General Agreement on Trade in Services and Australia/US Free Trade Agreement

General Agreement on Trade in Services and Australia/US Free Trade Agreement

Terms of reference
On 12 December 2002, the Senate referred the following matters to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report by 27 November 2003:

The Committee invites individuals and organisations with knowledge and information relevant to the inquiry's terms of reference to lodge submissions by Friday, 11 April 2003 with:

All communications with the Committee and its Secretariat are protected by parliamentary privilege. It is expected that submissions will be published unless clearly marked as confidential. Persons making submissions must not disclose them without the prior approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but the unauthorised release of them is not.

The Committee encourages the lodgement of submissions in electronic form. E-mailed submissions must include the author's full name, phone number and postal address.

Notes to assist with the preparation of submissions

Submissions Received

Relevant Information

Other useful information

Public Hearings
To date, hearings have been held in the following locations:

2 October 2003 Canberra Program (Word 22KB) Transcript (PDF 626KB)
24 July 2003 Brisbane Program (Word 25KB) Transcript (PDF 571KB)
23 July 2003 Sydney Program (Word 29KB) Transcript (PDF 603KB)
22 July 2003 Canberra Program (Word 27KB) Transcript (PDF 571KB)
9 May 2003 Melbourne Program (Word 26KB) Trasncript (PDF 570KB)
8 May 2003 Melbourne Program (Word 26KB) Transcript (PDF 647KB)

Report - Tabled 27 November 2003

Government response (PDF 539KB)

For further information