This week in the House

Sitting week beginning Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Sitting week beginning Tuesday 8 October 2024 — 5th House sitting week of the 47th Parliament’s 2024 Spring sittings.

This page summarises matters expected to be considered by the House of Representatives and its Federation Chamber. It is updated weekly during sittings. For a full report of the business dealt with, including a list of documents presented, go to the Votes and Proceedings. To read the debates, including question time, go to Hansard.

For details about the proposed program of business for each sitting of the House and Federation Chamber and that sitting’s public hearings of House and joint committees go to the House Daily Program (usually available at least 1 hour before the House is scheduled to meet).

This week the House is expected to sit on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in a pattern similar to that described in the Infosheet 'A typical sitting day'.

On 11 September the House resolved to alter the order of business on Wednesday 9 October to enable Members’ 90 second statements to begin at 9.30am, question time to commence at 10am and the MPI to follow immediately afterwards.

The Federation Chamber is also expected to meet on Tuesday (from 11.30am to 7.30pm), Wednesday (from 9.30am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7.30pm) and on Thursday (from 9.30am to approximately 1.00pm).

For details about House and Federation Chamber standard hours see the order of business diagram at

Real time tracking of business done by the House and the Federation Chamber

You can track each item of business as it is being done in the House Chamber and the Federation Chamber by using the 'LiveMinutes' service.

You can see proceedings of the House and the Federation Chamber via the webcasts at


For information on how laws are made go to 'Making Laws', for the text of each bill go to Billsnet after the Bill is introduced.

Government bills are expected to be introduced into the House this week. These bills will be listed on the House Daily Program and the text of each bill will be available on ParlInfo after they are introduced.

Details of bills to be introduced are not available prior to their introduction.

In the House during the week it is planned to resume debate on the following Government bills already introduced (note – these plans may change as the week unfolds, especially if some of the bills listed below are referred to the Federation Chamber by the House):


  • Customs Tariff Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Expansion) Bill 2024
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2024
  • Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024
  • Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024
  • Treasury Laws Amendment (2024 Tax and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2024
  • Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) Bill 2024
  • Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin Charges) Bill 2024
  • Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2024
  • Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024
  • Treasury Laws Amendment (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions and Other Measures) Bill 2023
  • Superannuation (Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions) Imposition Bill 2023
  • Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024
  • Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024


  • Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024
  • Aged Care Bill 2024
  • Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024


  • Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024
  • Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024

In the Federation Chamber debate on Government business matters and committee and delegation reports occurs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Debate may be resumed on matters previously referred or items may be referred during the week.

Auditor-General’s reports

2024-25 reports of the Auditor-General may be presented after question time.

Matters of Public Importance

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after question time, in accordance with the House's standing orders, it is possible for the House to discuss a matter of public importance (MPI). If an MPI is proposed by a Member, and is in order, the subject of the MPI will be announced shortly after midday on each of these days and published on the House's website. If more than one MPI is proposed the Speaker will decide which MPI is the most urgent and important to be submitted to the House that day.

Grievance debate

In accordance with standing orders Grievance Debate is held on sitting Tuesdays in the Federation Chamber. At no later than 6.30 pm debate is resumed on the question ‘That grievances be noted’ and debate ensues for one hour. Debate on the question is practically unlimited in scope, giving Members the opportunity, in 10 minute speeches, to raise matters in which they have a particular interest or to discuss complaints of constituents.


This week Members' may present petitions during the time reserved for Members' Statements in the House and the Federation Chamber, during the time reserved for Members’ constituency statements in the Federation Chamber and during the Adjournment Debates of the House and the Federation Chamber.

For more details about petitioning the House of Representatives see the petitions webpage.

For details about House and Federation Chamber debate times see the order of business diagram.

See also:

Sitting hours for this week

For details about House and Federation Chamber standard hours see the order of business diagrams.

Following proceedings in the House

You can track each item of business as it is being done in the House Chamber and the House Main Committee by using LiveMinutes, which is an online version of the Draft Minutes.  

You can see proceedings of the House Chamber and Federation Chamber via the webcasts at the Watch Parliament page.

Replays of Question Time are available to view from you desktop, iOS or Android device from the About the House news page. Question Time replays are also available from our Youtube channel

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