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The ongoing militarisation of space – Parliament of Australia

They come in three main forms: (1) Direct-ascent anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons, which are launched from earth to strike a satellite in orbit. (2) Co-orbital ASAT weapons are placed in orbit then manoeuvred to their target when required.

The use of weapons and use of force by the Australian Secret ...

The February 1984 report of the Royal Commission on the incident recommended that ‘no ASIS officer, trainee or agent be permitted to carry any type of firearms in any public place in Australia’. The then prime minister, Bob Hawke, stated in May 1985 that the use of weapons by ASIS had been terminated, and its stocks of weapons had been disposed of.

Current prohibitions on nuclear activities in Australia: a quick guide

Prohibitions on nuclear activities. Commonwealth. Nuclear activities are regulated under the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 (ARPANS Act) and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998.

ParlInfo - ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : Warning Devices at Rail/Road Level ...

Gun Calibration Exercises: Learjet Charter (Mr Leo McLeay, Mr Beazley) Harbour Construction in the Xisha Islands (Mr Jacobi, Mr Beazley) ... What is the Government's policy on the provision of warning devices at rail/road level crossings and how are priorities determined. (2) What funds have been provided for the provision of automatic level ...

ParlInfo - AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE : Ministerial Statement

Mr BARNARD (Bass) (Minister for Defence, Minister for the Navy, Minister for the Army, Minister for Air and Minister for Supply) - by leave - The defence vote for 1973-74 is$1, 345m. This compares with an actual expenditure during 1972-73 of $1, 285m. My purpose this evening is to set out some of the Government's thinking on defence, with particular reference to the strategic situation we now ...

ParlInfo - APPROPRIATION BILL (No. 1) 1985-86 : Second Reading

Gun Calibration Exercises: Learjet Charter (Mr Leo McLeay, Mr Beazley) Harbour Construction in the Xisha Islands (Mr Jacobi, Mr Beazley) Warning Devices at Rail/Road Level Crossings (Mr Andrew, Mr Peter Morris) Cost of Fertiliser: Christmas Island (Mr Andrew, Mr Scholes) Goulburn Radio Transmitter (Mr Sharp, Mr Duffy)

The Air Warfare Destroyer program - Parliament of Australia

Executive summary. The Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) program will deliver three Hobart Class AWDs and support systems to the Navy under an alliance-based contracting arrangement between ASC Pty Ltd, Raytheon Australia Pty Ltd and the Australian Government, represented by the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO).

ParlInfo - ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : Termination of Railway Services

Gun Calibration Exercises: Learjet Charter (Mr Leo McLeay, Mr Beazley) Harbour Construction in the Xisha Islands (Mr Jacobi, Mr Beazley) ... Which railway lines in South Australia and Tasmania have been closed, passenger services terminated, freight service frequency reduced, or stations completely closed since the Australian National Railways ...

Status of the National Firearms Register - Parliament of Australia

On 9 June 2023, the Attorney-General announced that the Police Ministers Council ‘had taken an important step towards a National Firearms Register by reaching unanimous agreement on options to be put to National Cabinet’.

The end of the First World War and the Armistice: a quick guide

The Armistice was signed at 5 am in a railway carriage in the forests of Compiègne, but was to take effect from 11 am Paris time. The last known man to have been killed in the First World War died at 10.59 am.

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