Week beginning 6 March 2023

Week beginning 6 March 2023

This page provides an overview of the key events of the last sitting week in the House of Representatives. It includes all bills presented and debated, and selected statements, debates and committee business. For the official record of proceedings, see the Votes and Proceedings. For a detailed procedural account of events, see the Procedural Digest and House Review.

Key events

  • Aston electoral division—Issue of Writ (6 March)
  • Statements, by indulgence, made in relation to International Women's day (8 March)


10 bills were presented, and 7 bills were passed by the House

Matters of Public Importance

Committee and delegation business

Committee reports presented   

Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs

  • Inquiry into community safety, support services and job opportunities in the Northern Territory (8 March

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

  • Human rights scrutiny report: Report 2 of 2023 (8 March)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

  • Annual report of committee activities 2021-2022 (8 March)

Standing Committee on Petitions

  • Report 6: Petitions and ministerial responses (6 March)

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works

  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and the Australian Electoral Commission – Proposed fit-out of new premises at London Quarter Block 40, Section 100, Canberra City, ACT and other works (1st report of 2023) (7 March)

Selection Committee

  • Report No. 10 relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business and private members’ business on Monday, 20 March 2023 (8 March

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

  • Report 206: International Labour Organization Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (7 March)

Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services

  • Your Future Planning: Interim report on ParentsNext (6 March)

Government responses

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

  • Inquiry into the human rights of  women and girls in the Pacific (7 March)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

  • Review of the mandatory data retention regime: A review of the mandatory data retention regime prescribed by Part 5-1A of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (7 March

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Independent assessments (7 March)

There were no delegation reports presented

    Private Members' business

    The following private member's bill was introduced on Monday, 6 March

    The following private members' motions were moved and debated on Monday, 6 March