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House of Representatives - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings.

This site is updated every five minutes when the House is sitting. Regular refreshing of your screen will provide the latest proceedings through the day.

Draft minutes are also available for the Federation Chamber.

Related documents: Daily Program ("The Blue")  | Bills, including proposed amendments | Votes and Proceedings  | Notice Paper | Sitting calendar

Last updated: Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 5:01 PMNo updates available
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Draft Minutes

No. 134

Thursday, 4 July 2024

- 9:00:14 AM

 1The House met, at 9 am, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (the Honourable M. Dick) took the Chair, made an acknowledgement of country and read Prayers.

- 9:01:17 AM

 2STATEMENT ON A SIGNIFICANT MATTERTenth anniversary of the MH 17 tragedy

Mr Dreyfus (Attorney-General), pursuant to notice, made a statement in relation to the tenth anniversary of the MH 17 tragedy.

- 9:10:38 AM

Mr Fletcher (Manager of Opposition Business) addressed the House in reply.

- 9:17:41 AM

Mr Dreyfus, by leave, moved—That further statements in relation to the tenth anniversary of the MH 17 tragedy be permitted in the Federation Chamber.

- 9:18:08 AM

Question—put and passed.

- 9:18:22 AM


Mr Wilkie moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent:

 (1)private Members’ business order of the day No. 32 relating to the Interactive Gambling Amendment (Ban on Gambling Advertisements) Bill 2024 being called on immediately;

 (2)debate on the second reading of the bill continuing for a period of no longer than one hour, with the time for each speech limited to 10 minutes;

 (3)questions then being immediately put on any amendments moved to the motion for the second reading and on the second reading of the bill;

 (4)if required, a consideration in detail stage of the bill, with any detail amendments to be moved together, with:

 (a)one question to be put on all government amendments;

 (b)one question to be put on all opposition amendments;

 (c)separate questions then to be put on any sets of amendments moved by crossbench Members; and

 (d)one question to be put that the bill [as amended] be agreed to;

 (5)when the bill has been agreed to, the question being put immediately on the third reading of the bill; and

 (6)any variation to this arrangement being made only on a motion moved by the Member for Clark or the Member for Mayo.

Ms Sharkie (Seconder),  9:24:21 AM.
- 9:29:44 AM

Debate ensued.

Ms Rowland 9:29:45 AM. Ms Le 9:39:46 AM.
- 9:41:58 AM


- 9:42:07 AM

Division 413

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 17

Mr Bandt

Mr Gee

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall

Mr Broadbent

Dr Haines

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Katter

Ms Sharkie*

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chaney

Ms Le

Ms Spender

Mr Wilkie*

Ms Daniel

NOES, 58

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Fletcher

Ms McBride

Ms Rowland

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burns

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Charlton

Mr Hill

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Ms Chesters

Mr Husic

Mr Perrett

Ms Templeman

Ms Claydon

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Ms Coker

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Mr Conroy

Mr Khalil

Dr Reid

Dr Webster

Ms Doyle

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Ms Wells

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr J Wilson

Mrs Elliot

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

Mr Zappia

Ms Fernando

Mr Lim

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 9:50:24 AM

 4Migration Amendment (Strengthening Sponsorship and Nomination Processes) Bill 2024

Mr Giles (Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Migration Act 1958, and for related purposes.


Mr Giles presented an explanatory memorandum to the bill.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:50:52 AM

Mr Giles moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 9:56:07 AM

Debate adjourned (Dr Webster), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 9:56:37 AM

 5Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Bill 2024

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) presented a Bill for an Act to implement a multinational top-up tax, and for related purposes.


Dr Leigh presented an explanatory memorandum to this bill and the Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Imposition Bill 2024 and the Treasury Laws Amendment (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) (Consequential) Bill 2024.

Bill read a first time.

- 9:57:10 AM

Dr Leigh moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:12:57 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hastie), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:13:18 AM

 6Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Imposition Bill 2024

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) presented a Bill for an Act to impose a multinational top-up tax.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:13:33 AM

Dr Leigh moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:14:21 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hastie), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:14:41 AM

 7Treasury Laws Amendment (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) (Consequential) Bill 2024

Dr Leigh (Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) presented a Bill for an Act to make amendments consequent on the enactment of the Taxation (Multinational—Global and Domestic Minimum Tax) Act 2024, and for related purposes.

Bill read a first time.

- 10:15:01 AM

Dr Leigh moved—That the bill be now read a second time.

- 10:18:15 AM

Debate adjourned (Mr Hastie), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:18:42 AM

 8Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights—PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT

Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)for Mr Burke (Leader of the House), pursuant to notice, moved—

 (1)That the resolution of appointment for the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights be amended to replace paragraph (l)(a) with the following:

 (a)the committee consist of 12 members, four Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip, two Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or by any minority group or independent Member, two Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Government in the Senate, two Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, one Senator to be nominated by the Leader of the Australian Greens in the Senate and one Senator to be nominated by any minority group or independent Senator; 


 (2)a message be sent to the Senate acquainting it of this resolution and requesting that it concur and take action accordingly.

- 10:19:10 AM

Debate ensued.

Mr Fletcher 10:19:23 AM.
- 10:26:30 AM


- 10:26:42 AM

Division 414

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 84

Mr Albanese

Ms Daniel

Dr Leigh

Ms Rowland

Dr Aly

Ms Doyle

Mr Lim

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Dreyfus

Ms McBain

Dr M Ryan

Ms Belyea

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Dr Scamps

Mr Bowen

Ms Fernando

Mr Marles

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Burnell

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Ms Burney

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Spender

Mr Butler

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Dr Chalmers

Dr Haines

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chaney

Mr Jones

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Dr Charlton

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Tink

Ms Chesters

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Clare

Mr Khalil

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Ms Claydon

Ms C King

Dr Reid

Ms Wells

Ms Coker

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Repacholi

Mr Wilkie

Ms Collins

Ms Lawrence

Ms Rishworth

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Mr Laxale

Ms Roberts

Mr Zappia

NOES, 50

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Stevens

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Sukkar

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Mr Boyce

Mr Hastie

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Vasta

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hawke

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hogan

Mr Pasin

Mr Wallace

Mr Caldwell

Mr Howarth

Mr Pearce

Ms Ware

Mr Chester

Mr Joyce

Mr Pike

Dr Webster

Mr Coleman

Mr Kennedy

Mr Pitt

Mr Willcox

Mr Conaghan

Ms Landry

Ms Price

Mr R Wilson

Mr Coulton*

Mr Leeser

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 10:35:51 AM


Mr Hastie moved—That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Canning from moving the following motion immediately—That this House reaffirms Israel’s inherent right to self-defence, whether attacked by Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or any other sponsor of terrorism.

Mr Violi (Seconder),  10:45:54 AM.
- 10:51:03 AM

Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy) moved—That the debate be adjourned.

- 10:51:07 AM


- 10:51:21 AM

Division 415

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 73

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Laxale

Mr Repacholi

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Dr Leigh

Ms Rishworth

Ms Belyea

Ms Fernando

Mr Lim

Ms Roberts

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Ms McBain

Ms Rowland

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms McBride

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Burney

Mr Giles

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Mr Burns

Mr Gorman

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Butler

Mr Gosling

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Chalmers

Mr Husic

Mr Neumann

Ms Swanson

Dr Charlton

Mr Jones

Mr O’Connor

Ms Templeman

Ms Chesters

Ms Kearney

Ms O’Neil

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Clare

Mr Keogh

Mr Perrett

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Mr Khalil

Mrs Phillips

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Ms Plibersek

Ms Wells

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Rae

Mr J Wilson

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

NOES, 61

Mrs Andrews

Mr Gee

Mr Littleproud

Ms Steggall

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Stevens

Ms Bell

Mr Goodenough

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Sukkar

Mr Birrell

Dr Haines

Mrs Marino

Mr Taylor

Mr Boyce

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Tehan

Mr Broadbent

Mr Hastie

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Thompson

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Pasin

Ms Tink

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hogan

Mr Pearce

Mr Vasta

Mr Chester

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Mr Violi

Mr Coleman

Mr Katter

Mr Pitt

Mr Wallace

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Ms Price

Ms Ware

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Mr Ramsey*

Dr Webster

Ms Daniel

Ms Le

Dr M Ryan

Mr Willcox

Mr Dutton

Mr Leeser

Dr Scamps

Mr R Wilson

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

Ms Spender

Mr Wolahan

Mr Fletcher

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 11:01:01 AM

Debate adjourned and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 11:01:11 AM

 10Nature Positive (Environment Protection Australia) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the further consideration in detail of the bill, and on the amendments moved by Ms Tink (see item No. 21, Votes and Proceedings, 3 July 2024)—

- 11:01:30 AM

Debate resumed.

Ms Plibersek 11:01:34 AM. Ms Tink 11:06:49 AM. Ms Plibersek 11:10:36 AM. Ms Tink 11:13:01 AM.
- 11:14:24 AM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 11:14:34 AM

Division 416

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 13

Mr Bandt

Dr Haines

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink*

Mr Chandler-Mather

Ms Le

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chaney

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall*

Mr Wilkie

Ms Daniel

NOES, 40

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Georganas

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Mr Gorman

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burnell

Mr Hill

Dr Mulino

Mr Smith*

Dr Charlton

Mr Hogan

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Ms Chesters

Mr Katter

Mr Perrett

Ms Swanson

Ms Coker

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Templeman

Mr Conroy

Mr Khalil

Ms Plibersek

Ms Thwaites

Ms Doyle

Ms Lawrence

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Mrs Elliot

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr J Wilson

Ms Fernando

Mr Lim

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 11:21:56 AM

Dr Scamps, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (35) together.

- 11:27:06 AM

Debate ensued.

Ms Chaney 11:27:11 AM. Ms Plibersek 11:28:46 AM.
- 11:33:33 AM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 11:33:48 AM

Division 417

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 13

Mr Bandt

Mr Gee

Dr Scamps*

Ms Tink*

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr Haines

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chaney

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie

Ms Daniel

NOES, 31

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Belyea

Mr Gorman

Mr Neumann

Ms Sitou

Dr Charlton

Mr Hill

Mr Perrett

Mr Smith*

Ms Chesters

Mr Hogan

Mrs Phillips

Ms Stanley*

Mr Conroy

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Swanson

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Ms Thwaites

Mrs Elliot

Mr Lim

Mr Repacholi

Mr Watts

Ms Fernando

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 11:39:56 AM

Ms Steggall, by leave, moved amendments (1) and (4) to (9), on the sheet revised 27 June 2024, together.

- 11:46:50 AM

Debate ensued.

Ms Plibersek 11:46:54 AM.
- 11:52:50 AM

Amendments negatived.

- 11:53:11 AM

Ms Daniel, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (4) together.

- 11:57:33 AM

Debate ensued.

Ms Plibersek 11:57:35 AM.
- 11:59:23 AM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 11:59:37 AM

Division 418

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 12

Mr Bandt

Ms Daniel*

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink*

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr Haines

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chaney

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie

NOES, 36

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBride

Ms Roberts

Ms Belyea

Dr Freelander

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

Mr Burnell

Mr Georganas

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Scrymgour

Ms Byrnes

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Mr Smith*

Mr Caldwell

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Dr Charlton

Mr Hill

Mr Perrett

Ms Templeman

Ms Claydon

Mr Hogan

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Mr Conroy

Mr Jones

Ms Plibersek

Mr Watts

Ms Doyle

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Mr Zappia

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 12:05:42 PM

Mr Wilkie, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (15) together.

- 12:10:57 PM

Debate ensued.

Ms Plibersek 12:10:59 PM.
- 12:13:01 PM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 12:13:15 PM

Division 419

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 10

Mr Bandt

Dr Haines

Ms Steggall

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr M Ryan

Ms Tink

Mr Wilkie*

Ms Daniel

Dr Scamps*

NOES, 32

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Gorman

Mr Perrett

Ms Sitou

Ms Belyea

Mr Hill

Mrs Phillips

Mr Smith*

Ms Byrnes

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Ms Spender

Mr Caldwell

Mr Jones

Ms Plibersek

Ms Stanley*

Ms Chaney

Mr Laxale

Dr Reid

Ms Swanson

Ms Doyle

Ms McBain

Ms Roberts

Ms Templeman

Mrs Elliot

Mr R Mitchell

Ms J Ryan

Ms Thwaites

Dr Freelander

Mr Neumann

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Zappia

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 12:18:39 PM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 12:20:35 PM

On the motion of Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 12:21:00 PM

 11Nature Positive (Environment Information Australia) Bill 2024 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 12:21:53 PM


- 12:22:04 PM

Division 420

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 84

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms J Ryan

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Dr M Ryan

Ms Belyea

Ms Fernando

Ms McBride

Dr Scamps

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Mr Marles

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms Sharkie

Mr Burnell

Mr Gee

Ms Miller-Frost

Mr Shorten

Ms Burney

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Ms Sitou

Mr Burns

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Butler

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Spender

Ms Byrnes

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Stanley*

Dr Chalmers

Dr Haines

Mr O’Connor

Ms Steggall

Ms Chaney

Mr Hill

Ms O’Neil

Ms Swanson

Dr Charlton

Mr Husic

Mr Perrett

Ms Templeman

Ms Chesters

Mr Jones

Mrs Phillips

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Clare

Ms Kearney

Ms Plibersek

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Mr Keogh

Mr Rae

Ms Tink

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Mr Repacholi

Ms Wells

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Ms Rishworth

Mr Wilkie

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Roberts

Mr J Wilson

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Rowland

Mr Zappia

NOES, 53

Mrs Andrews

Dr Gillespie

Mr Littleproud

Mr Sukkar

Mrs Archer

Mr Goodenough

Mr McCormack

Mr Taylor

Mr Bandt

Mr Hamilton

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Mr Hastie

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Mr Hawke

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Vasta

Mr Boyce

Mr Hogan

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Howarth

Mr Pasin

Mr Wallace

Mr Caldwell

Mr Joyce

Mr Pearce

Ms Ware

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Katter

Mr Pike

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chester

Mr Kennedy

Mr Pitt

Dr Webster

Mr Coleman

Ms Landry

Ms Price

Mr Willcox

Mr Conaghan

Mr Leeser

Mr Ramsey*

Mr R Wilson

Mr Coulton*

Ms Ley

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 12:29:50 PM

—bill read a second time.

- 12:30:00 PM

Message from the Governor-General

Message No. 18827 May 2024, from His Excellency the Governor-General was announced recommending an appropriation for the purposes of the bill.

- 12:30:36 PM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 12:31:02 PM

Ms Daniel, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (3) together.

- 12:34:49 PM

Debate ensued.

Ms Tink 12:34:51 PM. Ms Chaney 12:36:10 PM. Ms Plibersek 12:37:42 PM. Ms Daniel 12:42:43 PM.
- 12:45:00 PM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 12:45:06 PM

Division 421

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 12

Mr Bandt

Ms Daniel*

Dr Scamps

Ms Tink*

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr Haines

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Ms Chaney

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie

NOES, 34

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mr Georganas

Mr R Mitchell

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Mr Howarth

Dr Mulino

Ms Sitou

Mr Burnell

Mr Jones

Mr Neumann

Mr Smith*

Mr Burns

Ms Lawrence

Mrs Phillips

Ms Stanley*

Ms Claydon

Mr Laxale

Mr Pike

Ms Templeman

Ms Coker

Mr Lim

Ms Plibersek

Ms Thwaites

Ms Doyle

Ms McBride

Dr Reid

Mr Watts

Ms Fernando

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Repacholi

Mr Zappia

Dr Garland

Ms Miller-Frost

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 12:50:39 PM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 12:51:14 PM

On the motion of Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 12:51:44 PM

 12Nature Positive (Environment Law Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024 

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question—That the bill be now read a second time—

- 12:52:00 PM


- 12:52:07 PM

Division 422

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 79

Dr Aly

Mr Dreyfus

Mr Lim

Ms Rowland

Dr Ananda-Rajah

Mrs Elliot

Ms McBain

Ms J Ryan

Ms Belyea

Ms Fernando

Ms McBride

Dr M Ryan

Mr Bowen

Dr Freelander

Mr Marles

Ms Scrymgour

Mr Burke

Dr Garland

Ms Mascarenhas

Mr Shorten

Mr Burnell

Mr Gee

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Burns

Mr Georganas

Mr B Mitchell

Mr Smith*

Mr Butler

Mr Giles

Mr R Mitchell

Ms Spender

Ms Byrnes

Mr Gorman

Dr Mulino

Ms Stanley*

Dr Chalmers

Mr Gosling

Mr Neumann

Ms Steggall

Ms Chaney

Mr Hill

Mr O’Connor

Ms Swanson

Dr Charlton

Mr Husic

Ms O’Neil

Ms Templeman

Ms Chesters

Mr Jones

Mr Perrett

Mr Thistlethwaite

Mr Clare

Ms Kearney

Mrs Phillips

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Mr Keogh

Ms Plibersek

Ms Tink

Ms Coker

Ms C King

Mr Rae

Mr Watts

Ms Collins

Ms M. M. H. King

Dr Reid

Ms Wells

Mr Conroy

Ms Lawrence

Mr Repacholi

Mr J Wilson

Ms Daniel

Mr Laxale

Ms Rishworth

Mr Zappia

Ms Doyle

Dr Leigh

Ms Roberts

NOES, 58

Mrs Andrews

Mr Fletcher

Mr Littleproud

Mr Sukkar

Mrs Archer

Dr Gillespie

Mr McCormack

Mr Taylor

Mr Bandt

Mr Goodenough

Mrs McIntosh

Mr Tehan

Ms Bell

Dr Haines

Mrs Marino

Mr Thompson

Mr Birrell

Mr Hamilton

Mr Ted O’Brien

Mr Vasta

Mr Boyce

Mr Hastie

Mr L O’Brien

Mr Violi

Mr Buchholz

Mr Hawke

Mr Pasin

Mr Wallace

Mr Caldwell

Mr Hogan

Mr Pearce

Ms Ware

Mr Chandler-Mather

Mr Howarth

Mr Pike

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chester

Mr Joyce

Mr Pitt

Dr Webster

Mr Coleman

Mr Katter

Ms Price

Mr Wilkie

Mr Conaghan

Mr Kennedy

Mr Ramsey*

Mr Willcox

Mr Coulton*

Ms Landry

Dr Scamps

Mr R Wilson

Mr Dutton

Mr Leeser

Mr Stevens

Mr Wolahan

Mr Entsch

Ms Ley

* Tellers

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

- 12:59:23 PM

—bill read a second time.

- 12:59:42 PM

Consideration in detail

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

- 1:00:08 PM

Ms Tink, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (7) together.

- 1:01:22 PM

Amendments negatived.

- 1:01:59 PM

Dr Scamps, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (11) together.

- 1:06:56 PM

Debate ensued.

Ms Plibersek 1:07:00 PM.
- 1:10:27 PM

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put.

- 1:10:39 PM

Division 423

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 11

Mr Bandt

Dr Haines*

Ms Spender

Ms Watson-Brown

Mr Chandler-Mather

Dr M Ryan

Ms Steggall

Mr Wilkie

Ms Daniel

Dr Scamps*

Ms Tink

NOES, 34

Dr Aly

Mr Georganas

Mrs Phillips

Mr Smith*

Ms Belyea

Mr Joyce

Ms Plibersek

Ms Stanley*

Mr Burnell

Mr Kennedy

Mr Rae

Ms Templeman

Mr Burns

Ms Lawrence

Dr Reid

Mr Thistlethwaite

Ms Chaney

Mr Lim

Mr Repacholi

Ms Thwaites

Ms Claydon

Ms McBride

Ms Roberts

Mr Watts

Ms Coker

Ms Mascarenhas

Ms J Ryan

Mr J Wilson

Mrs Elliot

Ms Miller-Frost

Ms Sitou

Mr Zappia

Ms Fernando

Mr Neumann

* Tellers

And so it was negatived.

- 1:17:46 PM

Ms Spender, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (3), on the sheet revised 2 July 2024, together.

- 1:21:12 PM

Debate ensued.

Dr Haines 1:21:16 PM. Ms Plibersek 1:25:19 PM.
- 1:27:35 PM


Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water) presented the following document:

Notification of referral decision and designated proponent: controlled action—Baldon Wind Farm, 27 May 2024.

- 1:27:55 PM

Debate continued.

Ms Spender 1:28:13 PM.
- 1:28:54 PM

Amendments negatived.

- 1:29:16 PM

Ms Steggall, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (3) together.

- 1:30:12 PM

Ms Steggall addressing the House—

- 1:30:14 PM

It being 1.30 pm, the debate was interrupted in accordance with standing order 43Ms Steggall was granted leave to continue her speech when the debate is resumed, and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a later hour this day.

- 1:30:23 PM


Members’ statements being made

Mr Entsch 1:30:26 PM.
- 1:30:28 PM


Mr Entsch presented the following petitions approved by the Standing Committee on Petitions:

Telecommunications in Speewah—448 and 37 petitioners [2].

- 1:31:40 PM

Members’ statements continued.

Mr Zappia 1:31:51 PM. Mr Conaghan 1:33:27 PM. Ms Belyea 1:34:50 PM. Mr Gee 1:36:23 PM. Dr Garland 1:37:57 PM. Ms Tink 1:39:13 PM. Mr Georganas 1:40:38 PM. Mr Buchholz 1:42:16 PM. Ms Fernando 1:43:49 PM. Mr Caldwell 1:45:09 PM. Dr Reid 1:46:42 PM. Mr Coulton 1:48:15 PM. Ms Miller-Frost 1:49:46 PM. Mr Broadbent 1:51:22 PM. Mr Laxale 1:52:55 PM. Mr Chester 1:54:25 PM. Mr Burnell 1:55:57 PM. Mr Coleman 1:57:22 PM. Mr Rae 1:58:49 PM.
- 2:00:36 PM

 14Death of former Member (the Honourable Gary Roy Nairn)—CONDOLENCE MOTION—REPORT FROM FEDERATION CHAMBER

The Speaker reported that the order of the day relating to the Prime Minister’s motion of condolence in connection with the Honourable Gary Roy Nairn AO had been debated in the Federation Chamber and returned to the House, and presented a certified copy of the motion.

All Members present having risen in silence—Motion agreed to.

- 2:02:06 PM

 15Public galleries—STATEMENT BY SPEAKER

The Speaker made a statement in relation to protests earlier today.

- 2:03:31 PM

Mr Albanese, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 2:05:01 PM

Mr Dutton, by indulgence, made a statement on the same matter.

- 2:07:06 PM


- 2:07:09 PM

 (1)Mr Fletcher to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

Point of order, Mr Burke. 2:07:53 PM. Point of order, Mr Dutton. 2:08:15 PM. Mr Fletcher 2:08:55 PM. Mr Albanese 2:09:22 PM.
- 2:09:48 PM

 (2)Dr Garland to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:13:15 PM

 (3)Mr Sukkar to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:15:25 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.16 pm the Member for Deakin (Mr Sukkar) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:15:42 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Albanese 2:15:48 PM. Point of order, Mr Tehan. 2:16:55 PM. Mr Albanese 2:17:23 PM.
- 2:18:40 PM

 (4)Ms Templeman to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

- 2:22:07 PM

Distinguished visitor announced.

- 2:23:07 PM

 (5)Ms Steggall to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 2:24:51 PM

 (6)Mr Rae to Mr Bowen (Minister for Climate Change and Energy)

- 2:28:15 PM

 (7)Ms Ley to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:29:26 PM

 (8)Mr Repacholi to Mr Burke (Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations)

- 2:32:50 PM

 (9)Mr Taylor to Dr Chalmers (Treasurer)

Point of order, Mr Dutton. 2:35:40 PM. Dr Chalmers 2:37:17 PM.
- 2:37:58 PM

 (10)Ms Coker to Ms Rishworth (Minister for Social Services)

- 2:41:19 PM

 (11)Dr Gillespie to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:44:22 PM

 (12)Ms Swanson to Mr Clare (Minister for Education)

- 2:44:50 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.45 pm the Member for O’Connor (Mr R Wilson) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:45:08 PM

Questions without notice continuing—

Mr Clare 2:45:15 PM.
- 2:48:15 PM

 (13)Dr Haines to Mr Clare (Minister for Education)

- 2:51:40 PM

 (14)Mr Smith to Mr Shorten (Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Point of order, Mr Dutton. 2:54:59 PM. Mr Shorten 2:55:58 PM.
- 2:56:39 PM

 (15)Ms Ware to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 2:57:40 PM

Member directed to leave

At 2.58 pm the Member for Herbert (Mr Thompson) was directed, under standing order 94, to leave the Chamber for one hour for interjecting and he accordingly left the Chamber.

- 2:57:35 PM

Questions without notice continued.

- 2:57:56 PM

 (16)Mr Lim to Ms Collins (Minister for Housing)

- 3:01:13 PM

 (17)Mr Chandler-Mather to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 3:04:57 PM

 (18)Mr R Mitchell to Ms McBain (Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories)

- 3:08:10 PM

 (19)Mr Wolahan to Mr Albanese (Prime Minister)

- 3:12:43 PM

 (20)Mr Burns to Mr Butler (Minister for Health and Aged Care)

- 3:16:08 PM


The Speaker presented the following document:

Committee reports—Speaker’s schedule of the status of Government responses to committee reports (as at 2 July 2024).

- 3:16:49 PM


The following documents were presented: 

*Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner—Report for 2023.

Corporations and Financial Services—Parliamentary Joint Committee—

Corporations Amendment (Improving Outcomes for Litigation Funding Participants) Bill 2021—Government response, May 2024.

Impairment of customer loans—Government response, May 2024.

Life Insurance Industry—Government response, May 2024.

Options for greater involvement by private sector life insurers in worker rehabilitation—Government response, May 2024.

Regulation of auditing in Australia: Final report—Government response, May 2024.

Regulation of auditing in Australia: Interim report—Government response, May 2024.

Report on the 2017-2018 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act—Government response, May 2024.

Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation: Report No. 1 of the 45th Parliament—Government response, May 2024.

Economics— Standing Committee—

Inquiry into the implications of removing refundable franking credits—Government response, May 2024.

Report on the implications of common ownership and capital concentration in Australia—Government response, May 2024.

Review of the four major banks: Third report—Government response, May 2024.

Tax and Revenue— Standing Committee—

2017 annual report of the Australian Taxation Office: Fairness, functions and frameworks—Performance review—Government response, May 2024.

2018-19 Commissioner of Taxation annual report—Government response, May 2024.

Owning a share of your work: Tax treatment of employee share schemes—Government response, May 2024.

The Australian dream: Inquiry into housing affordability and supply in Australia—Government response, May 2024.

The development of the Australian corporate bond market: A way forward—Government response, May 2024.

Trade and Investment Growth—Joint Standing Committee—The prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries—Government response, May 2024.

Workforce Australia Employment Services— Select Committee—Final report on Workforce Australia Employment Services and Your Future Planning: Interim report on ParentsNext—Government response, May 2024.

*The document was made Parliamentary Paper.

- 3:17:19 PM


Mr Burke (Leader of the House) moved—That leave of absence be given to every Member of the House of Representatives from the determination of this sitting of the House to the date of its next sitting.

- 3:17:28 PM

Question—put and passed.

- 3:17:50 PM


The House was informed that Mr Dutton (Leader of the Opposition), had proposed that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely, “The cost of living crisis under this weak and incompetent Government”.

- 3:17:50 PM

The proposed discussion having received the necessary support—

- 3:17:50 PM

Mr Dutton addressed the House.

- 3:28:00 PM

Discussion ensued.

Mr Gorman 3:28:04 PM. Ms Landry 3:38:12 PM. Ms Mascarenhas 3:42:55 PM. Ms Ware 3:47:55 PM. Mr Smith 3:53:02 PM. Mr Wolahan 3:58:03 PM. Ms Scrymgour 4:03:08 PM. Mr Kennedy 4:08:03 PM. Ms Thwaites 4:13:06 PM.
- 4:18:13 PM

Discussion concluded.

- 4:18:39 PM

 21MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE—Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Message No. 3274 July 2024, from the Senate was reported returning the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024 with amendments.

- 4:18:50 PM

Ordered—That the amendments be considered immediately.

- 4:19:19 PM

On the motion of Mr Jones (Minister for Financial Services), the amendments were agreed to.

- 4:20:50 PM


Messages from the Senate4 July 2024, were reported:

- 4:20:50 PM

No. 324from the Senate was reported informing the House that the Senate had agreed to the following resolution:

That the Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024 be referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for inquiry and report by 11 February 2025.

- 4:20:50 PM

No. 325informing the House that Senator Shoebridge had been appointed a member of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights.

- 4:22:37 PM

 24Nature Positive (Environment Law Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024

The order of the day having been read for the further consideration in detail of the bill, and on the amendments moved by Ms Steggall (see item No. 12, page XX)

- 4:22:49 PM

Debate ensued.

Ms Steggall 4:22:53 PM.
- 4:25:16 PM

Amendments negatived.

- 4:25:23 PM

Mr Wilkie, by leave, moved amendments (1) to (20) together.

- 4:28:57 PM

Amendments negatived.

- 4:29:07 PM

Bill agreed to.

Consideration in detail concluded.

- 4:29:23 PM

On the motion of Ms Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water)by leave, the bill was read a third time.

- 4:29:52 PM


It being 4.30 pm—The question was proposed—That the House do now adjourn.

Debate ensued.

Ms Daniel 4:29:57 PM. Mr Laxale 4:35:01 PM. Mr Thompson 4:39:50 PM. Ms Lawrence 4:44:55 PM. Mr Pike 4:49:55 PM. Ms Miller-Frost 4:55:01 PM.
- 5:00:05 PM

The House continuing to sit until 5 pm—The Speaker adjourned the House until 10 am on Monday, 12 August 2024.

- 5:00:31 PM


 The following documents were deemed to have been presented on 4 July 2024 (An explanatory statement has been presented with each instrument unless otherwise indicated by an asterisk)

Aged Care Act 1997 and Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997—Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Residential Aged Care Funding) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01276]—Replacement explanatory statement. 

Australian National University (Governance) Statute 2024—Governance Order 2024 [F2024L00851]. 

Civil Aviation Act 1988—Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/ARRIUS/9—CASA ADCX 003/24 [F2024L00853]. 

Defence Act 1903—Defence Determination, Conditions of service Amendment Determination 2024 (No. 7) [F2024L00818]. 

Migration Act 1958— 

Migration Amendment (Bridging Visa Conditions) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01629]—Replacement explanatory statement.  

Migration Amendment (Dependent Secondary Partner Visa Applicants) Regulations 2024 [F2024L00417]—Replacement explanatory statement.  

Parliamentary Service Act 1999—Parliamentary Service (Remuneration) Amendment (Clerk of the House of Representatives) Determination 2024. 

Tax Agent Services Act 2009—Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 [F2024L00849]. 


- 5:01:17 PM


All Members attended (at some time during the sitting) except Mr BatesMs McKenzieMs PayneMs VamvakinouMr van ManenMr Wood and Mr Young.