My Parliament help

My Parliament

My Parliament allows you to stay in touch with updates to content in the APH Website using the tracking feature.

You can currently track:

  • Senators' and Members' Biographies
  • Senators' and Members' Speeches
  • Electorates
  • Bills
  • Committees
  • Committee Inquiries

Through the My Parliament interface you can choose the frequency of updates that you receive via email for either Daily, Weekly or Monthly updates on all of your tracked items.

Tracking Senators' and Members' Biographies

Tracking Senators and Members Biographies will allow you to enable email notifications. The email notification will occur if the Senator or Members biographical information changes; for example, when the Senators or Members Ministerial portfolio or Committee Membership changes.

To track a Senator or Member's biography, visit the Senators and Members page and search for their name, postcode or electorate using the search bar on the page. Once you have located the Senator or Member whose biographical information you want to track, click the 'Track' button on the right side of their name. A dialog box will appear with the option to 'Track biography changes', check this box and follow the prompts.

Tracking Senators' and Members' Speeches

Tracking Senators' and Members' Speeches will allow you to enable email notifications. The email notification will occur if the Senator or Member makes a speech in Parliament.

To track a Senator or Member's speeches, visit the Senators and Members page and search for their name, postcode or electorate using the search bar on the page. Once you have located the Senator or Member whose speeches you want to track, click the 'Track' button on the right side of their name. A dialog box will appear with the option to 'Track speeches in Parliament', check this box and follow the prompts.

Tracking Electorates

Tracking Electorates will allow you to enable email notifications. The email notification will occur if a Senator or Member representing the Electorate you are tracking makes a speech in Parliament. Electorate tracking will send notifications for the current Member or Senators for that Electorate, even if the representatives for that Electorate change.

To track an electorate, visit the Senators and Members page and search for an electorate using the search bar on the page. Once you have located a Senator or Member representing the electorate you want to track, click the 'Track' button on the right side of their name. A dialog box will appear with the option to 'Track Representatives' or Track Senators' for your selected electorate, check this box and follow the prompts.

Tracking Bills

Tracking a bill will allow you to enable email notifications. The email notification will occur when the bill progresses through each house e.g. Introduced and read a first time, Second reading etc and Finally passed both houses.

To track a bill, visit the Bills Search page search for a bill using the search functionality and options on the page to narrow down the results. Once you have found a bill you want to track, click the 'Track' button on the right side of the bill result. A dialog box will appear with prompts to assist you.

Tracking Committees

Tracking Committees will allow you to enable email notifications. The email notifications will occur when a Committee starts a new Committee inquiry.

To track a committee, visit the Committees page and browse the list of Senate, House of Representatives or Joint Committees or use the search functionality provided on the page to locate a committee you wish to track. If using the search functionality, you will need to click on the committee name in the results to be taken to the home page for your selected committee. Once on the committee home page, click the 'Track Committee' button on the lower right side of the page. A dialog box will appear with prompts to assist you.

Tracking Committee Inquiries

Tracking committee Inquires will send you email notifications for:

  • Additional Hearing Information
  • Answer to Question on Notice
  • Correspondence
  • Form Letters
  • Government Responses
  • Additional Information
  • Media releases
  • Tabled Documents
  • Hearings
  • Submissions added
  • Submissions opening
  • Submissions closing
  • Report tabled

To track a committee inquiry, visit the Committees page and use the search functionality provided on the page to find an inquiry to track or alternatively, a list of all current inquiries can be found here. If using the search functionality, you will need to click on the inquiry name in the results to be taken to the inquiry page. Once on the inquiry page, click the 'Track Inquiry' button on the upper right side of the page. A dialog box will appear with prompts to assist you.

To view all inquiries for a specific committee, the Committees page contains a list of all current Senate, House of Representatives and Joint Committees. Click on a committee to view all current inquiries and track them using the 'Track Inquiry' button.

Account Management

To register for a My Parliament account, visit the register page and enter the details required, or if you already have an account visit the login page.

Changing your name

If you wish to change the name associated with your My Parliament account to be reflected in all correspondence, visit your profile page and click the 'Edit' link in the name section. You will then be prompted to enter your desired name as well as your password to confirm.

Changing your email address

If you have changed email addresses and wish to update your My Parliament email, visit your profile page and click the 'Edit' link in the email section. You will then be prompted to enter your current and new email addresses, as well as your password to confirm.

Secret Question

When registering for an account you will be asked to enter a secret question and answer. This is used as an extra layer of security when resetting a forgotten password. It can be anything you like, however should be a question that cannot be easily answered by another person. You can change your secret question at any time on your My Parliament profile page.

Changing or recovering a password

If you have forgotten your My Parliament password you can visit the forgotten password page and enter your email address. You will then be emailed a link to reset your password. Follow the link and enter your new password as well as the answer to your secret question.

If you have access to your My Parliament account and want to change your password, visit your profile page and click the 'Edit' link in the password section. You will then be prompted to enter your current password as well as your new password.

Change notification interval

If you would like to change the frequency of notifications from My Parliament, visit your profile page and click the 'Edit' link next to the notification interval section. You can then change your current interval to either daily, weekly or monthly intervals.

For further assistance, contact us.