Meet our Parliamentary Security Service Officers

Every year over 750,000 people visit Parliament House, and it is vital that their experience and visit is memorable. For many, the first point of contact is with a Parliamentary Security Service (PSS) Officer, one of many service areas that contribute to the overall experience.


For PSS Officer Stephen, who comes from a law enforcement and Defence background, a PSS Officer role seemed like the ideal next step.

“I was 6 months into retirement and I wasn’t quite ready for full retirement. A colleague of mine at the time, mentioned the advertisement in passing to me, so I had a look into it.”

The training provided gave Stephen the skills specific to his role, and that combined with his past experience has allowed him to earn a team leader role.

“I have been fortunate enough to earn a Team Leaders role overseeing the security team in the Senate galleries. Part of this role involves dealing with different stakeholders.

"I don’t believe there is ever an “average” day in your role as a PSS officer. The sheer nature of security dictates that no one day remains the same with an ever-changing environment. That in itself keeps me coming back!”

For those coming out of a career in Defence, or family members of those in Defence, Stephen recommends considering the option of part-time or casual employment with the PSS.

“The work flexibility afforded the part time or casual members allows for a more family friendly situation. Being able to plan your life well in advance is a definite asset.”


When looking for a role in the public service, Sarah came across an advertisement for Parliamentary Security Services Officer roles at Parliament House. While initially hesitant as she’d had no experience in security, Sarah was so excited when she received the phone call offering her a position.

“I’ve been here over a year now and the opportunities (both career wise and professional development wise), are endless for those who want to make a career out of the role. I network with my colleagues, have learnt so many new things and met some amazing people,” Sarah said.

As a PSS Officer, while your role requirements remain the same, the daily interactions with visitors and those working in the building mean that every day is different.

“One day I’ll be working on a function with so many celebrities your head spins, other days I could be patrolling or I could be working on special projects. The role is so diverse, I really enjoy it as I prefer to be busy.”


PSS Officer Rose has been with the department for over 15 years now, across a variety of roles.

Starting as a casual PSS Officer, Rose’s background in retail meant that she had the customer service skills needed.

“I was concerned that I didn’t have the skills needed for a security role, but I was provided with all the training I needed and my life experiences have supplemented that training,” says Rose.

Over her time here Rose has been able to take opportunities that allow her to upskill in different areas of security, one of the many benefits of being a PSS Officer.

Rose has a few favourite moments, she’s had the chance to meet royalty (princes and princesses), presidents and Governor Generals, but when asked about why she works here, Rose says:

“Working at Australian Parliament House, the seat of democracy, in the most iconic building in Australia…it’s a rush! It’s amazing to be able to come to work and meet people from diverse backgrounds.”


Bev has been a PSS Officer for nearly 7 years, and when asked about her favourite moment over that time, she couldn’t decide!

"During my time here, I have met the most amazing people from a range of backgrounds. That’s something that never gets old.”

"Plus, the building is stunning to work in, and there is always something different happening.”

"The hustle and bustle of the building keeps me coming back, I like the variety of work, and I enjoy the social interactions with my colleagues and the visitors that come through,” Bev said.

Bev is keen to see the number of women working in the PSS increase.

“My advice to any women thinking about a career change is don’t be afraid to give it a go, you don’t have to have a security background, the training is provided and there are opportunities that come up for career progression as well.”   



Jorja’s been at Parliament House for over a year and loves the atmosphere and the interactions she has with visitors on a daily basis.

The role of a PSS Officer provides the opportunity to work in the most iconic building in Australia, something that Jorja is immensely proud of.

“When I first heard about the role, I visited Parliament House and the vibe and energy from being greeted at the front doors, to walking around and learning about Australia’s democracy, is an amazing feeling…and I get to be a part of that every day!”

“There is such a variety in my day that while I know what to expect to some extent, every day is different.” Jorja said.

“When I saw this job opportunity come up, I thought why not give it a go! The application and onboarding process was pretty much all online, so super easy to do.

I went through the training and now I’ve been offered the opportunity to train to become a Team Leader, so there is career progression available. It shows that the department is interested in investing in its people.”

“If you are considering applying, I say go for it. The shift work may not be for everyone, but I’ve made it work for me. The facilities and amenities here are great and are not often offered anywhere else!”


Parliament House Calendar

December 2020

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29301 Both2 Both3 Other4 Other5
6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Both10 Senate1112
1314 Senate15 Other16 Other171819
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other