Membership of the Taskforce

47th Parliament

  • Chair: Dr Vivienne Thom AM, Independent Chair (from February 2023). Kerri Hartland was the Independent Chair to January 2023.
  • Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chair of Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Standards
  • Senator Perin Davey, Deputy Leader of the National Party, Shadow Minister for Water, Shadow Minister for Emergency Management
  • Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Special Minister of State, Minister for Trade and Tourism 
  • Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Minister for the Public Service
  • Senator the Hon Jane Hume, Shadow Minister for the Public Service, Shadow Minister for Finance, Shadow Special Minister of State
  • Hon Sussan Ley MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Women, Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training, Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business
  • Ms Zali Steggall OAM, MP, Member for Warringah 
  • Senator Larissa Waters, Leader of the Australian Greens in the Senate

46th Parliament

  • Chair: Kerri Hartland, Independent Chair of the Leadership Taskforce 
  • Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Minister for Finance 
  • Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Shadow Special Minister of State, Shadow Minister for Sport, Shadow Minister for Tourism, Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader of the Opposition 
  • Senator Katy Gallagher, Shadow Minister for Finance, Shadow Minister for the Public Service, Manager Opposition Business in the Senate 
  • The Hon Ben Morton MP, Special Minister of State, Minister for the Public Service, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Cabinet 
  • Senator the Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Women 
  • The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Shadow Minister for Education, Shadow Minister for Women 
  • Ms Zali Steggall OAM, MP, Member for Warringah 
  • Senator Larissa Waters, Leader of the Australian Greens in the Senate

Parliament House Calendar

July 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
301 Both2 Both3 Both45 Senate6
78910 Senate111213
14 Senate15161718 Senate1920 Other
21 Both22 Both23 Both24 Both25 Senate2627
28 Both29 Both30 Both31 Both123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other

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