House Review: 14 - 24 October

Monday, 28 October 2019 in Procedural

House Review discusses a selection of topical events in the House from a procedural perspective is be published shortly after sitting periods. Excerpts of the latest edition are included below. To read the full review (or to browse previous editions of House Review), click here.

National Apology to Victims of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

On 22 October the Prime Minister moved that the House commemorate the first anniversary of the national apology to the survivors and victims of institutional child sexual abuse. He spoke of the apology and the need for it, as well as of the National Redress Scheme. The Leader of the Opposition acknowledged the Prime Minister’s words and spoke of the same things, as well as the history of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Leader of the House then moved to enable further debate in the Federation Chamber.

Ministerial Statement on veterans and their families

On 16 October the Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel made the third annual Ministerial Statement by leave, thanking those who have served in the Australian Defence Force and their families, and acknowledging the bipartisan spirit that is directed towards dealing with veterans’ issues. The shadow Minister replied and the Minister moved to enable further debate on the Statement in the Federation Chamber.

Parliamentary committees

Committees continued their work during the fortnight with meetings, public hearings and presentation of reports.

On 24 October the report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security on the Identity-matching Services Bill 2019 and the Australian Passports Amendment (Identity-matching Services) Bill 2019 was presented to the House. The report recommends the bills be re-drafted according to principles of privacy, transparency, governance, and user obligations.

A snapshot of House and Joint Committees, their membership and inquiries, is available in the last pages of the Notice Paper for each sitting day.

Program of sittings for 2020

On the afternoon of 24 October the Leader of the House presented a calendar of proposed sittings for 2020 and moved, by leave, that it be agreed to. This was carried on the voices.
