DPRS Logo DPRS Annual Report 2002 - 2003







Corporate governance

Management of human resources
Survey of personnel services users
Staffing overview

> Staff turnover
Workplace relations
Workplace diversity
Performance based pay
Australian Workplace Agreements
Non-salary benefits
Staff development and training
External development activities


Internal scrutiny
Statutory reporting requirements
Commonwealth Disability Strategy
Occupational health and safety
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental reporting
Advertising and market research
Freedom of information

Other specific reporting requirements
Consultancy services
Table 1, Table 2, Table 3




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Staff turnover

33 ongoing staff separated from the department, consisting of

  • 15 resignations

  • 4 retirements

  • 5 transfers

  • 8 voluntary redundancies

  • 1 invalidity retirement

Workplace relations

The departmental 2000-2003 Certified Agreement provides for a $1500 bonus to be paid to all staff each year if the department achieves certain milestones. For 2002 the milestones were:

  • greater client involvement in service development;

  • reduced internal overheads; and

  • improved selection processes.

The three milestones were achieved and the bonus was paid in December 2002.

A major focus of activity was the development of a new Certified Agreement to replace the 2000-2003 agreement which has a nominal expiry date of 30 June 2003. Again the department used a consultative approach, establishing a Certified Agreement Group, with representatives of staff, management and unions. In addition to meetings of this group, there were full departmental meetings and interactive panel sessions broadcast live on the department's intraNet, @ParlCom.

The Australian Electoral Commission conducted a ballot on the proposed DPRS Certified Agreement 2003-2005 from 18 July to 1 August 2003.

Workplace diversity

Workplace diversity is regularly monitored. There were no significant changes in the pattern of diversity in the department.

Performance based pay

The department does not use performance based pay, but departmental wide pay increases provided by the Certified Agreement are 'at risk' for SES and Directors in that they are conditional on individual performance goals being met. The goals for each year are set out in Performance Agreements with the Secretary.

Australian Workplace Agreements

The department has 16 staff covered by Australian Workplace Agreements - three SES and thirteen Directors. These are renegotiated at the start of the department's new Certified Agreement to ensure a broad alignment of the approaches underpinning each set of arrangements.

Non-salary benefits

All staff are eligible for reimbursement of the cost of membership of the Parliament House Health and Recreation Centre or another health centre up to that cost. In addition, the following benefits are available to certain staff - vehicles for SES employees, vehicles for Directors through a DPRS specific scheme, membership of airline lounges, access to the Internet from home computers and some mobile phone costs.

Staff development and training

The following workshops were presented or facilitated:

  • Middle Management Development Programs (2 programs, 24 staff)

  • Orientation to DPRS (6 sessions, 40 staff)

  • Performance Communication workshops (5 sessions, 37 staff)

  • Writing Skills Workshops (2 sessions, 22 staff).

  • Planning days for two work groups in the department

One employee commenced the Senior Women in Management program.

External development activities

The department continued its program of studies assistance to staff who participate in formal courses provided by external educational institutions. The assistance includes some time off work and payment of course fees for successful candidates. 18 members of staff used the department's Studybank program which provides support for staff engaging in externally provided training.

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