Standing Committee on Employment, Education
and Workplace Relations
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Submission 13
Central Gippsland Institute of Technical and Further Education
24th October 1997
Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE has pleasure in submitting a response
to the Inquiry into the appropriate roles of Institutes of Technical and
Further Education.
The response outlines the role of Central Gippsland Institute, the benefits
of the vocational education provision through TAFE, the differences between
TAFE and Universities and existing linkages between TAFE and Universities.
These positions held by the Institute are strongly based on the belief
that TAFE promotes practical, skills based vocational training and has
developed a philosophy to support this. This role is and should remain
different of a University.
However, Central Gippsland Institute will develop strategic relationships
with other educational sectors where there are significant benefits to
be gained.
The Institute appreciates the opportunity to put forward a view on this
important isue.
Yours sincerely,
Paddy Nicholls
1. Role of Central Gippsland Institute of TAFF
1.1 The provision of entry level training:
1.1.1 post secondary school training
1.1.2 education for those wishing to move Into employment
1.1.3 retraining for those moving from one area of employment to
1.2. The provision of training to support regional economic development:
1.2.1 Specific niche training in the mining, power, hospitality,
transport, telecommunications and retail industries.
1.2.2 A proposal has been put to Loy Yang Power and their Americian
parent company to establish a regional skills development training
for those workers displaced by power company privatisation.
1.3. The provision of trianing to support regional social infrastructure
in such areas as social and community services, child care and in the
arts. This support is important in regions such as Central Gippsland
where the unemployment rate is approximately 12.1%.
1.4. One of the largest employers in the region, with a staff of about
300, a turnover of over $28 million which has a multiplier effect through
the region of three.
1.5 A provider of strategic leadership in the region.
2. Benefits of VET Provision Through TAFE
2.1 TAFE is closely linked to the workforce
2.2 Industry and the community see TAFE as the provider of skills based,
practical training providing both skills enhancement for job growth
and skills development for new employment.
2.3 TAFE delivers 70% of the training market to our current and pending
2.4 TAFE costs the community one third of that required by higher education
and charges the community 'affordable' enrolment fees.
2.5 TAFE provides positive employment outcomes to customers.
3. Differences between TAFE and Universities
3.1 TAFE provides practical, skills based training aimed at equipping
its customers with skills to enter the workforce, to progress through
the workforce or diversify employment opportunities.
3.2 University equips students with theoretical knowledge.
3.3 TAFE is not only conducted on campus but also in a variety of industry
community situations.
3.4 University tend to be conducted on a campus.
3.5 Each sector is unique and offers the community and industry a totally
different range of courses leading to different outcomes.
3.4 University tends to be conducted on a campus.
3.5 Each sector is unique and offers the community and industry a totally
different range of courses leading to different outcomes.
3.6 Each sector has an important part to play in the future of education
and training and should seek to keep their own identity and unique character.
3.7 Each sector will benefit from meeting the challenges and opportunities
of their particular environment and the relationships they develop.
4. Linkages between Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE and Universities
4.1.1 Articulation pathways between TAFE and higher education continue
to be developed and accessed by students from both sectors.
4.1.2 Central Gippsland TAFE is furthering links with Monash University
in the areas of international students, ELICOS, dual awards, flexible
delivery and commercial projects.
4.1.3 Similar links are being established and will continue to be established
with other universities
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