Week beginning 22 May 2023

Week beginning 22 May 2023

This page provides an overview of the key events of the last sitting week in the House of Representatives. It includes all bills presented and debated, and selected statements, debates and committee business. For the official record of proceedings, see the Votes and Proceedings. For a detailed procedural account of events, see the Procedural Digest and House Review.

Key events

  • Fadden electoral division—Issue of Writ (22 May)
  • Condolence motion for the Honourable Anthony Allan (Tony) Staley AO, former Member for the division of Chisholm (22 May)
  • Further debate on the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 (22, 23, 24 and 25 May)
  • Statements, by indulgence, made in relation to the death of Francis Joseph (Frank) McGovern OAM (25 May)


15 bills were presented, and 8 bills were passed by the House

Matters of Public Importance

Committee and delegation business

Committee reports presented    

Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

  • Advisory report on the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 (22 May)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

  • Advisory report on the National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 2) Bill 2023 (22 May

Standing Committee on Petitions

  • Report 10: Petitions and ministerial responses (22 May

Government responses

Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

  • Advisory report on the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 (24 May)

Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

  •  Advisory report on the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022 (23 May)

Delegation report presented 

Australian Parliamentary Delegation to the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Manama, Bahrain, 11 to 15 March 2023 (23 May)

Private members' business

The following private members' bills were introduced on Monday, 22 May

The following private members' motions were moved and debated on Monday, 22 May

Debate resumed on the following private member's motion on Monday, 22 May