House of Representatives Committees

| Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       The Committee’s review of the proposed Treaty action was advertised in The Australian on 9 July 2008. Members of the public were advised on how to obtain relevant information both in the advertisement and via the Committee’s website, and invited to submit their views to the Committee.

Chapter 2 Global heating

[1]       The IPCC is a scientific governmental body set up by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program and is contributed to by scientists from all over the world (

[2]       More information on these scenarios can be found at See also Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 44.

[3]       Parts per million is the ratio of the number of greenhouse gas molecules to the total number of molecules of dry air. For example, 300 parts per million means 300 molecules of greenhouse gas per million molecules of dry air.

[4]       Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2.

[5]       Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2.

[6]       Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p. 11, Exhibit No. 7.

[7]       IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 30.

[8]       IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 30. See also Solomon, S. et. al, 2007, Technical Summary, in Climate change 2007: The physical science basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA,  (referred to hereafter as the IPCC Technical Summary) for detailed discussion of this evidence.

[9]       The term ‘aerosol’ refers to tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere.

[10]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 30, 37.

[11]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 37.

[12]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2; IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 39.

[13]     IPCC Technical Summary, p. 24.

[14]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 37.

[15]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 36.

[16]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 36.

[17]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 36.

[18]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 37.

[19]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 6-7, Exhibit No. 7.

[20]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 36.

[21]     IPCC, 2007, Summary for Policymakers, in Climate change 2007: The physical science basis,  Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, p. 2.

[22]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2.

[23]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 31.

[24]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 31, 33.

[25]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 33.

[26]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[27]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2.

[28]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 2.

[29]     Jones D.A., Watkins, A.B. and Hennessy, K., Humans do contribute to global heating, Engineers Australia, September 2005, pp. 44-47,, viewed on 2 February 2009.

[30]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 3.

[31]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 3.

[32]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 2.

[33]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 9.

[34]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[35]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 6.

[36]     Estimated over the period 1891 to 2007.

[37]     Murray Darling Basin Commission, Submission No. 26, p. 1.

[38]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 5.

[39]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 6.

[40]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 4.

[41]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 5.

[42]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 5.

[43]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment B, p. 3.

[44]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 5.

[45]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 6.

[46]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment B, pp. 3, 8.

[47]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment C, p. 4.

[48]     pH is a measure of acidity.

[49]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 52.

[50]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment C, p. 4.

[51]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p. 5, Exhibit No. 7.

[52]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 45.

[53]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 48-51.

[54]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 19-31. Exhibit No. 7.

[55]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[56]     Uncertainty range.

[57]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 4.

[58]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[59]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[60]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia : observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 4.

[61]     Uncertainty range.

[62]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 5.

[63]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 22, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30. Exhibit No. 7.

[64]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 22-23, Exhibit No. 7.

[65]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[66]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 5.

[67]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 5.

[68]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 4.

[69]     CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology, Climate change in Australia: observed changes and projections, 2007, p. 6.

[70]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 20-21, 23, Exhibit No. 7.

[71]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 7.

[72]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 7.

[73]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 11.

[74]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 8.

[75]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, pp. 12-13.

[76]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment B, p. 8.

[77]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p.12.

[78]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment A, p. 12.

[79]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 5.

[80]     Dr Andrew Ash, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 5.

[81]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment C, p. 6.

[82]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment C, p. 6.

[83]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 37.

[84]     Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Submission No. 19, p. 1.

[85]     Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Submission No. 19, p. 1.

[86]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 31.

[87]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 36.

[88]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 35.

[89]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 32.

[90]     Dr Paul Marshall, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 33.

[91]     Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Submission No. 31, Attachment C, p. 10.

[92]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p.12, Exhibit No. 7.

[93]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p. 12, Exhibit No. 7.

[94]     Article II of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) identified the objective of ‘stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous human caused interference with the climate system’ but did not identify what this level should be.

[95]     Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 10 and 11, Exhibit No. 7.

[96]     NSW Greenhouse Office, NSW greenhouse plan, November 2006, p. 11; The Climate Institute, Submission No. 15, p. 8.

[97]     2007 Bali Climate Declaration by Scientists,, viewed  on 2 February 2009.

[98]     Greenpeace, Submission No. 24, p. 3.

[99]     The Climate Institute, Submission No. 15, p. 4.

[100]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 67.

[101]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 66.

[102]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 66, 67.

[103]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 66.

[104]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 48-54; Preston, B.L. and R.N. Jones, Climate Change Impacts on Australia and the Benefits of Early Action to Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions, A consultancy report for the Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change, February 2006, pp. 19-31. Exhibit No. 7.

[105]   Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review 2008, p. 279.

[106]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, pp. 64-65.

[107]   Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Submission No. 19, p. 2.

[108]   Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Submission No. 19, p. 1.

[109]   IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 49.

[110]   Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p. 25, Exhibit No. 7.

[111]   Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 25-26, Exhibit No. 7.

[112]   Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, p. 26, Exhibit No. 7.

[113]   Preston, B.L. and Jones, R.N., Climate change impacts on Australia and the benefits of early action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, 2006, pp. 5-6, Exhibit No. 7.

[114]   The Climate Institute, Submission No. 15, p. 10.

Chapter 3 Addressing climate change

[1]       Enting, I. Karoly, D. Falk, J. Clisby, N. Bodman, R. and Settle, D., The science of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: A commissioned report for the Garnaut climate change review, 2008, pp. 34-35.

[2]       Stern, N. “The economics of climate change,” American economic review, 98(2), May 2008, p. 2.

[3]       Climate Institute, Evidence of accelerated climate change, 2007, p. 3.

[4]       Global Carbon Project, Carbon trends 2007, 2008, p. 1.

[5]       Climate Institute, Evidence of accelerated climate change, 2007, p. 3.

[6]       Garnaut, G. Howes, S. Jotzo, F. and Sheehan, P., Emissions in the platinum age: The implications of rapid development for climate change mitigation, 2008, p. 17.

[7]       Stern, N., “The economics of climate change,” American economic review, 98(2), May 2008, p. 2

[8]       Garnaut, G. Howes, S. Jotzo, F. and Sheehan, P., Emissions in the platinum age: The implications of rapid development for climate change mitigation, 2008, p. 17.

[9]       Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 42.

[10]     Enting, I. Karoly, D. Falk, J. Clisby, N. Bodman, R. and Settle, D., The science of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: A commissioned report for the Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 26.

[11]     A gigatonne is one billion tonnes.

[12]     Stern, N., “The economics of climate change,” American economic review, 98(2), May 2008, p. 3.

[13]     HM Treasury, Stern review on the economics of climate change, 2006, p. 233.

[14]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis Report, 2008, p. 67.

[15]     Enting, I. Karoly, D. Falk, J. Clisby, N. Bodman, R. and Settle, D., The science of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: A commissioned report for the Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 70.

[16]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 54.

[17]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 54.

[18]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 201.

[19]     Obama, B. and Biden, J., Promoting a healthy environment, 2008, p. 1.

[20]     Insurance Council of Australia, Submission No. 18, p. 2; Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 20, p. 2.

[21]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 308.

[22]     Shrum, T., Greenhouse gas emissions – Policy and economics, 2007, p. 27.

[23]     Carbon Tax Centre,, viewed on 9 February 2009.

[24]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review 2008, p. 308.

[25]     Shrum, T., Greenhouse gas emissions – Policy and economics, 2007, p. 27.

[26]     Carbon Tax Centre,, viewed on 9 February 2009.

[27]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 309.

[28]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p, 322.

[29]     HM Treasury, Stern review on the economics of climate change, 2006, p. 320.

[30]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 299.

[31]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review, 2008, p. 277.

[32]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review 2008, p. 279.

[33]     The Australian Workers Union, Submission No. 25, p. 6.

[34]     Carbon Tax Centre,, viewed on 9 February 2009.

Chapter 4 Greenhouse gas reductions in Australia

[1]       Australian Government, Carbon pollution reduction scheme: Australia’s low pollution future, 2008, p. XX.

[2]       Department of Climate Change, National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 6.

[3]       Australian Government, Carbon pollution reduction scheme: Australia’s low pollution future, 2008, p. XL.

[4]       The Australian Sugar Milling Council, Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review, p. 3; Environment Business Australia, Submission to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, p. 6.

[5]       Department of Climate Change, National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 7.

[6]       The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report, 2008, p. 525.

[7]       Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission to Department of the Treasury, Priorities for the Federal Budget 2009-10, January 2009, pp. 3–4.

[8]       Greenpeace, Submission No. 24, p. 14.

[9]       Mr Chris Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 19.

[10]     Mr Chris Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 19.

[11]     Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission to Infrastructure Australia: Discussion paper 1: Australia’s future infrastructure requirements, 2008.

[12]     Alvarado, L.X.R. and Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Why are we seeing “REDD”? An analysis of the international debate on reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries, 2007, p. 8.

[13]     Alvarado, L.X.R. and Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Why are we seeing “REDD”? An analysis of the international debate on reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries, 2007, p. 8.

[14]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report, 2008, p. 36.

[15]     Alvarado, L.X.R. and Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Why are we seeing “REDD”? An analysis of the international debate on reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries, 2007, p. 8.

[16]     World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Amazon deforestation on the increase, 2008,, viewed on 22 January 2009.

[17]     Kanninen, M., Murdiyarso, D., Seymour, F., Angelsen, A., Wunder, S. and German, L., Do trees grow on money: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD, 2007,
pp. 17-26.

[18]     IPCC, Climate change 2007: The physical science basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2008, p. 550.

[19]     United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Report of the Conference of the parties on tis thirteenth session, held in Bali from 3 to 15 December 2007, 2008, p. 8.

[20]     United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2009, Viewed 22 January 2009

[21]     Kanninen, M., Murdiyarso, D., Seymour, F., Angelsen, A., Wunder, S. and German, L., Do trees grow on money: The implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD, 2007,
pp. 32-41.

[22]     The Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission No. 20, p. 6; Humane Society International, Submission No. 17, p. 2.

[23]     United Nations Development Group, 2009,, viewed on 22 January 2009.

[24]     Department of Climate Change, International forest carbon initiative factsheet, 2008.

[25]     Australian Government, Carbon pollution reduction scheme: Australia’s low pollution future, 2008.

[26]     Dr Jeremy Russell-Smith, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 25.

[27]     Dr Jeremy Russell-Smith, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 25.

[28]     Department of Climate Change, National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 7.

[29]     Dr Jeremy Russell-Smith, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 27.

[30]     Dr Jeremy Russell-Smith, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 27.

[31]     Dr Garry Cook, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 43.

[32]     Australian Government, Carbon pollution reduction scheme: Australia’s low pollution future, 2008, pp. 6-63.

[33]     International Energy Agency, Renewable energy essentials: Wind, 2008, p. 4.

[34]     International Energy Agency, Renewable energy essentials: Wind, 2008, p. 2.

[35]     CSIRO, CSIRO Project Profile - Ultrabattery: no ordinary battery, 2008.

[36]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about wind energy, 2007, p. 1.

[37]     Wind Energy & Solar Power Australia, Feed-in tariff for grid-connected solar systems, 2009.

[38]     Wind Energy & Solar Power Australia, Feed-in tariff for grid-connected solar systems, 2009.

[39]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about wind energy, 2007, p. 1.

[40]     Environment Business Australia, Submission to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, p. 6.

[41]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about geothermal energy, 2007, p. 1.

[42]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about geothermal energy, 2007, p. 1.

[43]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about geothermal energy, 2007, p. 1.

[44]     Geodynamics Ltd. 2008, Geodynamics Ltd,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[45]     Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Geothermal drilling program, 2008.

[46]     Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Australian geothermal industry development framework, 2008, p. XI.

[47]     Australian Geothermal Energy Association, Installed capacity and generation from geothermal sources by 2020, 2008, p. 20.

[48]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about ocean energy, 2007, p. 1.

[49]     World Energy Council, Survey of energy resources, 2009,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[50]     Alok, J., Making waves: UK firm harnesses power of the sea … in Portugal, The Guardian, 25 September 2008,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[51]     Scottish Power Renewables, 2009,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[52]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about ocean energy, 2007, p. 2.

[53]     Carnegie Corporation, Wave energy as a global resource, 2009,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[54]     World Energy Council, Survey of energy resources, 2009,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[55]     Knier, G., How do photocoltaics work?, North American Space Agency, 2009,, viewed on 19 January 2009.

[56]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about solar power, 2007, p. 1.

[57]     The Economist, Bright prospects, March 2007, Vol. 382, p. 22.

[58]     Hand, A., Thin-film photovoltaics, Semiconductor International, 2008, Vol. 31(8), pp. 26-28.

[59]     Clean Energy Council, Clean energy fact sheets: All about solar power, 2007, p. 3.

[60]     Dr John Wright, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 11.

[61]     Gurney, A., Ford, M., Low, K., Tulloh, C., Jakeman, G. and Gunasekera, D., ABARE Research report 7.16: Technology toward a low emissions future,  September 2007, p. 13; The Australian Petroleum Producers and Exporters Association, Attachment 2 to Submission No. 32, p. 65.

[62]     Baker, T., Bartle, J., Dickson, R., Polglase  P.,  and Schuck, S., Prospects for bio-energy from short-rotation crops in Australia, September 1999, p. 3; The Australian Sugar Milling Council, Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review, p. 4.

[63]     Sunshine Electricity, Condong project update , June 2008,, viewed on 8 December 2008.

[64]     Pepermans, G., Driesen, J., Haeseldonckx, D., Belmans, R. and D’haeseleer, W., Distributed generation: definition, benefits and issues, Energy Policy, 2005, Vol 33(6), p. 789.

[65]     Productivity Commission, Report No. 36: The private cost effectiveness of improving energy efficiency, 2005, p. XLI.

[66]     Department of Climate Change National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 6.

[67]     International Energy Agency, Carbon dioxide capture and storage, 2009,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[68]     IPCC, IPCC Special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage, 2005, p. 4.

[69]     Gurba, L.W., Clean coal techniques: challenges and opportunities for eastern Australia, Paper, September 2008, p. 441.

[70]     International Energy Agency Carbon dioxide capture and storage, 2009,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[71]     Dr John Wright, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 10.

[72]     Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies, 2008,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[73]     Australian Coal Association, 2009,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[74]     IPCC, IPCC Special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage, 2005, p. 14.

[75]     IPCC, IPCC Special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage, 2005, p. 4.

[76]     Department of Climate Change, National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 7.

[77]     Dr Peter Newman, Submission No. 3., p. 1.

[78]     International Energy Agency Hybrid electric vehicles, 2009,, viewed on 23 January 2009.

[79]     Gielen, D. and Unander, F., Alternative fuels: An energy technology perspective, 2005, p. 17.

[80]     International Energy Agency Hybrid electric vehicles, 2009,,  viewed on 23 January 2009.

[81]     CSIRO, CSIRO Project profile - Ultrabattery: no ordinary battery, 2008,, viewed on 2 December 2008.

[82]     Dr John Wright, Transcript of Evidence, 1 December 2008, p. 10.

[83]     Franklin, M., Toyota gets $35m of taxpayers' money to build hybrid in Melbourne, The Australian, 10 June 2008,, viewed on 23 January 2009.

[84]     International Energy Agency, Out look for hybrid and electric vehicles, 2008, p. 2.

[85]     International Energy Agency, Out look for hybrid and electric vehicles, 2008, p. 2.

[86]     National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium, Why Alternative Fuels?, 2009,, viewed on 23 January 2009.

[87]     Garnaut, R., The Garnaut climate change review 2008, p. 519.

[88]     International Energy Agency, Prospects for hydrogen and fuel cells, 2005, p. 95.

[89]     International Energy Agency, Prospects for hydrogen and fuel cells, 2005, p. 95.

[90]     CSIRO, Research cluster aims for breakthrough in hydrogen materials science, 2009, at, viewed on 23 January 2009.

[91]     Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Hydrogen technology roadmap, 2008, p. I.

[92]     International Energy Agency, From 1st to 2nd generation bio-fuel technologies, 2008, pp. 19-26.

[93]     International Energy Agency, From 1st to 2nd generation bio-fuel technologies,  2008, p. 6.

[94]     International Energy Agency, From 1st to 2nd generation bio-fuel technologies, 2008, p. 6.

[95]     Iogen Corporation, What is cellulose ethanol?, 2009,, viewed on 27 January 2009.

[96]     Australian Tax Office, The cleaner fuels grants scheme, 2005, p. 1.

[97]     AusIndustry, Ethanol production grants, 2009,, viewed on 27 January 2009

[98]     Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism, Second generation biofuels research and development grant program: Program guidelines, 2008, p. 3.

[99]     Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Biofuels/bioenergy, 2008,, viewed on 27 January 2009.

[100]   Rice, C.W.,  Storing carbon in soil: Why and how?, Geotimes, January 2002,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[101]   United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Submission to the 4th Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the UNCCD: Use of biochar (charcoal) to replenish soil carbon pools, restore soil fertility and sequester CO2, 2008.

[102]   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Carbon sequestration in dryland soils, 2004,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[103]   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Carbon sequestration in dryland soils, 2004,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[104]   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Carbon sequestration in dryland soils, 2004,, viewed on 20 January 2009.

[105]   Best Energies Inc, 2006,, viewed on 21 January 2009.

[106]   Lehmann, J., Gaunt, J. and Rondon, M., Biochar sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems – A review, 2006, Vol. 11.

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[108]   Northern Agricultural Catchments Council, 2009,, viewed on 21 January 2009.

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[110]   Mr Christopher Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 15.

[111]   Department of Climate Change, National greenhouse gas inventory, 2006, p. 6.

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[113]   Australian Government, Carbon pollution reduction scheme: Australia’s low pollution future, 2008.

[114]   Mr Christopher Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 15.

[115]   Mr Christopher Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 20.

[116]   Mr Christopher Fitzhardinge, Transcript of Evidence, 19 December 2008, p. 19.

Chapter 5 Climate change adaptation in Australia

[1]       Australian Bureau of Statistics, Year Book Australia 2008, 2008, cat. no. 1301.0, ABS, Canberra.

[2]       BCA Illustrated, The Building Code of Australia, 2009,, viewed on 21 January 2009.

[3]       Mr Ross Connolly, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 8.

[4]       Mr Ross Connolly, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 9.

[5]       Mr Gregory McNamara, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 4.

[6]       Mr Ross Connolly, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 15.

[7]       Mr Gregory McNamara, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 4.

[8]       Mr Gregory McNamara, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 10.

[9]       Mr Gregory McNamara, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 14.

[10]     Ms Karen White, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, pp. 13-14.

[11]     Ms Karen White, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 6.

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[15]     Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Energy efficiency in government operations -  Fact sheet 1 of 12, 2006, p. 1.

[16]     Ms Karen White, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 17.

[17]     Ms Karen White, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 17.

[18]     Ms Karen White, Transcript of Evidence, 19 August 2008, p. 17.

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[29]     McAlpine, A.C., Syktus, J.I., Deo, C.D., Lawrence, P.J., McGowan, H.A., Watterson I.G., and Phinn, S.R., Modelling impacts of vegetation cover change on regional climate, Geophysical Research Letters, November 2007, Vol. 34, p. 6.

[30]     Lean, J. and Warrilow, D.A., Simulation of the regional climatic impact of Amazon deforestation, Nature, November 1989, Vol 342, pp. 411-413; Shukla, J., Nobre, C. and Sellers, P., Amazon deforestation and climate change, Science, March 1990, Vol. 247, pp. 1322-1325.

[31]     Baidya Roy, S. and Avissar, R., Impact of land use/land cover change on regional hydrometeorology in Amazonia, Journal of Geophysical Research, August 2002, Vol. 107, pp. 4-10.

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[33]     Betts, R.A. Offset of the potential carbon sink from boreal forestation by decreases in surface albedo, Nature, September 2000, vol. 408, p. 187.

[34]     Dr Clive McAlpine, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 14.

[35]     Dr Clive McAlpine, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 12.

[36]     Avissar R. and Werth, D., Global hydroclimtalogical teleconnections resulting from tropical deforestation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, August 2004, Vol 6., p. 134

[37]     Feddema, J.J., Oleson, K.W., Bonan, G.B., Mearns, L.O., Buja, L.E., Meehl, G.A. and Washington, W.M., The Importance of land-cover change in simulating future climates science, December 2005, Vol. 310, p. 1674.

[38]     Dr Clive McAlpine, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 16.

[39]     Bounoua, L., Defries, R. G.,  Collatz, J., Sellers, P. and Khan,  H., Effects of land cover conversion on surface climate, Climatic Change, January 2002, Vol. 52, p. 1573.

[40]     Pielke, R.A., Land use and climate change, Science, December 2005, Vol. 310, p. 1626.

[41]     Dr Clive McAlpine, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 16.

[42]     Dr Clive McAlpine, Transcript of Evidence, 9 December 2008, p. 20.

[43]     McAlpine, A.C., Syktus, J.I., Deo, C.D., Lawrence, P.J., McGowan, H.A., Watterson I.G., and Phinn, S.R., Modelling impacts of vegetation cover change on regional climate, Geophysical Research Letters, November 2007, Vol. 34, p. 6.

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