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House of Representatives - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings.

This site is updated every five minutes when the House is sitting. Regular refreshing of your screen will provide the latest proceedings through the day.

Draft minutes are also available for the Federation Chamber.

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Last updated: Friday, 29 November 2024 at 9:55 AMNo updates available
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Draft Minutes

No. 161

Thursday, 28 November 2024

- 9:00:11 AM

 1The House met, at 9 am, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (the Honourable M. Dick) took the Chair, made an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.

- 9:01:09 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) informed the House of intended business for the remainder of this sitting.

- 9:02:56 AM

 2National Anti-Corruption Commission—STATEMENT BY SPEAKER

The Speaker made statement relating to National Anti-Corruption Commission investigations where parliamentary privilege may apply and presented the following document:

- 9:03:51 AM

Memorandum of understanding between the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Attorney-General, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

- 9:03:56 AM

 3STATEMENT ON A SIGNIFICANT MATTERInternational environmental leadership

Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water), pursuant to notice, made a statement in relation to international environmental leadership.

- 9:23:41 AM

Mr Ted O’Brien addressed the House in reply.

- 9:35:20 AM

Ms Plibersek, by leave, moved—That further statements on international environmental leadership be permitted in the Federation Chamber.

- 9:35:30 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 9:35:48 AM

 4STATEMENT ON A SIGNIFICANT MATTERStrengthening Medicare through mental health

Ms McBride (Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention), pursuant to notice, made a statement in relation to strengthening Medicare through mental health.

- 9:44:28 AM

Ms Ley addressed the House in reply.

- 9:51:03 AM

Ms McBride, by leave, moved—That further statements on strengthening Medicare through mental health be permitted in the Federation Chamber.

- 9:51:23 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 9:51:42 AM

Ms Sharkie sought leave to move a motion. Leave not granted.

- 9:52:26 AM


Ms Sharkie moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Mayo from moving the following motion—That the House:

(1)notes that the Government, under the leadership of the Minister for Communications, has failed to take any action to reduce gambling advertising, 17 months after receiving unanimous recommendations from a Government-chaired committee;

(2)calls on the Minister for Communications to explain to the House why the Government has failed to take any actions; and

(3)calls on the Government to either:

(a)introduce its own legislation on gambling advertising; or

(b)allow other bills that seek to address the harms caused by gambling advertising to be debated in this House.

Ms Ware 9:56:09 AM.
- 10:01:11 AM

Mr Jones (Minister for Financial Services) moved—That the debate be adjourned.

- 10:01:13 AM


- 10:01:29 AM

Division 527

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 71

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms Rowland

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Ms Burney

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Rishworth

NOES, 63

Mrs Archer

Mr Dutton

Mr Littleproud

Mr Taylor

Mr Bandt

Mr Entsch

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Mr Bates

Mr Fletcher

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Ms Bell

Mr Gee

Mr Ted O’Brien

Ms Tink

Mr Birrell

Dr Gillespie

Mr Pearce

Mr van Manen

Mr Boyce

Mr Goodenough

Mr Pike

Mr Violi

Mr Broadbent

Dr Haines

Mr Pitt

Mr Wallace

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hamilton

Ms Price

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hastie

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Hawke

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Dr Scamps

Mr Wilkie

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Ms Sharkie

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Mr Stevens

Mr Young

Ms Daniel

Ms Ley

Mr Sukkar

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:10:25 AM

Debate adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:09:17 AM


Ordered—That business intervening before order of the day No. 1government business, be postponed until a later hour this day.

- 10:09:55 AM

 7Suspension of standing orders 31 and 33

Mr Burke (Leader of the House)pursuant to notice, moved—That standing order 31 (automatic adjournment of the House) and standing order 33 (limit on business after normal time of adjournment) be suspended for the sitting commencing on Thursday, 28 November 2024.

- 10:10:16 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 10:10:33 AM

Mr Wilkie sought leave to move a motion. Leave not granted.

- 10:11:00 AM


Mr Wilkie moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Clark from moving the follow motion—That the House:

(1)notes that the Government is refusing to even debate the need for a gambling advertising ban; and

(2)condemns the Government for its complete disregard of the community’s desire to ban gambling advertising and for the terrible harm such advertising facilitates.

Mr Wallace 10:16:48 AM.
- 10:22:02 AM

Ms Kearney (Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care) moved—That the debate be adjourned.

- 10:22:04 AM


- 10:22:20 AM

Division 528

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 71

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms Rowland

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Rishworth

NOES, 30

Mrs Archer

Ms Chaney*

Ms Le

Mr Violi

Mr Bandt

Mr Chester

Mr Pearce

Mr Wallace

Mr Bates

Mr Conaghan

Dr M Ryan

Ms Ware

Mr Boyce

Ms Daniel

Dr Scamps

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Broadbent

Mr Gee

Ms Sharkie

Mr Wilkie*

Mr Buchholz

Dr Haines

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Mr Caldwell

Mr Joyce

Ms Tink

Mr Young

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Kennedy

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:31:11 AM

Debate adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:31:24 AM

 9Future Made in Australia (Production Tax Credits and Other Measures) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Mr Boyce 10:31:35 AM. Ms Swanson 10:40:21 AM. Mr Albanese 10:45:00 AM. Mr Bandt 10:59:46 AM.
- 11:13:33 AM

Question to Deputy SpeakerMr Bandtre allocation of the call.

- 11:14:28 AM

Mr Thistlethwaite (Assistant Minister for Immigration) moved—That the debate be adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 11:15:07 AM


- 11:15:07 AM

Division 529

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 73

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Ms Burney

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Mr Wilkie

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

NOES, 61

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Mr Goodenough

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Dr Haines

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Ms Steggall

Mr Young

Mr Entsch

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:22:38 AM

Debate adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 11:22:44 AM


Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That business intervening before order of the day No. 14government business, be postponed until a later hour this day.

- 11:23:17 AM


Mr Burke moved—That the question be now put.

Question—That the question be now put—put.

- 11:23:38 AM

Division 530

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 73

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Ms Burney

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Mr Wilkie

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

NOES, 62

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Mrs Archer

Mr Gee

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Bandt

Dr Gillespie

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Dr M Ryan

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Dr Scamps

Dr Webster

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Sharkie

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Mr Stevens

Mr Young

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:26:29 AM

And the question—That the motion be agreed tobeing accordingly put

- 11:26:41 AM

Division 531

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 76

Dr Aly

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Rowland

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Thwaites

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr Wilkie

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

NOES, 60

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Mr Goodenough

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Dr Haines

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hastie

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Hawke

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Chester

Mr Hogan

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Mr Coleman

Mr Howarth

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Conaghan

Mr Joyce

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Coulton*

Mr Kennedy

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Ms Landry

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Ms Le

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

Ms Steggall

Mr Young

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:29:35 AM


Mr Fletcher (Manager of Opposition Business) moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Manager of Opposition Business moving the following motion immediately:

That this House expresses its strong disapproval of this Government’s contempt for good parliamentary process in bringing on debate on the Treasury Laws Amendment (Fairer for Families and Farmers and Other Measures) Bill 2024 within one day of the bill being introduced and without adequate notice to parliamentarians.

- 11:30:29 AM

Closure of Member

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the Member be no longer heard.


- 11:30:49 AM

Division 532

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 72

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Ms Burney

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

NOES, 61

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Steggall

Mr Young

Mr Fletcher

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:35:33 AM

Mr Taylor (seconder) addressing the House—

- 11:36:02 AM

Closure of Member

Mr Burke moved—That the Member be no longer heard.


- 11:36:16 AM

Division 533

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 72

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Ms Burney

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

NOES, 61

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Steggall

Mr Young

Mr Fletcher

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:38:53 AM

Question—That the motion for the suspension of standing and sessional orders be agreed to—put.

- 11:39:03 AM

Division 534

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 61

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Ms Tink

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Mr van Manen

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Mr Violi

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Mr Wallace

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Ms Ware

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Dr M Ryan

Dr Webster

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Ms Ley

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Ms Steggall

Mr Young

Mr Fletcher

NOES, 75

Dr Aly

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Rowland

Mr Bandt

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Thwaites

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 11:43:44 AM

 12Treasury Laws Amendment (Fairer for Families and Farmers and Other Measures) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 11:44:29 AM

Mr Fletcher (Manager of Opposition Business) having moved a motion to suspend standing orders

Point of order, Mr Burke. 11:45:16 AM. Point of order, Mr Fletcher. 11:45:40 AM.
- 11:47:11 AM

Speakers ruling

The Speaker ruled that that the proposed motion was out of order.

- 11:48:39 AM

Debate ensuing—

Mr Taylor 11:48:39 AM.
- 11:49:06 AM

Member directed to leave

At 11.49 am the Member for Brand (Ms M. M. H. King) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for disorderly behaviour and she accordingly left the Chamber.

- 11:49:17 AM

Debate continued.

Mr Taylor 11:49:28 AM. Mr Littleproud 12:06:03 PM. InterventionDr Leigh (refused),  12:09:19 PM. Mr Littleproud 12:09:35 PM. Dr Haines 12:21:16 PM.
- 12:25:32 PM

 Mr McCormack moved, as an amendment—That “now” be omitted with a view to substituting the word “not”.

- 12:40:43 PM

 Mr Joyce addressing the House—

- 12:41:03 PM


Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) moved—That the question be now put.

Question—That the question be now put—put.

- 12:41:57 PM

Division 535

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 74

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Lim

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Ms Rowland

Mr Bates

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bowen

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Jones

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Dr Reid

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Dr Leigh

NOES, 54

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Gee

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Mr Birrell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Tehan

Mr Boyce

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Mr Violi

Ms Chaney

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Mr Wallace

Mr Chester

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Ms Ware

Mr Coleman

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Dr Webster

Mr Conaghan

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Mr Kennedy

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Ms Landry

Ms Steggall

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 12:50:21 PM

And the question—That the bill be now read a second timebeing accordingly put

- 12:50:38 PM

Division 536

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 78

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Steggall

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Mr Perrett

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Mr Khalil

Mr Rae

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Ms C King

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Repacholi

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Ms Rishworth

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Roberts

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Dr Leigh

NOES, 56

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr McCormack

Mr Taylor

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Ted O’Brien

Ms Tink

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Mr Violi

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Mr Wallace

Mr Chester

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Ms Ware

Mr Coleman

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Dr Webster

Mr Conaghan

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Wilkie

Mr Coulton*

Mr Kennedy

Dr M Ryan

Mr Willcox

Ms Daniel

Ms Landry

Ms Spender

Mr R Wilson

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 12:58:22 PM

—bill read a second time.

- 12:58:39 PM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 22318 November 2024, from Her Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 12:59:34 PM

Leave not granted to move to the third reading.

- 12:59:59 PM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House), pursuant to contingent notice, movedThat so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the motion for the third reading being moved without delay.

- 1:00:43 PM


- 1:00:50 PM

Division 537

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 77

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Steggall

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

NOES, 58

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Tink

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pearce

Mr van Manen

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hastie

Mr Pike

Mr Violi

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hawke

Mr Pitt

Mr Wallace

Ms Chaney

Mr Hogan

Ms Price

Ms Ware

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Mr Ramsey*

Dr Webster

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Dr M Ryan

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Dr Scamps

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Ms Daniel

Ms Ley

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mr Young

Mr Fletcher

Mr McCormack

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 1:06:05 PM

Dr Leigh moved—That the bill be now read a third time.

- 1:06:10 PM


- 1:06:19 PM

Division 538

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 77

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Steggall

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

NOES, 53

Mrs Andrews

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Taylor

Mrs Archer

Mr Goodenough

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Thompson

Ms Bell

Dr Haines

Mrs Marino

Ms Tink

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Boyce

Mr Hastie

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Pearce

Mr Wallace

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hogan

Mr Pike

Ms Ware

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Mr Pitt

Dr Webster

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Ms Price

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Ms Sharkie

Mr R Wilson

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

Mr Gee

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 1:11:09 PM

bill read a third time.

- 1:11:21 PM

 13Future Made in Australia (Production Tax Credits and Other Measures) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

Debate resumed.

Ms Chaney 1:11:35 PM.
- 1:22:30 PM

Mr Violi addressing the House—

- 1:30:02 PM

It being 1.30 pm, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 43Mr Violi was granted leave to continue his speech when the debate is resumed, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 1:30:16 PM


Members’ statements were made.

Mr Stevens 1:30:19 PM. Mr Laxale 1:31:52 PM. Mr Thompson 1:33:22 PM. Ms Vamvakinou 1:34:51 PM. Mr Bates 1:36:25 PM. Mr Smith 1:37:56 PM. Ms Chaney 1:39:27 PM. Mr Repacholi 1:40:46 PM. Ms Price 1:42:18 PM. Mr Gosling 1:43:49 PM. Mr Goodenough 1:45:21 PM. Ms Sitou 1:46:51 PM. Mr van Manen 1:48:18 PM. Mr Lim 1:49:49 PM. Mr Taylor 1:51:26 PM. Mr Burnell 1:53:00 PM. Mr Tehan 1:54:33 PM. Ms Byrnes 1:55:57 PM. Mr Sukkar 1:57:28 PM. Mr Burns 1:59:00 PM.
- 2:00:57 PM

 15Death of former Member (the Honourable John Charles Hodges)—CONDOLENCE MOTION—REPORT FROM FEDERATION CHAMBER

The Speaker reported that the order of the day relating to the Prime Minister’s motion of condolence in connection with the death of the Honourable John Charles Hodges had been debated in the Federation Chamber and returned to the House, and presented a certified copy of the motion.

All Members present having risen, in silence—Motion agreed to.

- 2:01:43 PM


- 2:01:45 PM

 (1)Ms Ley to Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water)

- 2:05:25 PM

 (2)Mrs Phillips to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:08:42 PM

 (3)Mr Dutton to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:09:16 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.09 pm the Member for Moreton (Mr Perrett) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:09:25 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Dutton 2:09:33 PM. Mr Albanese 2:10:01 PM.
- 2:13:53 PM

 (4)Dr Reid to Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care)

- 2:17:48 PM

 (5)Ms Le to Mr Jones (Minister for Financial Services)

- 2:21:23 PM

 (6)Ms Miller-Frost to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:25:00 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.25 pm the Member for Casey (Mr Violi) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:25:10 PM

Questions without notice continued.

- 2:25:17 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:25:59 PM

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), by indulgence, made a statement on Tony Calabria, owner of Aussies Cafe.

- 2:28:15 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 2:29:57 PM

 (7)Mr Taylor to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:33:39 PM

 (8)Mr Neumann to Mr Husic (Minister for Industry and Science)

- 2:37:02 PM

 (9)Mr McCormack to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 2:41:02 PM

 (10)Ms Swanson to Mr Marles (Deputy Prime Minister)

- 2:44:11 PM

 (11)Mr Ted O’Brien to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 2:46:20 PM

 (12)Mr Laxale to Ms Rowland (Minister for Communications)

- 2:49:44 PM

 (13)Mr Gee to Ms C King (Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government)

Point of order, Mr McCormack. 2:52:49 PM. Ms C King 2:53:28 PM.
- 2:54:21 PM

 (14)Mr Lim to Mr Clare (Minister for Education)

- 2:57:48 PM

 (15)Mrs McIntosh to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 3:00:43 PM

 (16)Ms Scrymgour to Ms O’Neil (Minister for Housing)

- 3:04:19 PM

 (17)Mr Wilkie to Mr Dreyfus (Attorney-General)

Point of order, Mr Wilkie. 3:08:11 PM. Mr Dreyfus 3:08:22 PM.
- 3:08:27 PM

 (18)Mr Repacholi to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 3:12:54 PM

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), by indulgence, made a statement on the past year.

- 3:27:59 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 3:35:45 PM

Mr Dick (Speaker) also made year-end valedictory remarks.

- 3:38:19 PM

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), by indulgence, made a statement on the retirement of Senator Birmingham.

- 3:39:09 PM

 17Death of the Honourable Thomas (Tom) Eyre Forrest Hughes—STATEMENTS

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), by indulgence, made a statement in relation to the death of the Honourable Thomas (Tom) Eyre Forrest Hughes AO KC.

- 3:41:30 PM

Mr Dutton (Leader of the Opposition), by indulgence, also made a statement on the matter.

- 3:44:34 PM

As a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, all Members present stood, in silence.

- 3:45:00 PM


The Speaker presented the following document:

Committee reports—Speaker’s schedule of the status of Government responses to committee reports (as at 26 November 2024).

- 3:45:02 PM


The following documents were presented: 

*Australian Transport Safety Bureau—Report for 2023-24.

Department of Finance—Audit report of the 2023-24 annual performance statements—

Attorney Generals Department.

Australian Taxation Office.

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Department of Education.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Department of Health and Aged Care.

Department of Home Affairs.

Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.

Department of Social Services.

Department of the Treasury.

Department of Veterans Affairs.

National Disability Insurance Agency.

Services Australia.

*Industry Innovation and Science Australia—Report for 2023-24.

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and Privacy Act 1988—Review of Australias Credit Reporting Framework—Final report, September 2024.

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002—National Cooperative Scheme on Unexplained Wealth—Northern Territory Police—Report for 2023-24.

*The documents were made Parliamentary Papers.

- 3:45:24 PM


Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That leave of absence be given to every Member of the House of Representatives from the determination of this sitting of the House to the date of its next sitting.

- 3:45:27 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 3:45:37 PM


The House was informed that Mr Littleproud (Leader of The Nationals), had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely, “This Prime Minister taking Australia in the wrong direction”.

- 3:45:47 PM

The proposed discussion having received the necessary support—

- 3:45:50 PM

Mr Littleproud addressed the House.

- 3:55:56 PM

Discussion ensued.

Ms McBain 3:55:57 PM. Mr Hogan 4:06:01 PM. Ms Mascarenhas 4:11:14 PM. Ms Price 4:16:15 PM. Mr Burnell 4:21:22 PM. Mr Wolahan 4:26:14 PM. Dr Ananda-Rajah 4:31:18 PM. Mr Violi 4:36:22 PM. Ms Miller-Frost 4:41:26 PM.
- 4:46:23 PM

Discussion concluded.

- 4:47:17 PM

 22Future Made in Australia (Production Tax Credits and Other Measures) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 4:47:24 PM


Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) moved—That the question be now put.

Question—That the question be now put—put.

- 4:47:32 PM

Division 539

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 75

Mr Albanese

Mr Conroy

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Swanson

Mr Burns

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Templeman

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Byrnes

Mr Jones

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Dr Chalmers

Ms Kearney

Mr Perrett

Ms Vamvakinou

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Watson-Brown

Dr Charlton

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Ms Chesters

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Ms Wells

Ms Claydon

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Ms Coker

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Ms Collins

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

NOES, 58

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mr Pearce

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mr Pike

Ms Tink

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr Pitt

Mr van Manen

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hastie

Ms Price

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Wallace

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hogan

Dr M Ryan

Ms Ware

Ms Chaney

Mr Howarth

Dr Scamps

Dr Webster

Mr Chester

Mr Joyce

Ms Sharkie

Mr Wilkie

Mr Coleman

Mr Kennedy

Ms Spender

Mr Willcox

Mr Conaghan

Ms Landry

Ms Steggall

Mr R Wilson

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Ms Daniel

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

Mr Dutton

Mrs McIntosh

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 4:53:59 PM

And the question—That the bill be now read a second timebeing accordingly put

- 4:54:17 PM

Division 540

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 86

Mr Albanese

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Dr Aly

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Bandt

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Bates

Mr Gee

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Ms Belyea

Mr Georganas

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Bowen

Mr Giles

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Mr Burke

Mr Gorman

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Ms O’Neil

Ms Steggall

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Ms Payne

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Mr Perrett

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Mrs Phillips

Mr Thistlethwaite

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Ms Plibersek

Ms Thwaites

Ms Chaney

Ms Kearney

Mr Rae

Ms Tink

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Dr Reid

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Chesters

Mr Khalil

Mr Repacholi

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Ms Rishworth

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Roberts

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Ms Rowland

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Ms J Ryan

Mr J Wilson

Ms Daniel

Dr Leigh

Dr M Ryan

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

Mr Lim

NOES, 50

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Taylor

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Mr Goodenough

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr van Manen

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Violi

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hastie

Mr Pearce

Mr Wallace

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Pike

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hogan

Mr Pitt

Dr Webster

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Ms Price

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Ramsey*

Mr R Wilson

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Mr Sukkar

Mr Young

Mr Dutton

Mr Littleproud

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 4:59:57 PM

—bill read a second time.

- 5:00:07 PM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 22218 November 2024, from Her Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 5:00:31 PM

Leave granted for third reading to be moved immediately.

On the motion of Dr Leigh, the bill was read a third time.

- 5:01:17 PM


Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy), by leave, made a ministerial statement relating to the annual climate change statement 2024, and presented the following documents:

- 5:01:20 PM

Climate Change Act 2022—Annual Climate Change Statement 2024—Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Climate Change Authority—2024 annual progress report—Report, November 2024.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water—

Australia’s emissions projections 2024, November 2024.

Australia’s National Greenhouse Accounts—Quarterly update of Australia’s national greenhouse gas inventory: June 2024, incorporating preliminary emissions up to September 2024.

- 5:28:05 PM

Mr Ted O’Brien addressed the House in reply.

- 5:54:28 PM

Mr Bowen moved—That the House take note of the Annual Climate Change Statement 2024.

- 5:54:28 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hogan), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 5:54:46 PM

Mr Bowen, by leave, moved—That the order of the day be referred to the Federation Chamber for debate.

- 5:55:18 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 5:55:28 PM

 24Transport Security Amendment (Security of Australia’s Transport Sector) Bill 2024

Mr Thistlethwaite (Assistant Minister for Immigration), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend legislation relating to the security of aviation and maritime transport and offshore facilities, and for related purposes.


Mr Thistlethwaite presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 5:56:04 PM

Mr Thistlethwaite moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 6:05:14 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hogan), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 6:05:31 PM

 25Customs Amendment (Expedited Seizure and Disposal of Engineered Stone) Bill 2024

Mr Thistlethwaite (Assistant Minister for Immigration), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Customs Act 1901, and for related purposes.


Mr Thistlethwaite presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 6:06:00 PM

Mr Thistlethwaite moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 6:09:19 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hogan), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 6:09:40 PM

 26Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Incentives and Integrity) Bill 2024

Mr Jones (Minister for Financial Services) presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to taxation, and for related purposes.


Mr Jones presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 6:10:01 PM

Mr Jones moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 6:15:09 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr Howarth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 6:15:22 PM

 27Health Legislation Amendment (Improved Medicare Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Ms Kearney (Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to health, and for related purposes.


Ms Kearney presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 6:15:52 PM

Ms Kearney moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 6:29:02 PM

Debate adjourned (Mr Howarth), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 6:29:16 PM

 28Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation—Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness—Electrical Infrastructure Replacement, Geelong, Vic—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation—Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness—Electrical infrastructure replacement, Geelong, Victoria.

- 6:30:48 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:31:17 PM

 29Department of Defence—Army Aviation Omnibus Program of Works—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Department of Defence—Army Aviation Omnibus Program of Works.

- 6:32:22 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:32:32 PM

 30Department of Defence—Facilities to support improved embarked logistics support helicopter—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Department of Defence—Facilities to support improved embarked logistics support helicopter.

- 6:33:52 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:34:01 PM

 31Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Australian High Commission project, Honiara, Solomon Islands—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Australian High Commission project, Honiara, Solomon Islands.

- 6:35:20 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:35:21 PM

 32Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Proposed fit-out of new leased premises at 19 National Circuit, Barton, ACT—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Proposed fit-out of new leased premises at 19 National Circuit, Barton, ACT.

- 6:36:48 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:36:54 PM

 33Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts—Command Centre and Canine Facility at Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport—APPROVAL OF WORK

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury), pursuant to notice, moved—That, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Committee Act 1969, it is expedient to carry out the following proposed work which was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and on which the committee has duly reported to Parliament: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts—Command Centre and Canine Facility at Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.

- 6:38:44 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 6:39:08 PM

Personal explanation, Mr Husic.

- 6:40:23 PM

 34PETITIONS—standing CommitteeREPORT

Ms Templeman (Chair) presented the following document:

Petitions—Standing Committee—Report 36: Ministerial responses—Report, 28 November 2024.


Ms Templeman, by leave, presented the following documents:

Ministers’ responses to petitions previously presented to the House.

- 6:40:48 PM

 35Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee—REPORT—STATEMENT BY MEMBER

Mr Burns presented the following document:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing CommitteePursuing the priorities of the Pacific: Inquiry into Australia’s alignment with the priorities of Pacific Island countriesReport, November 2024.

In accordance with standing order 39(e) the report was made a Parliamentary Paper.

- 6:41:12 PM

Mr Burns, by leave, made statement in connection with the report.

- 6:46:20 PM


Mr J Wilson (Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) presented the following documents:

Commonwealth Cyber Security Posture in 2024—Report, November 2024.

- 6:46:20 PM

Protective security policy framework assessment—Report for 2023-24.

- 6:46:43 PM


Mr J Wilson (Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent no more than three Members immediately giving statements of no longer than five minutes each.

- 6:46:51 PM

Question—put and passed, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.

- 6:46:54 PM


In accordance with the resolution agreed to earlier this sitting

Statements were made.

Ms Tink 6:46:57 PM. Mr Fletcher 6:51:17 PM. Mr Hamilton 6:56:23 PM.
- 7:01:27 PM


At 7.01 pm, the Speaker left the Chair.

- 7:00:10 AM

Friday, 29 November 2024


At 7 am, the Speaker resumed the Chair.

- 7:00:31 AM

 41MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Commonwealth Entities (Payment Surcharges) Bill 2024

Message No. 38228 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Commonwealth Entities (Payment Surcharges) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:00:54 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:01:09 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke (Leader of the House), the amendments were agreed to.

- 7:02:04 AM

 42MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Message No. 38528 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:03:00 AM

Statement by Speaker

The Speaker made the following statement:

It is my duty to draw to the attention of the House, the fact that the Senate amendments conveyed by this message raise an important point of constitutional principle.

Proposed amendment (13) will have the effect of expanding the definition of ‘build to rent capital works deduction amount’ to include additional amounts. Proposed amendment (14) will have the effect of expanding the definition of ‘build to rent withholding amount’ to include additional amounts. Proposed Senate amendments (9) to (12) and (15) are consequential on proposed amendments (13) and (14).

If enacted, proposed amendments (13) and (14) will increase some entities’ liability to build to rent development misuse tax, and amendments for such changes are covered by section 53 of the Constitution.

In terms of the test that the House has used, as referred to in House of Representatives Practice, what are the probable, expected or intended practical consequences of the proposed amendments? In essence, the advice to me is that Senate amendments (13) and (14) increase a ‘charge or burden on the people’ and are contrary to the requirements of section 53 of the Constitution. Thus, amendments (13) and (14) should have been made to the House as requested amendments.

The matter for consideration is not so much one of the privileges and rights between the two Houses, but observance of the requirements of the Constitution itself concerning the powers of the Houses. However, issues to do with section 53 of the Constitution have been matters of difference between the Houses since the early years of Federation. House of Representatives Practice lists bills in relation to which Senate amendments were questioned on this ground, although an example from 12 February 2019 is too recent to be included. On that occasion, Speaker Smith made a statement to the House which was very similar to my statement today.

I now leave it in the hands of the House as to how it wishes to proceed.

- 7:03:47 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That:

(1)the House endorses the statement of the Speaker in relation to the constitutional questions raised by Senate message in respect of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024;

(2)the House, having regard to the public interest in the early enactment of the bill, refrains from the determination of its constitutional rights in respect of the matter; and

(3)the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:04:13 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 7:04:20 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke, the amendments were agreed to.

- 7:04:42 AM

 43MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Crimes Amendment (Strengthening the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence) Bill 2024

Message No. 38728 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Crimes Amendment (Strengthening the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:04:58 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:05:11 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke (Leader of the House), the amendments were agreed to.

- 7:05:33 AM

 44MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Family Law Amendment Bill 2024

Message No. 38828 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:05:46 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:06:02 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke (Leader of the House), the amendments were agreed to.

- 7:06:24 AM

 45MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Future Made in Australia Bill 2024

Message No. 39228 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:06:38 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:06:54 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:06:54 AM


- 7:07:15 AM

Division 541

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 80

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Tink

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Repacholi

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Rishworth

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Roberts

Mr Zappia

NOES, 34

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Wallace*

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Mr Young

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:14:16 AM

 46MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024

Message No. 39328 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:14:33 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:14:45 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:14:53 AM


- 7:15:02 AM

Division 542

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 80

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Templeman

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Tink

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Vamvakinou

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Repacholi

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Rishworth

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Roberts

Mr Zappia

NOES, 34

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Wallace*

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Mr Young

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:18:03 AM

 47MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Bill 2023

Message No. 39728 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Treasury Laws Amendment (Reserve Bank Reforms) Bill 2023 with amendments.

- 7:18:08 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:18:20 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:18:35 AM


- 7:18:41 AM

Division 543

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 79

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Spender

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Ms Tink

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Roberts

NOES, 35

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Wallace*

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Mr Young

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

Ms Sharkie

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:21:37 AM

 48MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Message No. 40428 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:21:51 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:22:03 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:22:16 AM


- 7:22:22 AM

Division 544

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 79

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Spender

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Ms Tink

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Roberts

NOES, 35

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Wallace*

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Mr Young

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

Ms Sharkie

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:25:28 AM

 49MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024

Message No. 37928 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:26:17 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:26:29 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:26:44 AM


- 7:26:51 AM

Division 545

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 79

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bandt

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr Scamps

Mr Bates

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Spender

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burns

Dr Haines

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Mr Butler

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Ms Payne

Ms Thwaites

Dr Chalmers

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Ms Tink

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Charlton

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Roberts

NOES, 34

Mrs Andrews

Mr Entsch

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Mr Fletcher

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Taylor

Ms Bell

Dr Gillespie

Mrs Marino

Mr van Manen

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Wallace*

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Ms Ware

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Willcox

Mr Coleman

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Mr Young

Mr Coulton*

Mr Littleproud

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:30:11 AM

 50MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Message No. 40828 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:30:24 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:30:31 AM

Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That the amendments be agreed to.

- 7:30:49 AM


- 7:30:56 AM

Division 546

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 87

Mr Albanese

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Mr Littleproud

Ms J Ryan

Ms Bell

Mr Fletcher

Ms McBain

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms McBride

Ms Sharkie

Mr Birrell

Dr Garland

Mr McCormack

Mr Shorten

Mr Bowen

Mr Georganas

Mrs McIntosh

Ms Sitou

Mr Burke

Mr Giles

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Smith*

Mr Burnell

Mr Gorman

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Stanley*

Ms Burney

Mr Gosling

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Swanson

Mr Burns

Mr Hill

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Taylor

Mr Butler

Mr Howarth

Dr Mulino

Ms Templeman

Ms Byrnes

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Thwaites

Mr Caldwell

Mr Jones

Mr Ted O’Brien

Ms Vamvakinou

Dr Chalmers

Mr Joyce

Ms O’Neil

Mr van Manen

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Ms Payne

Mr Wallace

Ms Claydon

Mr Keogh

Mrs Phillips

Ms Ware

Ms Coker

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Mr Coleman

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Mr Wolahan

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Mr Coulton*

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

NOES, 10

Mr Bandt

Ms Daniel

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink

Mr Bates

Dr Haines

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather*

Dr M Ryan

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 7:37:50 AM

 51MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024

Message No. 41028 November 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 7:38:13 AM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 7:38:39 AM

On the motion of Mr Burke (Leader of the House), the amendments were agreed to.

- 7:39:03 AM


Messages from the Senate, 28 November 2024, were reported returning the following bills without amendments or requests:

No. 380Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment 2024.

No. 381Aged Care (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) 2024.

No. 383Commonwealth Entities (Payment Surcharges) Tax (Imposition) 2024 (without requests).

No. 384Commonwealth Entities (Payment Surcharges) (Consequential Provisions and Other Matters) 2024.

No. 386Capital Works (Build to Rent Misuse Tax) 2024 (without requests).

No. 389Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) 2024.

No. 390Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) 2024.

No. 391Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin Charges) 2024 (without requests).

No. 394Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) 2024.

No. 395Treasury Laws Amendment (Fairer for Families and Farmers and Other Measures) 2024.

No. 396Superannuation (Objective) 2023.

No. 398Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals and Other Measures) 2024.

No. 399Communications Legislation Amendment (Regional Broadcasting Continuity) 2024.

No. 400Crown References Amendment 2023.

No. 401Customs Amendment (ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Second Protocol Implementation and Other Measures) 2024.

No. 402Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Amendment 2024.

No. 403Treasury Laws Amendment (2024 Tax and Other Measures No. 1) 2024.

No. 405Surveillance Legislation (Confirmation of Application) 2024.

No. 406Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) 2024.

No. 407Migration Amendment 2024.

No. 409Migration Amendment (Prohibiting Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) 2024.

- 7:40:48 AM


Message No. 41128 November 2024, from the Senate was reported informing the House that Senator Chandler had been discharged from attendance on the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, and Senator Sharma had been appointed a member of the committees.

- 7:41:09 AM

Mr Albanese (Prime Minister), by indulgence, made end of year remarks.

- 7:42:51 AM


Mr Albanese (Prime Minister) moved—That the House do now adjourn.

Question—put and passed.

And then the House, at 7.43 am, adjourned until 12 noon on Tuesday, 4 February 2025.

- 7:58:39 AM


The following documents were deemed to have been presented on 28 November 2024 (An explanatory statement has been presented with each instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk):

Banking Act 1959— 

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 6 of 2024 [F2024L01518].  

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 7 of 2024 [F2024L01519].  

Biosecurity Act 2015—Biosecurity (First Point of Entry—Port of Wyndham) Amendment (2024 Measures No. 1) Determination 2024 [F2024L01515]. 

Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998— 

Authorised Release Certificate (FAA or EASA Approved Components) Exemption 2024—CASA EX83/24 [F2024L01507].  

CASA ADCX 009/24—Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/BEECH 90/69 Amdt 3—CASA ADCX 009/24 [F2024L01506].  

Health Insurance Act 1973—Health Insurance (Section 3C Diagnostic Imaging Services–Cardiac MRI for Myocarditis) Determination 2024 [F2024L01517]. 

National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022—National Anti-Corruption Commission Regulations 2023 [F2023L00759]—Replacement explanatory statement. 

National Health Act 1953—National Health (Immunisation Program–Designated Vaccines) Amendment Determination (No. 2) 2024 [F2024L01513]. 

Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999 and Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 2024—Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Legislation Amendment (Apples and Pears, Custard Apples, Lychees and Macadamia Nuts) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01508]. 

Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 and Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 2024—Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Legislation Amendment (Apples and Pears, Custard Apples, Lychees and Macadamia Nuts) Regulations 2024 [F2024L01510]. 

Telecommunications Act 1997—Telecommunications (Designated Service Area and Statutory Infrastructure Provider) Amendment Declaration (No. 1) 2024 [F2024L01505]. 


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All Members attended (at some time during the sitting) except Ms FernandoMr KatterMr LeeserMs McKenzieMr O’ConnorMr PasinMr Vasta and Mr Wood.