Appendix A – List of Submissions
Construction of Centre for Accelerator Science and extension to facilities
for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, NSW
1. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
1a. Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation
1b. Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation
1c. Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organisation
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
1.3 Confidential
2. Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and
3. Australian Neutron Beam Users Group
4. Department of Climate Change and Energy
Fitout of new leased premises for the Department of Climate Change and
Energy Efficiency at the New Acton Nishi building, Edinburgh Avenue, Canberra
City, ACT
1. Department of Climate Change and Energy
1.1. Confidential
1.2. Department of Climate Change and
Energy Efficiency
1.3. Confidential
2. National Capital Authority
3. Australian Academy of Science
4. Owners Corporation of Units Plan 3063
5. National Trust of Australia (ACT)
6. Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc, Canberra
7. Molonglo Group
8. Walter Burley Griffin Society
9. Department of Climate Change and Energy
Construction of housing for Defence at Voyager Point, Liverpool, NSW
1. Defence Housing Australia
1.1. Confidential
2. Department of Climate Change and Energy
Construction of housing for Defence at Muirhead, Darwin, NT
1. Defence Housing Australia
1.1. Confidential
1.2. Defence Housing Australia
2. Department of Climate Change and Energy
3. Mr Steve Beagley
4. The Planning Action Network Inc
5. COOLmob
Pawsey High Performance Computer Centre for SKA Science at Kensington, WA
1. CSIRO: The Pawsey High Performance Computing
Centre for SKA Science
1.1. Confidential
2. Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and
3. Department of Climate Change and Energy
4. Astronomy Australia Ltd
5. Australian Computer Society
6. Edith Cowan University
7. Curtin University of Technology
8. International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research
9. CSIRO Staff Association
10. University of Western Australia
11. Western Australian Marine Science Institution
12. Integrated Marine Observing System
13. Western Australian Satellite Technology
Applications Consortium
14. IBM Australia
15. City of South Perth
16. Murdoch University
17. Confidential
18. Confidential