Week beginning 6 December 2023

This page provides an overview of the key events of the last sitting week in the House of Representatives. It includes all bills presented and debated, and selected statements, debates and committee business. For the official record of proceedings, see the Votes and Proceedings. For a detailed procedural account of events, see the Procedural Digest and House Review.

Key events

  • Condolence motion relating to death of Peta Jan Murphy, the Member for the Division of Dunkley (6 December)
  • Statements on significant matters—
    • Twentieth anniversary of the banning of asbestos (7 December)
    • Backing charities and building community (7 December)
  • Approval of works in the parliamentary zone—Senator Susan Ryan commemorative sculpture(7 December)


3 bills were presented, no bills were passed by the House.

Ministerial Statements

There were no ministerial statements

Matters of Public Importance

  • Government (7 December)
  • Committee and delegation business

    Committee reports presented

    Standing Committee on Agriculture

    • Australian food story: Feeding the nation and beyond: Inquiry into food security in Australia (7 December)

    Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

    • The pursuit of equality: Inquiry into the rights of women and children (7 December)

    Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

    • Report by statement: A review of regulations re-listing Jama’at Nusrat al-lslam wal-Muslimin and Islamic State Khorasan Province as terrorist organisations under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (7 December)

    Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement

    • Law enforcement capabilities in relation to child exploitation, incorporating a dissenting report (7 December)

    Standing Committee on Petitions

    Government responses

    There were no government responses

    Delegation reports presented

    There were no Delegation reports 

    Private Members' business 

    No private members' motions were moved or debated