Parliament and war

Anzac Day Kit 2014

Members Who Served

Research Publications


  • The Australian Red Cross and the First World War, 24 February 2016 [MP3 45MB] [MP4 200MB]
  • ‘Our life goes on the same’—the Great War at home,  Lecture 11 November 2015 [PDF 996KB] [MP4 221MB]
  • A small navy in a Great War, 27 August 2014 [MP3 37.4MB] [MP4 169MB]
  • Aboriginals in the First Australian Imperial Force, a secret history Presentation, 28 May 2014 [PDF 1MB] [MP3 49MB]
  • Going to war, 1914: the view from the Australian Parliament Presentation notes, 19 March 2014 [PDF 105KB] Powerpoint presentation [MP3 51MB] [MP4 222MB]