Appendix-Amendments to Standing orders

(1)    Standing order 55(1), relating to the times of meeting, to read as follows—

The days and times of meeting of the Senate in each sitting week shall be:

Monday 10 am – 8.30 pm
Tuesday midday – adjournment
Wednesday 9 am – 8 pm
Thursday 9 am – 6 pm

(2)    Standing orders 54 and 57, relating to the adjournment of the Senate

(a)    Standing order 54(5), omit the table, substitute:

Day Commencing Individual time Total time
Monday 8 pm 5 minutes 30 minutes
Tuesday 7.30 pm or 10 minutes n/a
Wednesday 7.30 pm 5 minutes 30 minutes
Thursday 5.30 pm or 10 minutes 30 minutes

(b)    Omit standing order 54(4).

(c)    Standing order 57(1)(a)(xi), omit “9.50 pm”, substitute “8 pm”.

(d)    Standing order 57(1)(a)(xii), omit “10.30 pm”, substitute “8.30 pm”.

(e)    Standing order 57(1)(b)(xii), omit “7.20 pm”, substitute “7.30 pm”.

(f)     Standing order 57(1)(c)(xiii), omit “7.20 pm”, substitute “7.30 pm”.

(3)    Standing order 57, relating to divisions—

(a)    Omit standing order 57(1A), substitute:

(1A)      If a division is called for on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday after 6.30 pm, or on Thursday after 4.30 pm, the division shall be taken on the next day of sitting, at a time fixed by the Senate. If the matter before the Senate cannot proceed further until the division is taken, the matter shall be adjourned.

(b)    Omit standing order 57(3).

(4)    Standing orders 57 and 59, relating to the consideration of private senators’ bills

(a)    Standing order 57(1)(a)(i), omit “General business orders of the day for the consideration of bills only”, substitute “Government business only”.

(b)    Omit standing order 57(1)(a)(ia).

(c)    Before standing order 57(1)(c)(i), insert:

(ia)      General business orders of the day for consideration of bills only, for up to 1 hour and 10 minutes.

(d)    Before standing order 57(1)(d)(i), insert:

(ia)      General business orders of the day for consideration of bills only, for up to 1 hour and 10 minutes.

(e)    Omit standing order 59, substitute:

59 Government and general business

Government business shall take precedence over general business, except at the times indicated for the consideration of general business under standing order 57(1).

(5)    Standing order 75, relating to matters of public importance and urgency

(a)    Before standing order 75(1), insert:

(1A)      On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the time provided under standing order 57(1), up to two proposals under this standing order may be considered in an order to be determined by the President.

(b)    Standing order 75(2), omit “12.30 pm”, substitute “8.30 am”.

(b)    Standing order 75(3), omit “the proposal”, substitute “a proposal”.

(c)    Standing order 75(4), omit “the proposal”, substitute “a proposal”.

(d)    Omit standing order 75(5), substitute:

(5)         If three or more proposals are received on any day, the proposals to be considered will be determined by the President, having regard to the advice of the whips.

(c)    Omit standing order 75(7), substitute:

(7)         The individual and total speaking times on a matter of public importance or urgency motion shall be 5 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. The question on an urgency motion shall be put at the expiration of the time for debate.