Week beginning 27 March 2023

Week beginning 27 March 2023

This page provides an overview of the key events of the last sitting week in the House of Representatives. It includes all bills presented and debated, and selected statements, debates and committee business. For the official record of proceedings, see the Votes and Proceedings. For a detailed procedural account of events, see the Procedural Digest and House Review.

Key events

  • Statement on a significant matter—Australia’s youth and the Commonwealth Year of Youth 2023 (29 March)
  • Introduction of the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 (30 March)
  • Establishment of a Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum (30 March)
  • Amendments to standing orders 34, 55, 85 and 133 (30 March)
  • Statement, by indulgence, regarding the coronation of King Charles III on 6 May 2023 (30 March)


14 bills were presented, and 10 bills were passed by the House

Ministerial statement

Resources statement to Parliament—Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia (29 March)

Matters of Public Importance

Committee and delegation business

Committee reports presented    

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

  • Human rights scrutiny report: Report 4 of 2023 (29 March)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

  • Advisory report on item 250 of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2022 (29 March)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Anti-Corruption Commission

  • Report on proposed recommendations for appointments to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (29 March)

Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Capability and culture of the NDIA interim report (30 March)

Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia 

  • Inquiry into the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool: First report on the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool (27 March)

Standing Committee on Petitions

  • Report 8: Petitions and ministerial responses (27 March)

Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit

  • Report 494: Inquiry into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s crisis management arrangements (30 March)

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works

  • Department of Defence—Cocos (Keeling) Islands Airfield Upgrade Project and other works (2nd report of 2023) (28 March)

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

  • Report 208: International Labour Organization Convention concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work (No. 190) (29 March

Government responses

Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety

  • Social Media and Online Safety (30 March)

Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs

  • Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence (30 March)

Delegation report presented

Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Papua New Guinea, 4 to 10 December 2022 (29 March)

    Private Members' business

    The following private members bills were introduced on Monday, 27 March

    The following private members' motions were moved and debated on Monday, 27 March

    Debate resumed on the following private member's motion on Monday, 27 March