Taskforce Meeting: 15 November 2022
Issue date: Wednesday, 23 November 2022
The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce held its seventh meeting on 15 November 2022.
The Taskforce further discussed the establishment of the Office of Parliamentarian Staffing and Culture and shared views aligned with the outcomes of the staff consultation process which was presented at the Taskforce’s 19 October 2022 meeting.
Members noted the Taskforce Chair will hold a series of information sessions for all people in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces on 25 November and 6 December. The information sessions will give a progress update of the Set the Standard reforms and attendees can ask questions and provide feedback on the implementation. Details will be advertised shortly.
Taskforce members agreed to further discuss how to ensure a broad representation of those in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces can be consulted on the detail of the implementation of the Set the Standard reforms.
Members noted the development of draft common alcohol policy principles to inform new alcohol policies or updates to existing policies in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces. Members agreed it is important to have consistent alcohol policies and will further consider the development of model policies prior to consultation.
The Taskforce received an update on the work of the Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Standards which is drafting codes of conduct for Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces, parliamentarians and MoP(S) Act employees and expected to report by 1 December 2022.
The next meeting will be held on 29 November 2022.