SBC report 13/11 (tabled and adopted 22/9/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Migration Amendment (Detention of Minors) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to provide that the minister must, within 12 days: determine that a detained minor reside within the community; and appoint a person to act as guardian to the minor.

Senate: Intro. 28/10/10; 2nd reading adjourned 28/10/10

SBC report 5/11 (tabled and adopted 12/5/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Migration Amendment (Detention Reform and Procedural Fairness) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the: Migration Act 1958 to: establish asylum seeker principles; facilitate judicial review of detention decisions; repeal excised offshore places and indefinite detention provisions; and restore asylum seekers rights to fair process and procedural fairness; and Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 to repeal the privative clause decision within the Migration Act 1958.

Senate: Intro. 18/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 18/11/10

SBC report 3/11 (tabled and adopted 24/3/11): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 18/8/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Migration Amendment (Health Care for Asylum Seekers) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senators Hanson-Young and Di Natale —€“ AG)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to: require the minister to establish a health advisory panel to monitor, assess and report on the health of offshore entry persons who are taken to regional processing countries; establish the qualifications of members appointed to the panel; outline how the panel will carry out its functions; require the panel to report every six months on the health of offshore entry persons to the Parliament; and provide the panel with specific powers to obtain certain information.

Senate: Intro. 11/9/12; 2nd reading adjourned 11/9/12

SBC report 11/12 (tabled and adopted 13/9/12): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/11/12; report presented out of sitting 7/12/12 and tabled 5/2/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Migration Amendment (Offshore Resources Activity) Bill 2013

Implements recommendations of the Migration Maritime Taskforce by amending the Migration Act 1958 to provide that foreign workers who participate in, or support, offshore resources activities are taken to be in the migration zone and are required to hold a visa.

House of Representatives: Intro. 30/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 26/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 117, 2013

Migration Amendment (Reform of Employer Sanctions) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Migration Amendment (Reform of Employer Sanctions) Act 2013)

In response to recommendations of the Report of the 2010 Review of the Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Act 2007 in relation to the employer sanctions framework, the bill amends the Migration Act 1958 to: amend the criminal offences, and create new non-fault civil penalty provisions, for persons who allow an unlawful non-citizen to work, refer an unlawful person to a third person for work, allow a lawful non-citizen to work in breach of a work-related visa condition or refer a lawful non-citizen to a third person for work in breach of a work-related visa condition; extend liability for contravention to a wider range of persons and entities; enable an infringement notice to be issued as an alternative to commencing civil penalty proceedings; extend the geographical jurisdiction in relation to work-related civil penalty provisions; and introduce investigation powers to allow authorised officers to gather evidence of suspected breaches.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/9/12; Passed 27/11/12

Senate: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 27/2/13

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 10, 2013

Migration Amendment (Regaining Control Over Australia—€™s Protection Obligations) Bill 2013

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to: remove the criterion for the grant of a protection visa on the basis of complementary protection grounds; and make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 4/12/13; Passed 11/12/13

Senate: Intro. 11/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 11/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report due 3/3/14

PM Migration Amendment (Reinstatement of Temporary Protection Visas) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Morrison —€“ LP)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to create two visa subclasses: temporary protection (offshore entry) visas and temporary protection (secondary movement offshore entry) visas, for persons who have arrived in Australia illegally or at an excised offshore place and are found to have engaged Australia—€™s protection obligations.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13

Federation Chamber: Referred 18/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 18/3/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Migration Amendment (Reinstatement of Temporary Protection Visas) Bill 2013 [No. 2]

(Introduced by Senator Cash —€“ LP)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to create two visa subclasses: temporary protection (offshore entry) visas and temporary protection (secondary movement offshore entry) visas, for persons who have arrived in Australia illegally or at an excised offshore place and are found to have engaged Australia—€™s protection obligations.

Senate: Intro. 28/2/13; Negatived at 2nd reading 27/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): No reference

PS Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to remove the mandatory minimum sentence provision from three people smuggling offences.

Senate: Intro. 8/2/12; 2nd reading adjourned 8/2/12

SBC report 1/12 (tabled and adopted 9/2/12): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 28/2/12; report presented out of sitting 4/4/12 and tabled 10/5/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Migration Amendment (Special Protection Scheme for Afghan Coalition
L Employees) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to: create a class of special protection visas for non-citizens who are refugees under Article 1A of the Refugees Convention and who are subject to persecution in their home country because they worked assisting either the International Security Assistance Force, the Australian Embassy or a subcontractor for a Commonwealth defence agency in Afghanistan for at least 12 months; and extend eligibility to family members of a holder of a special protection visa.

Senate: Intro. 20/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 20/11/12

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Migration Amendment (Temporary Sponsored Visas) Bill 2013

Amends the: Migration Act 1958 to: require the minister to establish the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration to provide advice in relation to the temporary sponsored work visa program; require sponsors participating in the temporary sponsored work visa program to undertake labour market testing in relation to nominated occupations; provide that labour market testing is undertaken after redundancies and retrenchments have occurred; provide for enforceable undertakings between the minister and approved sponsors in relation to sponsorship; and enable Fair Work inspectors to monitor sponsorship compliance; Migration Act 1958 and Migration Regulations 1994 to set out the requirements to be met by approved sponsors when undertaking labour market testing; and Migration Regulations 1994 to extend the period in which certain visa holders can seek new sponsored employment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 6/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SC report no. 85 (tabled 19/6/13): Bill referred to House Education and Employment Committee

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

CID amendments: 16 Govt/passed; 3 Opp/negatived; 5 KAP/negatived

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 122, 2013

Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals and Other Measures) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals and Other Measures) Act 2013)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to: implement a recommendation of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers to provide that asylum seekers who unlawfully arrive anywhere in Australia are subject to the same regional processing arrangements as asylum seekers who arrive at an excised offshore place; ensure that a person does not cease to be a transitory person if they have been assessed to be a refugee; provide for discretionary immigration detention of Papua New Guinea citizens who are unlawful non-citizens and are in a protected area; and provide for an annual report on the Bali Process and aspects of the Regional Cooperation Framework.

House of Representatives: Intro. 31/10/12; Passed 27/11/12

CID amendment: 1 Ind (Oakeshott)/passed

Senate: Intro. 5/2/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/11/12; report tabled 25/2/13

Committee amendments: 3 Govt/passed; 8 AG/negatived

[House agreed to Senate amendments 16/5/13]

Assent: 20/5/13; Act No. 35, 2013

PS Migration Amendment (Visa Maximum Numbers Determinations) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Migration Act 1958 to provide that determinations made under section 85 (which determine the number of visas that can be granted in a particular subclass in any specified financial year) on or after 2 December 2013 be subject to disallowance by either House of the Parliament.

Senate: Intro. 9/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 9/12/13, 12/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

PS Migration and Security Legislation Amendment (Review of Security Assessments)
L Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the: Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 to: enable non-citizens eligible for a protection visa to seek a merits review of their security assessment in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT); and create the position of Special Advocate to provide support for these reviews; Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 to require the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) to review adverse or qualified security assessments of protection visa persons every six months or on referral from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship; and Migration Act 1958 to require the minister to review a decision to refuse or cancel a protection visa when an adverse security assessment is revoked by an ASIO review or an AAT merits review.

Senate: Intro. 10/10/12; 2nd reading adjourned 10/10/12

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 20/11/12, 26/2/13; report presented out of sitting 30/4/13 and tabled 14/5/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Military Court of Australia Bill 2012

Introduced with the Military Court of Australia (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012, the bill establishes the Military Court of Australia and provides for the court—€™s management, jurisdiction, administration within the infrastructure of the Federal Court of Australia, and practice and procedure.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/6/12; 2nd reading adjourned 21/6/12


SBC report 8/12 (tabled and adopted 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12)): Provisions of bill referred to:

Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/8/12

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 14/8/12; report tabled 9/10/12

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

L Military Court of Australia (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012

Introduced with the Military Court of Australia Bill 2012, the bill: amends: the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 to: retain courts martial and Defence Force magistrates; provide for a right of election for trial; clarify the status and character of service offences; remove references to old system offences; and maintain cooperation where military discipline and criminal law jurisdictions overlap; and 22 other Acts to make consequential amendments; and abolishes the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Tribunal by repealing the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/6/12; 2nd reading adjourned 21/6/12


SBC report 8/12 (tabled and adopted 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12)): Provisions of bill referred to:

Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/8/12

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 14/8/12; report tabled 9/10/12

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Military Justice (Interim Measures) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Military Justice (Interim Measures) Act (No. 1) 2009 to extend the appointment, remuneration and entitlement arrangements for the Chief Judge Advocate and two Judge Advocates for an additional two years or until the minister declares a termination day, whichever is sooner.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 130, 2013

PS Minerals Resource Rent Tax Amendment (Protecting Revenue) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012 to provide that any increases in state royalties after 1 July 2011 be disregarded when calculating royalty credits for the minerals resource rent tax.

Senate: Intro. 12/9/12; 2nd reading adjourned 12/9/12, 28/2/13

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 20/11/12; report tabled 27/2/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Minerals Resource Rent Tax Amendment (Protecting Revenue) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012 to provide that any increases in state royalties after 1 July 2011 be disregarded when calculating royalty credits for the minerals resource rent tax.

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Read a 1st time 11/2/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 75 (tabled 14/2/13): Bill referred to House Economics Committee

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Minerals Resource Rent Tax Repeal and Other Measures Bill 2013

The bill: repeals the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012, Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Imposition—€”Customs) Act 2012, Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Imposition—€”Excise) Act 2012 and Minerals Resource Rent Tax (Imposition—€”General) Act 2012; amends the: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 to provide that companies can carry tax losses forward to use as a deduction for a future year; Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: amend the instant asset write-off threshold provisions for small business entities; provide that motor vehicle purchases made by small business entities will be treated as normal business assets for depreciation purposes; and provide that geothermal energy exploration and prospecting expenditure are no longer immediately deductible; Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to delay increases in the superannuation guarantee rate for a two-year period; Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003 to abolish the low income superannuation contribution; Social Security Act 1991 and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to abolish the income support bonus payment; and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999, A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to abolish the schoolkids bonus payment; and makes consequential amendments to 13 Acts.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 20/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2013

(Previous title: National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012)

Establishes a framework for the National Disability Insurance Scheme by: setting out the objects and principles of the scheme, including people with disability being given choice and control over the care and support they receive, and giving effect to certain obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; providing for the establishment and functions of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency, including implementing the scheme from July 2013; and providing for a review of the operation of the Act after a two-year period.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 14/3/13

CID amendments: 77 Govt/passed; 1 Opp/negatived; 3 Ind (Wilkie)/negatived

Senate: Intro. 18/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 13/3/13

Committee amendments: 16 Govt/passed; 1 AG/passed; 1 Opp/negatived; 6 AG/negatived; 6 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

[House agreed to Senate amendments 21/3/13]

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 20, 2013

National Disability Insurance Scheme Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the: National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 in relation to: rule-making powers; general matters including definitions; privacy; actuarial, audit and risk management activities; and compensation; Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 to establish the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal; Age Discrimination Act 2004 to provide exemptions for actions and decisions made in compliance with the NDIS Act; Social Security Act 1991 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to ensure that amounts paid under the NDIS are not taken into account under the social security or veterans—€™ entitlements income and assets tests; and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: ensure that payments and benefits provided under the NDIS are exempt from income tax; and ensure that a double tax benefit is not obtained.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 44, 2013

PM National Electricity Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Mr Oakeshott —€“ Ind)

Makes the national electricity law a Commonwealth law by: incorporating the Australian Energy Market Act 2004, Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment Act 2004 (SA) and parts of the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996 (SA) (the existing national electricity law); making the national electricity rules a disallowable instrument; establishing the Australian Energy Market Commission as a Commonwealth statutory authority; establishing a Consumer Advocacy Panel; and retaining the judicial review of decisions made by the Australian Energy Market Operator.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/10/12

SC report no. 72 (tabled 1/11/12): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 11/2/13

Federation Chamber: Referred 27/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/5/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

National Health Amendment (Simplified Price Disclosure) Bill 2013

Implements the simplified price disclosure measure by amending the National Health Act 1953 to: provide that 1 April or 1 October are price disclosure reduction days; and ensure that the existing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) price for a medicine is not reduced by a price disclosure reduction unless the weighted average market price is at least 10 per cent less than the PBS price on the day the 10 per cent test is applied.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 5/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

L National Health Reform Amendment (Definitions) Bill 2013

Amends the National Health Reform Act 2011 to: amend the definitions of —€˜local hospital network—€™, —€˜primary health care organisation—€™, —€˜private hospital—€™ and —€˜public hospital—€™ to enable the National Health Performance Authority to undertake its performance reporting role; and make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 15/5/13


SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS National Integrity Commission Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Establishes a National Integrity Commission as an independent statutory agency which will consist of the National Integrity Commissioner, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner and the Independent Parliamentary Advisor and provide for: the investigation and prevention of misconduct and corruption in all Commonwealth departments, agencies, and federal parliamentarians and their staff; the investigation and prevention of corruption in the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission; and independent advice to ministers and parliamentarians on conduct, ethics and matters of proprietary. Also: provides for the establishment of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Integrity Commission; and makes consequential amendments to the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006, Ombudsman Act 1976, Privacy Act 1988 and Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

Senate: Intro. 13/11/13; 2nd reading adjourned 13/11/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Consideration deferred

PS National Integrity Commissioner Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Establishes a National Integrity Commission as an independent statutory agency which will consist of the National Integrity Commissioner, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner and the Independent Parliamentary Advisor and provide for: the investigation and prevention of misconduct and corruption in all Commonwealth departments, agencies, and federal parliamentarians and their staff; the investigation and prevention of corruption in the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission; and independent advice to ministers and parliamentarians on conduct, ethics and matters of proprietary. Also provides for the establishment of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Integrity Commission.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM National Integrity Commissioner Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Establishes a National Integrity Commission as an independent statutory agency which will consist of the National Integrity Commissioner, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner and the Independent Parliamentary Advisor and provide for: the investigation and prevention of misconduct and corruption in all Commonwealth departments, agencies, and federal parliamentarians and their staff; the investigation and prevention of corruption in the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission; and independent advice to ministers and parliamentarians on conduct, ethics and matters of proprietary. Also provides for the establishment of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Integrity Commission.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/5/12; Removed from Notice Paper 12/2/13

SC report no. 55 (tabled 31/5/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 10/9/12

National Measurement Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the National Measurement Act 1960 in relation to: the powers of trade measurement inspectors to issue a notice to remedy, to investigate potential breaches in public areas of business premises and to give directions to controllers of business vehicles; offences relating to the use and repair of measuring instruments; the extent to which the definition of —€˜use for trade—€™ applies to the determination of fuel tax credits; and technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 131, 2013

L Native Title Amendment Bill 2012

Amends the Native Title Act 1993 to: enable certain parties to agree to disregard historical extinguishment of native title in certain areas set aside and public works in areas set aside; clarify the conduct expected of parties in future act negotiations; extend to eight months the time before a party may seek a determination from an arbitral body; streamline processes and broaden the scope for voluntary indigenous land use agreements; and make a technical amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 28/11/12

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to House Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee; report tabled 20/3/13


SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 28/2/13; report tabled 18/3/13; correction tabled 19/3/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the Native Title Act 1993 in relation to: the application of the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to decision-making; heritage protection; the application of the non-extinguishment principle to the compulsory acquisition of land; the right to negotiate to apply to offshore areas; good faith negotiations; profit sharing and royalties in arbitration; enabling extinguishment to be disregarded; reversal of the burden of proof; the definition of —€˜traditional—€™; and commercial rights and interests.

Senate: Intro. 21/3/11; 2nd reading adjourned 21/3/11

SBC report 5/11 (tabled and adopted 12/5/11): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 20/9/11, 3/11/11; report tabled 9/11/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Native Title Amendment (Reform) Bill (No. 1) 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the Native Title Act 1993 in relation to: the right to negotiate to apply to offshore areas; good faith negotiations; enabling extinguishment to be disregarded; reversal of the burden of proof; the definition of —€˜traditional—€™; and commercial rights and interests.

Senate: Intro. 29/2/12; 2nd reading adjourned 29/2/12

SBC report 2/12 (tabled and adopted 1/3/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

News Media (Self-regulation) Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill provides for: the Public Interest Media Advocate (PIMA) to declare a specified body corporate as a news media self-regulation body and specifies the conditions and requirements for making a declaration and when it takes effect; the PIMA to revoke a declaration, the conditions and requirements for a revocation and when it takes effect; and a review of the operation of the Act within three years of a declaration taking effect.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Discharged from Notice Paper 21/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13


SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

News Media (Self-regulation) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill amends the Privacy Act 1988 to provide that a news media organisation must be a member of the news media self-regulation body to qualify for the journalism exemption which relates to the obtaining, keeping and disclosing of personal information.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Discharged from Notice Paper 21/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13


SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

S Not-for-profit Sector Freedom to Advocate Bill 2013

Invalidates clauses in Commonwealth agreements with the not-for-profit (NFP) sector that restrict or prevent NFP entities from advocating on Commonwealth law, policy or actions.

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

House of Representatives: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 28/5/13

Assent: 13/6/13; Act No. 56, 2013

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Cash Bidding) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Amendment Bill 2013, the bill amends the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 to apply a cash bidding title allocation method for exploration permits in the offshore petroleum regulatory regime by: requiring a 10 per cent forfeitable deposit which is payable upon placement of a cash bid; enabling a reserve price to be set; requiring pre-qualification assessment of the eligibility of bidders; and specifying a non-discretionary tie-breaker mechanism.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 4/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 141, 2013

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures) Act 2013)

Amends the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 in relation to the offshore petroleum regulatory regime to: enable National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) inspectors to conduct inspections to monitor compliance with and investigate suspected non-compliance with a warrant; enable NOPSEMA inspectors to enter certain offshore areas to monitor occupational health and safety (OHS) and petroleum environmental management laws without a warrant; introduce a civil penalty regime; increase criminal penalties for certain OHS and environmental offences; enable regulatory entities to share certain regulatory information in certain circumstances; and remove the responsible Tasmanian Minister from the Joint Authority for the offshore area of Tasmania.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 11, 2013

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures No. 2) Bill 2013

Amends the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 in relation to the offshore petroleum regulatory regime to: implement enforcement mechanisms including infringement notices, daily penalties for continuing offences and civil penalty provisions, injunctions and adverse publicity orders; enable National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority inspectors to issue environmental prohibition and improvement notices to require petroleum titleholders to remove significant threats to the environment and provide for publication of these notices; provide for an express polluter pays obligation and an associated third party cost recovery mechanism; clarify insurance requirements to ensure that maintenance of sufficient financial assurance is compulsory without a direction being given; and make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 36, 2013

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Amendment Bill 2013

Introduced with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Cash Bidding) Bill 2013, the bill amends the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Act 2003 to enable the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator to collect an annual titles administration levy in relation to cash bid petroleum exploration permits.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 4/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 142, 2013

PS Ombudsman Amendment (Education Ombudsman) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the: Ombudsman Act 1976 to establish the Education Ombudsman as a separate office within the office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman to deal with complaints about the domestic and international education sector; and Migration Act 1958 and Privacy Act 1988 to make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Overseas Aid (Millennium Development Goals) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Rhiannon —€“ AG)

The bill: establishes United Nations targets for official development assistance; requires the minister to prepare and present to Parliament an annual statement outlining Australia—€™s annual official development assistance; establishes an Independent Commissioner on Aid Effectiveness; provides for the appointment, functions and powers of the commissioner; and provides for staff, consulting and an annual reporting requirement.

Senate: Intro. 26/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 26/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; report due 30/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Amendment (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) Act 1995 to remove the applicable charge rate from the levy charged on synthetic greenhouse gases and equipment imported after 1 July 2014.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Import Levy) (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Further to the package of bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill provides for a transitional exemption from the carbon charge component of the levy charged on synthetic greenhouse gases imported between 1 April and 30 June 2014 if certain conditions are met.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Amendment (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill amends the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Manufacture Levy) Act 1995 to remove the applicable charge rate from the levy charged on synthetic greenhouse gases and equipment manufactured after 1 July 2014.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

L Paid Parental Leave and Other Legislation Amendment (Consolidation) Bill 2011

Amends the: Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 in relation to: —€˜keeping in touch days—€™; debt recovery; notices; and delegation of the secretary—€™s powers; and Fair Work Act 2009 to: clarify unpaid parental leave arrangements in the event of a stillbirth or infant death; enable early commencement of unpaid parental leave; and enable employees who are on unpaid parental leave to perform permissible paid work for short periods (—€˜keeping in touch days—€™).

House of Representatives: Intro. 3/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 3/11/11


SBC report 16/11 (tabled and adopted 10/11/11): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Act 1946 to prohibit the Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings from preventing the re-broadcasting of parliamentary proceedings for the purposes of satire or ridicule.

Senate: Intro. 13/11/13; 2nd reading adjourned 13/11/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report due first sitting Wednesday in February 2014 (12/2/14)

PS Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2013

(Previous title: Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2012)

(Introduced by the President —€“ Senator Hogg)

Amends the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 to: clarify the roles and responsibilities of secretaries of parliamentary service departments; amend the role and responsibilities of the Senior Executive Service; clarify when reviews of action may be undertaken by the Parliamentary Service Merit Protection Commissioner (MPC); provide for the Parliamentary Service Commissioner (the commissioner) to undertake investigations into whistleblower reports after notifying the Presiding Officers; enable the commissioner and the MPC to delegate their powers and functions; revise the Parliamentary Service Values and Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct and provide for Parliamentary Service Employment Principles; add a statement about the role of the parliamentary service; and make technical amendments in relation to: code of conduct; whistleblower reports; review of actions; non-ongoing parliamentary service employees; confidentiality of information; immunity from suit; legislative instruments; and acting appointments for statutory office-holder positions.

Senate: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 7/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 5/2/13

Committee amendments: 2 President/passed

House of Representatives: Intro. 11/2/13; Passed 13/2/13

Assent: 1/3/13; Act No. 4, 2013

Parliamentary Service Amendment (Freedom of Information) Bill 2013

Amends the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 to restore the exclusion for the parliamentary departments and office holders from the application of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 29/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 18/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Committee amendments: 3 AG/negatived

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 97, 2013

Parliamentary Service Amendment (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2013

Amends the: Parliamentary Service Act 1999 to: require the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) to publish a report on designated parliamentary parties—€™ publicly announced policies by 30 days after a government forms following a general election; and set out the framework for the PBO to obtain information from Commonwealth bodies during the caretaker period; and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to enable the Australian Taxation Office to provide the PBO with otherwise protected taxpayer information.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 28/5/13

CID amendments: 13 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 102, 2013

PS Patent Amendment (Human Genes and Biological Materials) Bill 2010 [No. 2]

L (Introduced by Senators Coonan and Heffernan —€“ LP, Senator Siewert —€“ AG and Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Patents Act 1990 to prevent the patenting of biological materials which are identical or substantially identical to materials as they exist in nature.

Senate: Intro. 24/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 24/11/10

SBC report 15/10 (tabled and adopted 26/11/10): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 15/6/11, 23/8/11; report tabled 21/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Pay As You Go Withholding Non-compliance Tax Bill 2011

Introduced with the Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 8) Bill 2011, the bill imposes a pay as you go (PAYG) withholding non-compliance tax on directors and, in some circumstances, their associates where their company has a PAYG withholding liability for an income year and the director or associate is entitled to a credit for amounts withheld by the company during the income year.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/10/11; 2nd reading adjourned 13/10/11

SC report no. 36 (tabled 13/10/11): Bill referred to House Economics Committee; report tabled 3/11/11


SBC report 15/11 (tabled and adopted 3/11/11): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 21/11/11

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Plain Tobacco Packaging (Removing Branding from Cigarette Packs) Bill 2009
L [2010]

(Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

Amends the Trade Practices Act 1974 and Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards) (Tobacco) Regulations 2004 to ban advertising, logos or trademarks and specify the appearance requirements for cigarette packaging.

Senate: Intro. 20/8/09; 2nd reading adjourned 20/8/09

SBC report 18/09 (tabled and adopted 26/11/09): Bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 24/2/10; report presented out of sitting 26/8/10 and tabled 28/9/10

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 30/9/10

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Plastic Bag Levy (Assessment and Collection) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Provides for the assessment and collection of a 25 cent levy for each plastic bag used at retail points of sale. Also includes reporting requirements and a regulation making power.

Senate: Intro. 22/11/10; 2nd reading adjourned 22/11/10

SBC report 15/10 (tabled and adopted 26/11/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Provides for a national plebiscite to be held in conjunction with the next House of Representatives election on whether Australia should become a republic.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Poker Machine Harm Reduction ($1 Bets and Other Measures) Bill 2012 [2013]

R (Introduced by Senator Di Natale —€“ AG, Senator Madigan —€“ DLP and Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

The bill: regulates poker machine use by requiring that poker machines: must not accept banknotes with a denomination greater than $20; must not accept certain additional credits; must not allow a bet in excess of $1 per spin; and must not have a jackpot or a linked-jackpot arrangement greater than $500; and imposes penalties for a contravention of these requirements. Also provides: that the minister takes all reasonable steps to implement uniform national standards for poker machines in relation to harm minimisation, with particular reference to maximum losses, to take effect from 1 January 2015; and for the establishment of a national monitoring network.

Senate: Intro. 22/3/12; 2nd reading adjourned 22/3/12, 5/12/13

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 3/12/13

House of Representatives:

Reference (see item 31, Votes and Proceedings 29/9/10): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 22/3/12; report tabled in House and Senate 24/6/13

PS Poker Machine Harm Reduction Tax (Administration) Bill 2008 [2010]

L (Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

The bill: provides for the administration of a poker machine harm reduction tax to be payable by a licensed operator on revenue derived from licensed poker machines; establishes the Poker Machine Harm Reduction Transition Fund Supervisory Board to determine grants to be made from the fund for the purposes of funding community activities, rehabilitation and prevention programs; and provides for promotional educational programs highlighting the risks of gambling.

Senate: Intro. 14/2/08; 2nd reading adjourned 14/2/08

SBC report 2/08 (tabled and adopted 12/3/08): Bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Committee; extensions of time to report 18/3/08, 26/6/08; report tabled 10/11/08

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 30/9/10

Reference: Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 28/10/10; report presented out of sitting 30/8/11; report tabled in House and Senate 12/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Poker Machine (Reduced Losses—€”Interim Measures) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Regulates poker machine use by requiring that poker machines: must not accept banknotes with a denomination greater than $20; must not accept certain additional credits; must not allow a bet in excess of $1 per spin; and must not allow a loss exceeding $120 in one hour—€™s operation. Also imposes penalties for a contravention of these requirements.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 12/10 (tabled and adopted 27/10/10): No reference

Reference: Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform 28/10/10; report presented out of sitting 30/8/11; report tabled in House and Senate 12/9/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Preventing the Misuse of Government Advertising Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Requires the Auditor-General to assess certain government information and advertising campaigns for their compliance with guidelines and to present reports of any assessment to Parliament.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999 to: enable levies collected to be paid to the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and remove the requirement for the Wine Australia Corporation to make recommendations to the minister about the levy rate.

House of Representatives: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999 to: enable levies collected to be paid to the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and remove the requirement for the Wine Australia Corporation to make recommendations to the minister about the levy rate.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 2/12/13

Senate: Intro. 3/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 137, 2013

L Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999 to: remove product specific maximum rates for research and development and marketing charge rates; standardise and clarify the industry bodies to be consulted before the minister sets new or changed rates; and provide that the maximum charge rate to be imposed is the rate requested by the charge payers.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999 to: remove product specific maximum rates for research and development and marketing charge rates; standardise and clarify the industry bodies to be consulted before the minister sets new or changed rates; provide that the maximum charge rate to be imposed is the rate requested by the charge payers; and make contingent amendments in relation to wine production.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 144, 2013

L Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 to: enable levies collected to be paid to the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and remove the requirement for the Wine Australia Corporation to make recommendations to the minister about the levy rate.

House of Representatives: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment (Australian Grape and Wine Authority) Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills to create the Australian Grape and Wine Authority, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 to: enable levies collected to be paid to the Australian Grape and Wine Authority; and remove the requirement for the Wine Australia Corporation to make recommendations to the minister about the levy rate.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 2/12/13

Senate: Intro. 3/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 138, 2013

L Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends the: Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 to: remove product specific maximum levy rates for research and development and marketing levies; standardise and clarify the industry bodies to be consulted before the minister sets new or changed levies; provide that the maximum levy rate to be imposed is the rate requested by the levy payers; set the levy rate on sugar cane to 70 cents per tonne; and require the minister to take into account recommendations from the sugar industry services body on the rate of the levy on sugar cane in the absence of an industry organisation; and proposed Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments—€”Excise) Act 2013 to remove the maximum levy rate on sugar cane.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 to: remove product specific maximum levy rates for research and development and marketing levies; standardise and clarify the industry bodies to be consulted before the minister sets new or changed levies; provide that the maximum levy rate to be imposed is the rate requested by the levy payers; and make contingent amendments in relation to wine production.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 145, 2013

L Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill 2013

Amends the Privacy Act 1988 to establish a framework for the mandatory notification by regulated entities of serious data breaches to the Australian Information Commissioner and to affected individuals.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Private Health Insurance Amendment (Lifetime Health Cover Loading and Other Measures) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Private Health Insurance Amendment (Lifetime Health Cover Loading and Other Measures) Act 2013)

Amends the: Private Health Insurance Act 2007 to: remove the Private Health Insurance Incentive Benefit (the rebate) from the Lifetime Health Cover loading component of affected private health insurance premiums; and cease the Incentive Payments Scheme which allows people to claim the rebate as a direct payment; and Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 4/6/13

CID amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/3/13

Committee amendment: 1 Schedule opposed (Opp)/Schedule agreed to

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 105, 2013

Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Base Premium) Bill 2013

Amends the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 to provide, for the purposes of determining the private health insurance rebate, a base premium for each private health insurance policy as at 1 April 2013 which will be indexed annually by the lesser of the Consumer Price Index or the percentage of any increase in the premium.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 4/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 106, 2013

Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 to: provide, for the purposes of determining the private health insurance rebate, a single rebate adjustment factor which will apply to premiums on 1 April each year from 2014; and make a technical amendment. Also repeals the Private Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Base Premium) Act 2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13


SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

PS Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising (Broadcasting and
L Telecommunications Amendment) Bill 2011

(Introduced by Senators Bob Brown and Di Natale —€“ AG)

Amends the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to: restrict the advertising or other promotion of unhealthy food and beverages on television on weekdays between 6.00 am and 9.00 am and between 4.00 pm and 9.00 pm, and on weekends and public holidays between 6.00 am and 12.00 pm and between 4.00 pm and 9.00 pm; and restrict the advertising or other promotion of unhealthy food and beverages on subscription television, the internet or by electronic message.

Senate: Intro. 21/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 21/11/11

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Protecting Local Jobs (Regulating Enterprise Migration Agreements) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

Amends the Fair Work Act 2009 and Migration Act 1958 to: provide that enterprise migration agreements are regulated by placing certain requirements on employers and the minister to ensure such agreements are used only where genuinely necessary and do not adversely affect local job opportunities; and require enterprise migration agreements to be tabled in each House of the Parliament.

House of Representatives: Intro. 18/6/12; Negatived at 2nd reading 16/5/13


SBC report 10/12 (tabled and adopted 23/8/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 18/9/12; report tabled 12/3/13

Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Bill 2012

(Act citation: Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Act 2013)

Establishes a scheme to provide protection for cultural objects on loan from foreign lenders for temporary public exhibition while the objects are in Australia.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/11/12; Passed 6/2/13

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; Passed 28/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 14/3/13; Act No. 12, 2013

PS Public Accounts and Audit Committee Amendment (Ombudsman) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951 to expand the role of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit to include additional duties in relation to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, including: examining all reports tabled by the ombudsman; reporting to Parliament on matters relating to the ombudsman; and considering the operations and resources of the ombudsman.

Senate: Intro. 1/11/11; 2nd reading adjourned 1/11/11

SBC report 1/12 (tabled and adopted 9/2/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Bill 2013

Establishes a system of governance and accountability across Commonwealth entities by: establishing a uniform set of duties for accountable authorities; establishing a uniform set of duties for all officials who use or manage public resources; establishing a comprehensive and uniform reporting framework including requiring the development of corporate plans; placing a duty on entities to establish appropriate systems of risk oversight and management (earned autonomy); enabling Commonwealth entities to partner with the states, territories and not-for-profit sector; and clarifying the Finance Minister—€™s role in relation to the financial framework. Also requires the minister in consultation with the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit to cause an independent review of the operation of the Act after three years.

House of Representatives: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

SC report no. 80 (tabled 16/5/13): Bill referred to Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit; report tabled in House 4/6/13 and Senate 17/6/13

CID amendments: 14 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 30/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 123, 2013

Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2013

The bill: establishes a framework to encourage and facilitate reporting of wrongdoing by public officials in the Commonwealth public sector; ensures that Commonwealth agencies properly investigate and respond to public interest disclosures; provides protections to public officials who make qualifying public interest disclosures; and provides for a review of the operation of the Act after two years.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 19/6/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 28/5/13

CID amendments: 73 Govt/passed; 1 AG/passed; 16 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 13/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Committee amendments: 10 AG/negatived; 1 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

Assent: 15/7/13; Act No. 133, 2013

Public Interest Disclosure (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013

Further to the Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2013, the bill makes consequential amendments to the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996, Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986, Ombudsman Act 1976, Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and Public Service Act 1999.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 19/6/13

CID amendments: 2 AG/negatived

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Committee amendments: 2 AG/negatived

Assent: 15/7/13; Act No. 134, 2013

PM Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Introduced with the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012, the bill establishes a framework to facilitate public interest disclosures by public officials and provides those officials with protections by providing for: processes for who can make a public interest disclosure and to whom; the conduct of investigations; public interest disclosures to third parties; the obligations of agencies; legal protections of disclosers; and oversight of the disclosures.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/10/12; Read a 1st time 29/10/12; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 72 (tabled 1/11/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 28/5/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PM Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) (Consequential
L Amendments) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Mr Wilkie —€“ Ind)

Introduced with the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Bill 2012, the bill makes consequential amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009, Ombudsman Act 1976, Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and Public Service Act 1999.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/10/12; Read a 1st time 29/10/12; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 72 (tabled 1/11/12): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 28/5/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Public Interest Media Advocate Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill: creates the independent statutory office of the Public Interest Media Advocate (PIMA); provides for the functions, appointment, and terms and conditions of PIMA; and requires an annual report to be prepared on PIMA—€™s activities and other specified matters.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Discharged from Notice Paper 21/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13


SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

Public Service Amendment Bill 2012

(Act citation: Public Service Amendment Act 2013)

Amends the Public Service Act 1999 to: clarify the roles and responsibilities of secretaries of departments and revise their employment arrangements; create the Secretaries Board to replace the Management Advisory Committee; amend the role and responsibilities of the Senior Executive Service; clarify the role and functions of the Australian Public Service (APS) Commissioner; appoint Special Commissioners to assist the commissioner in undertaking certain reviews; revise the APS Values and provide for a set of APS Employment Principles; and make technical amendments in relation to: code of conduct; whistleblower reports; review of actions; temporary APS employees; machinery of government changes; confidentiality of information; immunity from suit; and legislative instruments. Also makes consequential amendments to nine other Acts and repeals the Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999.

House of Representatives: Intro. 1/3/12; Passed 20/8/12

CID amendments: 28 Govt/passed; 3 Opp/passed

Senate: Intro. 22/8/12; Passed 7/2/13

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): No reference

Committee amendments: 5 AG/negatived

Assent: 14/2/13; Act No. 2, 2013

PS Public Service Amendment (Payments in Special Circumstances) Bill 2011 [2013]

R (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Public Service Act 1999 to enable agencies to make a discretionary payment in special circumstances (for example, for compensation) in excess of $100 000.

Senate: Intro. 12/5/11; 2nd reading adjourned 12/5/11

SBC report 9/11 (tabled and adopted 7/7/11): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 18/8/11

Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 10/12/13

PS Qantas Sale Amendment (Still Call Australia Home) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind and Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the Qantas Sale Act 1992 to: require that Qantas—€™ principal operation centre is located in Australia; require that the majority of heavy maintenance of aircraft, flight operations and Qantas training is conducted in Australia; provide that the Qantas Board of Directors consist of at least one director with professional flight operations experience and one director with aircraft engineering experience; and provide that the minister or certain shareholder members may restrain Qantas from engaging in certain particular conduct.

Senate: Intro. 25/8/11; 2nd reading adjourned 25/8/11, 10/5/12

SBC report 12/11 (tabled and adopted 15/9/11): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; extensions of time to report 20/9/11, 21/11/11, 29/2/12, 14/3/12; report tabled 22/3/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Quarantine Amendment (Disallowing Permits) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Quarantine Act 1908 to: provide that Biosecurity Policy Determinations are disallowable legislative instruments; provide that a permit to import, introduce, or bring in an animal, plant, substance or thing is a disallowable legislative instrument; and provide that, when these instruments are presented to Parliament, the minister is required to table a risk analysis in both Houses and refer the instruments to parliamentary committees responsible for agricultural matters.

Senate: Intro. 25/8/11; 2nd reading adjourned 25/8/11, 10/11/11

SBC report 12/11 (tabled and adopted 15/9/11): Bill referred to Senate Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/11/11

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PM Reducing Supermarket Dominance Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

The bill: provides for a limit on the market share for supermarket businesses, including enforced progressive divesture to 20 per cent over a six-year period where necessary; establishes and provides powers to the Commissioner of Food Retailing; and requires the commissioner to administer the limits on market share and promote competition and fairness principles.

House of Representatives: Intro. 17/6/13; Read a 1st time 17/6/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 to: require the Australian Electoral Commission to send a Yes/No referendum pamphlet to each residential address on the electoral roll rather than to each elector; and temporarily suspend the limit on Commonwealth spending on referendum proposals.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 14/5/13

CID amendments: 2 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Committee amendments: 1 clause opposed (Opp)/clause agreed to; 3 items opposed (Opp)/items agreed to

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 17/5/13; Act No. 34, 2013

L Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Bill 2013

(Previous title: Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Bill 2012)

Establishes a framework of standard regulatory powers exercised by Commonwealth agencies by providing for: monitoring and investigative powers; and enforcement provisions including civil penalties, infringement notices, enforceable undertakings and injunctions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 10/10/12; Passed 18/6/13

SC report no. 68 (tabled 11/10/12): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement; report tabled in House 26/11/12 and Senate 28/11/12

CID amendments: 61 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/13

SBC report 13/12 (tabled and adopted 11/10/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 23/10/12 and tabled 29/10/12

Reference: Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 28/11/12; report tabled 18/3/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Renewable Energy Amendment (Feed-in-Tariff for Electricity) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Amends the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 to establish a national feed-in tariff (FiT) scheme to provide financial support for the commercialisation of prospective renewable energy technologies by providing: that the minister sets and reviews a FiT rate for renewable energy technology and a FiT levy rate to fund payments under the scheme; that qualifying generators be allowed to connect and feed into the grid; that the Renewable Energy Regulator establish a Feed-in-Tariff Register; and for the preparation and tabling of an independent report on the operation of the scheme.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms)
Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Madigan —€“ DLP and Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 to provide the Clean Energy Regulator with powers to ensure that accredited power stations that are wind farms, either in whole or in part, do not create excessive noise.

Senate: Intro. 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12); Negatived at 2nd reading 28/2/13

SBC report 9/12 (tabled and adopted 16/8/12): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 17/9/12

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee 11/10/12; report tabled 28/11/12

PM Renewable Fuel Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 to: provide for the regulation of renewable fuel content in fuel supplied for use in motor vehicles; provide that the ethanol volume percentage be mandated at a minimum of 5 per cent from 1 July 2017 and a minimum of 10 per cent from 1 July 2020; establish an office of Renewable Fuel Program Administrator and provide for the appointment and functions of the administrator; and include record keeping and reporting requirements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 24/6/13; Read a 1st time 24/6/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 86 (tabled 26/6/13): Bill referred to House Climate Change, Environment and the Arts Committee

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PM Reserve Bank Amendment (Australian Reconstruction and Development Board)
L Bill 2013

(Introduced by Mr Katter —€“ KAP)

Amends the Reserve Bank Act 1959 to: establish the Australian Reconstruction and Development Board as the third Board within the Reserve Bank of Australia; and provide for the functions, membership, meetings and other administrative arrangements of the board, including resolving any policy differences between the three boards.

House of Representatives: Intro. 17/6/13; Read a 1st time 17/6/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Reserve Bank Amendment (Australian Reconstruction and Development Board)
L Bill 2013 [No. 2]

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Reserve Bank Act 1959 to: establish the Australian Reconstruction and Development Board as the third Board within the Reserve Bank of Australia; and provide for the functions, membership, meetings and other administrative arrangements of the board, including resolving any policy differences between the three boards.

Senate: Intro. 27/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Reserve Bank Amendment (Australian Reconstruction and Development Board) Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind and Senator Madigan —€“ DLP)

Amends the Reserve Bank Act 1959 to: establish the Australian Reconstruction and Development Board as the third Board within the Reserve Bank of Australia; and provide for the functions, membership, meetings and other administrative arrangements of the board, including resolving any policy differences between the three boards.

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 5/12/13

SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report due 26/3/14

PS Responsible Takeaway Alcohol Hours Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Fielding —€“ FFP)

Prohibits the sale of takeaway alcoholic beverages between midnight and 7.00 am on any day and imposes offences for any contravention.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/11 (tabled and adopted 25/8/11): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Di Natale —€“ AG)

Amends the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978, Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 and Norfolk Island Act 1979 to remove the prohibition on legalising voluntary euthanasia. Also repeals the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997.

Senate: Intro. 26/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 26/11/12

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 25/3/13 and tabled 14/5/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Royal Commissions Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the Royal Commissions Act 1902 to: enable the President or Chair of a multi-member Royal Commission to authorise one or more members to hold a hearing; and permit the Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse to authorise members of the commission to hold private sessions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 13/3/13

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 19/3/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Committee amendments: 7 Govt/passed

[House agreed to Senate amendments 20/3/13]

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 24, 2013

L Rural Research and Development Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends: the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 to: require research and development corporations (RDCs) to enter into a funding agreement with the Commonwealth before the end of the 2013-14 financial year; enable individual fisheries industry levies to be collected and matched subject to a relevant industry cap; amend the process for selecting board members for statutory RDCs; include marketing activities in the role of RDCs; and amend the long and short titles of the Act; the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000, Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 and Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to standardise ministerial delegation rules for industry-owned RDCs; the Dairy Produce Act 1986 and Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to enable the minister to give written directions to the industry and research bodies in certain circumstances; the Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to: enable the research body to use certain funds for marketing activities; and provide that the timing of the wool levy poll is prescribed in regulations; six Acts to enable the Commonwealth to match voluntary contributions made to RDCs by businesses for research and development; and nine Acts to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 26/6/13

Senate: Intro. 28/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Rural Research and Development Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of three bills in relation to rural research and development, the bill amends: the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 to: require research and development corporations (RDCs) to enter into a funding agreement with the Commonwealth before the end of the 2014-15 financial year; enable individual fisheries industry levies to be collected and matched subject to a relevant industry cap; amend the process for selecting board members for statutory RDCs; include marketing activities in the role of RDCs; and amend the long and short titles of the Act; the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997, Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000, Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 and Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to standardise ministerial delegation rules for industry-owned RDCs; the Dairy Produce Act 1986 and Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to enable the minister to give written directions to the industry and research bodies in certain circumstances; the Wool Services Privatisation Act 2000 to: enable the research body to use certain funds for marketing activities; and provide that the timing of the wool levy poll is prescribed in regulations; seven Acts to enable the Commonwealth to match voluntary contributions made to RDCs by businesses for research and development; eight Acts to make technical amendments; and the Wine Australia Corporation Act 1980 and renamed Australian Grape and Wine Authority Act 2013 to make contingent amendments in relation to the proposed Australian Grape and Wine Authority.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; Passed 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Assent: 13/12/13; Act No. 146, 2013

PS Safe Climate (Energy Efficient Non-Residential Buildings Scheme) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Milne —€“ AG)

Establishes an emissions intensity cap and building efficiency certificate trading scheme for non-residential buildings.

Senate: Intro. 29/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 29/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013

Amends the: Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to: provide new protections against discrimination on the basis of a person—€™s sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status; provide protection against discrimination for same-sex de facto couples; and make consequential amendments; and Migration Act 1958 to make a consequential amendment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; Passed 30/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee; report tabled 27/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 14/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 AG/negatived

Committee amendments: 5 Govt/passed; 1 Opp/negatived

[House agreed to Senate amendments 25/6/13]

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 98, 2013

PS Small Business Commissioner Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Whish-Wilson —€“ AG)

The bill: establishes the Office of the Small Business Commissioner; provides for the appointment, functions and powers of the commissioner; and includes an annual reporting requirement and a regulation making power.

Senate: Intro. 25/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 25/2/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): Bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 18/4/13 and tabled 14/5/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Social Security Amendment (Supporting More Australians into Work) Bill 2013

Amends the Social Security Act 1991 to: increase the income free area that applies for recipients of Newstart Allowance, Widow Allowance, Partner Allowance, Parenting Payment (Partnered) and Sickness Allowance; extend eligibility for the Pensioner Education Supplement to single principal carer parents receiving Newstart Allowance payments; and provide a 12-week extension of eligibility for the Pensioner Concessioner Card to single parents who are no longer qualified for Parenting Payment (Single) because their youngest child has turned eight years of age and who do not qualify for another income support payment due to earnings from employment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee 29/5/13; report tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

2nd reading amendment: 1 AG/negatived

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 121, 2013

PS Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Caring for Single Parents)
L Bill 2013

(Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the: Social Security Act 1991 to provide for: a $40 per week supplementary payment for single parents receiving Newstart payments; and the income test for single parents receiving Newstart to be the same as the income test for single parents receiving Parenting Payment; Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to provide for payments under this Act; and Fair Work Act 2009 to provide for an enforceable right to request flexible working arrangements for people with caring responsibilities, including single parents.

Senate: Intro. 13/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 13/3/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support Bonus) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support Bonus) Act 2013)

Amends the Social Security Act 1991, Social Security (Administration) Act 1999, Farm Household Support Act 1992 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to provide for an income support bonus (of $105 for single people or $87.50 for most people who are an eligible member of a couple) to be paid to eligible income support recipients on a twice-yearly basis from March 2013.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 5/2/13

Senate: Intro. 6/2/13; Passed 25/2/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Assent: 5/3/13; Act No. 5, 2013

PS Social Security Legislation Amendment (Caring for People on Newstart) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Amends the: Social Security Act 1991 to: increase the single rates of Newstart and Youth Allowance by $50 a week; and standardise the indexation arrangements for pensions and allowances; and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to provide that these payments are made from monies appropriated by the Parliament.

Senate: Intro. 7/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 7/2/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Consideration deferred

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Disaster Recovery Allowance) Bill 2013

Amends the: Social Security Act 1991 and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to create the Disaster Recovery Allowance to provide short-term income support to individuals with a demonstrated loss of income following a major on-shore disaster; and Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to provide that the allowance is subject to the Beneficiary Tax Off-Set scheme.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 26/6/13; Act No. 62, 2013

L Social Security Legislation Amendment (Public Housing Tenants—€™ Support) Bill 2013

Amends the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 and Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to establish the Housing Payment Deduction Scheme to provide for rent and household utilities to be compulsorily deducted from specified welfare payments to public housing tenants who are in significant rental arrears that could lead to eviction or housing abandonment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 17/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 12/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

The bill: abolishes the supervisory and gaming machine regulation levies by repealing the National Gambling Reform (Related Matters) Act (No. 1) 2012 and National Gambling Reform (Related Matters) Act (No. 2) 2012; and amends: the National Gambling Reform Act 2012 to: amend the long and short titles of the Act; abolish the position of the National Gambling Regulator; remove the automatic teller machine withdrawal limit, dynamic warnings, the mandatory pre-commitment trial, and the requirement for the Productivity Commission to undertake reviews; and express the Commonwealth—€™s commitment to encouraging responsible gambling, including the development and implementation of voluntary pre-commitment measures; the Charities Act 2013 to delay commencement of the Act by nine months to 1 September 2014 to enable further consultation; the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 to enable income management to continue in Cape York for a further two years; the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 to provide that family tax benefit Part A will be paid to families only up to the end of the calendar year in which their teenager is completing school; the Social Security Act 1991 and Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999 to amend the rules for calculating pensions paid outside Australia; the Social Security Act 1991 and Student Assistance Act 1973 to enable an interest charge to be applied to certain social security debts; seven Acts to replace the student start-up scholarship with an income-contingent student start-up loan; the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 to remove the requirement for employers to provide paid parental leave to eligible employees; the Social Security Act 1991 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to: discontinue late registrations for the closed pension bonus scheme; and extend the deeming rules to account-based superannuation income streams; the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999, Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Budget Measures) Act 2011 and Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 to extend the indexation pauses on certain higher income limits for three years; the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999, A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 and Paid Parental Leave Act 2010 to amend the rules for receiving family and parental payments overseas; and nine Acts in relation to: the Student Financial Supplement Scheme; lodging tax returns for family assistance purposes; payments made under the National Disability Insurance Scheme; tax file number data sharing; child support; and the newborn supplement and stillborn baby payment.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/11/13; Passed 4/12/13

CID amendments: 3 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 5/12/13, 12/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled 5/12/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 5/12/13): Provisions of:

Schedule 2 of bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 11/12/13

Schedules 6 and 9 of bill referred to Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee; report tabled 11/12/13

Bill (excluding Schedules 2, 6 and 9) referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/12/13

PS Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Natural Program Breaks and
L Disruptive Advertising) Bill 2012

(Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 to phase out by 2016 advertising within television programs on SBS.

Senate: Intro. 27/2/12; 2nd reading adjourned 27/2/12

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Special Broadcasting Service Amendment (Prohibition of Disruptive Advertising)
L Bill 2010

(Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991 to prohibit certain advertising being shown during programs on SBS television.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Statute Law Revision Bill 2013

Amends: 39 Acts to correct technical errors and misdescribed or redundant amendments and modernise language; the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 and Inspector-General of Taxation Act 2003 to repeal provisions relating to redundant acting appointments; the Fisheries Levy Act 1984 and Fisheries Management Act 1991 to prescribe matters by reference to other instruments; 43 Acts to make amendments consequential on amendments to the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 and the enactment of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003; and 22 Acts to repeal spent and obsolete provisions. Also repeals the Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Collection) Act 2001 and Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Imposition) Act 2001.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 28/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 103, 2013

Statute Stocktake (Appropriations) Bill 2013

Repeals 84 redundant Appropriation Acts which are spent, exhausted or lapsed.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 29/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 1/7/13; Act No. 132, 2013

PS Stolen Generations Reparations Tribunal Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Siewert —€“ AG)

Establishes a Stolen Generations Reparations Tribunal to decide and make recommendations on claims for reparation.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Student Identifiers Bill 2013

Establishes a framework for the introduction of a student identifier for individuals undertaking nationally recognised vocational education and training from 1 January 2014 by: providing for how the student identifier may be assigned, collected, used and disclosed; providing for the creation of an authenticated transcript of an individual—€™s record of nationally recognised training undertaken; establishing the Student Identifiers Agency to administer the scheme; providing for the functions, powers, appointment and terms and conditions of the Chief Executive Officer of the agency; and making technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 20/3/13


SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee; report tabled 19/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Sugar Research and Development Services Bill 2013

Introduced with the Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013, the bill enables the minister to: enter into a funding contract with an eligible company to enable it to receive and invest levies collected by the Commonwealth for research and development and to receive the Commonwealth—€™s matching funding for eligible research and development, up to a determined funding cap; and declare the company to be the industry services body or that it is no longer the industry services body.

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/6/13; Passed 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee 5/6/13; report presented out of sitting 6/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 113, 2013

Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Sugar Research and Development Services Bill 2013, the bill amends the: Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Act 1991 and Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Regulations 1991 to make consequential amendments; and Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection Regulations 1991 to provide for: an instalment system for payment of the levy to commence on 1 March 2014; and a penalty for late payment. Also: repeals the Sugar Research and Development Corporation Regulations 1990 to abolish the Sugar Research and Development Corporation on 1 October 2013; and contains transitional provisions relating to the transition to a new industry services body.

House of Representatives: Intro. 5/6/13; Passed 19/6/13

CID amendments: 4 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee 5/6/13; report presented out of sitting 6/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 115, 2013

Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments—€”Excise) Bill 2013

Amends the: Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 to: impose the levy on sugar cane that is processed or sold for processing; set the levy rate to a maximum of 70 cents per tonne; and allow for the rate to be amended by regulation; and Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Regulations 1999 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 18/6/13; Passed 19/6/13

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 114, 2013

Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Charge) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Tax Laws Amendment (Fairer Taxation of Excess Concessional Contributions) Bill 2013, the bill imposes an excess concessional contributions charge on the amount of an individual—€™s income tax liability for the income year that is attributable to the individual having excess concessional contributions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 116, 2013

Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Tax) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Tax) Act 2007 to increase to 32 per cent the rate at which excess concessional contributions tax is payable on an individual—€™s excess concessional contributions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 47, 2013

Superannuation (Excess Non-concessional Contributions Tax) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Superannuation (Excess Non-concessional Contributions Tax) Act 2007 to increase to 47 per cent the rate at which excess non-concessional contributions tax is payable on an individual—€™s excess non-concessional contributions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 46, 2013

Superannuation (Excess Untaxed Roll-over Amounts Tax) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Superannuation (Excess Untaxed Roll-over Amounts Tax) Act 2007 to increase to 47 per cent the rate at which excess untaxed roll-over amounts tax is payable on an individual—€™s excess untaxed roll-over amounts.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 45, 2013

Superannuation Laws Amendment (MySuper Capital Gains Tax Relief and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to provide income tax relief to superannuation funds where there is a mandatory transfer of default members—€™ account balances to a MySuper product in another superannuation fund; Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act 1973 to make consequential amendments as a result of the proposed Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (Increased Concessional Contributions Cap and Other Measures) Act 2013; and Fair Work Amendment Act 2012 to: allow contributions for default fund employees to whom a modern award applies to be directed to an employer MySuper product, subject to Fair Work Commission (FWC) approval; increase the maximum number of funds that can generally be specified in a modern award from 10 to 15; require the FWC to review terms in modern awards every four years; and make consequential and technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 20/6/13

CID amendments: 2 Govt/passed

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 24/6/13

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 89, 2013

L Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Reducing Illegal Early Release and Other Measures) Bill 2012

Introduced with the Income Tax Rates Amendment (Unlawful Payments from Regulated Superannuation Funds) Bill 2012, the bill amends the: Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 to provide for civil and criminal penalties for persons who promote a scheme that has resulted, or is likely to result, in the illegal early release of superannuation benefits; Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 to require that superannuation benefits that are rolled over into self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) are captured as a designated service; and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to provide for administrative directions and penalties for contraventions relating to SMSFs.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Consideration in detail 11/2/13

CID amendments: 2 Opp/pending


SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Reform of Self Managed Superannuation Funds Supervisory Levy Arrangements) Bill 2013

Amends the: Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1991 to: increase the maximum levy payable by a trustee of a self managed superannuation fund for an income year from $200 to $300, effective from the 2013-14 financial year; and make consequential amendments; and Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Taxation Act 1987 to: provide that the levy payable for a year of income is due and payable on a day specified in the regulations; and make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 21/3/13

SC report no. 75 (tabled 14/2/13): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in Senate 19/3/13 and House 20/3/13

Senate: Intro. 14/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 55, 2013

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and Other Governance Measures) Bill 2013

(Previous title: Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and Other Governance Measures) Bill 2012)

Amends the: Corporations Act 2001 to require registrable superannuation entity licensees that are also responsible entities of registered managed investment schemes to comply with requirements on adequate resources and risk management systems; Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 to: over-ride any provision in the governing rules of a registrable superannuation entity that requires the trustee to use a specified service provider, investment entity or financial product; enable the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to issue infringement notices for a broader range of breaches of the Act; require superannuation trustees to provide eligible persons, generally on request, with the reasons for decisions made in relation to a complaint; require persons seeking to take legal action against a director for a breach of their duties to first seek leave from the court; extend the availability of certain legal defences to directors and trustees; remove restrictions on director voting; clarify the definition of —€˜superannuation contribution—€™ to include defined benefits; and make consequential amendments; Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993 to increase the time limits within which beneficiaries can lodge complaints with the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal regarding total and permanent disability claims; First Home Saver Accounts Act 2008 to make consequential amendments; and Superannuation Legislation Amendment (MySuper Core Provisions) Act 2012 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 15/5/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in House and Senate 5/2/13

CID amendments: 36 Govt/passed; 7 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Committee amendments: 7 Opp/negatived

Assent: 26/6/13; Act No. 61, 2013

Superannuation (Sustaining the Superannuation Contribution Concession) Imposition Bill 2013

Introduced with the Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (Increased Concessional Contributions Cap and Other Measures) Bill 2013, the bill imposes a 15 per cent tax on income earners whose income and concessionally taxed superannuation contributions exceed $300 000 for an income year.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 29/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 87, 2013

Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Bill 2013

Amends: the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Superannuation (Departing Australia Superannuation Payments Tax) Act 2007 and Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999 to provide that income tax is generally not payable on the interest paid by the Commonwealth on unclaimed money from 1 July 2013; the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 to: align the airline transport fringe benefits rules with the in-house property and in-house residual fringe benefit provisions; and update the method for determining the taxable value of airline transport fringe benefits; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to enable participants in the Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program to choose to make payments they derive under the program free of income tax, with expenditure related to infrastructure improvements required under the program then being non-deductible; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Income (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to: enable corporate tax entities to carry-back losses to previous income years; and make consequential amendments; and 18 Acts to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 29/5/13

SC report no. 75 (tabled 14/2/13): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in Senate 19/3/13 and House 20/3/13

CID amendments: 4 Govt/passed; 3 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

Committee amendments: 1 Opp/negatived; 2 Schedules opposed (Opp)/Schedules agreed to

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 88, 2013

Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 2) Bill 2013

Amends the: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: define —€˜documentary—€™ in accordance with the Australian Communications and Media Authority—€™s guidelines; clarify that game shows are ineligible for film tax offsets; and update the list of deductible gift recipients; Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 1) Act 2011 and Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 1) Act 2012 to exempt from income tax certain ex-gratia payments made in relation to natural disasters during the 2011-12 and 2012-13 financial years; A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 to enable entities who currently pay their goods and services tax by instalments to continue to do so if they move into a net refund position; Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 to require trustees to establish and implement procedures in relation to the consolidation of multiple member accounts; Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003 to reduce the amount of superannuation co-contribution available from the 2012-13 financial year; Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to consolidate dependency tax offsets into the Dependant (Invalid and Carer) Tax Offset from 1 July 2012; and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Tax Laws Amendment (Taxation of Financial Arrangements) Act 2009 to clarify the operation of the taxation of financial arrangements regime.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 28/5/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to House Economics Committee; report tabled 14/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 85, 2013

Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (Increased Concessional Contributions Cap and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Superannuation (Sustaining the Superannuation Contribution Concession) Imposition Bill 2013, the bill amends: the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 to increase the superannuation concessional contributions cap to $35 000 for the 2013-14 financial year for individuals aged 60 years and over, and to $35 000 for the 2014-15 financial year and later financial years for individuals aged 50 years and over; the Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003 to make technical amendments; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to reduce the tax concession that individuals whose income exceeds $300 000 receive on their concessionally taxed superannuation contributions made from 1 July 2012 to 15 per cent; and eight Acts to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 29/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 24/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 82, 2013

Tax Bonus for Working Australians Repeal Bill 2013

The bill: repeals the Tax Bonus for Working Australians Act (No. 2) 2009 to provide that no further tax bonus payments ($900 stimulus cheques) are made; and makes consequential amendments to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Social Security Act 1991, Taxation Administration Act 1953 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13


SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6) Act 2013)

Amends the: Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to clarify that native title benefits are not subject to income tax (including capital gains tax); Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: update the list of deductible gift recipients; extend the immediate deductibility of exploration and prospecting expenditure provided to mining and petroleum explorers to geothermal energy explorers; and clarify that the definition of —€˜limited recourse debt—€™ includes arrangements where, in substance or effect, the debtor is not fully at risk in relation to the debt; Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 5) Act 2011 to extend the interim streaming rules for managed investment trusts until the end of the 2013-14 financial year; Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to apply an income test to the rebate for medical expenses from 1 July 2012; Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 to remove the concessional fringe benefits tax treatment for in-house fringe benefits accessed by way of salary packaging arrangements; and Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations 1997, Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 and five Acts to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 18/3/13

SC report no. 73 (tabled 29/11/12): Bill referred to House Economics Committee; report tabled 11/2/13

CID amendments: 3 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 19/3/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

Committee amendments: 2 Opp/negatived; 2 Schedules opposed (Opp)/Schedules agreed to

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 84, 2013

Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Bill 2013

Amends the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: ensure that the small business connected entity test and the capital gains tax scrip for scrip roll-over stakeholder tests apply appropriately; exempt from income tax Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy payments made in relation to natural disasters which occurred during 3 January to 30 September 2013; and add a new general category to the list of deductible gift recipients.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 29/5/13

CID amendments: 2 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Committee amendments: 1 Opp/negatived; 1 Schedule opposed (Opp)/Schedule agreed to

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 119, 2013

Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 2) Bill 2013

Amends: the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to: require certain large entities to pay Pay As You Go instalments monthly rather than quarterly or annually; require the commissioner to publish limited information about the tax affairs of large corporate taxpayers; enable the publication of periodic aggregate tax collection information; and enable information sharing between government agencies in relation to foreign acquisitions and investment decisions affecting Australia; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 to provide a tax incentive for entities that carry on a nationally significant infrastructure project that has been designated by the Infrastructure Coordinator; the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987 to address unintended impacts arising from the Federal Court—€™s decision in Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2012] FCAFC 5; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to: remove the capital gains tax discount on discount capital gains accrued after 8 May 2012 by foreign and temporary resident individuals; and exempt payments made under the Defence Abuse Reparation Scheme from income tax; the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 to ensure that certain National Disability Insurance Scheme funded supports are GST-free; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 2) Act 2011 and proposed Tax Laws Amendment (Special Conditions for Not-for-profit Concessions) Act 2013 in relation to deductible gift recipients; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 to make consequential amendments; and seven Acts to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 29/5/13; Passed 6/6/13

SC report no. 82 (tabled 30/5/13): Bill referred to House Economics Committee; report tabled 3/6/13

CID amendments: 6 Govt/passed; 2 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

Reference (see item 13, Journals 15/5/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee 29/5/13; report tabled 17/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): SBC noted reference (see above)

Committee amendments: 1 Opp/negatived; 1 Schedule opposed (Opp)/Schedule agreed to; 3 Ind (Xenophon)/withdrawn

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 124, 2013

Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 3) Bill 2013

Amends the: Tax Agent Services Act 2009 to: include entities that give tax advice in the course of giving advice that is usually provided by financial services licensees within the regulatory regime administered by the Tax Practitioners Board; Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 to make consequential amendments; and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to update the list of deductible gift recipients.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 120, 2013

L Tax Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 4) Bill 2013

Amends: the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to deny access to the research and development tax incentive for companies with aggregated assessable income of $20 billion or more for an income year; the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 to: provide that the conditions for eligibility of research and development activities conducted outside Australia continue to operate as intended; and require Innovation Australia to assess and ensure compliance in relation to the research and development tax incentive; the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to enable entities to anticipate an expected tax offset refund for certain expenditure through quarterly payments; five Acts to make consequential amendments; and the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to provide that excess goods and services tax is only refundable in certain circumstances.

House of Representatives: Intro. 26/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 26/6/13


SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Tax Laws Amendment (Countering Tax Avoidance and Multinational Profit Shifting) Bill 2013

Amends the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Taxation Administration Act 1953 and Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 in relation to: the operation of the general anti-avoidance rule; the application of the arm—€™s length principle in transfer pricing rules aligning with international transfer pricing standards; rules for trusts and partnerships; record keeping requirements and penalties; and consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/2/13; Passed 16/5/13

SC report no. 75 (tabled 14/2/13): Bill referred to House Economics Committee; report tabled 12/3/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 25/6/13

SBC report 2/13 (tabled and adopted 28/2/13): No reference

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report tabled 14/5/13

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 101, 2013

PM Tax Laws Amendment (Disclosure of MRRT Information) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Hockey —€“ LP)

Amends the: Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012 to require the minister to prepare and present to Parliament quarterly and annual reports on the amount of minerals resource rent tax instalments paid; and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to enable taxation officers to disclose that information for the purposes of preparing the quarterly and annual reports.

House of Representatives: Intro. 18/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 27/5/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Tax Laws Amendment (Fairer Taxation of Excess Concessional Contributions) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Charge) Bill 2013, the bill amends: the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and Taxation Administration Act 1953 to: provide that excess concessional contributions in an individual—€™s assessable income are taxed at their marginal rate; provide for a non-refundable tax offset equal to 15 per cent of an individual—€™s excess concessional contributions; and enable individuals to elect to have up to 85 per cent of excess concessional contributions for a financial year released from superannuation; and nine Acts to make consequential and contingent amendments. Also repeals the Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Tax) Act 2007.

House of Representatives: Intro. 19/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

Senate: Intro. 24/6/13; Passed 28/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): No reference

Assent: 29/6/13; Act No. 118, 2013

Tax Laws Amendment (Medicare Levy) Bill 2013

Amends the Medicare Levy Act 1986 to increase the Medicare levy low-income threshold amounts for families and the dependent child-student component of the threshold from the 2012-13 financial year.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 28/5/13

Senate: Intro. 17/6/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 6/13 (tabled and adopted 18/6/13): No reference

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 81, 2013

Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2013

Amends the: Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to deny access to the research and development tax incentive for companies with aggregated assessable income of $20 billion or more for an income year; and Industry Research and Development Act 1986 to provide that the conditions for eligibility of research and development activities conducted outside Australia continue to operate as intended.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 9/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 10/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 10/12/13

SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Economics Legislation Committee; report due 17/3/14

L Tax Laws Amendment (Special Conditions for Not-for-profit Concessions) Bill 2012

Amends taxation legislation to: restate the —€˜in Australia—€™ special conditions for income tax exempt entities, ensuring that they generally must be operated principally in Australia and for the broad benefit of the Australian community; standardise the other special conditions entities must meet to be income tax exempt; standardise the term —€˜not-for-profit—€™; and codify the —€˜in Australia—€™ special conditions for deductible gift recipients ensuring that they must generally operate solely in Australia, and pursue their purposes solely in Australia (with some exceptions, such as overseas aid funds and some environmental organisations).

House of Representatives: Intro. 23/8/12; 2nd reading adjourned 23/8/12

SC report no. 63 (tabled 23/8/12): Bill referred to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report tabled in House and Senate 10/9/12; corrigenda tabled in House 17/9/12 and Senate 18/9/12


SBC report 10/12 (tabled and adopted 23/8/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 12/9/12

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) (No. 1) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) Act (No. 1) 2007 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of trustee beneficiary non-disclosure tax where a share of the net income of a trust is distributed to the trustee of a closely held trust.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 48, 2013

Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) (No. 2) Amendment (DisabilityCare Australia) Bill 2013

Part of a package of 13 bills in relation to funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia), the bill amends the Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) Act (No. 2) 2007 to increase to 47 per cent the rate of trustee beneficiary non-disclosure tax where a share of the net income of a trust is distributed to the trustee of a closely held trust.

House of Representatives: Intro. 15/5/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 16/5/13

SBC report 5/13 (tabled and adopted 16/5/13): No reference

Assent: 28/5/13; Act No. 49, 2013

PS Telecommunications Amendment (Get a Warrant) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Ludlam —€“ AG)

Amends the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 to: require normal warrant authorisation procedures for law enforcement and intelligence agencies that wish to access telecommunications data; and make consequential amendments.

Senate: Intro. 18/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 18/6/13

SBC report 7/13 (tabled and adopted 20/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 20/8/13 and tabled 12/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Telecommunications Amendment (Mobile Phone Towers) Bill 2011

L (Introduced by Senator Bob Brown —€“ AG)

Amends the: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 to require the Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council to review certain radiofrequency exposure standards every five years, with the first review to be completed within six months of this bill commencing; and Telecommunications Act 1997 to: require certain owners and occupiers of land to be consulted when a mobile phone tower is to be installed; require the Australian Communications and Media Authority to be satisfied that the precautionary principle is taken into account when the site of a mobile phone tower is determined; remove the exemption for low-impact facilities from state and local government planning processes; remove the exemption on the application of state and territory laws; and require carriers to prepare local telecommunications network plans each financial year, for the next five years.

Senate: Intro. 14/9/11; 2nd reading adjourned 14/9/11

SBC report 1/12 (tabled and adopted 9/2/12): Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 10/5/12

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

L Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Consumer Protection) Bill 2013

Amends the: Do Not Call Register Act 2006 to clarify which party is responsible for making telemarketing calls and sending marketing faxes where third parties are carrying out the marketing activities; Telecommunications Act 1997 to: enable industry codes to be varied; extend the application of the reimbursement scheme for developing consumer-related industry codes to varying these codes; and require code developers to publish draft code and draft variations and related public submissions; and Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Services Standards) Act 1999 to: require the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) scheme to comply with standards determined by the minister; and require independent periodic public reviews of the TIO scheme to be conducted.

House of Representatives: Intro. 21/3/13; 2nd reading adjourned 21/3/13

SC report no. 78 (tabled 21/3/13): Bill referred to Joint Select Committee on Broadcasting Legislation; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 17/6/13


SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 13/6/13 and tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Consumer Protection) Bill 2013

Amends the: Do Not Call Register Act 2006 to clarify which party is responsible for making telemarketing calls and sending marketing faxes where third parties are carrying out the marketing activities; Telecommunications Act 1997 to: enable industry codes to be varied; extend the application of the reimbursement scheme for developing consumer-related industry codes to varying these codes; require code developers to publish draft code and draft variations and related public submissions; and make amendments consequent on the new Australian Privacy Principles; and Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Services Standards) Act 1999 to: require the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) scheme to comply with standards determined by the minister; and require independent periodic public reviews of the TIO scheme to be conducted.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; 2nd reading adjourned 14/11/13, 10/12/13


SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): No reference

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Submarine Cable Protection) Bill 2013

Amends the: Telecommunications Act 1997 in relation to the regulatory regime for the protection of international submarine cables landing in Australia by: ensuring consistency with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by modifying the regime—€™s application, including criminal and civil enforcement options, to foreign ships and nationals in the water beyond Australia—€™s territorial seas; enabling domestic submarine cables to be brought within the scope of the regime by regulation; providing for a consultation process between the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Attorney-General—€™s department on submarine cable installation permit applications; amending the submarine cable installation permit process by removing the requirement to obtain multiple permits, tightening processing timeframes and removing duplicated processes; and amending the operation of the protection zone declaration, revocation and variation processes; and Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 to make consequential amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/11/13; Passed 5/12/13

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 5/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 5/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled and adopted 14/11/13): No reference

SBC report 10/13 (tabled 5/12/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 5/12/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report due 31/3/14

Television Licence Fees Amendment Bill 2013

Part of a package of six bills in relation to the media sector, the bill amends the Television Licence Fees Act 1964 to: reduce by 50 per cent the annual licence fee payable by commercial television broadcasting licensees, to a maximum of 4.5 per cent of gross earnings; and make consequential and technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 14/3/13; Passed 19/3/13

SC report no. 77 (tabled 14/3/13): Bill referred to House Infrastructure and Communications Committee; statement made discharging committee—€™s requirement to present a report 18/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled 14/3/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 20/3/13

Assent: 28/3/13; Act No. 25, 2013

L Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Bill 2013

Amends the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 to: enable the minister to specify products that are taken not to be therapeutic goods; enable the secretary to remove products that are not therapeutic goods from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; clarify the secretary—€™s powers to approve product information for medicines accepted for registration in the register; and make amendments in relation to: compliance with advertising requirements; obtaining information and documents; use of restricted and prohibited representations in advertisements; conditions of registration or listing in the register; presentation of registered or listed goods; consent to the import, supply or export of goods; review of decisions; a package and its contents to constitute a kit; criminal offences and civil penalties for false or misleading statements in relation to variation requests; minimum notice period for cancellation of registration or listing in the register; secretary—€™s discretion to publish certain information on the department—€™s website; clarification of the merits review process; public notification and/or recall of registered or listed therapeutic goods, biologicals and medical devices; failure to comply with requirements to provide information; and specified information required for certain applications and requests.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 18/6/13

Senate: Intro. 19/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 19/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee; report tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Bill 2013

Amends the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 to: enable the minister to specify products that are taken not to be therapeutic goods; enable the secretary to remove products that are not therapeutic goods from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods; clarify the secretary—€™s powers to approve product information for medicines accepted for registration in the register; and make amendments in relation to: compliance with advertising requirements; obtaining information and documents; use of restricted and prohibited representations in advertisements; conditions of registration or listing in the register; presentation of registered or listed goods; consent to the import, supply or export of goods; review of decisions; a package and its contents to constitute a kit; criminal offences and civil penalties for false or misleading statements in relation to variation requests; minimum notice period for cancellation of registration or listing in the register; secretary—€™s discretion to publish certain information on the department—€™s website; clarification of the merits review process; prescribing of alternative periods of time in relation to the secretary—€™s selection of an application for auditing; failure to comply with requirements to provide information; and revocation of requested cancellation of devices, licences or certificates.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13


SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

PS Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Pharmaceutical Transparency) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Senator Di Natale —€“ AG)

Amends the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 to: create offences related to the provision of payments, services or certain other inducements to medical practitioners by pharmaceutical companies; and provide for: penalties for making such inducements; and reporting requirements.

Senate: Intro. 28/2/13; 2nd reading adjourned 28/2/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Bill referred to Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee; report tabled 17/6/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind)

Amends the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 to impose a penalty on any persons who improperly influence a —€˜responsible person—€™ reporting an incident to aviation authorities.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee 30/9/10; extensions of time to report 17/11/10, 1/3/11; interim report presented out of sitting 4/5/11 and tabled 10/5/11; extensions of time for final report 10/5/11, 15/6/11; final report tabled 23/6/11

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

True-up Shortfall Levy (Excise) (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill imposes a levy on persons who were over-allocated free carbon units under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program in the 2013-14 financial year and would have had their allocation in the 2014-15 financial year reduced if the carbon tax had remained in force, so far as that levy is a duty of excise.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

True-up Shortfall Levy (General) (Carbon Tax Repeal) Bill 2013

Part of a package of seven bills to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, the bill imposes a levy on persons who were over-allocated free carbon units under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program in the 2013-14 financial year and would have had their allocation in the 2014-15 financial year reduced if the carbon tax had remained in force, so far as that levy is neither a duty of customs nor a duty of excise.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/11/13; Passed 21/11/13

Senate: Intro. 2/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 2/12/13

SBC report 9/13 (tabled 14/11/13; motion to adopt report amended and agreed to 14/11/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 2/12/13

L Veterans—€™ Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2012

Amends the: Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to clarify arrangements for the payment of travel expenses for treatment; Defence Service Homes Act 1918 to extend eligibility for benefits; Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to provide that reimbursements made under the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the MRCA Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme are exempt from income tax; Social Security Act 1991 to provide that certain bereavement payments in respect of indigent veterans or members are exempt income for the purposes of the social security income test; Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to: align maintenance income and attendant allowance provisions with those in the Social Security Act 1991; provide for provision of special assistance by inclusion in a legislative instrument; clarify administrative arrangements for certain travel; and clarify that debt recovery provisions apply to all provisions of the Act, the regulations and any legislative instrument made under the Act; War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 to: amend the long and short titles of the Act; and repeal inoperative provisions; and Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment (Schoolkids Bonus Budget Measures) Act 2012, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/6/12; Passed 22/8/12

2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 22/8/12; 2nd reading adjourned 22/8/12

SBC report 8/12 (tabled and adopted 29/6/12 a.m. (Journals 28/6/12)): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Veterans—€™ Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

Amends the War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 to: amend the short title to the Protection of the Word —€˜Anzac—€™ Act 1920; amend the long title of the Act; and remove redundant provisions.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/11/13; Read a 1st time 12/11/13; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting


SBC report 10/13 (tabled and adopted 5/12/13): No reference

Veterans—€™ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Military Compensation Review and Other Measures) Bill 2013

Amends: the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 in relation to rehabilitation and transition management; the Military, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 in relation to: the date of effect for periodic impairment compensation; the inclusion of a lifestyle factor in the calculation of interim permanent impairment compensation; recalculation of permanent impairment compensation for certain people; an increase to the rate of periodic compensation payable for dependent children; expansion of the eligibility criteria for the special rate disability pension; superannuation; remittal power of the Veterans—€™ Review Board; increase in the membership of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission; and access to rehabilitation and compensation for certain categories of persons; the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to increase the compensation for financial and legal advice; five Acts to: expand the lump sum compensation options for wholly dependent partners of deceased members; and require that eligible claims for existing conditions aggravated by defence service on or after 1 July 2004 be determined under the Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986; the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004, Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to issue Repatriation Health Cards (for specific conditions) to certain eligible persons; the Aged Care Act 1997, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to clarify the appropriation of costs for certain aged care services; the Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to extend the entitlement for travelling expenses to the partner of certain eligible persons; the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to clarify administrative arrangements for the nomination of bank accounts for payments; and the Social Security Act 1991 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 15/5/13

Senate: Intro. 16/5/13; Passed 27/6/13

SBC report 4/13 (tabled and adopted 21/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee; extension of time to report 14/5/13; report tabled 17/6/13

Committee amendments: 2 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

Assent: 28/6/13; Act No. 99, 2013

Veterans—€™ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2013

Amends the: Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to clarify arrangements for the payment of travel expenses for treatment; Defence Service Homes Act 1918 to extend eligibility for benefits; Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to: align maintenance income and attendant allowance provisions with those in the Social Security Act 1991; provide for provision of special assistance by inclusion in a legislative instrument; clarify administrative arrangements for certain travel; and clarify that debt recovery provisions apply to all provisions of the Act, the regulations and any legislative instrument made under the Act; War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 to: amend the long and short titles of the Act; and repeal inoperative provisions; and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004, Social Security Act 1991 and Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to make technical amendments.

House of Representatives: Intro. 12/12/13; 2nd reading adjourned 12/12/13


SBC report 11/13 (tabled and adopted 12/12/13): No reference

L Veterans—€™ Entitlements Amendment (Claims for Travel Expenses) Bill 2010

Amends the Veterans—€™ Entitlements Act 1986 to extend the time period for lodging a claim for non-treatment related travel expenses to 12 months and enable further extensions of time in exceptional circumstances.

House of Representatives: Intro. 28/9/10; Read a 1st time 28/9/10; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting

SC report no. 3 (tabled 21/10/10): No reference

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PM Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2013

L (Introduced by Mr Bandt —€“ AG)

The bill: establishes the Office of Animal Welfare as an independent statutory authority with responsibility for advising on the protection of animal welfare in Commonwealth regulated activities; provides for the functions, appointment, and terms and conditions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO); provides for staff and consultants; establishes the Office of Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to advise the CEO; and provides for reporting requirements.

House of Representatives: Intro. 27/5/13

Federation Chamber: Referred 30/5/13; 2nd reading adjourned 3/6/13

[Lapsed at prorogation of 43rd Parliament]

PS Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2013 [No. 2]

L (Introduced by Senator Rhiannon —€“ AG)

The bill: establishes the Office of Animal Welfare as an independent statutory authority with responsibility for advising on the protection of animal welfare in Commonwealth regulated activities; provides for the functions, appointment, and terms and conditions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO); provides for staff and consultants; establishes the Office of Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to advise the CEO; and provides for reporting requirements.

Senate: Intro. 20/6/13; 2nd reading adjourned 20/6/13

SBC report 8/13 (tabled and adopted 27/6/13): Bill referred to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee; report due 30/11/13

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

PS Water Amendment (Save the Murray-Darling Basin) Bill 2012

L (Introduced by Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Amends the Water Act 2007 in relation to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan to: require climate change to be taken into account; not allow ground water extraction to occur unless certain conditions have been met; specify environmental outcomes; require Murray-Darling Basin Authority water recovery indicator targets to be met as far as possible; and require all modelling and analysis to be published.

Senate: Intro. 27/11/12; 2nd reading adjourned 27/11/12

SBC report 16/12 (tabled and adopted 29/11/12): No reference

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012

(Act citation: Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Act 2013)

Further to the Water Amendment (Long-term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012, the bill amends the Water Act 2007 to: establish the Water for the Environment Special Account for a 10-year period from the 2014-15 financial year to acquire additional environmental water entitlement and to remove constraints on the efficient use of environmental water for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan; and provide for independent reviews to be conducted in 2019 and 2021.

House of Representatives: Intro. 31/10/12; Passed 28/11/12

SC report no. 72 (tabled 1/11/12): Bill referred to House Regional Australia Committee; report tabled 28/11/12

CID amendments: 7 Govt/passed; 15 Opp/negatived

Senate: Intro. 29/11/12; Passed 7/2/13

SBC report 14/12 (tabled and adopted 1/11/12): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report tabled 19/11/12

Committee amendments: 6 Nats/negatived; 25 AG/negatived; 5 Ind (Xenophon)/negatived

Assent: 15/2/13; Act No. 3, 2013

PS Water (Crisis Powers and Floodwater Diversion) Bill 2010

L (Introduced by Senator Xenophon —€“ Ind and Senator Hanson-Young —€“ AG)

Enables the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to manage the water resources of the basin as a single system during periods of extreme crisis.

Senate: Intro. 30/9/10; 2nd reading adjourned 30/9/10

SBC report 11/10 (tabled and adopted 30/9/10): No reference

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee 26/10/10; report tabled 18/11/10

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment (Registration Fees) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (Registration Fees) Bill 2013, the bill amends the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005 to enable fees to be collected and administered by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme Regulator.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 26/6/13; Act No. 64, 2013

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (Registration Fees) Bill 2013

Introduced with the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment (Registration Fees) Bill 2013, the bill provides for the recovery of costs for the administration of the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme through taxes, in the form of fees for applying for registration.

House of Representatives: Intro. 13/3/13; Passed 20/3/13

Senate: Intro. 20/3/13; Passed 20/6/13

SBC report 3/13 (tabled and adopted 14/3/13): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee; report presented out of sitting 31/5/13 and tabled 17/6/13

Assent: 26/6/13; Act No. 63, 2013

PS Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 (No. 2)

L (Introduced by Senator Scullion —€“ CLP)

Provides that the development or use of Aboriginal land in a wild river area cannot be regulated under the Wild Rivers Act 2005 (Qld) without the written agreement of the land owner.

Senate: Intro. 10/2/11; In committee 12/5/11

SBC report 1/11 (tabled and adopted 10/2/11): No reference

2nd reading amendment: 1 Govt (as amended by Opp)/passed (reference to committee—€”see below)

Reference: Bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 24/3/11; report tabled 10/5/11; correction tabled 11/5/11

Committee amendment: 1 AG/pending

[Lapsed immediately before commencement of 44th Parliament]

For further information about the consideration of legislation in the Senate:

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