
**Please note, the PLT held its final meeting in September 2024. If you have any questions regarding the ongoing implementation of the recommendations from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces, please see the implementation tracker for the responsible entity.**

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce has been established to oversee the implementation of the recommendations from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces (the Jenkins Report).

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce is a cross‐party steering group to ensure coordinated and non‐partisan implementation of the Report’s recommendations and embed institutional leadership.

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce will review progress against the Jenkins Report recommended timeframes and drive priorities for implementation.

Consistent with recommendation 2 of the Jenkins Report, the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce’s role includes:

  • developing and communicating an implementation plan with specific timeframes;
  • defining and communicating common values which can drive cultural change across parliamentary workplaces;
  • preparing an annual public report of progress made in the implementation of recommendations; and
  • tracking, on a quarterly basis, key measures of a safe and respectful work environment to monitor progress in implementation.

Once the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce has been confirmed, it will comprise of three representatives from the Government, three from the Opposition, one from a minor party, one independent, and be led by an Independent Expert Chair. An observer for each representative may attend the meeting.

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce operates by consensus.

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce will consult with the Sex Discrimination Commissioner and other relevant experts and individuals as required. These may include the Presiding Officers, Party Leaders, Heads of the Parliamentary Departments, parliamentary staff and other participants in Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces.

The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce are supported by an Implementation Group.

The Independent Expert Chair and the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce are supported by a Secretariat.