Dissenting report by Liberal Senators

Dissenting report by Liberal Senators

1.1        Liberal Senators wish to dissent from the majority recommendation that the Bill be passed.

1.2        The Bill is unnecessary, counterproductive and risks being represented as yet another softening of Australia’s immigration laws that sends a clear message to people smugglers and unlawful non-citizens seeking entry that Australia is an easy target.

1.3        Liberal senators understand that there are always going to be some persons whose personal situations mean that they do not qualify under the refugees convention and who therefore cannot be considered in the protection visa process, even though a non-refoulement obligation should arguably arise. Recent cases reported in the press about women who may be subject to genital mutilation if they return to their home countries are prominent examples, and there are many other complex or one-off situations that may arise.

1.4        Liberal senators point out that where an individual does not meet the refugee convention criteria, but is clearly at serious risk, the minister has the power to exercise his or her discretion. This safeguard has been in place for decades and there is no evidence to suggest that it has been anything other than effective.  It is a tried and proven system, which meets Australia’s international obligations, and which protects those who are in genuine need of such protection.

1.5        Liberal senators further note that if the bill is passed, a departmental decision not to grant 'complementary protection' will be appealable. It seems that the lessons of the past have not been learned, as this will inevitably mean that decisions may take many months, if not years to be resolved if the initial decision is unfavourable and appealed. This exacerbates an already fraught situation.

1.6        Codifying a form of complementary protection is counterproductive in that it risks curtailing discretion otherwise available to help genuine refugees languishing in camps around the world.

1.7        Liberal Senators consider that the passage of this bill will encourage the lodging of a large number of new, non-refugee, protection applications and the making of false asylum claims.  

Recommendation 1

1.8        Liberal senators recommend that the bill not proceed.


Senator Guy Barnett
Deputy Chair

Senator Mary Jo Fisher

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

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