Terms of Reference

The Australian manufacturing industry, with specific regard to:

  1. what manufacturing capacities Australia requires for economic growth, national resilience, rising living standards for all Australians and security in our region;
  2. the role that the Australian manufacturing industry has played, is playing and will play in the future;
  3. the drivers of growth in manufacturing in Australia and around the world;
  4. the strengths of Australia’s existing manufacturing industry and opportunities for its development and expansion;
  5. the sectors in which Australian manufacturers enjoy a natural advantage in energy, access to primary resources and skilled workers over international competitors, and how to capitalise on those advantages;
  6. identifying new areas in which the Australian manufacturing industry can establish itself as a global leader;
  7. the role that government can play in assisting our domestic manufacturing industry, with specific regard to:
    1. research and development;
    2. attracting investment;
    3. supply chain support;
    4. government procurement;
    5. trade policy;
    6. skills and training; and
  8. the opportunity for reliable, cheap, renewable energy to keep Australia’s manufactured exports competitive in a carbon-constrained global economy and the role that our manufacturing industry can play in delivering the reliable, cheap, renewable energy that is needed.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540