Chapter 6 Redevelopment of
Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan
On 22 October 2009, the Committee received a referral to inquire into
the redevelopment of Tarin Kowt Stage 1 project. The project proposes to
provide upgraded living and working accommodation and facilities for Australian
personnel deployed to Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan.
The Committee received a confidential submission from the Department of
Defence (Defence) on the proposal. The Committee held both a short public
hearing and an in-camera hearing on 29 October 2009 in Canberra. Submissions
are listed at Appendix A and a list of witnesses at the public hearing can be
found at Appendix B.
Between the referral of Stage 1 to the Committee and the in-camera
hearing, Stage 2 of the proposed redevelopment received Government funding approval.
The Committee therefore received a detailed briefing on both stages and agreed
to consider the project as a whole.
The Committee’s findings are based on scrutiny of the project in detail.
However, release of detailed information on the project is considered to be
contrary to the public interest and therefore the Committee is reporting only
in a limited manner.
Need and scope
The proposed works aim to replace interim accommodation by providing protected
working and living accommodation and kitchen facilities for Australian forces
deployed to Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan.
The Committee finds there is a need for the proposed works and the scope
is appropriate to meet the project needs.
The total estimated cost of the project is $86.47 million (excluding
GST). The Committee received a confidential supplementary submission detailing
the project costs and took evidence in the in-camera hearing regarding the
project costs.
The Committee finds that the cost estimates provided to it are adequate
to meet the needs of the redevelopment of Tarin Kowt proposal.
Committee comment
Overall, the Committee is satisfied that this project has merit in terms
of need, scope and cost.
Having examined the purpose, need,
use and public value of the work, the Committee considers that it is expedient
that the proposed works proceed.
Recommendation 11 |
The Committee recommends that the House of Representatives
resolve, pursuant to Section 18 (7) of the Public Works Committee Act
1969, that it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work: Redevelopment
of Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan.