
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

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Page size:
 57 items in 3 pages
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Page size:
 57 items in 3 pages
1Super Innovations (PDF 61 KB) 
2Life Protect (PDF 72 KB) 
3Mr Philip Burke (PDF 104 KB) 
4Austbrokers Financial Solutions (SYD) (PDF 44 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 53 KB) 
5Fortnum Financial Advisers (PDF 80 KB) 
6Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (PDF 302 KB) 
7Australian Financial Risk Management (PDF 378 KB) 
8Robina Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (PDF 79 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 445 KB) 
9Mr Roland Badia (PDF 77 KB) 
10Mr Gregory Hayter (PDF 59 KB) 
11Complete Life Insurance (PDF 54 KB) 
12Anderson Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (PDF 137 KB) 
13Mr Joseph Burke (PDF 89 KB) 
14Hallam Financial Strategies (PDF 61 KB) 
15Mr Ben Sullivan (PDF 86 KB) 
16Name Withheld (PDF 20 KB) 
17Mr Kevin Davidson (PDF 126 KB) 
18Claudio Financial Services (PDF 49 KB) 
19McMaster Heathfield Wealth Advisers (PDF 97 KB) 
20Mr Hilton Bennett (PDF 35 KB) 

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