List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The committee acknowledges the recent efforts of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) to improve workplace culture. The committee recommends that DPS continues to focus on improving workplace culture and employee engagement as a high priority, and particularly ensures that all sections and employees are aware of, and have confidence in, the appropriate avenues to raise concerns about workplace and employment concerns.

Recommendation 2

The committee notes the work of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) in protecting the security of ICT systems provided to parliamentarians and staff. In the context of constantly evolving and increasing cyber security threats, the committee recommends that DPS reviews options to further improve the security of these systems to protect against cyber security breaches.

Recommendation 3

The committee recommends that the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) works with the Australian Federal Police to pursue continued improvements to Australian Parliament House security. In particular, DPS should act swiftly to progress the security-related recommendations of the Review of the Parliamentary Workplace: Responding to Serious Incidents (the Foster Review).

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