Assented Bills of previous Parliaments

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  • Date
    24 Jun 2021 
    Implements certain recommendations of the Australian Human Rights Commission report,
    Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces
    by amending the:
    Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
    to: amend the definition of 'unlawful discrimination'; and extend the period of time between an alleged incident and the lodging of a complaint in relation to the President's discretion to terminate a complaint;
    Fair Work Act 2009
    to: provide that a worker who is sexually harassed at work may apply for a Fair Work Commission (FWC) order to stop the sexual harassment; provide that the FWC can make an order to stop sexual harassment following a single instance of sexual harassment; provide that sexual harassment in connection with an employee’s employment can be a valid reason for dismissal; and extend the minimum entitlement for compassionate leave in relation to miscarriage; and
    Sex Discrimination Act 1984
    to: prohibit discrimination involving harassment on the ground of sex; extend the application of the Act to members of parliament, members of the ACT and Northern Territory legislative assemblies and their staff, judges, staff and consultants employed under the
    Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984
    , state employees, including independent contractors; and the public authority of a state; and include definitions of 'worker' and 'persons conducting a business or undertaking' to extend the protection from sexual harassment to all paid and unpaid workers, including volunteers, interns and the self-employed. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    24 Jun 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Education and Youth 
    Introduced with the Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration Charges) Amendment Bill 2021, Education Services for Overseas Students (TPS Levies) Amendment Bill 2021 and Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Cost Recovery and Other Measures) Bill 2021, the bill amends the
    Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Charges) Act 2021
    , when enacted, to remove references to the annual registration and entry to market charges. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    24 Jun 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends: the
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to: increase the producer offset for films that are not feature films released in cinemas to 30 per cent of total qualifying Australian production expenditure; increase the minimum qualifying Australian production expenditure threshold for claiming the producer offset and the post, digital and visual effects offset to $1 million; remove the 65 commercial hour cap on claiming qualifying Australian production expenditure for a drama series and seasons of a drama series; and create limitations on what a company can count as a films qualifying Australian production expenditure; 15 Acts to make amendments consequential on new debt restructuring and liquidation processes for eligible incorporated small businesses; and 16 Acts in the Treasury portfolio to make miscellaneous and technical amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    03 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Act 2020
    to enable the Treasurer to make rules for economic response payments to provide support to an entity where they are adversely affected by restrictions imposed by a state or territory public health order that is directed at controlling the transmission of COVID-19;
    Taxation Administration Act 1953
    to enable tax information to be disclosed to Australian government agencies for the purposes of administering COVID-19 business support programs;
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to make payments received by eligible businesses under certain COVID-19 business support programs and Commonwealth COVID-19 disaster payments exempt from income tax; and
    Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus (Measures No. 2) Act 2020
    to reinstate a temporary mechanism for ministers to change arrangements relating to meeting information and document requirements under Commonwealth legislation. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    04 Aug 2021 
    Amends the
    Criminal Code Act 1995
    to extend the operation of the declared areas provisions for a further 3 years and the control order regime and the preventative detention orders (PDO) regime for a further 15 months;
    Intelligence Services Act 2001
    to provide that the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security may review the operation, effectiveness and proportionality of the declared areas provisions prior to their sunset date;
    Crimes Act 1914
    to extend the operation of the stop, search and seizure powers for a further 15 months; and
    Independent National Security Legislation Monitor Act 2010
    to extend the reporting date for the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor’s review of continuing detention orders for high risk terrorist offenders to as soon as practicable after 7 December 2021. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    04 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Health and Aged Care 
    Amends the
    Dental Benefits Act 2008
    to remove the lower eligibility age restriction of 2 years to allow eligible children from 0 years of age to access the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    04 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Foreign Affairs and Trade 
    Amends the
    Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991
    to: enable Export Finance Australia to make equity investments, including to support infrastructure investments in the Indo-Pacific or export-linked projects in Australia; and provide Export Finance Australia with the ability to offer guarantees for overseas infrastructure transactions without also needing to provide a loan to the same transaction. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    11 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Foreign Affairs 
    Amends the
    Charter of the United Nations Act 1945
    to: specify that certain counter-terrorism financial sanctions lists and revocations be made by legislative instrument; and confirm the validity of action that has been taken, or which may need to be taken, in respect of conduct in relation to existing counter-terrorism financial sanctions listings that were made but not registered on the Federal Register of Legislation at the time of their making. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    11 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to: make refunds of large-scale generation shortfall charges exempt from income tax; and remove the requirement for superannuation trustees to provide an actuarial certificate when calculating exempt current pension income using the proportionate method, where all members of the fund are fully in the retirement phase for all of the income year;
    Competition and Consumer Act 2010
    to: increase the maximum amount of penalty units that can be included in regulations that prescribe an industry code from 300 to 600 penalty units; clarify that if regulations prescribe an industry code, the industry code may confer on a person or body functions and powers in relation to the code; and
    Family Law Act 1975
    Taxation Administration Act 1953
    to create an information sharing mechanism to allow the family law courts to access certain superannuation information held by the Commissioner of Taxation for the purpose of permitting family law proceedings. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    12 Aug 2021 
    House of Representatives 
    Amends the:
    Defence Force Discipline Act 1982
    to: expand the operation of the disciplinary infringement scheme to provide a means of dealing with minor breaches of military discipline; remove the subordinate summary authority and correct a number of anomalies with regard to the respective jurisdiction of discipline officers and summary authorities, and between the different types of summary authority, in relation to the type of breach of military discipline, the rank of defence members with which each can deal, and the powers and punishments available to each level of authority; establish new service offences for failure to perform duty or carry out an activity, cyber-bullying, failure to comply with removal order (in relation to material on social media that constitutes cyber-bullying) and failure to comply with requirement to notify change in circumstances (in relation to the receipt of a benefit or allowance); and make amendments contingent on the commencement of the
    Online Safety Act 2021
    ; and
    Defence Force Discipline Act 1982
    Defence Force Discipline Appeals Act 1955
    to make consequential amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.

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