Additional Comments from Coalition Senators

Additional Comments from Coalition Senators

1.1The topic of poverty, and its causes and solutions, is complex, multifaceted, and difficult to respond to – even through the most thorough committee report.

1.2The approach of the Coalition when in government has been clear and principled.

1.3While in government, the Coalition through disciplined economic management, was able to deliver the largest permanent increase to the JobSeeker income support payment.

1.4From 1 April 2021, the former government increased working age payment rates, including JobSeeker Payment, by $50 and permanently increased the income-free areas to $150 per fortnight to support job seekers as they secure employment and re-enter the workforce.

1.5Throughout the height of the pandemic, the then Coalition Government also provided $32 billion in emergency support payments and on top of that delivered the largest increase to unemployed benefits since 1986.

1.6Every dollar we spend is a dollar that someone else has had to earn – so it is incumbent to ensure that spending on our social safety net is sustainable into the future.

1.7Few countries provide the strong safety net available in Australia.

1.8The Coalition’s focus is creating jobs and getting people back into work because we know that getting a job is the best way to improve the living standards individuals and families.

1.9Whilst Coalition Senators do not disagree with all aspects of the majority report, we will reserve our recommendations until the final report is released.

Senator Slade Brockman

Senator Wendy Askew