Parliamentarians from the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia visited Australia from 15 to 16 March as part of an official visit.
Led by the President of the National Assembly Samdech Heng Samrin, the delegation met with Senate President Stephen Parry, House of Representatives Speaker Tony Smith, and Deputy President of the Senate Gavin Marshall. The delegation also met with members of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and members of the Australia-Southeast Asia Parliamentary Network.
Australia and Cambodia have enjoyed diplomatic relations for over six decades. In 2014, total two-way trade in goods was approximately $162 million, with both countries being parties to the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement.
According to the most recent census in 2011, there were around 28,000 Cambodian-born people and their families living in Australia. Approximately 134,000 Australians visited Cambodia in 2014.
Samdech Heng Samrin presents a gift to Stephen Parry, President of the Senate