Chapter 2
Development of the treaty-making process
A treaty is an agreement between states that is binding under
international law. The power to enter into treaties is an executive power
granted under section 61 of the Constitution. The power to implement treaties
is a legislative power granted by section 51(xxix). Under this constitutional
framework, decisions about negotiating, signing or becoming party to a treaty
are taken by the executive. The decision to pass implementing legislation—which
is necessary because treaty commitments are not automatically incorporated into
Australian law—is made by the parliament. The Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade (DFAT) is the lead commonwealth agency on treaty-making processes.
In the years after Federation, the parliament was involved in the
approval of treaties before their ratification and, in some cases, the actual
treaty itself as negotiated by the British Government (for example, the
Anglo–French Treaty of 1919) required this form of approval. According to
Professor Anne Twomey, up until the mid-1970s, it was still common practice for
governments to seek parliamentary approval of treaties where commonwealth
legislation was needed to implement them:
Approval was normally included in the statute which gave
effect to the treaty, and the treaty would be ratified after the statute was
enacted but before it came into effect. However, this practice began to lapse
in the late 1970s.[1]
In 1961, Prime Minister Menzies announced measures to keep parliament informed
about treaty matters. This would involve tabling in both houses the text of
treaties at least 12 sitting days before the government was to commit itself to
the treaty by ratifying it. However, this practice soon fell into disuse and by
the late 1970s treaties were being tabled in bulk every six months. While
little attention was initially paid to the abrogation of the Menzies rule, by
the early 1990s further initiatives were implemented to improve the flow of information
about treaties to the parliament. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Senator Evans and the Attorney-General, Mr Lavarch, announced that the
government would supplement the flow of information ' now tabling, wherever
possible, all treaties, other than sensitive bilateral ones, before action is
taken to adhere to them'. Notwithstanding this initiative, the government
continued the practice of tabling treaties in large batches every six months,
preventing any opportunity for detailed examination and scrutiny by the parliament.[2]
Treaty-making reform package of
The Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee's 1995 inquiry
into the Commonwealth's treaty-making power and external affairs power was the
most comprehensive and detailed examination of these issues undertaken by a
parliamentary committee. It was the culmination of mounting pressure to reform
the treaty-making process in Australia. There had been growing concern about:
a perceived loss of national sovereignty;
a democratic deficit through lack of parliamentary scrutiny of
absence of accountability and insufficient information for the
public to assess the merits of particular treaties; and
the impact of treaties and the use of the external affairs power
on the federation.
The committee's report, Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make
and Implement Treaties, included ground-breaking recommendations most of
which were accepted by government.[3]
The government's response acknowledged that the report: '...provides a sound basis
for the reform of aspects of the treaty-making process as it affects Australia,
particularly as the Committee was able to reach unanimity on the
recommendations put forward'. As a number of recommendations envisaged
legislation to bring them into force, the response noted that it was important
for the government: ' move quickly to put the new processes in place and
that this is best done through non-legislative means'.
The reforms introduced by government in June 1996 consisted of five main
tabling of treaties in parliament at least 15 joint sitting days
before binding treaty action is taken by the government;
preparation of a National Interest Analysis (NIA) and associated
material for each proposed treaty action;
establishment of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT)
whose mandate is to inquire into and report on matters arising from treaties.
Other than in exceptional circumstances, the government does not take binding
treaty action until JSCOT has reviewed and reported on the treaty. Other
parliamentary committees may also consider specific proposed treaties;
establishment of the Treaties Council as an adjunct to the
Council of Australian Government; and
establishment on the internet of the online Australian Treaties
The government gave an undertaking to review the reforms after they had
been in place for two years. The review process commenced by DFAT in July 1998 was
completed in August 1999. The review report found that while overall the
reforms are 'working well' there was scope for building on improvements already
made to the NIAs and for enhancement of the internet Australian Treaties
Library. The report claimed that the reforms have greatly improved scrutiny,
transparency and consultation in the treaty-making process, and community
awareness of treaties.[4]
State and territory issues
At the time the 1996 reforms were introduced, there was considerable
interest from state and territory parliaments about their respective roles in
the treaty-making process. The Federal-State Committee of the Victorian
parliament, which was established in May 1996, presented its first and landmark
report, International Treaty Making and the Role of the States, arising
from its inquiry into overlap and duplication of roles and responsibilities
between the Commonwealth and the states.[5]
The main purpose of the inquiry was to seek evidence on the effectiveness of
the 1996 reform package from a states' perspective, and the broader issue of
the role of the states in the treaty process. The report's introduction made
two main observations:
...if the States do not become more directly involved in
Australia's negotiation of international obligations, they will be unable to
influence matters which have a potentially enormous impact on their traditional
Treaty making in Australia is a process dominated by the
executive. Although Australia's entry into treaties can have a huge consequence
for the scope of State Parliamentary activity, there is currently no State
Parliamentary involvement in Australian treaty making. Current
Commonwealth-State consultation on treaty issues takes place entirely through
bureaucratic arrangements.[6]
It was the committee's view that this absence of parliamentary
involvement constituted '...a lack of democratic participation in the generation
of international legal obligations for Australia'. Moreover, it argued that the
interests of democracy and federalism were best served if state parliaments
sought an enhanced role in the process of treaty-making and treaty
The report recommended that the Victorian parliament establish and
adequately resource a treaties review committee with responsibility to advise
the parliament on all matters concerning international treaty-making in Australia.
The committee's functions would be:
to acquire and bring together documentation and information
relevant to Australian treaty-making, from all sources, as soon as it becomes
to table in parliament, and on a regular basis, the schedule of
Australia's treaty negotiations;
to scrutinise NIAs;
to prepare State Interest Analyses for those treaties of
particular concern to Victoria;
to monitor the work of other bodies and organisations dealing
with treaty matters; and
to commission research into the effects of international treaty
making on the states, and on the Australian federal system.[7]
The committee further recommended that the tabling arrangements and
process of scrutiny to be carried out by the new treaties review committee be
instituted across all Australian state parliaments. The government's formal
response stated that while it strongly supported the report's central theme
that states have a greater involvement in Australia's treaty-making processes,
it did not support the introduction of legislation to prescribe a single
committee as a counterpart to JSCOT: 'The Parliament itself should determine
how to deal with treaty matters in general and with particular treaties'.[8]
Nor did the government support the recommendation that such a review committee
be established across all state parliaments, on the grounds that the
constitutional arrangements of each state are a matter for the state and it
would be inappropriate to propose amendments to other states' constitutions.
In June 1999, JSCOT, in association with the Australasian Study of Parliament
Group, convened a seminar on the role of parliaments in treaty-making to
coincide with the government's own review process. The then Chair of JSCOT, Mr
Andrew Thomson MP, described the seminar as a historic event:
It was the first occasion on which representatives from the
Commonwealth and State legislatures (and other interested organisations and
individuals) gathered to consider how best to contend with an important and
evolving issue—the role that parliaments can and should play in scrutinising
the making of international law.[9]
The purpose of the seminar was to explore opportunities for Australian
parliaments to become more aware of and involved in the process of
treaty-making. Building on the work of Victoria's newly created Federal–State
Committee in this area, the seminar generated a number of proposals for greater
parliamentary involvement in treaty-making that would see more information
about treaty proposals provided to state parliaments, more effective community
consultations on treaty-making, and better cooperation between the Commonwealth
and state and territory parliaments.
Two proposals stand out. First, a proposal by the Western Australian
parliamentary participants (which sought to encapsulate the recommendations of
the Victorian Federal–State Committee) included that all state and territory
governments establish standing committees to review all matters concerning
treaties; that protocols be established to enable such committees to be
provided with all relevant information relating to each treaty; and that the
Commonwealth only take binding action on any treaty after JSCOT has received
representations on the matter from state and territory parliaments.
The second proposal, also triggered by the 1996 report of the Victorian
Federal–State Relations Committee, was that all Australian parliaments
contribute to the establishment of an inter-parliamentary working group on
treaties. This was designed to give effect to the recommendation of the
Federal–State Relations Committee that the Treaties Committee should liaise
with state parliaments in conducting its treaty reviews. It was recommended
that the inter-parliamentary working group on treaties:
consist of members from all the parliamentary committees
represented at the seminar;
act as a forum for promoting public awareness of proposed treaty
actions and encouraging wider parliamentary scrutiny of treaty making;
meet every six months to review upcoming treaty actions; and
be supported by secretariats of the states' respective committees
on a rotational basis.[10]
Recognising the expression of support for the intent behind the proposal
and its specific content, the seminar organisers noted that the proposal would
stand in the seminar's records for the further consideration of seminar
participants and all other interested parties. The seminar acknowledged that
state and territory parliaments have a right to be involved in aspects of
treaty-making; the valuable role that state and territory parliaments can play
in improving public awareness of proposed treaties; and the need for state and
territory parliaments to provide sufficient resources to allow parliamentarians
to monitor treaty events.
There is no evidence to suggest that any of the practical proposals arising
from the Victorian parliament committee report (1997) or the JSCOT seminar
(1999) to enhance the role of parliaments in treaty-making ever gained traction
or have been revisited by state or territory parliaments. State and territory
involvement in the treaty-making process may no longer be the burning issue that
it once was in the mid-1990s (further evidence on this issue is considered in
Chapter 4).
Further change
During the launch of an enhanced Treaties Database in August 2002, the
Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Alexander Downer MP, announced two
significant changes to the treaty-making process:
the tabling period for treaty texts and NIAs was increased from
15 to 20 joint siting days for a subset of treaties—specifically, those of
major political, economic and social significance; and
the NIAs were required to be accompanied by additional background
Further refinements to the process since 2008 included the introduction
of a mechanism by which minor treaty actions would be referred to JSCOT without
a requirement for tabling (unless the committee deemed tabling necessary), and
with an Explanatory Statement rather than a NIA. The purpose of this change was
to prevent JSCOT devoting time and resources to the examination of minor treaty
action. There was also a requirement for each NIA to include an attachment on
consultation and for a Regulation Impact Statement to be tabled in parliament
together with the treaty text and NIA.[11]
Current process
The process created from the 1996 reforms, including additional changes
introduced in 2002 and since 2008, remains in place today. During the inquiry,
DFAT advised the committee that while the department plays a role in every
treaty negotiation, it does not always play the lead role. However:
Where we do not [play the lead role] we are always involved
in finalising the text, and we also always have a role in ensuring that the
Australian treaty making requirements are met. Our key priority when we do that
is to ensure that we are receiving the best possible outcome for the national
In terms of how DFAT approaches and manages the treaty-making process,
the committee was told that once a mandate to start negotiations has been
sought from the cabinet and the foreign minister in consultation with other ministers:
Consultations with industry, civil society and other
interested parties are almost invariably undertaken at an early stage in the
process, depending on the complexity of negotiations, and they will continue,
usually, throughout the negotiations...DFAT's general approach is to consult
early so that the negotiating strategies are informed by a broad range of
interests and priorities. The consultation process may include media releases,
calls for public submissions and multiple rounds of face-to-face consultations.[13]
DFAT advised that, in relation to all agreements, officials from the relevant
departments are involved in negotiations, attend negotiation sessions and are
part of a working group which includes the Health, Attorney-General's and
Agriculture departments:
A lot of departments are involved...There is no restriction. It
is not as if the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade would tell a
department, who considered that their interests were affected, that they could
not attend.[14]
DFAT's supplementary submission provided further details, especially in
relation to the process of negotiating an agreement. Negotiations on trade agreements
involve extensive consultation throughout the entire negotiating process with a
wide range of stakeholders. This generally includes:
calls for written submissions from stakeholders and the public;
formal stakeholder consultation meetings, which are advertised
and open to the public, and involve community groups, NGOs, trade unions,
academics, peak industry bodies and business;
meetings and other communication with interested groups, by DFAT
and other departments, throughout the negotiations; and
consultation with state and territory governments through regular
meetings of the Commonwealth-State-Territory Standing Committee on Treaties
(SCOT) and the Senior Officials’ Trade and Investment Group (SOTIG).[15]
According to the DFAT submission:
Views expressed in consultations and written submissions are
considered carefully by Australian Government negotiators. Consultations allow
negotiators to understand the broad range of interests and views across the
community, help identify commercially significant impediments to increasing
Australia’s economic links with our trading partners and guide Australia’s
negotiating position throughout the negotiations.[16]
For large and complex trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP), the department involves up to 30 negotiators from within the
Office of Trade Negotiations during the process. The Office of Trade
Negotiations also includes the Trade Law Branch which is responsible for the
overall legal elements of trade negotiations. In relation to the TPP
negotiations, DFAT described Australia's negotiation process in the following
DFAT has convened over 1000 stakeholder briefing sessions on
TPP negotiations since May 2011, including with State and Territory
Governments, peak industry bodies, companies, academics, individuals, trade unions,
consumer and other special interest groups and other organisations representing
civil society. In these consultations, DFAT officials have updated
stakeholders on the progress in the negotiations, discussed Australia’s
approach to the negotiation of issues of interest and received views and
In addition, DFAT advised that it held public stakeholder consultations in
state capitals, most recently on 26 March 2014 in Melbourne and 27 March 2014
in Sydney. Such consultations are open to businesses, civil society and
interested members of the public, and were advertised on the DFAT website.
Since March 2014, consultations have been more specific and issue based. Invitations
were sent to DFAT’s regularly updated TPP stakeholder contact list, which
includes over 450 individuals and organisations that have indicated interest in
the TPP. Senior TPP negotiators have attended the briefings and provided
information on the progress of negotiations. Negotiators are also available to
answer follow-up questions after the briefing session via email, teleconference
or in person.[18]
The changing face of treaties
The committee heard compelling evidence that the scope and reach of
bilateral and multilateral trade agreements is significantly different today
from just a few decades ago. This is due to the complexity and subject matter
of trade agreements, which extend well beyond traditional issues of trade and
tariffs; reaching into areas of domestic policy, law and regulation, and the
changing environment in which agreements are negotiated. The issue was captured
by Professor Moir's submission:
Because our trade agreements now cover so many aspects of our
regulatory system, they need [to] be far more cautious and careful in their
analysis than they are currently getting. These regulatory systems affect
important areas of not only our economy but also our society. Some, including
patents, potentially affect our core competitive capabilities into the future.
These issues are far too important to be negotiated in secret in close
association with the interests of very large firms.[19]
Until 2001, Australia had an international trade policy focused on the
World Trade Organisation and, apart from concluding a free trade agreement with
Papua New Guinea, was a proponent of non-discrimination in international trade.
According to the Law Council of Australia: 'Australia moved away from that
position in 2001, when it negotiated a free trade agreement with Singapore, and
has been negotiating as many FTAs as it can ever since'.[20]
Historically, multilateral treaties were primarily designed to ensure
peace and manage conflict between sovereign states. As early as the 14th
and 15th centuries most bilateral agreements provided for trade and
the safe passage of ambassadors. According to the Australian Human Rights
The law of diplomacy and the law of the sea were the
formative treaties of the Middle Ages and moving into trade treaties in the 18th,
19th and 20th centuries. It has been a very long process
developing the content. I think the point that is really made is that post the
Second World War there was a huge development of international human rights
law, but equally many thousands of committees negotiated bilaterally,
regionally and multilaterally to cope with trade.[21]
However, in recent decades the focus of trade agreements has shifted
from tariff setting to issues affecting domestic regulation, law and policy. Trade
agreements now typically deal with a broad range of issues directly affecting
people's lives including copyright, intellectual property rights, medicines and
health care, patents and food labelling and access to good and services. The
Public Health Association of Australia voiced its concern about the new and emerging
breed of trade agreements that go well beyond traditional trade issues into
areas that have previously been matters for domestic policy-making.[22]
The issue was captured in evidence by the Australian Fair Trade and
Investment Network (AFTINET), using the TPP as an example:
...the TPP deals with a very wide range of domestic law and
policy. We have heard already that pharmaceutical companies want stronger
patents on medicines, which would delay the availability of cheaper generic
medicines. Media companies want larger copyright payments and restrictions on
internet use and so on...Food, alcohol and tobacco companies want to influence
government regulation in all of those areas, and in the TPP, the US is very
much driving the negotiations on behalf of their major export industries, which
these companies are active in.[23]
The main point stressed by witnesses was that trade agreements deal with
a range of matters normally the subject of public debate and domestic
legislation, and affect a state's ability to regulate in many areas. An example
raised in evidence by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) was the
provision in free trade agreements of immigration rights to nationals from
other countries, including for the first time unskilled labour in the case of
the free trade agreement with China:
...we understand that within the China free trade agreement,
should it be ratified, if there is a project worth $150 million or more—and
that would be a fairly medium-level CBD building—the Chinese company that is
the proponent or owner of that project can then bring its Chinese nationals
here to work on it.[24]
The increasing complexity of international trade agreements can
sometimes have unintended consequences, especially with regard to intellectual
property provisions negotiated in the context of bilateral or regional trade
Evidence from the Australian Digital Alliance and Australia Library and
Information Association pointed to the interplay between intellectual property
and investment chapters in complex trade agreements such as the TPP. Ms
Hepworth, Australian Digital Alliance, told the committee:
of the things that we are particularly concerned about is the interplay between
the intellectual property chapter and the investment chapter, for example. At
the moment, in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, all we know, of course, is that
there is an IP chapter and that there is an investment chapter. Looking at some
of the investment chapters and IP chapters that have been in recent published
agreements such as KAFTA, there is a very clear interplay between them. In
KAFTA, for example, we had an ISDS provision that has a very wide definition of
expropriation that definitely covers intellectual property but then seeks to
sort of carve out an exception for intellectual property as long as it is
implemented in accordance with the IP chapter. The practical effect of that is
to make the IP chapter subject to ISDS.[26]
The Australian Digital Alliance advised the committee of changes in the
way copyright treaties have been negotiated over the years:
copyright was decided in very open, transparent multilateral fora. It is a very
complex, very involved subject matter; it was originally done in bodies such as
WIPO and then the WTO, where all of these issues were very thoroughly and
openly explored and thrashed out; and the eventual agreements were very easy to
see as a cohesive whole. The inclusion of a very complex subject matter such as
copyright—and, I believe, from experts in other areas, increasing complexity in
their subject matter as well—in trade agreements has definitely changed the
focus of trade agreements and their impacts on Australia. I think that is one
very important reason why these things have changed.[27]
was also pointed out that the communications environment in which trade
agreements are negotiated today is significantly different from 20 or 30 years
ago. It may have been possible in the mid-1980s for treaty negotiators to
operate mostly in a confidential environment. However, with the arrival of the
internet, the explosion of social media and the way ideas are communicated
instantly and on a global scale, confidentiality in the context of negotiating
free trade agreements has become unenforceable.
number of submitters expressed concern that rigid adherence to the principle of
confidentiality by successive Australian governments may fuel media speculation
on the draft text of trade agreements, and contribute to the politicisation of debate
surrounding trade agreements and claims of scaremongering by those raising
legitimate concerns. Ultimately it may result in less than optimum trade
outcomes for Australia's exporters, especially when other countries adhere to
more open and transparent trade negotiation practices. The competing arguments around
the issue of confidentiality with respect to negotiating trade deals are
considered in more detail in chapter 4.
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