Additional comments from the Australian Labor Party

Labor Senators support the passage of the Farm Household Support Amendment (Relief Measures) Bill (No. 1) Bill (the bill). However, we believe drought-affected farmers should not be cut from the modest FHA while the drought is on-going. We further note the Government has not provided a coherent rationale for cutting farmers off and then providing the equivalent of six months payment up-front when the regular payment is withdrawn.
The specific provision of the bill which increases the FHA for eligible farmers and their partners to access FHA for four years in every specific ten-year period does not commence until 1 July 2024 and this will leave many farming families without any financial assistance during the current protracted drought conditions.
Labor further notes that the Government’s one off lump sum payment will only be paid to FHA recipients who have exhausted 1460 days of FHA prior to 1 July 2020, and by the Government’s own admission in recent Senate Estimates hearings this will be approximately 1800 farming families. Currently, there is confusion as to why the payment is being paid to farmers and submitters have raised concerns that the relief payment should not be considered as an exit payment. The Government must explain the intent behind the relief payment and under what circumstances additional relief payments will be made by the Minister’s rules. This will provide certainty for farmers who are currently eligible to receive the FHA, but will be cut off once they have exhausted their four years or 1460 days.
Labor supports the passage of the bill as a priority due to the fact that there are currently over 600 farmers who are eligible for the lump sum payments that have been cut off from the modest FHA payment since July 2019 and cannot secure the payment until the bill receives Royal Assent.
Senator Glenn SterleSenator Murray Watt
Deputy Chair Senator for Queensland

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