House of Representatives Committees

Appendix C– List of exhibits

From the Lone Fathers Association (Australia) Inc

1 (a) Comments by LFAA on the Protection Orders Legislation Review (ACT), April 2004

1 (b) Submission by the LFAA on the Protection orders Legislation Review (ACT), 2004

From the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (WA)

2. Copy of the Parental Support and Responsibility Bill 2005 (WA)

From ProfessorLMoloney

3. (a) Journal of Family Studies, Vol 9, No 1, April 2003

3. (b) Journal of Family Studies, Vol 9, No 2, October 2003

3 (c) Journal of Family Studies, Vol 10, No 1, April 2004

3 (d) Journal of Family Studies, Vol 10, No 2, October 2003

3 (e) Journal of Family Studies, Vol 11, No 1, April 2005

From Attorney-General’s Department

4. Family Court of Australia: Guidelines for The Child’s Representative

From DrJHirst

5. Dr John Hirst, paper on Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Provided by Dads on the Air

6 (a). Copy of email relating to public hearings on 20 and 21 July 2005

6(b) Copy of submission by Dads on the Air to the inquiry by the House of Representatives Family and Community Affairs inquiry

Provided by the CleonieQuayle, National Network of Indigenous Women’s Legal Services:

7 Blackfellas, whitefellas and the hidden injuries of race, by Mark McKenna

8. Racialisation, criminalisation and punishment in the context of Australian nationhood and citizenship by Chris Cunneen

9. Book review: Conflict, politics and crime: Aboriginal communities and the police, by Chris Cunneen

10. Article, Dodson call for ‘extreme’ action to stop brutality

11. The inappropriateness of the criminal justice system – Indigenous Australian criminological perspective, by Byron Davis

12. Bringing them home report – family law

13. Addressing Family violence in Indigenous communities, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Social Justice report, 2003

14. NSW Aboriginal justice plan – discussion paper by Chris Cunneen, Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council

15. A national disgrace: Violence against women and children in Indigenous communities, by Dr Carmen Lawrence

16. Law and public order, including juvenile justice. Submission to the United Nations Committee on the rights of the Child for their day of general discussion on the rights of Indigenous Children. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

17. Addressing the needs of indigenous women in the family, by Stephen Ralph

18. Indigenous family violence – Australia’s business by Libby Carney

19. Healing through yarning: the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Mediation Program, by Linda Fisher ( Linda Fisher and Associates Pty Ltd NSW) and David Cox (Legal Aid Commission of NSW)

From Marie Hume, National Coalition of Mothers Against Child Abuse:

20. Fact Sheet #1: The myth of false accusations of child abuse, by Michael Flood, March 2005

21. Fact Sheet #2: The myth of women’s false accusations of domestic violence and misuse of protection orders, by Michael Flood, March 2005

From Lone Fathers Association (NT)

22. Articles, NT News, Its OK to keep men out, 8 August 2004; and Violence, like a knife, cuts both ways, 5 July 2004

23. Correspondence from Mr Robert Kennedy, Coordinator, Lone Fathers Association NT, to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 29 June 2005, and attached article Men Behaving Sadly by Bettina Arndt, the Age, 8 December 1999

24 Copies of 3 advertisements in the NT News

25. Extract from the Family Law Act 1975 (section 68ZK)

26. Copy of correspondence and Addendum, Mr Robert Kennedy, Lone Fathers Association (NT) to the Northern Territory Minister for Family and Community Services, dated 25 May 2004

27. Study guide for Feminist Theory, Power and Knowledge, Deakin University, and associated material

28. Article, Women-the new ruling elite, in the Lone Father’s Association Australia publication, June-July 2005

29. Questions with Notice to the Minister for Family Services and Minister for Child Support, and the Attorney-General, 2005 LFAA Conference, Canberra

30. Correspondence from Mr Robert Kennedy, Lone Fathers Association (NT) to members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly regarding parental child abduction, and comments on the Care and Protection of Children and Young People Act 2005

31. Correspondence from Mr Robert Kennedy, Lone Fathers Association (NT) to the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, dated 19 July, and to HREOC, dated 19 July, regarding the administration of family heterosexual legal entities

From the Fatherhood Foundation

32. Fathers in Families

33. Copies of articles from the Fatherhood Foundation web site

34. Copy of comments on the proposed Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 by the Lone Fathers Association of Australia (Inc)

From the Lone Fathers Association (Australia) Inc

35 Comments on the discussion paper on ‘A new approach to the family law system’ by the Lone Fathers Association, January 2005

From the Family Court of Australia

36(a) Copy of presentation to the Lone Fathers Association 2005 National Conference, 22 June 20-06 by Richard Foster, CEO, Family Court of Australia

36(b) ‘Care and Protection of Children: Australian and New Zealand Experience’, copy of paper delivered by the Hon Diana Bryant, Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia, at the 4 th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, South Africa, 20-23 March 2005

36(c) Copy of letter from the Mr B Williams, National President, Lone Fathers Association Australia to Mr Richard Foster, Family Court of Australia

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