

Recommendation 1

3.19             The committee recommends that food manufacturers clearly label products which have received third party certification.

Recommendation 2

3.1                  The committee recommends that the government, through the Department of Agriculture, consider the monitoring and compliance of halal certification of meat for export; and becoming the sole signatory on the government halal certificate.

Recommendation 3

3.60             The committee recommends that the government, through bilateral and multilateral forums, promote greater acceptance of a 'whole–of-country', government-led halal certification system.

Recommendation 4

3.78             The committee recommends that the government consider requiring certification bodies to register their operations under certification trademarks. 

Recommendation 5

3.79             The committee recommends that the government consider requiring that halal certification of goods in the domestic market comply with the standard agreed for export.

Recommendation 6

3.80             The committee recommends that the halal certification industry consider establishing a single halal certification authority and a single national registered certified trademark.

Recommendation 7

3.96             The committee recommends that meat processors clearly label products sourced from animals subject to religious slaughter.

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