Week beginning 6 February 2024

This page provides an overview of the key events of the last sitting week in the House of Representatives. It includes all bills presented and debated, and selected statements, debates and committee business. For the official record of proceedings, see the Votes and Proceedings. For a detailed procedural account of events, see the Procedural Digest and House Review.

Key events

  • Statements, by indulgence, regarding His Majesty King Charles III (6 February)
  • Dunkley electoral division—Issue of Writ (6 February)
  • Condolence motion relating to the death of Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue (6 February)
  • Speaker informed the House of the deaths of:
  • Speaker presented the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce annual report (7 February)
  • Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, the Honourable James Marape MP, addressed the House (8 February)


11 bills were presented, and 7 bills were passed by the House.

Matters of Public Importance

Committee and delegation business

Committee reports presented

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

  • Human rights scrutiny reports—Report 14 of 2023 (7 February)
  • Human rights scrutiny reports—Report 1 of 2024 (7 February)

Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport

  • Inquiry into the implications of severe weather events on the national regional, rural, and remote road network, incorporating a dissenting report (6 February)

Selection Committee

  • Report No. 21 relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business and private Members’ business on Monday, 12 February 2024 (7 February)

Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth

  • Interim report: Inquiry into the Australian Government’s approach to negotiating trade and investment agreements, incorporating a dissenting report (6 February)

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

  • Report 213: Amendments to the Annex of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 (6 February)

Government responses

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

  • Review of Administration and Expenditure No. 20 (2020-2021)—Australian Intelligence Agencies (7 February)

Delegation reports presented

  • Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Sweden and United Kingdom, 31 October to 9 November 2023 (6 February)

Private Members' business

No private members' motions were moved or debated