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The Senate
Order of Business

Sitting is adjourned

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Last updated: Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 5:59 PM
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Thursday, 10 October 2024

1. Acknowledgement of country and prayers

Commenced 9:00 AM

2. Tabling of documents by Clerk

Commenced 9:01 AM
Documents tabled

3. Committees—proposed meetings to be authorised

Commenced 9:01 AM

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services—today

Economics Legislation and References Committees—today

Environment and Communications Legislation and References Committees—today

Select Committee on PFAS—today

Commenced 9:01 AM
Meetings authorised

4. Private senators’ bills

Commenced 9:01 AM

Private senators’ bill

78—Building and Construction Industry (Restoring Integrity and Reducing Building Costs) Bill 2024 (No. 2)—second reading debate

Commenced 9:01 AM
Debate interrupted

Private senators’ bill

80—Housing Investment Probity Bill 2024—second reading debate

5. Government business orders of the day

Standing order 24 allows any Senator to question a minister about government responsiveness to the Scrutiny of Bills committee

Commenced 10:12 AM

1—Government bill

Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Second reading amendments:

Committee of the whole amendments:

Commenced 10:12 AM
Debate interrupted

At 11.15 am

6. Notices of motion

Commenced 11:15 AM

7. Reference of bills

Commenced 11:15 AM

Chair of the Selection of Bills Committee (Senator Urquhart) to present report no. 12 of 2024 for adoption

  • Amendment - Government - Agreed to
    • Amendment - Opposition -{{Division #1225 in progress}}
    • Amendment - Australian Greens -{{Division #1224 in progress}}
Commenced 11:15 AM
Report tabled. Motion to adopt the report agreed to, as amended

8. Placing of business

Commenced 11:43 AM

Manager of Government Business (Senator Gallagher) to move a motion relating to the order of general business for today

Commenced 11:43 AM
Agreed to

Postponement notification received prior to printing

Senator Dean Smith—general business notice no. 577 to 27 November 2024

Commenced 11:44 AM
Postponements authorised

Committees—extensions of time to be authorised

Environment and Communications References Committee—Waste reduction and recycling policies—from 22 November 2024 to 5 March 2025

Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee—Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system—from 26 November 2024 to 28 February 2025

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee—Airline Passenger Protections (Pay on Delay) Bill 2024—from 18 to 25 November 2024

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee—Shutdown of the 3G mobile network—from 30 November 2024 to 26 February 2025

Commenced 11:44 AM
Agreed to

Leave of absence for senators

Commenced 11:44 AM
Agreed to

9. Formal motions

Commenced 11:45 AM

Business of the Senate

1—Senator Nampijinpa Price—Reference to Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (Aboriginal Land Councils) -{{Division #1226 in progress}}

Commenced 11:45 AM
The Senate divided

Government business

1—Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher)—Consideration of legislation

  • Paragraph (i) and (ii) - agreed to
  • Paragraph (iii) -{{Division #1227 in progress}}
  • Paragraph (iv) -{{Division #1228 in progress}}


Commenced 11:51 AM
Agreed to, as amended
The Senate divided

Government business

2—Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher)—Days of meeting for 2025

Commenced 12:08 PM
Agreed to

Government business

3—Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher)—Estimates hearings for 2025

Postponed to next day of sitting

Government business

4—Minister for Finance (Senator Gallagher)—Reference to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—Australian High Commission project, Honiara, Solomon Islands)

Commenced 12:08 PM
Agreed to

General business

654—Senator Allman-Payne—Order for production of documents—Schools Pathways Program

Commenced 12:09 PM
Agreed to

General business

655—Senator Liddle—Order for production of documents—Non-disclosure agreements -{{Division #1229 in progress}}

Commenced 12:09 PM
Agreed to
The Senate divided

General business

656—Senator Dean Smith—Order for production of documents—Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Digital platform services inquiry

General business

657—Senator Lambie—Order for production of documents—Wagering advertising reform

General business

658—Senator Lambie—Reference to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (Hizb ut-Tahrir)

General business

659—Senator Liddle—Order for production of documents—National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children

10. Committee memberships

11. Messages

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Parliamentary Standards—appointment of committee

12. Business to be considered

Business of the Senate notice of motion

1—Senator Nampijinpa Price—Reference to Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (Aboriginal Land Councils)

Business of the Senate orders of the day

3—Environment and Communications References Committee—Proposed reference (Gambling harm in Australian society)—Resumption of debate on motion moved by Senator Hanson-Young

Business of the Senate orders of the day

4—Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee—Proposed reference (Establishment of judicial commission)—Resumption of debate on motion moved by Senator Rennick

Government business continued

Not later than 12.15 pm

13. Government business continued

Commenced 12:17 PM

1—Government bill

Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Second reading amendments:

  • Sheet 2966 - Senator Thorpe -{{Division #1231 in progress}}
  • Sheet 2946 - Australian Greens -{{Division #1230 in progress}}

Committee of the whole amendments:

Running sheet

  • Sheet 2979 - Jacqui Lambie Network - negatived
  • Sheet 2961 - Senator David Pocock and Jacqui Lambie Network -{{Division #1232 in progress}}
Commenced 12:17 PM
Bill passed without amendments

2—Government bills

Future Made in Australia Bill 2024
Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024—second reading debate and amendment moved by Senator David Pocock

Second reading amendment:

Committee of the whole amendments:

Senator David Van

Senator David Pocock

Senator Thorpe

3—Government bills

Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024
Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Imposition Bill 2024
Treasury Laws Amendment (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) (Consequential) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Committee of the whole amendments:

4—Government bill

Crimes Amendment (Strengthening the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence) Bill 2024—second reading debate

Second reading amendments:

Committee of the whole amendments:

At 1 pm

13a. Government business continued (see government business notice of motion no. 1 agreed to at item 9 above)

Commenced 1:07 PM

#—Government bill

Customs Tariff Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Expansion) Bill 2024

Commenced 1:07 PM
Bill passed without amendments

6—Government bills

Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2024
Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023

Second reading -{{Division #1233 in progress}}

Committee of the whole amendments:

Australian Greens

Senator Thorpe

The following amendments were circulated after the cutoff

Jacqui Lambie Network

Senator David Pocock


Remaining stages of the bill be agreed to and the bill be now passed -{{Division #1241 in progress}}

Commenced 1:10 PM
Bills passed without amendments

At 1.30 pm

14. 2 minute statements

Commenced 1:58 PM

At 2 pm

15. Questions

Commenced 2:00 PM

15a. Message

Commenced 3:02 PM

Message from the House of Representatives forwarding a resolution concerning the powers and proceedings of the Parliamentary Standards Joint Committee, and requesting the concurrence of the Senate

Commenced 3:02 PM
Agreed to

15b. Personal explanation

Commenced 3:03 PM

16. Motions to take note of answers

Commenced 3:04 PM

17. Tabling and consideration of committee reports and government responses

Commenced 3:35 PM

Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence—Interim report (Senator Sheldon)

Commenced 3:36 PM
Report tabled

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee—Additional information—Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 [Provisions] (Government Whip)

Commenced 3:59 PM
Documents tabled

Joint Standing Committee on Migration—Report—Migration, pathway to nation building (Government Whip)

Commenced 3:59 PM
Report tabled

Reports on references initiated by the Selection of Bills Committee (not available for debate) (Government Whip)—

Education and Employment Legislation Committee—Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024 [Provisions]

Environment and Communications Legislation Committee—Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023

Commenced 3:59 PM
Reports tabled

Government response—Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security—Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024

Commenced 3:35 PM
Document tabled

18 - 19. Consideration of documents listed on the Notice Paper, see page 9

Consideration of committee reports, government responses and Auditor‑General’s reports listed on the Notice Paper, see page 10

Commenced 3:59 PM

20. Ministerial statements

Commenced 4:25 PM

Response to an order for the production of documents relating to the Private Hospital Sector Financial Health Check report - agreed to on 9 October 2024

Response to an order for the production of documents relating to gambling harm - agreed to on 9 October 2024

Response to an order for the production of documents relating to deaths in custody - agreed to on 19 September 2024

Response to an order for the production of documents relating to student visas - agreed to on 8 October 2024

2023-24 annual reports of the Judge Advocate General and the Director of Military Prosecutions

Commenced 4:25 PM
Documents tabled

20a. Messages

Commenced 4:29 PM

Bills for concurrence—

Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023

Superannuation (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Imposition Bill 2023

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024

Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024

Commenced 4:29 PM
Bills introduced. Debate adjourned

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security—membership

Commenced 4:32 PM
Message reported

20b. Committee membership

Commenced 4:32 PM
Agreed to

21. General business debate

Commenced 4:33 PM

Notice of motion no. 530—Senator Scarr—Budget 2024-25

Commenced 4:33 PM
Debate interrupted

22. Adjournment proposed—5.30 pm

Commenced 5:30 PM

23. Adjournment—not later than 6 pm

Commenced 5:58 PM

Richard Pye

Clerk of the Senate