Serjeant-at-Arms services

Information and Services for Members and Staff

The Serjeant-at-Arms' Office is responsible for providing a number of services for Members and staff including:

  • office accommodation, furniture and fittings, telecommunications, mail and courier services, bookings for committee rooms and bookings for Chamber galleries.
  • the maintenance of a number of databases of information about Members and former Members and the publication of certain information such as the contact details for Members;
  • coordination of car transport to and from Parliament House for Members;

Broadcasting and Televising of Parliamentary Proceedings

The Serjeant-at-Arms' Office advises the The Speaker on radio broadcasting and televising policy, and on requests for filming and photographing within the parliamentary precincts. The Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms is the Secretary to the Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings which is a committee of Members and Senators responsible for overseeing, and policy on, broadcasting of the proceedings of both Houses of Parliament.


The Serjeant is responsible for the security of the House of Representatives Chamber and its galleries and, in conjunction with an overall Security Controller, the (Senate) Usher of the Black Rod and the Australian Protective Service, the security of the whole of the parliamentary precincts.

School Visits

The Serjeant-at-Arms' Office provides a one-stop shop booking service for all activities which School Tours engage in when they visit Parliament House including organised programs (provided by the Parliamentary Education Office), tours of Parliament House and hospitality events.

Parliament House Calendar

April 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
311 Both2 Both3 Both4 Senate56
7 Senate8 Senate9 Senate1011 Both1213
14 Senate1516 Other1718 Public holiday19 Public holiday20 Public holiday
21 Public holiday222324 Public holiday252627
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other

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