Executive Summary

The committee commenced this inquiry in November 2019 at a time when Australia was experiencing severe droughts—including the driest November across Australia on record.1 Despite the recent rain that some parts of Australia have received, the drought is far from over and recovery will take many years. On top of this, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic have brought added challenges to rural and regional communities already under pressure.
In delivering this report, the committee has reviewed the Australian Government’s drought response and identified a number of gaps that could be addressed to improve the ability of farmers, farm businesses and regional communities to withstand the impacts of drought and be prepared for and capable of managing through the next drought. These gaps include:
restrictive eligibility criteria that exclude a number of business structures and many other people needing support;
burdensome application processes which discourage individuals from accessing drought support;
unclear communication about available drought support and how to access it, which impacts individuals' ability to access appropriate support; and
reactive provision of some support during drought.
These issues cut across the suite of drought programs and measures. The committee has made several recommendations to enhance transparency, streamline application processes, ensure consistency of program design and eligibility criteria and improve communication and information sharing practices.
While droughts are a natural part of the historical climate variability in Australia, drought conditions are likely to become more frequent, severe and longer due to climate change. Therefore it is vital that the Australian Government reviews its policy settings and investments now to ensure we have the right policies and programs in place before we experience the challenges of the next drought. The report makes further recommendations calling for investment into particular areas of concern, including water security, mental health provision and support for the postfarmgate sector.
The committee urges the Australian Government to accept the findings and recommendations of this report to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of drought policies and programs to ensure that Australian agriculture and regional communities are supported through, and prepared for, future droughts.

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