
Chair's Foreword

This report is an important bipartisan collaboration that considers how Australia can partner with countries in our region to promote democracy and the international rules-based order.

It is in Australia's national interests that our foreign policy fosters engagement with our partners in the region that enables sharing of knowledge, resources and democratic institutions. Australia can work alongside countries in our region in a way that aligns with the local priorities, enhance both countries institutions, and build on our strong bilateral relationships.

As this report outlines, supporting democracy requires broad policy efforts such as civil participation, health, development, and climate change to practical partnerships in areas ranging from elections to media. The report explores the breadth and depth of our relationships and how these can be fostered at levels beyond government to government.

Ultimately, stronger partnerships build capacity to resist regression of democratic norms and ideals that has been eroding the effectiveness of the international framework that has served our region and beyond.

I would like to thank all members of the Committee for their contributions and engagement throughout this inquiry. The bipartisan collaborative efforts and insightful contributions have been instrumental in shaping the comprehensive recommendations outlined in this report.

On behalf of Committee members, I would like to sincerely thank the Committee Secretariat for their invaluable support and meticulous work in facilitating the inquiry.

Special thanks are extended to the experts, government representatives, and civil society organisations in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Their invaluable insights and shared aspirations have significantly enriched the findings of this report and provided a deeper understanding of the aspirations and challenges within our region.

The recommendations outlined in this report underscore a path forward, emphasising the necessity for proactive engagement, robust partnerships, and sustained efforts to bolster democratic institutions and shared values within our region.

It is with a collective sense of purpose and commitment that we advocate for these essential principles, ensuring prosperity and stability within our Pacific family.

Mr Josh BurnsMP
