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Public interest articles on the work, people and events of the Senate.

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When governments work together who holds them to account?

When governments work together who holds them to account?

Complex national issues and shared challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic require different levels of government to work together in different ways. This can create challenges for state and federal parliaments and other institutions responsible for holding individual governments to account.

Prorogation and what it means for Senate business

Prorogation and what it means for Senate business

The Governor-General issued a proclamation on 10 April 2022 proroguing Parliament at 9.29am the following day and then dissolving the House of Representatives, ahead of a federal election on 21 May.

The Budget and Senate Estimates

The Budget and Senate Estimates

This week all eyes will be on the Budget, the government’s most important financial statement, which will be delivered by the Treasurer on 29 March. Attention will then go to Senate estimates where the Senate will look at the government’s proposed spending in more detail.

90 years of Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation

90 years of Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation

This month marks 90 years of the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation, previously called the Regulations and Ordinances Committee.

Explainer: What is a private senator’s bill?

Explainer: What is a private senator’s bill?

A key role of the Australian Parliament is to make and change the law. Each year the Australian Parliament considers hundreds of proposed laws, known as bills. Read here to find out about private senators' bills.

How well do Australians know their Senate?

How well do Australians know their Senate?

How well do Australians know their Senate? According to a 2020 survey by the Australia Institute (AI), not very well at all. 

Who’s who in the Senate: The President of the Senate

Who’s who in the Senate: The President of the Senate

The President is the presiding officer of the Senate whose chief function is to guide and regulate the proceedings in the Senate.

Sitting in a time of COVID-19

Sitting in a time of COVID-19

When the Senate sat on 2 December for the last time in 2021, it marked off a remarkable two years for the Parliament.

Senate elects a new President

Senate elects a new President

The Senate elected Senator Brockman as the 26th President of the Senate. The role of the President became vacant after Senator Scott Ryan retired on 13 October 2021.

120 years of Senate select committees

120 years of Senate select committees

Select committees are single-issue committees that cease to exist once they produce a final inquiry report.

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