PJCIS – Review of the mandatory data retention regime

Issue date: Wednesday, 15 April 2020

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The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security has completed its Review of the mandatory data retention regime, and is now working on its report.

The Chair, Mr Andrew Hastie MP, said ‘The Committee has received considerable evidence from submitters and witnesses regarding the effectiveness of the mandatory data retention regime. This marks the completion of the Committee’s review and the Committee’s attention now turns to preparing a bipartisan report which delivers tangible ideas for reform and consideration. The Committee expects to table the report by the end of July.’

The Deputy Chair, Hon Anthony Byrne MP, said ‘The Committee is grateful for the evidence received and will complete the task of drafting a report that will set out some of the major concerns with the regime and access to data under the Telecommunications Act 1997 as well as recommendations to government addressing these concerns.’

Section 187N of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 provides for the completion of the review by 13 April 2020.

Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.

Media inquiries:

Chair, Mr Andrew Hastie MP (Canning, WA) on (08) 9534 8044 (Electorate office) or (02) 6277 4223 (Parliament House)

Deputy Chair, Hon Anthony Byrne MP (Holt, Vic) on (03) 9796 7533 (Electorate office) or (02) 6277 4309 (Parliament House)

For background information:

Committee Secretariat, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, (02) 6277 2360 or pjcis@aph.gov.au.

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